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yep them sandals will be fake just like the Chanel bag on the brighton reel on KH
MP lives in a rented house and hardly stylish inside and is far to small for the family when J & B lived/visited she has nothing so i dont believe the designer goods are genuine

pretty sad if you cover yourself in fakes,the odd thing ok but have you noticed she always makes sure you can see the designer name says alot about her im afraid
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Are you still at it haha!! 😆😬😂
It’s one thing to have a difference of opinions but it’s really not on Coming for each other
I post on both threads but I’ve seen more vitriol and hate on this one for other posters recently and posting on the other thread literally to cause arguments
Bit sad Trolling other posters on a gossip forum
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But Michelle did leave him. More than once I believe. She moved out with her two boys. Left Keiran with B&J. And proceeded to post on IG how her boys were her world and all that mattered to her . Not the stable home people like to believe.
She did move out, yes - but I'm not convinced that the photo Kieran sent to his mistress with the suitcase was her leaving - it could just be her going abroad for work or a hol. Kieran wanted his mistress to believe M was leaving.
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Personally I think if you give donations to people you do not know, you then can’t cry foul if you suddenly regret the donation based on new information.
This is the risk you take when making the donation.
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Chatty Member
I’ve been reading back through the postings tonight as I find it fascinating. Started with “someone has set up” then somehow without explanation “the person that set up the GFM” was getting in touch with them for an update, then Sam was attending meet-ups in person with them to provide updates, this tattler then seemed to become an insider that could offer guarantees about what was happening and how much money was needed, and then finally that they’d trust Sam with their life.

Identifying details scored out to hopefully avoid any issues…
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Honestly , who cares about any of that except her close family and odd friend. It's just bizarre.
I am genuinely fascinated when people write like this, as well as nauseated.
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Nelly's mum

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I love how this thread only ever turns aggro for a brief second before returning to silly and hilarious
It is quite refreshing - posters can say what they like without a pile on. Just 'like' what you agree with and scroll on by if you don't agree 👍
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I think she’s desperate for the influencer lifestyle too! Maybe that’s why she stays with KH? Don’t know why though because he’s hardly going to get her anywhere In the z’list celebrity world.. all he is known for now is being a serial cheat and showing off his chocolate starfish.
I think she might have decided to stay with KH because either:

1. In her mind KP 'wins' if she leaves him
2. She doesn't want to give V and A a 'broken home'

Could be some combo of 1 and 2, I think more likely 1
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How about The Bummers? Apparently that's what we are for questioning the GFM and, know😁🤭

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I watched for literally 3 minutes… this guy must have the IQ of a brick, he can barely string a sentence together! 😴😴😴
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Wonder do they use a normal vacuum or does Michelle just get a seat with a hole cut out of it and get Kieran to sit on it and she wheels it around and his bumhole just sucks everything up?
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Final thought, I really hope J & B don't see all of the happy families pics on Insta, of which there seem to have been a massive overlead recently, many involving their Dad with his 'new' family. I think it would really upset them.
I wondered that too, there was one last week calling V 'best big brother'. I don't think Michelle was deliberately having a dig at Jett, but it was at the very least insensitive - she seems very childish. Personally I don't think she gives a fig about J&B and uses them (more so B) to have a pop at her enemies.
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Did you notice that little sentence “so fortunate to have you at home with me everyday “
I wish she’d stop
in comparison to her partner who hasn’t seen his two children consistently for years. Passive aggressive cheap shots strikes again. They probably had a row 😅🤦🏼‍♀️
Yep! I just think if those poor kids were to read that or be told its been written it's just gonna make them feel even more unloved and unwanted!! If she is not allowed to mention J&B then perhaps she should make a private insta so she can brag about her 2!!
She wouldn’t even need to make a private account she could set her stories to close friends and family and just select those she wants to see her boujee perfect life.
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I couldn’t care less how many woman he sleeps with & has on the go, that’s his business & if M is willing to put up with that’s up to her. It crossed a line the minute he shared that a video, to garner sympathy for sex from another woman. That put her in an awful position as it’s a safeguarding issue and it’s everyone’s responsibility to report. (Why she choose to share it around a small village instead, makes her equally as bad) Where was his fatherly instinct? He should himself of removed those children & protected them from emotional abuse and sought help for his addiction.
This exactly my thoughts too, it's his actions around the cheating - sharing that video of his partner and kids to get sympathy for sex, is disgusting. Sam conveniently omitted that fact when trying to get money and painting him as a great father. Personally I don't think KH deserves the money knowing all this now. I don't blame those who donated, they weren't given full facts - and I do acknowledge that some would still feel happy to donate as is their right
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Had a reply from GFM:

After reviewing the fundraiser in question, we have determined that your donation is not covered under our Guarantee, so we will be unable to refund it. For complete details and limitations, please review our full policy.

In addition to the report you have submitted, we encourage you to contact law enforcement officials in your area if you believe this user is committing fraud or breaking the law in any way. We will cooperate with any investigation that law enforcement deems necessary.

I then emailed back and asked for the reason why they were unable to refund. This is the reply:

Thanks for following up here.

Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the outcomes of our decisions/investigations for privacy and security reasons.

However, as previously stated, I would highly encourage you to contact your local law enforcement regarding this matter, especially if you feel fraud or misuse of the raised funds has occurred.

While I understand this may not be the outcome you wanted, I'll be here to assist you further if anything else arises.

I don’t know what to make of it tbh…
Looks like they have done their checks and are happy that it is not a scam? I wonder what checks they actually do? Did they just want proof of K acknowledging the GFM made by Sam? Just because it’s above aboard on who the money has gone too.. doesn’t mean that it was used towards legal fees.

If K was this caring amazing Dad and so grateful for strangers raising money for him then I don’t see why he wouldn’t tell Sam’ to refund you your payment asap instead of ignoring you… tbh that says a lot about Kieron!
You’ve got KP scamming the tax man and KH scamming the public. 🤬
Wonder if Angelic was infact Sam?
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