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I've never got why anonymous people accuse anonymous people of being two faced! I'm sick to death of saying it now....its a gossip forum....we are GOSSIPING about people we don't know !! Policing these threads is becoming ridiculous now!! Can't mention K or M over there unless you're blowing sunshine up their arses......can't talk about them here without being 2 faced!! People are taking this far too seriously now!! 😒 ffs man such a wonderful dad that if his kids google his name the first thing they will see is him lying over the dining table with his arsehole on show!!
I just don’t understand being called two faced. It doesn’t make sense to me. I post on both but adapt the content slightly depending on whose thread I’m on . There’s going to be a cross over of content as they are embroiled in the drama. There isn’t a rule about not talking about what’s on one thread in an another is there? Especially when they linked like these. I see people mentioning other threads all the time.

I think they are both cunts, KP more so obviously but all this picking sides seems very playground. just because KH didn’t break any laws doesn’t mean his and mistress MP’s actions didn’t also harm the children. fighting, arguing, pie throwing, women coming to the door for arguments all counts as emotional neglect. If the police were called about kh being abused by mp SS would have been notified to attend to that household too. Yes we know all that and worse went on with KP but all the more reason for KH’s home to be safe. They went from one unstable home to another.

As I said - I don’t think the recent court case was private, I think it was lead by local authority / SS. I also don’t think custody has been finalised. If I am correct and it is local authority lead the court fees would be no where near as high as speculated…
I've never got why anonymous people accuse anonymous people of being two faced! I'm sick to death of saying it now....its a gossip forum....we are GOSSIPING about people we don't know !! Policing these threads is becoming ridiculous now!! Can't mention K or M over there unless you're blowing sunshine up their arses......can't talk about them here without being 2 faced!! People are taking this far too seriously now!! 😒 ffs man such a wonderful dad that if his kids google his name the first thing they will see is him lying over the dining table with his arsehole on show!!
ITS NOT ILLEGAL THOUGH… to spread hIs arsehole on the family games night dining table. He’s still a good dad even if he shags half the village, and passes round a video of his kids being abused. He works hard to provide for his kids … doing gay for pay and begging on TT and he absolutely did not take nearly 17k of people’s money for court fees that he wouldn’t need for a local authority child protection court case….
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So Michelle can wear all the fake designer gear, Kieran has to stick lots of objects up his rear
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If it is number 1 then she is looking at life like it’s a game, its like the way she’s always got to reference B in her Instagram stories.. it’s like she wants to poke the bear (skank)
I get that she probably despises her but the best way to get one over on KP is to just go quiet, have a happy life and make sure them kids are loved, cared for and happy where they are.. just like Peter did with his children.

K needs to open his gob and tell her to stop using B to point score on Instagram.
I said this on the KP thread and got jumped for it. ‘Why should she hide away ect’ and I do get that but. She knows most of her followers are there because of her link to KP. She knows how antagonist KP is. And she knows it will wind her up. For the sake of sanity, peace, the children all adults should have kept the kids from the socials. I’ve worked with a few families where there has been one antagonistic parent and all adults have been told to keep children off socials and not do anything that could inflame a volatile situation. MP could carry on living that boujee life and share all the extravagance to close friends and family instead she shares it to 12k followers …
KH and MP image is tarnished now
yeah she likes the money she is ok with him showing his bum hole on the table and all the other gross photos (i cant think of anybody i know well that would be ok with this

and how she thinks she can lord it over people with her designer labels is pretty funny,she has not even got her own home and is living in KH nans old house,they have nothing of substance i guess they think the fake designer labels make them someone

the old saying "all fur coat and no knickers"is a true statement in this case
Fancy showing off Chanel handbags and Gucci shoes knowing your boyfriends bum’ole and pinny helped pay for it ! I couldn’t 😂😂😂
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my ex is 62 and still putting it about 😩
Not to Elevenerife you but my Mum's bestie's Ex is 80 - and still shagging around! She caught him out when he accidentally recorded himself shagging one of his other women on an Iphone that he then gave to her as a gift. She told me all about it, yum 🤢😂
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This! How the fuck is this ok! This man Carl Woods was complicit in the emotional abuse and neglect of KH kids and animals and now he's hanging around like CW is his bestie!

If he had respect for his kids he wouldn't be doing this? Even if CW did help him with custody battle that doesn't make him a good person. It's too late! He stood idly by while B&J lives were ruined! And besides CW has his own motives for getting back at KP!

Seeing this makes me think the kids are better off staying with Wendy for the long term because they at least might have safety, respect and privacy there. Fuck the parents because they've let down all their kids.

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I just don’t get why these photos are in the public domain. Absolute nonentities- Z list is an inspiration they’ll never achieve no matter how much the twats “manifest”. The blokes look like they’ve shoehorned themselves into Primark kiddies clothes and there they are thinking they look amazing - fucking gonks. They are all as bad as each other and should crawl (!) back into the cesspit they came from.
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Oh my. I just picked up a wee bracelet at the thrift/charity store on my lunch (as the colours match my dress for a work thing on Tuesday evening) and.. Oh my gosh. What are the chances? 🤣🤣

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he sounds like a complete ptick
Well yeah, a complete prick but also just not very bright.
In fact that’s doing him a kindness. The truth is there’s something of a want about him.
He’s just got nothing ‘about him’ if you know what I mean.
I remember many years ago when he was out for a birthday meal with Katie (spit) Price and his family and she humiliated him by bringing up his supposed misdeeds.
He just sat there like a child being chastised and looking gormless.
No attempt at telling her that it was neither the time nor the place.
I think most men (or women) put in that situation would have at least put up some form of defence.
Not our Kieran. He’s just sat there looking bemused with tweety birds flying round his head.
Another one I remember is that after he allegedly had the affair with Jane Pountney and was outed by Katie (spit) as a sex addict he was interviewed by the Sun newspaper and here’s how it went …

“Yes, I am a sex addict. I will be going for treatment. I am a bad man. I will get better”.
All said in the voice and intonation of a Dalek.
He later admitted, after they had split up, that it was all lies.
The whole thing was staged for money.
Funnily enough, I can’t find that interview anywhere but it definitely took place.
I remember thinking at the time that this guy was reading off a script and he was talking shit.
I don’t know much about tikky tokky but if he’s the calibre of what’s on there then I’ll pass thanks.
If you’ve made it this far then thank you for listening to my insomniac essay.
I don’t get out much.
If I can’t sleep tomorrow night then I might do another essay on Michelle … 😜
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I'm only a chatty member because I post sometimes but I drop in and out. I've been here since 2020. What I remember about the 'angel like' member is that she had had some problems in her life and she did go a bit wacky sometimes but I felt like she had a good heart. She was just a bit of a barmy bird - we all know one 🙂 I had some nice interactions with her. I must admit to earlier feeling a bit sus about her involvement (her problems were, had she took them back up, stuff that would need a lot of money) but now I'm wondering if someone took advantage of her and talked her into bigging up the GFM? Maybe she's now feeling pretty terrible and hiding away. If that's the case then I hope she's okay.

It's just a thought.. I know I'd feel terrible if that had happened to me. I even considered donating when it was at it's height because I was feeling bad for the children's treatment at KP's house. I didn't in the end because I felt like I didn't know enough about the situation and KH gives me the ick a bit.

That Hayler's law stuff was when I stopped following the thread. It was just too much. Too silly. He's just a divorced dad that had kids with a nutter and has his own issues - every village has one. It doesn't require a law or a GFM.
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Still begs the question doesn't it though. What did the money pay for if he still hasn't got the kids?
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Of course he’s still shagging about. He’s 36 isn’t he? If you’re still playing about at that age you’re unlikely to stop. Most lads grow out of that behaviour in their 20s. It’s clearly a relationship of convenience to MP. She couldn’t do the long haul lay overs for work without the dads stepping in for the childcare and it doesn’t look like V’s father is on the scene much. She’s desperate for the influencer lifestyle . If they split up she would loose most of her 12k followers. No more Chanel bags and spa breaks for her. It’s all for show all of it.
I think she’s desperate for the influencer lifestyle too! Maybe that’s why she stays with KH? Don’t know why though because he’s hardly going to get her anywhere In the z’list celebrity world.. all he is known for now is being a serial cheat and showing off his chocolate starfish.
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I'm going to post this on here as im scared I'll get shot down as soon as I say it on the kp thread, and my aim isn't to upset anyone or to cause divisions or be seen as being 2 faced.
But iv seen those pics of kp and her lips that she's just had done.....and I dunno I had this huge wave of empathy or something. I don't know if empathy is the right word. Don't get me wrong I can't stand her. I think she's disgusting in so many ways, especially regarding the kids and the money she owes. But as a woman, I find it sad that she's clearly butchering herself. Some say she deserves it, and maybe she does. But I don't know her, never met her or had a conversation- she's not done me harm or been nice to me- i don't know her from Adam. But I just find it shocking what she's doing to herself, she's becoming grotesque! Does she think those lips look nice?
So yeh, I just had to post this because I just find it so sad. A once attractive woman who had the world at her feet is now without her kids and looking like a monster. I don't know what mh problems or disorders she has but she clearly has some, and a part of me just feels sorry for her. Don't get me wrong she needs to pay for any harm she's caused but I still find it hard to watch this downfall. She's still the kids mum and she's a human being.
I don't know what I'm trying to say or what I mean other than I do find it sad.
I also keep thinking about Jett. No matter what we think, she's still his mum and she's all he's known, he must be missing her and wanting cuddles. It's so sad to see play out. Iv always thought the divorce with KH hit her hard if I'm honest.
(Please don't all come at me for this comment its only my thoughts!) Xx
Oh don't ever feel bad for being empathetic!! It's OK to hate the things she does but not wish harm on her!! As you say none of us really know her ! You sound like a lovely caring person so don't second guess yourself for feeling sorry for her! I hate when people wish death on her or say she deserves to be abused because she is a mother of 5 children who would be affected forever if anything happened to her!! I can't agree with any of that shite!! I'm a survivor of horrific domestic abuse but I also know at times I fought back.....I would hate anyone to say I was as bad as him!! Yes I know KP is a cunt but wishing bad things on her makes us cunts too!! Xx
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Kieran is out with Carl Woods again!
This! How the fuck is this ok! This man Carl Woods was complicit in the emotional abuse and neglect of KH kids and animals and now he's hanging around like CW is his bestie!

If he had respect for his kids he wouldn't be doing this? Even if CW did help him with custody battle that doesn't make him a good person. It's too late! He stood idly by while B&J lives were ruined! And besides CW has his own motives for getting back at KP!

Seeing this makes me think the kids are better off staying with Wendy for the long term because they at least might have safety, respect and privacy there. Fuck the parents because they've let down all their kids.

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Sad to see posters I once thought were spot on joining the fucking mob mentality !! What an awful awful way to carry on with people just coz they don't/won't share the same views as you!! I'm still waiting for confirmation that KH has stopped trying to shag any woman with a pulse and they are living happily ever after and all that money donated was worth it because they're amazing people!! I don't mind waiting.....but it won't come from watching their sickly Instagram posts that's for sure!! I do not believe all is well in the Hayler household!! Sorry to you guys who have tried so hard to get your points'll have more chance getting through to my teenager hahhaa xx
Of course he’s still shagging about. He’s 36 isn’t he? If you’re still playing about at that age you’re unlikely to stop. Most lads grow out of that behaviour in their 20s. It’s clearly a relationship of convenience to MP. She couldn’t do the long haul lay overs for work without the dads stepping in for the childcare and it doesn’t look like V’s father is on the scene much. She’s desperate for the influencer lifestyle . If they split up she would loose most of her 12k followers. No more Chanel bags and spa breaks for her. It’s all for show all of it.
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Please can we not come in to pick arguments? We mostly stay away from the main thread, and keep our views around KH, MP, the GFM etc here where we can have a sensible discussion and not just Cunt bomb our way through the topics 😂

You're probably not going to find anything you like in here!

they might not like what we comment on but many deffo read the thread all the likes on Willows are from the KP thread
maybe this thread is more popular than we thought

KH deemed the pie video bad enough to send to a woman he wanted sympathy from and also said what he had to put up with
people cant just pick and choose what parts they want to forget about
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Had a reply from GFM:

After reviewing the fundraiser in question, we have determined that your donation is not covered under our Guarantee, so we will be unable to refund it. For complete details and limitations, please review our full policy.

In addition to the report you have submitted, we encourage you to contact law enforcement officials in your area if you believe this user is committing fraud or breaking the law in any way. We will cooperate with any investigation that law enforcement deems necessary.

I then emailed back and asked for the reason why they were unable to refund. This is the reply:

Thanks for following up here.

Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the outcomes of our decisions/investigations for privacy and security reasons.

However, as previously stated, I would highly encourage you to contact your local law enforcement regarding this matter, especially if you feel fraud or misuse of the raised funds has occurred.

While I understand this may not be the outcome you wanted, I'll be here to assist you further if anything else arises.

I don’t know what to make of it tbh…
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I think she’s one of those women that like the adulation and attention they get when they’re pregnant or when they are tiny but I don’t think she really sees them as people in their own right. They are either props to bolster up her ‘great mum’ charade, or an extension of herself, a ‘mini me’.
That's typical Narcissist behaviour - they see their children as an extension of themselves. I don't rate KP's parenting skills at all, but I don't think KH looks like a good option at all, his kids look to be estranged from him still and what's he doing? Photo ops with the man who sat back and laughed while he was accused of horrible sex offences.

Whole thing's fucking weird.
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I’m going to be that person 😅 but this just further solidifies the deception that’s been going on I think 🫣

But I suppose it could equally just be pure bollocks that he’s even “won” in court. We don’t know if he’s even been to court at all. Everyone has run with it on Not-Michelle’s say so and ambiguous posts about long days in London.

The kids ain’t with either biological parent for a reason, that much is obvious!
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I dislike Kipper but them posting pally buddy buddy pictures - given what has happened - is purely to antagonise. I regret ever defending the Mr Pokey bum. Next thing they'll be doing an OF collab... 🤢
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