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* Very long time lurker here, not one for commenting*

So many times I have wanted to get involved speaking about this mess , but in general I am a get angry on my own or cackle to myself at the funny posts person.

But I really am beyond incensed about the treatment of those poor children though - by every adult around them - and at this point it seems like KH spends more time with CW than his own kids.
Awww glad I've made you laugh.
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Been ill last few days, so much has happened typical. My thoughts, we’ve raised a lot of valid questions, the children not going straight back K & M does seem to be the case. They was clearly trying to control the narrative last week that K was in London fighting for them & clinking glasses like they had won. Bad taste in my opinion there is no winners, those poor children love their parents regardless. They have been through a very traumatic time in the few years and I wish them well in the future.
I don’t think they should be mentioned again they needed privacy to heal. It’s going to get worse before it’s get better for them with KP impending BH - She has made her bed and will have to lie in it at HMP. Unless she takes the other route and plans an accident, that she can them blame on everyone else, because nothing is ever her own doing.
As for the Go Fund, the money is long gone, as is Sam, and it’s now shut down even from conversation, make of it what you will.
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He said on the live last night that he wanted to go Big Brother. Someone asked in the comments if he would expect to go on normal or celeb bb and he ignored. He’s clearly still chasing the celeb life. Even though he protests it.
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Thank you for having a polite reply about this 🥰🥰 I actually agree with what you say about her. I suppose what my post was trying to say that despite how I feel about her, I suppose I feel sad for what could have been for her. I don't even know if that makes sense.
It's like when I watch I am a killer on Netflix, of course I feel sorry for the victims but then, at times I also have empathy for the perpetrators. Does it mean they've not done wrong? Of course not and they should pay.
I'm not eloquent enough to even try and explain how I feel other than I find the situation so sad all round.
But thanks so much for being so nice to me in your reply and I love that we can all have balanced and polite responses. X
It means you are mentally healthy and well adjusted. You have the ability to critically analyse and come to your own conclusions. 99.9 percent of the time there's events/trauma/influences that contribute to people doing evil deeds it doesn't happen over night. It doesn't mean you think they shouldn't be punished at all it means you realise people are complex and their life history contributes to the person they become.
It's a very positive trait to have.
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I think she’s desperate for the influencer lifestyle too! Maybe that’s why she stays with KH? Don’t know why though because he’s hardly going to get her anywhere In the z’list celebrity world.. all he is known for now is being a serial cheat and showing off his chocolate starfish.
he was asked on a live If he wanted to be an influencer, he said no. Why’s he got a PR manager then? I reckon PoshPollyPumPum was right. He is work shy. He’ll do anything to earn a quick bit of coin and roll around.
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I'm frankly relieved for those children that they don't appear to be with either parent. I hope that they are now having the childhood that they deserve to have.
How awful though, if it is as it appears, that 2 children don't have a parent deemed fit to look after them properly. They have had such a turbulent and hectic start to their young lives. No childhood is perfect but I think theirs must have been particularly difficult.

I really hope that they're together at least.
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Chatty Member
its quite scary how much pure hate towards her is seen as normal

i cant think of one person on here that likes KP but the pure hate is weird considering kp has not done anything to them and it was just as bad before all the B & J stuff you can feel the hate through the posts
Supporting domestic abuse and someone even saying they hope Carl gave her a good hiding - completely unhinged and disgusting.
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His live last night was a cringe fest, told his opponent not to use power ups, then he won using power ups. His opponent looked well pissed. I can’t believe I’m writing this about grown adults!
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He’s definitely been told to try and get his insta engagement up. All the story polls and the ‘surprise’ announcement post he did 🙄 As for all the gym shots and advertising his fitness/OF 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sorry if anyone on here finds him attractive, but I just think he looks like a dirty seedy old man 🤢 Just his desperation to be ‘famous’ is off putting enough, without all the posing and pouting he does.
He's grim isn't he? I find him repulsive. I don't think Michelle is anything special but I think he's punching with her. I find the whole relationship weird really- its like the only thing they have in common is that they hate KP.
And it's like they live 2 different lives. Michelle tries to portray she's living the high life, always posing and posting expensive things and going nice places. And kieran just sits in his nans old house in the country doing stuff around the garden or his dining table! 😆😆 I think it's obvious that if someone with a bit of cash came along and swept Michelle off her feet she would be gone in a flash!
And still we have no word on the GFM! I'm pretty sure Michelle has spent it all by now though
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Bull***t Buster

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To be honest,I read it as a dig at V’s real father and subtle praise for KH. I’m sure she doesn’t mind a little dig at KP and her parenting skills (if she has indeed lost the kids again) at the same time

but the “why not shout about it” might be a dig at something else that KH hasn’t posted or because she got criticised for posting about KPs kids on social media, it’s hard to tell 🤔
Have they done anything else to celebrate their 6 year anniversary this weekend, or were the flowers and box of FerreroRocher all she got this year?? A bit of a climb down from last years festivities!
I also read it as a dig at V’s dad and praise for KH. Who knows? I’m on a separate note the consensus on the KP thread is that she has lost the kids but I don’t think they are with KH/MP either. The plot thickens! I just hope they are somewhere safe, peaceful and loved.
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Definitely cant post anything to do with the kids (J&B) online. I would say Michelle knows she's going as close to the line as she can....for what? To wind up KP? She's as bad as her. Just do something in private for once in your life, looks like the ban on V appearing on socials lasted 5 minutes too.
Michelle is trouble. Kids better off with Wendy imo
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Jesus Mary and the nobhead donkey
It's a gossip site. It's not real life.
I get annoyed Jack Monroe got away with all the scams she pulled. They make KP look not that bad at times with her financial shite.
The day it makes you put 20 angry faces on a message to a stranger or makes you feel so low you can't face things is the day you should have a break from tattle or at least remember it's a site meant to make you laugh predominantly.
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