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I used to think she was hilarious.. when she’d buy stuff from wish and try it on.. however now I just don’t see the appeal.. she’s way to open about everything.. social media went to her head and ruined her. I tried to listen to her podcast, but all she talked about was her floof and said fuck between each word. Who really needs to know that you smell of crispy onions when you wake up in the morning.. maybe her overall hygiene needs to be looked at, as i for one, have never even smelt of onions or anything else for that matter and I’ve never had bum worms nor have my three children! Does she know that somethings can remain private?! Something doesn’t sit right with me about her.. and I’m not 100% sure what it is.. I get very off vibes.. I genuinely thought I was the only one until I found this thread!
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I’ve just had to sit down and calm myself, Mr booboo held his phone up to me and said you should do videos like this, it was a gorgeous woman lighting a fire then it cut to this monstrosity bending over in her underwear trying to light her fire, you know the one, well if looks could kill Mr booboo would be a fucking corpse by now, why I didn’t click on and realise it was her I’ll never know, so I said proper poker faced I said, I fucking ate her, he said, she’s funny, I said no she’s not, cue a 5 minute argument with yes she is, no she’s not, I think I want a divorce and we’re not married, I’m seriously re-thinking my life/partner choice! Dickhead! 🤪😡👊🏻🙈🤣
My hubby can't stand her. He says she makes him feel physically sick, and I've only shown him one vid. And described two others he flatly refused to watch. When he's feeling randy and I 'have a headache'. I say 'Imagine I'm that sweaty Laura Belbin. Mmmmm sexy. Do I smell good' and he goes from rock to floppy in less than a second
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I have a pretty serious medical condition and I've spent most of my life in and out of hospitals. I have had collapsed veins, a needle break inside of my hand, a portacath for almost ten years, countless pokes, prods, and stabs. when I was younger I once got so stressed out during a cannula insertion that I had a seizure. later turned out they were trying to use an adult sized cannula when I was about 6.
I don't mean to dismiss Laura and her fear, but honestly she needs to grow the fuck up. the absolute complete and utter audacity she has to come onto social media and "cry" over this. people have been through so much worse. people are currently going through so much worse. she's so incredibly self absorbed and tone deaf.
I've had full on breakdowns in the past, and the last thing I wanted to do was to record myself. she's so full of shit that it actually makes me angry.
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I'm sorry but none of my kids have ever had worms, she's saying it likes it's really common, is it? I've never really had anything bad to say about her before but this has made me feel sick.
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Her therapist must have got their degree from the back of a cereal box, because no normal sane person would encourage her behaviour!
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I’m curious now what it was & why I’m thinking it was something to do with needles

Just read the other comments about so called trauma she faced. I think she’s definitely making it sound worse than it was because she shares literally everything on the gram .. it’s not good for you over sharing your whole life for attention.
Long post this morning about same usual stuff.. it’s ok not to have your shit together n struggle with mental health .. I understand a lot of ppl struggle but I also find it irritating tht she assumes everybody is struggling etc .. some of us aren’t .. I do think social media isn’t helpful though
that photo has actually made me think: for someone who is supposedly terrified of needles as a result of previous "trauma" that she refuses to discuss in any further detail, she seems incredibly relaxed about getting as many piercings as possible - all of which have been done after the "trauma" occurred! i appreciate it's not exactly the same, but if you find needles "triggering" as a result of trauma, surely you wouldn't actively seek out the opportunity to get needles shoved through your face?! just a thought! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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So I’m this day and age where a man can’t wolf whistle without getting a criminal record she thinks it’s ok to grab a woman’s breast??? Is she ok?? She has her head so far up her own arse she can tickle her tonsils. Like previous posts if a man did that to her it wouldn’t be funny he would be on the sex offender register!!!!! The hypocrisy stinks just like her breath/minge/armpits. Are we still in the 80’s??? Why anyone hasn’t reported her is mind boggling and that pic she looks like a predator!!
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Chatty Member
I honestly thought she looked quite alright with her hair up and her makeup done. maybe I'm just happy to not see her usual state.

also, i can't explain why, but I have a feeling she's going to divorce Steve and run away with a woman. she just has that vibe about her
Bizarrely, I've had similar thoughts that she is going to come out too. Was literally thinking this the last time I looked at this thread. It seems an inevitable part of her transformation...
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Who fucking cares what she calls it? I know what I call it. It’s called debasing yourself for online attention.
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The term 'breakdown' is so outdated and isn't often used in the mental health field anymore. Why does she insist on using it. It's got such negative and stigmatising connotations. People with mental health problems don't 'breakdown' they carry on despite experiencing a whole host of physical, cognitive and behavioural symptoms.

Also, I bought Wild and my god I smelt like a sweaty bastard with it on and immediately went back to my normal deodorants so she must smell absolutely rank if that's all she's using.

I'm still not over the shit nuggets photo.
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I’m sorry but how can you just up and leave to go to Lapland especially now, Also when did she have a management team and become an influencer I was under the genuine assumption she did the whole insta thing to “keep it real”
Because she’s as fake as they come!!! She’s making a mockery of ppl who have mental health problems. She portrays them like ppl sit around in dirty underwear, don’t brush their teeth or wash their faces and can’t stand their kids and it’s ok to be like that All the time. NO IT ISNT!! Yes we all have off days or weeks but she’s been like this for years why doesn’t anyone tell her she’s damaging her family and herself. How is she having therapy when it’s clearly doing nothing especially with her erratic behaviour of late, getting tattoos and piercings all of a sudden and changing her image it’s worrying what she’ll do next. Also considering Social media is one of the most significant causes of mental health problems yet she sees fit to be parading round pulling her knickers up so far you can virtually see her flaps! She just screams for attention as she’s got nothing else about her I just really feel sorry for the ppl close to her but also wonder why they aren’t stepping in?
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Oh God that exchange on stories was soooo cringe. Steve seems like such a lovely normal down to earth bloke. I cant understand how he could truly be ok with all her online degrading behaviour. Particularly as she has, and is aware of her mental health problems. If my husband was mentally unwell I'd feel protective of him and not support behaviour like that and do everything in my power to get them offline, and I know my husband under no circumstances would ever participate in anything I post if I had a page like KDIL. If not for our sakes than for our childrens. Have both of them no cop on about how cruel kids can be and how her sons will feel as teenagers about all her antics? Everyone remembers how awkward the teenage years are, and how the smallest things embarass us, so how they are so short sighted to their kids feelings in a few years is beyond my comprehension. She is obviously, to most of us watching, deeply unwell and cant see that a huge part of it is related to her need for constant validation online at a cost of her dignity and indeed her whole families dignity.
Why Steve doesn't step in i dont know. I actually feel sorry for him too, because honestly no man could be happy seeing his wife portrayed like that so publicly. I just don't understand why he is not protecting her more given her self confessed deep mental health issues.
He helps her do all this nonsense! He helps set up these stupid photoshoots and takes part in them! He's just as bad, he doesn't deserve a shred of sympathy.
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Stop the press Steve has had a breakdown!!!! I'm not fucking surprised the poor sod has had one to be honest, I'd have a breakdown if I had to photograph my other half rolling around in dog shit for likes!!! When will she see this is down to her and her attention seeking behaviour!
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You’re in the middle of a breakdown so you get your husband to take a pic to show ppl what it’s like??? FUCK OFF LAURA. that’s as bad as ppl posting selfies from hospitals. The post is all bullshit too. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself and getting validation off strangers. She’s suck a selfish cow and doesn’t know the meaning of a breakdown….yea I’ve said it she’s starting to look disingenuous
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Oh God that exchange on stories was soooo cringe. Steve seems like such a lovely normal down to earth bloke. I cant understand how he could truly be ok with all her online degrading behaviour. Particularly as she has, and is aware of her mental health problems. If my husband was mentally unwell I'd feel protective of him and not support behaviour like that and do everything in my power to get them offline, and I know my husband under no circumstances would ever participate in anything I post if I had a page like KDIL. If not for our sakes than for our childrens. Have both of them no cop on about how cruel kids can be and how her sons will feel as teenagers about all her antics? Everyone remembers how awkward the teenage years are, and how the smallest things embarass us, so how they are so short sighted to their kids feelings in a few years is beyond my comprehension. She is obviously, to most of us watching, deeply unwell and cant see that a huge part of it is related to her need for constant validation online at a cost of her dignity and indeed her whole families dignity.
Why Steve doesn't step in i dont know. I actually feel sorry for him too, because honestly no man could be happy seeing his wife portrayed like that so publicly. I just don't understand why he is not protecting her more given her self confessed deep mental health issues.
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Err I unfollow ages ago after she rammed her tongue up Parttimeworkingmummy’ arse but still have the occasional look when I’m really bored and need to feel good about my own life. I can’t look at her face it makes me genuinely feel sick. How does that gormless weirdo of a husband even look at her let alone sleep with her. I think she probably stinks of scampi fries and shit. She’s self obsessed like they all are on IG. But fuck me shame she’s not as obsessed about toothbrushes and flannels. There’s sewer rats cleaner than she is.
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F the dust.

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Fucking hell, she is vulgar! Alluding to being disappointed her husband doesn't look like Patrick swayze! She'd be punching if she was shacked up with Worzel gummage and he's probably fucking cleaner than her!
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"I've asked his permission" aye sure you have. I bet your "asking for permission" was more like "Steve, I'm telling everyone you've had a breakdown. I need content"
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all this talk of her going on about how she's been slagging off men has reminded me of this post.

just seems so pointless and immature. how dare he, her husband, offer to give her a hand. the audacity of him.

I'm sorry, but surely if she had had some genuinely traumatic and harrowing experience with a man, she would've talked about it by now? the way that she's acting makes me feel as thought she's just trying to jump onto the #metoo movement. as someone above said, she's probably mad at the boys who pulled on her bra strap.

same person also mentioned that she's been with Steve for ages, so when is she meant to have had these horrible experiences?

ah, yes. they're imaginary. she's nothing but an attention seeker.
Imagine being so outraged at a man offering to carry your bags🙄. I genuinely feel so sorry for blokes these days, can’t do right for doing wrong. ‘That man didn’t hold the door for me/how dare that man assume I need the door held for me!’ etc
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Chatty Member
I don’t understand people who film or photograph themselves crying then share it. When I cry, it’s private, it’s not for sharing with a bunch of strangers. Have some dignity Laura.
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