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Really? Ive missed this?
Yep! @Pompey-Matelot can explain. Also how she was really inappropriate to a police officer investigating a murder near where they live. The garden stinks of dog shit, the house is a tip and smells as well.
How she is awful to steve, the shouting matches and how she swings off him even though he has a really bad back. Apparently she also hates being compared to celeste Barber, even though she copies all her videos and even facial expressions
She also pays zero attention to her kids (which we know)
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in what possible way is it "comedy" to announce that you knowingly have multiple tubs of rancid, festering food in your fridge, but you leave it there to rot simply because you can't be bothered to throw it away?! as if dumping a few tubs of food into the bin takes any effort whatsoever! it's hardly something to be proud of - the fact that not only your house, but even your fridge is a health hazard! why the hell are Hello Fresh continuing to work with her?! it's not even that her kitchen is grimy and she climbs into the worktop and rolls around on it before preparing food, thus essentially rubbing whatever germs she has on her shoes all over her kids' meals - but the fact she is intentionally allowing bacteria to breed in her fridge is utterly rancid. hardly surprising she is constantly infested with worms and lice - her kids must have built up a pretty solid immune system if they aren't constantly unwell. 🤢🤢
I don’t understand why Hello Fresh collab with her. She doesn’t seem to fit their brand at all.
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She described fitness companies messaging her as ‘megalolz’ im her latest video - which is well known to be how Ian Watkins described his sexual abuse of babies and young children.
What a revolting creature she is
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She's an awful human being. Vile, foul, bullying excuse for a mother. I reported the holiday post where she calls her kids cunts and it has now been taken down. She does not deserve to be a parent. And her husband enables it.... I really don't understand why he hasn't done anything to protect his children.
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aw, more fodder for the school bullies! claiming ehr kids throw tantrums unless she cuts their sandwiches into dinosaur shapes! the comments are filled with mothers of ACTUAL toddlers, talking about their kids throwing age-appropriate tantrums about being given the wrong colour cup or whatever. as much as she seems tmdetermined to imply that her younger young has autism, Laura's kids are well beyond that stage - and tbh, of she really thinks anyone believes she has EVER bothered to make the kids cute sandwiches, she is entirely deluded. it was only recently she was talking about how she sticks her middle finger up behind her son's back if he dares to ask her for a drink, and chucks packaged pancakes across the room at him to eat for breakfast. 🙄
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If you’re famous enough to have a UK comedy tour then surely you can afford a cleaner?? Or get the long-suffering bearded wimp to lend a helping hand instead of wasting time filming stupid videos of each other for cringey couples content.
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Pog Paulba

Active member
Mrs Brown's Boys is actually funnier than that clip she posted. And I honestly thought Mrs Brown's Boys was the dirt worst lowest it could ever, ever get.

Christ almighty. 🤦‍♂️
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Who told her she’s a marriage guidance counsellor!! The same person who told her she is a comedian and an author! Herself and her imagination!
That’ll be awkward when Steve finally leaves her stupid ass!
Christ telling us that she gives blow jobs has made me heave, poor, poor Steve probably doesn't know any different
I’d be worried to let those gnashers near my dick if I was Steve
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The comments she gets from people whom have gone 40/50/60 years being themselves then have seen smelly bins attempts to be "edgy" with ink ,clothes hair ect then decided that they need to be like that too! Baffling like . I think she's one massive midlife crisis! And all the other sheep are Baaaaaaa'ing behind her on their's. Ohh I better get a finger tattoo... iv always wanted one but didn't want the dissaproving looks ..but since you have one Laura I'm gonna get one too 😴😴😴😴 I think her "followers " piss me off more than she does solely because they're influenced by that wormy edgy cnut!
DIO will be rolling in his grave that Laura and her followers have adopted the horns 🤘. Universal sign for Metalheads NOT EDGELORDS . Said it before but honestly hope she cuts herself on all the fukin edge . Pure cringe walloper .
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Grace Kelly

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I have a very good sense of humour, I love comedy and frequently go to comedy shows but I just don’t find her funny at all. She’s very try hard, especially when she starts doing that silly dance in just her bra and knickers, I find it all a bit pathetic really. I can’t stand the rubbish tats on her pasty hands either which she’s always shoving into the camera when she talks.
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Her HPD is strong at the moment! Proper attention seeking, "oh I have anxiety" (because she isn't getting enough attention), "oh I'm screaming and shouting at another women", (because deep down, you're a women hater and don't like being challenged, correctly by someone else who is in the right, especially as they are a woman), "oh, I have a headache", (again more attention seeking, my tickets are not selling.....").

She is such a narcissistic bitch, a nasty one at that. I really hope she gets her comeuppance, but it's doubtful, as she is like Teflon, shit doesn't seem to stick to this awful person. She goes on about her life being so awful and anxiety etc, but she literally has the best life! She doesn't work, her husband sticks around and panders to her crap, she has over half a million followers, books, a comedy tour etc (albeit, she is rubbish). She needs to stop and appreciate what she has, rather than fucking moaning all the time. It's never good enough for her, rhe selfish, nasty cow! Oh and she can afford, tattoos, therapy and to sit on her fat arse all day and make stupid pointless panic posts, which her idiot brainwashed followers seem to think are amazing.
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She's the absolute lowest of the low, unfcknbelievable that she still carried on stage like her poor Dad was so unimportant...I saw the post and it's obvious she couldn't give a shit about him really.....ohhhh... she's got me so bloody mad 😡 whatever Laura wants to do, never mind anyone else in her family...."I'm alright Jack"...and her thick followers 🙄😡
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All the stones on the beach and she picks the one with dog shit on it

sure she did
she's such a fucking liar. any opportunity to claim she is cobered in 💩, whether her own or that of a dog/bird etc. it's so predictable, it's boring - and also such a weird thing to sit on the beach and send time fantasising about. 🤢🤢
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Chatty Member
Some of the comments on her last shit reel are beyond pathetic. Whilst you’re waiting for her tour to be rescheduled (if that ever happens 😂), try looking up other, actual female comedians. See how it’s actually done.
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Jesus Christ. The fucking state of it

Absolutely vile.
the bedroom she now proudly refers to as a "crack den" ever since she saw it described that way on tattle, because she decided it was a hilarious way to refer to the grimy house she refuses to clean, and an easy way to justify living in a filthy, unhygienic house under the guise of "comedy". 🙄🤢
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