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Well-known member
Wow. Her budgeting tips are not to buy something you want as soon as you want and not to buy something if you already have the same thing? Those are literally both things I teach my five year old. They aren’t budgeting tips, they are basic life skills for young children. I’m beginning to suspect that Sian isn’t the sharpest tool in the box.
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Chatty Member
If she didn't care she wouldn't put up a post saying she didn't's so obvious she does!
This is the thing with trying to be an influencer and so called insta-famous, not everyone is going to like you and kiss your arse. As has been mentioned many times before these threads give a place to call out these idiots and their fakery without the risk of being blocked and having comments deleted.

Once you hunt that fame you have to take the rough with the smooth. There is a reason I don't have a tattle thread about me and that's because I'm happy to live my life in private surrounded by real friends and family made over many many years. I earn decent money, have a brand new car, nice house and go on expensive family holidays....I'm building the same so-called memories as the Knapps. The difference is we don't shout about it from the rooftops on Instagram and YouTube....I'm sure there are many others on here doing exactly the same. This in essence is what bugs me about the whole SM and influencer culture. The 'look at me' and how well I've done and ramming their perfectly manufactured lives and shithouse fakery down others throats for 'likes'......
Anyway......rant over.....have a lovely Sunday evening everyone.....😆
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Chatty Member
I always think of those comical glasses and fake nose when I see her
Me too......😳

Kids in bed for 6:45 during the Xmas holidays.....what a fucking Scrooge.

Shitting on her friends on the gram....what a fucking twat.

She is definitely Narcissistic....and I'd imagine her 'real-life' friends saw through her ages ago and moved on. Princess Sian only has online besties now who all like nothing better than to massage each others egos so they are perfect for her.


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What kind of grown woman posts indirect things about her “friends” on social media ?? I thought that was the sort of thing teenagers did !!!
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in the clip of her on the bus to their hotel in Orlando.... the amount of times Sian touches her hair in just 20 seconds must be record!!
I touched on this previously and just had a look at the ‘travel’ slog I just hope she reads here!!
****WOMAN!!! LEAVE YOUR FUCKING HAIR ALONE*** it’s so annoying and putting people off you…..and doesn’t make you look any better or cute.
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Well-known member
there are families who are far more deserving of a trip there, given that the Knapp’s haven’t exactly been stranded at home during the pandemic (what is this now, holiday 11 since the pandemic started?)
Sian is on seven holidays in the last seven months:

Cornwall - June
Isle of Wight - July
Disney Cruise 1 - July
DLP - August
Disney Cruise 2 - September
Ibiza - October
WDW - January

It would be eight but their trip to DLP in December was cancelled.

And all this without a shred of humility or gratitude. Just an attitude that she can afford it because they “budget” and “prioritise” and if everybody else did the same they could afford it too.
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You would think they are were seasoned back packers travelling round the world the way she speaks about us travelling and home schooling our kids whilst travelling. They go to the same place every year, it’s hardly travelling the world. They stay on Disney grounds and never see any more of Florida other than the parks and the hotels surrounding them. Do you think they realise that there’s an America outside of Walt Disney world.
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Chatty Member
My money is on house move, to Welsh Coast, at which point they will realise they really need the grandparents nearby to make their life work. But y'know, the sea calls her, like Moana, so what can you do.
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So noticeable and really sad that Sian doesn’t post anywhere near as much when she’s meeting up with internet strangers. When it’s just the girls or Callum and the girls she spends more time posting than doing anything else.

It’s hard not to conclude that she constantly needs validation from strangers. That validation preferably comes from with meeting up with strangers. If she’s not doing that then she gets validation from posting on Instagram. So sad that she apparently can’t understand that she can and should get validation from her own family, rather than strangers.
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I quit following the stories after her 'DVC is the best' post really pissed me off. I'm sure it is sian, and fair play to those who can afford it but I'm struggling to pay off my trip to DLP for next month (cos I'm clearly a peasant) so not reaaaaally in the mood for your 'oh aren't we wonderful we got to book extortionate flights and get to stay at these wonderful bungalows' brags
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Now she's just being a bitch and just told someone to get a life when they expressed that they preferred her with a fringe.

The comment she is referring to is worded in a way that leads me to believe that English is not the users first language. Way to be albeit there hon.

She shares her life online in exchange for money. Therefore it's all up for comments and criticism.
Agree. Really nasty of her to do this. She doesn’t know anything about the person who has posted this. She’s putting her life out there desperate for followed and then that’s how she treats her “fans”. Nasty!
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Well-known member
Why is she affiliate linking Baby clothes?

Cash grab or planning to nag a baby into existance? What do you recon?
It’s probably a budgeting thing.

She will tell Callum she wants a baby. He will work out how much it would cost over the child’s lifetime. She will then change her mind and BINGO she’s suddenly “saved” thousands of pounds.
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Chatty Member
That it isn’t it. She can’t let Callum have the RunDisney thing, she has to do it too so she can brandish her medals all over the gram. She’ll be
an expert after this trip and next year, she’ll act as if RunDisney was her thing all along.

Always have to be the center of attention don’t you Sian, no matter at whose expense.
you wait, there will be a RunDisney Q&A soon after it too, because she will be a complete expert on it after this. Like DVC (even though they only own at one resort), DLP (even though they never went before covid) and budgeting (even though that’s clearly not a thing they actually do)

i wonder what would happen if one of them get covid, they would have to stay there for weeks longer, or what about the very real possibility of schools being virtual in January..

good luck to the grand parents…that will go from looking after them after school, to being teachers and having them both in the house 24/7. Quite the demand on the grand parents there.

but it’s ok Sian, you head off to Disney world.
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VIP Member
But it’s not really themed to Disney resorts. It’s just the Next homeware department with added beige.

“This beige room has an elephant ornament so it’s Animal Kingdom”
“This beige room has a Mickey painting so it’s the art of animation”
“This beige room has a jazz poster with some foreign words on so it’s Port Orleans”
I have a (Lego) piano in my living room - it’s themed as the Grand Floridian of course


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Because I love my child and the one in my belly more than anything and the thought of them being dead , even if I’m dead too , makes me feel physically sick … I’d rather I was gone but my kids still had a chance … maybe that’s a weird school of thought , if my husband and I died they’d be devasateted but they would have family rally around them and they’d be safe , loved , fed , cared for and would hopefully life full and successful lives

I think Sian’s way of thinking is a bit odd , but maybe I’m the odd one !
Not odd. I would never be so selfish as to hope we would "go together".

It suggests that they think that the kids don't deserve a chance at life cause its not worth it if Princess Buzzkill and Gollum aren't in it.

How self centred can you get.

I get couples holidays to Marbella, Thailand for hell even the Maldives something like that. I wouldn't do it personally but that one I can rationalise. Not taking your primary school childrens to Disney World, which happens to be their favourite place in the world. Thats fucked up.

Its not much different than me going to Thomas land or peppa pig world without the boys. For which I would be shanked in my sleep by a 4 year old.
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