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Well-known member
I-talian. A side of salad. You know the castmember told him that marinara sauce was for the sausage and not the salad. So much talking out of his ass about things happening at AK. He must be using his inherited banker skills to know the ins and outs of Disney's financials.

I'm honestly only still watching because I think his descent into madness is getting closer and closer.
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Seems to "on the nose" to be him. To us it seems like it's just some closeted redneck MAGA shut-in that has a homoerotic thing for Kyle.
Isn't that basically Kyle though? No friends, hick from the sticks, essentially a shut-in when he's not out filming in his bubble, MAGA, and obsessed with himself to a homoerotic degree (the Gaston flexing in the mirror, calling himself "stud"). 🤭

If that's the case and it's a fan, then this person must also be Kyle's long lost twin since they type and spell exactly like Kyle, use the same filler words, and have the same problem with using adages correctly. Kyle often mentions how he has trouble sleeping and Peter is conveniently online until 3AM every night (except when Taylor visited and when he was at Disneyland). And they must be such a fan that they have Kyle's name in their email address. This must also mean that Farida is likely not his sister.

At this point there's just so many glaring indicators and evidence, that I'm not sure how it could be classified as "conspiracy theory." If it seems "too obvious" we have to remember this is Kyle Pallo, a very mentally stunted individual. I often think, who would have the motive to be this concerned over Tattle and critical comments toward Kyle? The only group that matches is his "team," who'd have this much of a vested interest in propping him up. And if it were his family, they'd also have the motive to use sock puppet accounts to conceal themselves.
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Oar little idiot says October is one of the busiest months at Disney World.

View attachment 2528967

Oar Disney EXPERT who researches and prepares 24 hours a day apparently didn't have time to do a 4 second Google search to find out October is one of the slowest attendance months at Disney World.

He believes anything that pops into his pea brain is true, not matter what it is.

What a Dumbass.
yup. he throws in that word "theoretically" like he does with "I believe" or "I think" because he doesn't know and can't be bothered to look information up

Hey Kyle. (notice I spelled your name correctly for a change?)
Why is it that you spend zero effort in giving correct information to your viewers?
Is it because your are a complete idiot or just don't care to be correct?
Are you incapable of doing better?
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Colonel Angus

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I’ve been watching a few vloggers lately like wright down main street and it seems like the bulk of this generation can’t be bothered to put themselves together enough to be on camera. They all (Kristen, Jojo, Kyle, etc…) look like they just rolled out of bed almost every video. It’s kind of gross.
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That little snide laugh makes me wanna punch him in the face so bad. He mentioned that he’s going to be at the Jolly event at Hollywood studios on opening weekend. I’m going to be in Orlando that weekend at the food and wine festival both days and I really hope that he hits Epcot during the day because if I spot him, I’m gonna take a picture and video of him so fast that he’s gonna have to scurry away. That way everyone can see how short, bald and fat he really is! 😂🤡
You should call out "Hey Peter!" and see if he looks.
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Seems "Peter" has quite a few fooled over on 'X' after posting those photos. I still don't buy it. A blurry photo that can be ripped from anywhere doesn't trump a bunch of compelling evidence which links perfectly with Kyle.

  • Disappears at times when Kyle is busy (Taylor, Disneyland, etc.)
  • Uses the same words that Kyle uses (booty butt, legit, clowns, weirdos)
  • Has the same issue with spelling and grammar
  • Uses popular phrases and adages incorrectly (border of evidence)
  • Overly invested in shutting down the 'Frank' story
  • Signed up for the account using an email address with "Pallo" in the email and was a top result when you search for "Kyle Pallo" under People
  • Seemingly knows things about Kyle's personal life that only he would know
  • Linked to Farlexa and showed up as "Moose" during the cruise when Farlexa and Kyle shared a room
  • Loves MAGA/Trump just like Kyle, obsessed with Elon Musk and Mr. Beast.
  • Always up until 3AM when Kyle often mentions he can't sleep or only got 4 hours of sleep when he got up early (3-7 AM)
  • Obsessed with Kyle to a homoerotic degree (Kyle playing the Gaston music flexing in the mirror, calling himself "stud")
  • Always responds to Kyle's tweets within minutes
  • Uses the name of Kyle's future son (Maverick) that he mentioned shortly before the account appeared



You "meanies" and "hatters" over on 'X' should make him hold up a piece of paper saying "I am Peter. Not Kyle." 😂 A heterosexual man whose into bodybuilding whose a Kyle Pallo superfan to the point of unhealthy obsession (over 400 posts now defending him + dozens of post as 'Moose') just doesn't make sense.
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Adams & Brush

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What's with his need to lie and claim he's still actively looking for a house every single day? So you mean to tell me he's been looking every single day since January and still hasn't found a single house that interests him? :rolleyes:
He also contradicts himself by saying repeatedly that he can buy a house right now if he wants to yet also says he needs to save up more money.
Sad that there's actually people out there who fall for this con-man. He's not even good at lying.
He goes so over the top & gets tangled up with his explanations, it’s blatantly obvious he’s lying. He could easily say “The market’s not right but I’m still actively looking” & leave it at that. His problem is, he’s so desperate to be seen as a big shot homeowner & not some know-nothing clown living in a cookie cutter rental unit next to a retention pond, he’s willing to babble on & on like a child who’s telling their parents that they didn’t eat the candy while they’ve got chocolate all over their face
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Maybe during the stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge, Disney can hook him up with someone from Mousekeeping. Someone needs to teach this 29 1/2 year old loser how to make a bed and basic cleaning skills.
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They probably said, "Oh, here's the marinara to put on that" while he was picking up the salad and he never put 2 and 2 together.
He gets surprisingly more dense every day.
It makes you wonder -- and of course this is all hypothetical cause he won't do it -- if he hired a brand manager to create and storyboard a four-days-per-week vlog, with researched facts, no on-camera eating, purposeful inclusion of family/friends/Casey, help with editing, etc.... could he actually turn a corner and revive Patreon and generate more YouTube views than now AND flip the ratio-ing? Would the cost of someone to help and fewer vlogs posted (would need to drop the Daily Dump brand) be recouped by ultimately a higher quality product that generates more views and potential sponsorships?

Comment on down below!

Or don't, because we know he'll take the easy way out and churn out Daily Dose Dumps with the least effort possible.
This is the whole fucking thing. If he put in just the littlest bit of effort, his channel could be huge. If he had an editor cut out all the shit that makes him look stupid, add voice over when needed and he had any kind of real researched plan... ugh, it could be good. But we're a hate group right? We never give him any constructive criticism, right? If he stopped getting butthurt while reading Tattle and actually learned something, he could have the last laugh by being successful... but that would never happen.
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VIP Member
welcome to thread 52, you guyses!!!
JoJo is in Las Vegas, on another trip. It's really too bad his relationship with Krista is holding him back from all the trips he wants to do, huh?
I know right? :ROFLMAO:
JoJo has been to Japan, England, France, Greece, UAE...etc. and he's soon on his way to China.

If it weren't for that lovely girlfriend holding him back from traveling, he might have been able to take a 3-day boat ride in the Caribbean, pull a one nighter at some hotel on Disney property, or shack up with his parents in one room at a Howard Johnsons in Anaheim.

*I thought that perhaps, just perhaps, that the 'girl friend' Casey might be a strong enough influence to hold his hand and get him to travel at least a bit outside his Disney Bubble travel zone. She had some experience and she had the capacity to help with travel. The opposite has happened. He's dragged her down to his level, gotten her to accept one nighters at the park, a little mini cruise when he can grift it or get her to pay for it, cook and look after him...and on and on. In short, he's slowly but surely sucked the life out of her like some loudmouth and creepy soul sucking incubus.
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Lil' Kylie was up until 3AM again. Only posting a few here since there were a ton. He's completely losing it.






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All the other vloggers are out and about doing exciting things. It’s much to scary for me to copy them. Send in questions to stroke our egos and help my non-creative self pull together a vlog. Be warned, we will only respond to easy “fluff” questions.
This is probably one of the reasons (outside being lazy) why he will do the Q&A videos vs live streams. Less chance it will get hijacked.
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It makes too much sense that Peter is Kyle. He literally would shoot his shot on Twitter to famous women when he was younger. He went on the cruise with Lora, when he started dating KC. He has ZERO chemistry with KC. I think he is a professional liar and a serial cheater. The way he talks down on women, it wouldn't surprise me.
Seems he hasn't grown past his obsession with shooting his shot with famous women on Twitter. I started noticing last week that he's following and creeping on various women. Mostly blondes now and his newest fetish, "muscle mommies."

It's pretty crazy that Casey still can't see through all the red flags. She's going to make the biggest mistake of her life if she moves in with this guy and/or ends up marrying him. He would dump her in a hot second if another woman comes along that he sees as an 'upgrade.' Although, at this point, his options are pretty limited. 🤭
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It was at this moment, he realized he'd been F**ked with!

And he started it so confidently like it was "the thing to do"


View attachment 2529416
Is that cast member on tattle or tattle-adjacent? Whoever they are, we appreciate you! You deserve a guest compliment submitted for "exceptional guest service, friendliness, and finding new ways to make magic" 🤩👏
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Meanie Pants

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He's gonna be pissed at Casey now that she mentioned the "audition" and the hatters are making fun. He's too dumb to realize he could have just edited that part out.
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Hardly Here

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More evidence that the dwarf has no wrists.

Instead of arms oar dwarf just has long doughy appendages with Vienna Sausages at the end.

Yesterday he said he doesn’t like wearing Magicbands or a watch. It’s not that he doesn’t like wearing them, he can’t wear them because they’d just slide off the end of his arms.

Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 4.07.21 PM.png
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Well-known member
1. CovidGate
2. HurricaneGate
3. HouseGate
4. MinionsGate
5. RunDisneyGate

This guy is going to "expose himself" so hard for the fraud he is, he's going to be back in Hooterville living with Bitch Mom and harassing 12 year old girls online for dates in no time. Maybe there is a Red Owl or Piggly Wiggly that can give him that big 9-5 banker job inbetween retrieving carts.

Kyle Pallo #53: Kyle Desperately Wanted a 5th Gate, Now It's His Biggest Scandal Yet
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