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It’s a total bore fest or should that be vest. He just sits there with Alexa playing garage in his silly fucking vest begging for gifts. Zero charisma, zero bants, he brings absolutely nothing to the table in terms of entertaining lives. How he has the audacity I do not know
Oh he brings plenty to the table 🤣
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Sad to see posters I once thought were spot on joining the fucking mob mentality !! What an awful awful way to carry on with people just coz they don't/won't share the same views as you!! I'm still waiting for confirmation that KH has stopped trying to shag any woman with a pulse and they are living happily ever after and all that money donated was worth it because they're amazing people!! I don't mind waiting.....but it won't come from watching their sickly Instagram posts that's for sure!! I do not believe all is well in the Hayler household!! Sorry to you guys who have tried so hard to get your points'll have more chance getting through to my teenager hahhaa xx
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Aren't most things on here hearsay? As has been pointed out many times, it's a gossip site. None of us know why or when the kids were removed, and frankly it's not our right to know anyway.

However, what is a fact is that some people would not have donated to the GFM had they been made aware of the things they now know. One donor has been honest enough to say that she's asked for a refund, and I personally doubt she's the only one because GFM have paused the fund and say they're working with the organiser for a resolution. I will paste the screenshot again for you below.

The fact is nobody knows what's going on in that family, which is right. Raising money for an outcome in a family that none of know just doesn't sit right with me.

View attachment 2908460
This exactly! But don’t forget, if it’s said on the KP thread, it’s fact and it’s come from posters who actually ‘know’ these people. But if it’s on this thread, it’s merely ‘hearsay’ 🙄
Make it make sense!!
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No unless you are old school BA (they tried to skank their pensions 🤬) the money is low. People do it for the great perks.

Anyone can send tips for a story into newspapers btw. Or even better Popbitch lol. Ive had a few included on that 😂
BA cabin crew have a ‘licence’ and in order to keep it you need to fly every three months I think it is, so it stays valid. From the looks of it, that’s what Michelle is doing.
Also, in reference to previous posts about her getting cheap holidays, as a BA employee she will get one set of very cheap (circa £200pp) flights per year, (called ABC’s), and after that she can fly ‘standby’ where she’ll just pay the taxes. As far as accommodation goes, she will be able to email hotels directly for ‘airline rates’ and also take advantage of crew rates at hotels all over the world. But no, her actual pay isn’t really that great. And would certainly be boosted massively by, I dunno, say £16k from a certain GFM!
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He said he’s glad to be back with his ‘community’ 😂😂😂

Gone off now but be Back on live tomorrow.
That’s what I absolutely hate the most about the TT beggars. Using phrases like team and community. It’s not a community at all. It’s manipulation and gaslighting people out of money by making them think they are part of something by gifting the host. He doesn’t even do anything entertaining just puts a silly little vest on and plays kisstory in the background.
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It's madness. Neither clearly have the kids but - hey, who cares, right?! - along as their pseudo-zeleb life goes on! No cares in the world.

I'm glad I don't use socials or I'd probably get more pissy about them but, you're so right, KH is an absolute dick! His head is looking weirder than usual though.
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I’m really really shit at interpreting emoji hints, and read this as ‘bum trumpet’, and the worst bit is my brain just accepted it 😂
This thread has had me in tears the last couple of days 😂. I’ve read sentences I’ve never thought I’d read. Bum trumpet just made me roar 😂😂
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I only know female Sams, so assumed female 😂.

KH has referenced A New Hope for Ethan on his stories, saying the last time he was at football was for sellebrity soccer for that. I looked it up and it has a Just Giving page. Now I think he’s been vague on that ‘thank you’ post so if there’s any shit with his GFM he can say I wasn’t talking about that, I don’t know about it, I meant Sellebrity soccer. If there’s no shit from the GFM he can say Look, I said thanks.

(Yes I’m pissing about when I should be doing laundry)!
Yeah I feel the same, deliberately ambiguous so he can use it to fit what ever narrative he needs of too at the time.
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This is real life for some.
I don't think you realise how deeply this goes. We've had people who have been owed money try to talk and then have to dissappear.
People have been financially ruined by kp, emotionally ruined. People are invested as it's gone on for so long.
Mocking people for it is bad form really. Everyone wants a good outcome for the creditors, the children and any bloody animals she gets her hands on!
99.9 percent of posters on here have never met her nor are affected by her. I post on both threads . Does she piss me off getting away with stuff? Yep but she's not personally affecting my life , neither is KH. Its supposed to be a light-hearted site for a bit of a piss taking not obsessively posting about fantasies of taking her down creating gofundmes. She has already lost most of her fortune and her looks, If you are letting strangers affect you so much you might need a break.
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These pics and memes r what I need rn. Poor Hayler household the butt of all the jokes. Be awkward singing ring o roses with the kids cause his ring defo aint like roses.
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I'm sorry if anything iv posted has offended you or pissed you off. All of my comments regarding crew are from my experience of 20+ years with my airline- iv said I have little to no knowledge on BA!
I don't think iv picked up on your posts but apologise if they have gone missed
You haven’t pissed me off and your post earlier about KP butchering herself is very pertinent and empathetic. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that aren’t so logical in their posts. I hope you carry on making the most of your perks with whichever airline you work for - life is for living so make the most of it 👍
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Why wouldn't MP want him doing the lives - is it because people might make uncomfortable comments about her? Or has he said explicitly that she doesn't support it?
I don’t know but it seems odd that he hasn’t done a live since the piegate blew up then came back on when she was away with work. He said last night she was back today. Before pie gsfe they were doing lives while a family games night was happening -V and MP wernt in shot but you could hear them.

also last night a couple of viewers were asking how V was. At one point he asked if they were his school friends. He mentioned a few times that V was probably watching but not clicking on the live so KH couldn’t see he had joined (you can watch a live on the FYP) without actively clicking to join). He said he was probably doing it to make sure kh wasn’t embarrassing him.

I was only taking the piss. I don’t know for sure that MP doesn’t let him go live. I do think he gives off submissive vibes though and clearly likes a dominate woman. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did sex parties / swinging / kink at some point. She must be open minded to be fine with his gay for pay and p0rn background.
She hates his little vest
Can we start a gfm to pay for my therapy costs - I’ve got the most severe post traumatic vest syndrome 😂

I mean I’m clearly triggered by vests. They do give me the ick but with kh it’s not the vest it’s the beggyness. If you watch his lives he’s constantly leaning back to get his body in shot and doing subtle little muscle flex’s ect. It’s the same as a bird coming on live wearing a bikini. It’s beyond cringe. I saw one live before pie gate #2 when he was just about to do a battle . He said the other guy always wins cos he’s topless after that the fucking vests come out. His lives a beyond boring and he knows it.
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What really breaks my heart is if Jett & Bunny have been removed from KP and that is looking increasingly likely but haven't been placed with K & M then that is no fucking victory or cause for clinking champagne glasses!! Those poor kids must be feeing all kinds of hurt and anquish.....just because KP is a shitty person doesn't mean those kids don't love her......she is all Jett has had for nearly 2 years so the poor lad will be traumatised!!
Then M posting about K weekend away with just V and her home alone with A is fucking cold and callous!! What if J&B see that? It just looks shit posting it for all too see!! I'm so sad for those 2 kids!! There are absolutely no winners in this fight!! 😪

This. Just this! Those kids have been emotionally neglected by both parties.
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Of course he’s still shagging about. He’s 36 isn’t he? If you’re still playing about at that age you’re unlikely to stop. Most lads grow out of that behaviour in their 20s. It’s clearly a relationship of convenience to MP. She couldn’t do the long haul lay overs for work without the dads stepping in for the childcare and it doesn’t look like V’s father is on the scene much. She’s desperate for the influencer lifestyle . If they split up she would loose most of her 12k followers. No more Chanel bags and spa breaks for her. It’s all for show all of it.
my ex is 62 and still putting it about 😩
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I get that and it’s absolutely appropriate in some cases but I can’t understand it with Kieran, he hasn’t done anything wrong I thought? That’s what’s been peddled for months and months. He’s had his kids stolen off him and he’s distraught and fighting in court and doing it all by the book with all those sky high legal costs racking up along the way and now they’ve allegedly been removed from her and he’s won in court. So I don’t understand it. Maybe there’s some truth in it that he doesn’t want them back full time.
After such a long time away from him, the kids wouldn’t be sent straight back. There would be a transition period, it would be slow and always with the kids needs in mind. IF he has “won” I would expect the children to be back with him by start of school in September. That’s a big IF as (rightfully) no one other than their family and the courts/SS etc will be privy to this
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