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That pic is surely photoshopped like fuck does she look like that!!!
see, that's what I thought! that is nothing like how she usually looks - even on a "good" day, where she has made the effort to wash her grimy face and put make up on! I swear that image has been editied/filtered - it looks fake and even to people who have no idea of Laura's usual appearance are gonna flag that photo as unsuitable for a passport photo, as the image you use is supposed to be an accurate reflection of how you look. that's the whole POINT. 🤦🏻‍♂️

she's kicking off about "facial hair" as a way to generate content, when in reality she is pissed that the passport office spotted her attempts to edit her appearance and that a photo where she thought she looked "hot" won't be printed on her passport - hence her creating an excuse to share it on social media so her audience can admire her edited photo under the guise that was a candid shot. 🙄
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a story posted four hours ago - yeah, how DARE her kids disturb her at 9am! the audacity of not allowing her to wake up "naturally". jfc, the woman does not deserve to have children. 🙄

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Yet another thing annoys me about her. She wears inappropriate footwear in the gym!! Converse are not for gym work. It is yet another admittedly minor thing about her that is inappropriate 🤷‍♀️
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Seeing as her dad has only just passed away, how would she feel if he had come onto a social platform and called her c**t and that he didn’t enjoy her company???
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Chatty Member
this kind of thing really irritates me too. it's all so manipulative. there is no way that the website of EVERY venue has issues with being able to buy tickets - she posts a story like this every other day and it's obvious she makes up these "issues" as a way to remind people to buy tickets to shows at places that are struggling to sell tickets, with the usual "only a few tickets left" bullshit, and a "get them quick" in a desperate attempt to lure people into panic buying tickets by deceiving them into thinking they are going to miss out. 😡😡

if it happened once and there was an issue with ONE location, I might believe her, but EVERY website supposedly crashing, presumably trying to imply rhat SO many people are rushing to buy tickets to see her - such a successful female "comedian" is such bullshit and an incredibly manipulative sales tactic. tbh, she couldn't make it any more obvious that the tickets aren't selling. 🙄

View attachment 2793447
These small regional art centres really need to improve their websites to cope with the influx 😁

Laura is our version of Taylor Swift it would seem, with the scramble for tickets 😂
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the obligatory "half term is going shit because I hate spending time with the kids I with had never been born!" but hey, she's simply trying to "normalise" that it's totally okay to hate your kids and that you shouldn't feel guilty about it! 🙄
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God she is absolutely gross🤢🤢🤢🤢 that reel about going to the bathroom to scream away from her kids, she's got stuff in her teeth🤮🤮🤮🤮 and 2 down picking her pants out of her fanny🤮🤮🤮🤮
How on earth is she thinking this shit is funny. To say she has nearly 500k followers her engagement is terrible!
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I wonder what happened to @Pompey-Matelot? They just suddenly stopped posting one day 🙁 I hope the mad woman Belbin didn’t find out who it was 😬
She probably did, as they were saying that she was asking questions and that she was a popular subject on the neighbours whatsapp group. @Pompey-Matelot we hope youre ok, and haven't been screamed at,.doxxed, called a c*nt, or worse still overcome by the stench of dog crap coming from those lazy chavs garden!!
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She's right up there with Russell Brand
it's very similar, in the way that she talks all about her sex pest behaviour, how she stalks total strangers to find them on IG and floods their DMs with an influx of predatory messages that they didn't ask for, shares details of her indenctly exposing herself in public to elderly couples and bragging about how she calls her kids "cunts" etc etc - she brags about her inappropriate, at at times illegal, behaviour both live on stage and om multiple different social media platforms, yet it's all done under the guise of "comedy" - in the way that there have been a few successful comedians who have bragged about their abusive behaviour in their stand up routines etc, but people have dismissed it as them just being funny, when - just like Laura - they are totally truthful descriptions of inappropriate behaviour they get away with simply because people believe they are joking. turns her neglect and abusive, cruel behaviour into a "comedy" routine, so that it is all interpreted as a joke despite everything she says being 100% accurate, so she can get a thrill out of braggingabout it with absolutely zero consequences because her audience don't take it seriously. quite literally hiding in plain sight. 😔
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She’s always prattling on about ‘trauma’ has she ever told us what her so called ‘trauma’ is? Considering she’d probably show us all her rotten arsehole if she could I’m inclined to believe she has NO trauma and it’s just an excuse for her to behave like a fucking imbecile. Also, she looks like she absolutely stinks and so does her house🤢
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What was that incredibly unfunny thing she was doing about Saltburn? I mean I know that series ends up with nakedness. But like who cares about her and Steve? I haven’t watched Saltburn but I am like Dawn French who knows all about a programme despite never having watched it but what was Smellbin and her dish rag husband doing? Please explain!!
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There's no way this thing is 39 😭😱 absolutely rank!!!
And the odd socks are back, like anyone actually gives a fuk that she wears odd socks! She looks like a fukin knob that's been resting in a bucket of shite.
i don't get the odd sock thing. she seems to think it makes her seem quirky and WILD, presumably trying to give the impression that her ADHD means she can't focus enough to find a pair of matching socks, but it's all just because she is desperate for attention. I've worn odd socks every day since i was in my teens, but i just get on with it. i don't roll up my trousers and sit on public transport purposefully trying to draw attention to thr fact my socks don't match because....nobody cares. 🙄

and also, it's bizarre enough that Daz approached her to film an ad when all her content is based on her being filthy, living in a grimy house, not washing regularly and hardly ever washing the kids' clothes because she's lazy (although obvs ADHD is used an excuse), but to share an ad for washing powder, and then only an hour later share a story explaining that you don't bother washing your clothes until they have been worn for so long that they "smell of minge". make it make sense! it's like when she advertises razors, yet makes a point of highlighting that she doesn't shave?! 🤣

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Why do people take things off tattle? No wonder the site gets slagged off.
It’s not brilliant, it’s trolling.
To be fair, she regularly posts about having worms and them going up into her bits and pieces, so I'm not surprised if someone has posted, she must get loads of negative posts, they get deleted apparently?? Then she blocks and doxes
And of course tattle will get slagged off, no brainer, there really!
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She must be the only woman to have non flattering post birth pictures! Personally mine include a chin bigger than the baby and I’m grey from blood loss after c section under general but I haven’t posted it maybe I’ll make it a happy birthday post to my daughter next year! I just don’t understand her!
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