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As I understand it she falsely accused him of something and then had to tiptoe back when it became clear she was wrong. Apparently they have these big blow ups all the time but it obviously went a step further this time than normal. I guess they’ll just quietly start following each other again on SM and pretend like nothings happened?? We will have to wait and see!
Can you not just hide certain followers on instaham
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If cake throwing incident is true, KH should never have put MP in that position that she was pushed to that limit. Not sticking up for MP, but I've been in the step parent position, and it's not a nice place to be. Kids not yours, you're doing a favour for your baggage laden partner, whole their other parent is off doing their thing.
Kieran is also stepparent to Valentino though, which might not be easy either.
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small town girl

Well-known member
if this is true, its pretty disgusting behaviour but until i saw the video for myself, i would not just take someones word for it. this raises more questions than answers. why are bunny and jett shairing a bedroom? why is there cctv in the kids bedroom?, who put cctv in the bedroom and for what purpose?, why has kieron lost clients over this video ( i thought it was because he was having affairs,according to you, via your cousin) if michelle is the one being mean ?, what actions come, before the kids runing to their bedroom ? why would kieron ( or anyone in their right mind)show anyone, this video ? put the video on and let us all see for ourselves. wouldnt put it past skanky to be at the bottom of this somehow either. also are you and johnnyjr the same person, friends or related ? they put on here wednesday ,that they had seen the video,same day you say you seen it,i told them to put up or shut up and we havn't heard from them since. are you going to put the video up on here now ?
I don’t know the answer to any of the questions apart from the children definitely do share a room at KH house. He cannot keep anything private especially when it comes to the kids and has posted stories many times showing their room.

i don’t think susie is Johnnyjr as that person seems completely illiterate. But nothing Is impossible in regards to them knowing each other…
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small town girl

Well-known member
Sophie, Amy and Paul Price must not be much better than KP, if (presumably) they're standing by their daughter and are OK with this persecution of Kieran.

Really sad. I don't know how Kieran sleeps at night these days, knowing where J&B are.
Possibly because they only hear her side of the story….
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Lee dee

And only a month or so since they unfollowed each other and then reconciled. Seems like a rocky relationship

Not sure what to make of this post, is it referring to her relationship or perhaps friction with someone else. Her posts a couple of months ago did imply cheating.

Have they unfollowed each other again?
still following each other, for now .
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VIP Member
I wonder what Jonny and Susie would think of this? KH advertising cameras which look like bulbs that can plug into light sockets inside your house or outside your house. They were full of information about CCTV that might be in Kieran's house before, it's a pity they have no more info now. He seems very tough minded to be discussing CCTV ( and loved up with Michelle) considering what they were accused of by KP.

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Maybe he's used the cctv to catch KP doing something bad (not sure how he would set it up etc but anyway...)...and hence maybe he's sending a message with this post...I agree it's a strange item for him to do an ad for especially after the KP accusation. Plus I haven't seen him advertising other products since KP made those allegations - so the only ad he does in the last few weeks is for a CCTV camera? Seems like more to it.
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KP is completely nuts. I'm quite sure of that. So in her warped mind any old shite could be on a video but she will insist it shows what she says it does. That is her main motivator and she doesn't seem to think things through when she's on one. She tried to imply Alex Reid had done something illegal on video but instead it turned out she was in the wrong in court for showing audiences a video of something legal and private.

So there could be a video of something innocuous and she has exaggerated it as 'proof of something'. It isn't logical to say there MUST be something incriminating on a video just because KP has one.

I would file the 'abuse' video in the same drawer as 'Kieran is Savile' and 'My ring was stolen'. ' in complete bollocks which came to nothing.

I can totally accept Kieran and Michelle might have been having a hard time with the kids but there's no evidence there's a video with 'abuse' on it, that's the interpretation by a very warped person.

Maybe he doesn't want to gamble on losing in what will be a complex case?
Not exactly winning now. Least he would be able to look his kids in the eye and say he tried and did everything. Different folks, different strokes.
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There were tiktok videos with millions of views. He might have got a surge in web traffic around that time and thought he'd use it, it would be worth a punt, all you have to do is set up an easy website, you could make some decent money if say 1 per cent of those millions checks your web links out. I think he is killing two birds with one stone, it will piss off KP too.
Maybe part of his motivation is that he needs money quickly to fund legal costs of dealing with KP.
He lives in his grans house, does anyone know if he inherited it from her, or is he renting it from another family member?
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Eh? Why would he make it public though and why did he have to get one in the first place!? It’s not Jeremy Kyle this is real life. KH camp is saying the kids have been removed by KP, not by SS. She’s made the decision not to let them go back to KH or see MP. That’s not the same as SS deciding
Dont think you've understood what I said. Women tying themselves in knots to defend men who probably wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire always make me LOL.
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If he disclosed that a test was being done but then was not willing to disclose the results, then that sounds like the results showed Jett was not his bio child. BUT if that was the case surely his custody rights would have been removed and KP especially would have capitalised on it long ago?
I've always thought I can see Kieran in Jett but when you put it like that? If he's not Kierans though why would he bring him up? This is what I mean why would you not just clear it up when you know its gonna be gossiped about. You know put Jett first.
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small town girl

Well-known member
He moved house. To this one. It's obviously not the same one as his nans house.

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The MASH thing still doesn't make sense with KPs accusations. She was saying Michelle was a danger to the kids and something really serious happened to result in her ( KP) having to rush home and then having the kids full time. If it was that serious to warrant an immediate removal, Michelle would not have any kids with her. SS would need an emergency Protection order and the kids would not have been placed with KP they would have been in care.
That isn’t the same house as he posted at Christmas. He said recently him and the kids moved into his nans house to look after her. He hasn’t moved house since she passed, which leads me to believe he is living in her old house.

I don’t know where the kids are but I hope they are safe, happy and I’m glad they are being kept off SM.


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small town girl

Well-known member
She can’t say it was this incident why she came home early, cos it wasn’t. She had already started on Kieran before Thailand and came home for her mum. She also can’t fucking drive and no one seems to be able to answer how on Earth she is looking after them 1. To take them to school 2. From a London hotel room or while she’s in GAY
I don’t know as I don’t know her family or circle of friends. Pt mention a few days ago her neighbour used to do school runs and look after the kids for some extra money. So maybe that’s an option. Who knows.
But I think it’s clear the kids aren’t with KH right now and they have been with skank more
Wherever they are and whoever is taking them to school I just hope they feel safe.
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small town girl

Well-known member
Do they own the house or rent it?
I think rent…. i believe I read ages ago it was council house or local authority and was his nans before she passed? Could be wrong thok x

I wouldn’t believe kirsty or Kippers version of events.
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small town girl

Well-known member
Parents can keep kids from other parents all the time. It's really simple, you just don't give them back, just because they're not with him doesn't prove SS removed them, the court would have had to do that. There are millions of mothers and a fair few fathers out there who don't allow access to the other parent.

She said she had '100 % ' custody then Kieran released this statement. So one of them is lying about custody.

Courts don't really give 100% custody. Even when KP admitted drug use she got some visitation.

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Social services will be involved in the childrens life especially if jett isn’t attending school. So they must feel that their needs are being met by there mum. Didn’t KP say in one post that they had been let down by social services? After a public claim like that I’m sure they are all over her, yet the kids are still there…which leads me again to believe there’s some truth to her Allegations.
Also we don’t know that she just took them and didn’t give them back. Nobody knows the exact facts it’s all hearsay and speculation.
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Maybe he and Michelle gave up the rental and moved back into his nans house when it became vacant. I agree the nans house doesn't look like a council property to me
I imagine it's something like that. Maybe he only had a share of the house and then sorted something out to move back in, such as buying others out, or agreeing rent.
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small town girl

Well-known member
I don't think it is confirmed that she threw something. We're going off what KP, jonnyjnr and susie said. I agree with you, if its true that Michelle did this then its disgusting, but because the key source is KP I'm cynical.
And Dc and Wilma confirmed it. Not confirmed a video - but something was thrown.

My thoughts exactly! I'm zipping my lips for fear of starting an all out war or being accused of being the skank herself....but it is fucking wrong on every level and I would be furious!!! Regardless of whatever poison KFP is dripping in them kids ears (and we know it will be vile) it is up to MP to be the level headed decent step parent and keep her cool!! Chucking stuff at vulnerable kids is NEVER OK!!
And they are exactly that vulnerable children known To social services.
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