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He had the “best” pizza in the city at the one and only pizza place that he went to the last time he was in NYC (which was his first time there)
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I think it’s a few things:

1. He exposed how much of a fraud he really is with the House Hunting storyline. Passive viewers might’ve been able to shrug off the smaller frequent lies of never doing this before and clickbait titles, but the home buying bullshit was very poorly made and in many ways insulting to watch. What type of audience is there that wants to watch a lazy arrogant fuckboy pretend that they’re rich? Not that many. And how many want to watch that fuckboy as he defames the homeowners and later describes his new passion for getting a real a tor license despite only looking at two homes? Then he doubles down when he gets logical advice, even the brainless start to see how delusional and hopeless he is.

2. His inflated ego and selfish twatness is so consistently present that it’s stench in unavoidable in all of his videos. Particularly with how he treats Casey after so many months of teasing the viewers. They see how he bitches about every ride she likes. They see how she dresses up for dates while Kyle’s worn the same hat for 8 straight months. To California Grill, on Casey’s dime. I’ve seen a few comments about it, and who knows how many more were posted but deleted. That on top of him drinking during his nephews baseball game and only buying him a cheap pin for the memories.

3. The drinking. Some people are fun when they open up more after a drink or two. Kyle is excruciatingly annoying when he’s sober don’t add liquor into this.

4. The awesome people on Twitter and other podcasts calling him out on the bullshit his cult has given him free passes for over the years. For every “surprise” Kyle tries to mix in to keep his shrinking fan base engaged, theres at least 10 people looking on Twitter to see if he’ll share a hint there, and finding the truth where he can’t block it.

5. A lot of his fans also feel attached to his family. Many of them follow Alexa on IG. Many of those saw that their Dad had kidney cancer and realized that Kyle never visited him while he was recovering. Some truths you can’t hide from, asshole.

Seeing his comments section, it definitely seems like a large amount of the delusional regulars have either woken up and moved on or are only commenting if he makes a video of particular interest to them because they’re bored of his redundant bullshit. There’s still a lot more delusional cult members than his roommate, but not nearly as many as the amount of views he buys would make you believe.
Is this post too long to be Kyle Pallo #25? :ROFLMAO:
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That diet lasted less than 10 hours. LOL

Screen Shot 2023-03-13 at 10.37.04 AM.png

He paid $25 per person for Lightning Lane and $59 per person for character dining and keeps bitching about how much he spent. A simple drug addiction would be cheaper bro
It's listed at $59 per adult but we all know with Casey's discount it was WAY less.
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He makes a big deal because he is flying into terminal A/B at MCO but parked at terminal C and doesn’t know how to get there. Bro before terminal C opened a few weeks ago that was just the regular airport garage for years. Tell me you don’t travel too often without telling me you don’t travel often
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They really do believe that they are "stars." Kyle said to Casey at Epcot today when some grifter recognized the lovely couple: "I love it Casey when they recognize you. You are a star!" Casey replied, "No, Kyle, you're the star!" It must be truly mind-boggling to live in this alternate universe in which they reside. Hopefully someone will burst their bubble soon and inform them that neither one of them is a "star," except in their own minds. It does confirm why Casey stays with him. She has convinced herself that he is her ticket to fame and stardom. She should really set her goals a little higher, and they should be actual goals which don't involve the grifter.
Kyle Pallo #25 Delusions of Grandeur
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Very successful vlogger yet he has to beg for engagement on his water park thirst-bait video. :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 2006568
He literally says “thumbs the video up” 6 times in every video. REEKS of desperation
Am I the only one who was already there?
I was there from day one. She’s an idiot to put up with him for this long. She was definitely a moron to be attracted to him in the first place
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This is just me being me, looking for stuff to "read into" 😁 But i noticed that Alexa, Taylor and JoJo aren't following Casey's new IG account that he made her create, OR her "personal" one. Just found that a little bit interesting. 3 people hes supposedly really close to dont seem to want to get to know his girlfriend. ( But, watch, I'm sure thats gonna change later today once he reads this and makes them all hit "follow". HAHA Like i said, its me reading into stuff- but i do think it's interesting.

Anyway- he needs to stop shoving food his mouth and thinking its content. At least have something intelligent to say about the food besides that its pizza is "juicy" or it looks like turds.
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Most liked response today:
View attachment 2006713
3 hours ago
Gets “norovirus” at water park goes back to a water park after miraculous recovery

Be sure and go by quickly and downvote that vid. His behavior was flagrantly against Disney rules and dangerous to other visitors.
I so feel for the front line cast members who have to deal with entitled and unpleasant guests, and in this case a supervisor should absolutely have intervened about the prohibited camera extension stick. But fault is first and foremost Kyle's, and Casey's too for going along with it.
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The most disliked channel in the Disney YouTube community Lmao

he’s the FL version of BLAB but maybe with even less charisma and self awareness if that was even possible. Does he get more dislikes than they do?
I hate BLAB because of the whole cheating thing but their overall video quality is way better in all aspects
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Can you imagine how insufferable he's going to be once he has to deal with adult responsibilities?
"This washer costed 800 dollars"
"Comment down below if you guys have had to buy a washer"
*walks back and forth in the woods* "*sigh, Guys, I can't believe my shower is leaking"
"We're going to HoMEE DEPPOOOT!"

Lord help us all.
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I never had a fear of predators lurking under the bed as a child but after seeing JerrBear Pallo now I check under the bed every night
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Oh the responses to that shitburger he prepared today. Three Pallo :poop: Piles out of a 24 hr visit to NYC where he mooched in on Sister-Wife's B-day with Mom for a free show and free eats. Winning Pallo style! __ Then out to the sidewalks in the downtown tourist bubble for a couple of hrs and then up___wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' the top of a bigly tall building to mooch more food from Mom. What a fu*king loser.
Two back to back winning responses:
View attachment 2014959
When you're in NY and your only goal is to see a rat then your priorities are messed up...
View attachment 2014960
You should probably learn how to chew with your mouth closed
Loser responses:
"wow what an adventure" (You don't get out much, huh? 'Bless Your Heart! __ 24hrs in NYC spent in a couple of blocks isn't an adventure, unless you go down an alley with a man in a trenchcoat who has the deal of a lifetime for you__I'd have paid a LOT to see Pallo do that.)
"Think of all the history in NYC" (You lost him with the word 'think' __ It's an ability he doesn't have. And 'history' to him is remembering where he left Casey the Doormat when she's out of sight.)
"You need to go on more trips with your mom and sister." (God have mercy. He's almost 30. __ OH... is this you 3xDAD? You ol' clown. Finally got some peace and quiet huh? )
"Wild experience!" (Uh NO. Exploring the Amazon is a 'wild experience'. Hiking Mt Kilimanjaro is a 'wild experience.' Spending a day mooching off your Mom and Sister in Manhattan is just being a damned freeloader and mooch and is simply pitiful. ___ "Wild experience" for you must be getting sprinkles on your ice cream at the mall.)
"I burst out laughing about the dog park and retirement." (How is life at the lunatic asylum? Call for an attendant. Control yourself. Deep breaths.)
"The library is where ghostbusters was filmed." (The library, a seat of learning, itself is scary to Kyle. A book terrifies him. He's obviously never read one.)
"This experience looks so cool " (Good god. Your life must be a living death, a soul trap of melancholy.)
"You need to get to the Statue of Liberty on of your trips " (Oh yes. You'll probably swoon when he waxes poetic about how big it is, and it's green, why? I'd be beside myself to hear his rendition of Emma Lazarus' 'The New Colossus.' ")
"I see the garbage was picked up overnight!!" (Riveting. And all of it wasn't. They left Kyle behind.)
I'm so happy you saw your rat Kyle " (Oh.. first I thought that 'rat' was a euphemism for his shy....oh, nevermind. ___Watch the movie 'Ben' __ The central character, sad, lonely "Danny Garrison." could actually be Kyle. Still, even a rat has standards and Pallo would never be able to befriend one. I understand they had to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the dog to play with him at home ___ But he has Casey, Lora and Alexa, and I guess Hood Rats count as well.)

...and on and on it went. Guilty pleasure to respond to those inane and ridiculous brainfarts from his cult followers. The few truthful and honest ones, of course, are quickly zapped by his "team" :ROFLMAO: (always makes me LOL).
I really hope Alexa gets a chance to really visit NYC without her clod of a brother. I think she would really get to enjoy it. I felt bad for her that a beautifully planned trip probably between her mom and her for her 30th birthday was ruined by Kyle. He really did not belong there and ignorance was on full display for everyone to see. Maybe for her 31st birthday, she will get to enjoy whatever she plans for herself.
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Liar! We know you are such a narcissist that you rewatch everything. The real reason you keep going back to today's is to spank it to Not Gay Nick!

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FYI, i just received a DM on Twitter from the same individual that contacted me previously. This person advised that Kyle is incredibly self-conscious about his yellow teeth and reminding him of it would drive him nuts! Do with that what you want. I intend to let him know after he posts his vlog tomorrow.
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You know, I have been thinking about this. I just don't think KP is sexual at all. Or sexy.
I think you might just be correct. Long ago someone posted or related a story here that a girlfriend of hers had a sexual encounter with Pallo and it was "....strange" and did not "...go well." A Weird Ass Encounter Of The Pallo KInd. (I don't even want to picture it in my mind.)___ No more explanation and the poster wouldn't or couldn't give any more information. And we see him in bed repeatedly over time with ol' reliable Lora and his Twisted Sister Alexa (and don't forget he's going on 30 years of age. Always remember that when evaluating the bizzaroworld he lives in.) ___ and, aside from the cutsey "pillow walls" and giggles from the loons, nothing more. It's a situation that normal people, especially when it's being videotaped and sent out on YouTube, would cringe and say, "NOOOOO! Not going to happen." They think nothing of it. Perhaps because he's just a neuter with women, or is indeed a gay man who is safe with them and no real intimacy is going to happen at all with those women and he needs to keep up the guessing game. A gay guy from a Catholic home, carrying all that baggage with him and trying to impress the family from afar in Fantasyland, Orlando, (The fellow Nick is also a good candidate here for that same journey from his religious home) It would provide a safe distance, and assure them that he's got "my girl" (That he leaves behind like a used tissue any time he fells like it.) and all is so great. Who knows? Be wrong not to speculate. :ROFLMAO: Many of his fans think it's just 'sweet' and continue to support his grift.

His whole existence is an 'act' __ a 30ish' man (who is really a seasoned con and panhandler) plays the Forever Disney Kid just skipping and cavorting along. A Peter Pan who won't grow up and is "living my best life" while the money, gifts and points he can con keep him going. It's all such an obvious charade. So why not all these 'girlfriends' and pretend relationships ___ and "I'm buying a McMansion." "I'm traveling the world." ....and on and on. It's all an act, a con.

It's very, very curious. And now we have 'boyish' little Casey Doormat. Imagine him telling her that they could 'save themselves' for their wedding and now remain 'close'. We'll cuddle and kiss and cook 😁 but 'save ourselves' for marriage. She'd probably buy that. Where a mature experienced woman would laugh and say, "Oh shit! Beam me up Scotty.' __ an immature and naive little dolt like Casey Doormat might just buy it. Eureka! The perfect mark for a number of reasons. Now he's got entrees to Disney, can use her discounts, and has an acceptable beard. She simply sees her 'shining YouTube star' as a chivalrous, if rambunctious, little scamp but one who 'respects' her. Stranger things have certainly happened. He shows the poor dunce lots of attention, assures her no one else matters and continues to use her for everything he can get from her for as long as he can keep the charade going.

Or not! :ROFLMAO: There's just something so perverse, so weird about that whole collection of bizarro men and women who come and go in 'Palloworld;' that no one 'theory' can cover it, especially from this distance. It really is a kaleidoscope of crazy and lies. ___ Pallo could give George Santos a run for his money. 🤪
I think that's much of the reason it interests me.
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At the end of the tusker house trash fest where Kyle bitches about every single item and says “salmon, EW”

you see Daisy hand Casey her employee badge (likely to cop that discount) and you see the check in front of Kyle. I’d be shocked if Kyle actually paid though
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