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Chatty Member
How much does he need for court? It's not that expensive. It's not like kipper can afford expensive barristers. I took an ex to court for maintenance. It's not that bad.
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I do get the point about the video....but what I am saying is 2 people (and these are confirmed posters) have said there is a video.....people thought this video was significant enough to try and sell it to the red tops....rightly they refused because it contains in that video there must be something happening that can be construed as ABUSE.....however it could be twisted is another matter...we are never gonna see this video but the fact is it exists....the other fact is Jett doesn't see his dad.....Bunny only sees her dad and her baby brother.....KP doesn't hold any power over what decisions are by childrens in my eyes something happened to initiate investigations.....this goes beyond just the word of KP....but you will not see this and that's ok...we have differing views about it....
I think what you're saying about the video is reasonable so I do sort of agree. I think it could be similar to the Jonny Depp situation where he was shown angry about something but there's no context. It turned out his mother had just died didn't it? I have to say I watched that and thought, he's horrible he's lost it and is probably abusive. I would say KP does have power over SS because she could have exaggerated many accusations to go along with any video. SS have a duty to investigate and it will take months. That's what people rely on when making false allegations, they know it will mess up someone's life for months as investigations takes so long, even if it's a process to look at a video and say it's not evidence of anything. The accuser can then spend those months telling everyone it was abuse being investigated.

Yes I disagree on your last point because I do think this is all firmly from the world of KP. She has form of lying about partner and smearing them for decades.
I don’t believe its been proven or stated publicly that the stalking charge was aimed at his own kids. That’s another assumption

At this point, considering the number of different posters that have given a similar account of what was on the video, e.g. it was some kind of altercation involving MP and the kids…AT LEAST shouting and scaring them, possibly throwing something at them, I think it’s a stretch to still say ‘anything could be on the video’

DC has confirmed its along these lines, KP has also posted to allude to the video being bad and threatened to post it publicly. She’s apparently also tried to sell it to the media.

we’ve seen loads of people try to justify the outburst as long as it’s only verbal , there’s also been many people making a joke out of throwing pudding (with or without a plate)…apparently all mums lose it sometimes and it doesn’t mean she’s bad or as bad as KP. It’s all pretty gross, and I can totally see why some people get upset and angry.
The posters that came on here last summer to highlight the existence of the video, explained how it got out there… their timeline and explanation made sense and matched clearly with an obvious split by KH and MP followed by grovelling ‘my world’ posts by KH, and then soon after, B and J stopped living with them and haven’t been seen around MP ever since. I don’t really care if those posters were closer to the real people involved than they said or if they had a motive to get the information out there, it’s still credible.
It’s not credible to me to suggest that nothing much of anything is on that video. Something happened with those MP and those kids last summer.
The 2 posters on here that dispearred seemed very suspicious, one on them knew Kieran was being arrested the night it happened. Only someone who was being informed about an investigation would know that.

KP was the one that stated Kieran was arrested for something involving the kids. Police said he was arrested for stalking. This implies part of the 'stalking' report involved contacting the kids.

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. I don’t really care if those posters were closer to the real people involved than they said or if they had a motive to get the information out there, it’s still credible.
It’s not credible to me to suggest that nothing much of anything is on that video. Something happened with those MP and those kids last summer.
I don't see how they can be credible if they were people very close to KP ( or even herself) and they had an agenda to paint M & K in
a bad light. These people came on here shortly after KP narrowly escaped prison for abusing Michelle personally. Then some very intense anonymous posts about Michelle being violent build up on here for months which I find highly suspicious personally. Especially as they disappeared as soon as Kieran was arrested. That would be the very definition of highly biased , which makes info less credible IMO.

But yes, we will obviously disagree on that. I think Kieran will be with Jett again soon.
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I know people call Katie rightly so she has done questionable things but katie and jet said he doesn’t even his dad because the police was involved and social now social would allow contact if it was safe so the fact social say no must be serious .
I wonder why they’d let him keep his other child
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KIERAN HAYLER # 3 -- He could do a plaster class of his bumhole but he chose to become friendly with Cole

If someone can report my comment I think mods can link to new thread I'm lost this morning , it was mix off an old Cakeyface comment and recent events.
Can mids please close this thread and use the last post as the title my brain is really nor working today
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As far as I'm aware keiran didn't ask anyone to set up the go fund me. And that money is to be sued solely for his custody case. So there money is theirs to do what they want with. This is a keiran hayler thread and I honestly can say I dont think I have ever seen him flaunt any wealth at all. You have to remember people on social media let you see what they want you too. I imagine they are far from loaded, although sure all this helps because he probably got paid for the photos of him the other day. Sure he would probably rather have his kids like.
Imagine if it was all just a giant ploy to make more money for them all.

Let's face it katie has form..

As far as I'm aware keiran didn't ask anyone to set up the go fund me. And that money is to be sued solely for his custody case.

partly true he did not set it up BUT you are wrong if you think it is solely for the custody case KH can use them funds for whatever he sees fit,why did you think it was to be used for that his supporters have already said they are not bothered what it is spent on

i do think it would have been nice of him to acknowledge the fund nothing big but a personal thank you would have been a thumbs up to the donaters
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Does anyone know why kieran always stays home when she goes on holiday. Noticed twice now she's gone away with 1 or both kids and hes stayed home. Used to think it was weird when Katie would do it as well.
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I know he has parental responsibility.

In the pic I shared, it states if both parents have parental responsibility, they both need to give consent for an overseas trip, *unless* there’s a child arrangements order in place (which states which parent has primary custody and has the kids residing with them). I am saying that there is very likely a child arrangements order in place which says they currently live with KP, and therefore she can legally take them overseas, without his permission, for up to 28 days.
The pic you shared had the 'does not have parental responsibility'part highlighted, so that's what I thought you were highlighting.

I don't think your logic holds up because these rules about permission being needed are not enforced most of the time. They are 'rules' not laws so don't become enforced until someone goes down the court route most of the time.

I seriously doubt KP has a child arrangements giving her 100% residency because if she did, Kieran going round there trying to speak to them and phoning then would be harassment.....but he was let off no case to answer.
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KIERAN HAYLER # 3 -- He could do a plaster class of his bumhole but he chose to become friendly with Cole

If someone can report my comment I think mods can link to new thread I'm lost this morning , it was mix off an old Cakeyface comment and recent events.
Is the new thread up Poopoo, I can't find it on search
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Fuckkks sake!! I have never seen this happen on any other thread!! It's actually exhausting and very very tedious.....the KP thread used to be one of my fave threads!! I thought people never took it too seriously and was such a laugh....all posters were made welcome....then I were only welcome if you shared the same views 100%!! Dare question anything and it can become a pile on....with quite an aggressive tone!! I've also never seen as many people tell people to piss off back to the person they are questioning's thread....then come over to defend them !! KH and the GFM are both discussed all the time but dare say something slightly negative and the pitch forks are out!! No one knows him personally!! I've said it 100000 times this Is a gossip forum.....we are not all besties in real life!! Why so serious!! Honestly I'm so pissed off with it now!! Even if the shoes were old....why brag about them?? Why brag that you're in an expensive spa.....enjoy it but keep it private?? Why the fuck is it OK that CW is wishing KH a happy birthday?? That fucker has stood by and watched what KP has done to the kids for years!! He played an enormous part of it....don't forget he posted the shit hitting the fan when she made all them Jimmy Savile accusations !! Now they're besties and he's helping them!! Ohhh please!! Any normal man would Have fuck all to do with him!! But him and MP liking his posts etc is pathetic!! Jeeeeeeezzzzz 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I hope you aren't talking about me I never told anyone to piss off back to this thread.
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what on more than 1 occasion with more than one women
jeez talk about blame the women

I didnt know KP was shoving objects up her arse can you provide content please

Haha, is that the dividing line then? You're a crap parent if you're sticking stuff up your chocolate starfish to make a quid or few, but otherwise, anything else is fine????

Ok. 🤣🤣🤣
I haven't spoken to my mother for years....I couldn't care less what she does!!! My dad is my idol so yes I would be horrified if he was putting pics of me on Instagram....then posting links to his OF page where he sticks things up his bum.....🤷‍♀️
But you'd care if SHE was posting stuff all over about you surely?? Along with links to her OF shite? And horrified just the same? That was my question.
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Chatty Member
I can’t find the actual Insta post but this happened
View attachment 2090452

These games don’t look good on MP. I know a few of us keep getting jumped on for having doubts but we need to keep an open mind here. MP was raising the kids with KH but now suddenly isn’t and it all started with accusations about both MP and KH. Whilst we would all like to think there is nothing untoward going on or KP is exaggerating something small for revenge I am baffled as to why they aren’t following legal advice.
When my ex started trying to turn my kids against me, I saw a solicitor very quickly and it went to court. I was advised all the way through not to block, to always make it clear I wanted the kids to have a relationship with their dad if possible and keep communication.
He blocked me, wouldn’t respond to my solicitor etc and therefore looked obstructive.

So the advice to block and grey rock which is used for harassment sometimes isn’t always what is advised in all cases.
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I wondered initially if MP had 'liked' CW's posts by accident, but it happened a few times so I think it's deliberate.
She 'liked' a few of the Andres posts a while back, I think it's plausible that they could be in contact with the Hayler-Penticosts. Or maybe she's just interested in Pete and Emily and there's no contact as such there.
It’s another baffling situation involving MP. Last week CW also posted that KSR was his agent. She isn’t
I didn't know CW had posted that, wtf is going on? Why would he say that?
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