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VIP Member
There's another lady on there supporting them , she's on MPs insta stories but I won't share on here. I'm so glad more people are giving their support publicly.
Yeah. I don't think newspapers will touch his story though if he decided that he wanted to tell it, because there are children involved.
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Why ever not they show MP on the Katie Price thread i would of thought it should be more so on this thread as she is Kierons partner

she has thousands of followers that she does not know so she opens herself up to opinions

also she often shows pictures etc of the kids and involves herself in the whole circus with what is going on

your on the fence mrs b with this and the KFP threads you cant please everybody on both
She’s not a public figure I’m not even sure it’s technically meant to happen on Tattle. Private individuals usually don’t get posted - she couldn’t have a thread opened I don’t think. That’s why I’m asking. Also I just think reposting her stuff from a private IG plays into KP’s hands tbh
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No disrespect MrsEms, you're fab, but according to GoFundMe themselves, they rely on the community to keep the campaigns legit.

I'm not saying if it is or isn't, I don't know enough about it, but I do think it's pretty inappropriate to be asking for a £20K contribution towards legal fees while bragging about what looks like a very decadent lifestyle on Instagram. If I was Sam I would be capping it now, as for all intents and purposes it looks like they can afford to cover this themselves.
I see you're back on the KP thread @Webster1357

I like your profile pic but the cat with hood up was my fave
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Attempting to moderate, tone policing, or telling people what to post is against the rules, please report, keep scrolling or ignore a user
You really need to stop banging on and on about nobody actually knowing what's going're making yourself look very stupid repeating this time and time again especially as YOU yourself knows sod all either yet you insist there is a video of a pudding being thrown.
You don’t actually know what’s going on though .
I hate child abusers and just because Katie is a cunt does not mean what she has said isn’t true ….
verbal abuse is still not ok either !!
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Anyone else catch his family games night live with Michelle and V last night. Playing a board game whilst begging for gifts at the same time 🤦🏼‍♀️. Gave me the major ick. Could only manage sbout 10 mins of it.
No - was this on tiktok?

Any clues given about the situation?

How much money do you think is raised per live?

Strange that V now involved in lives
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Fair enough. My other points still stand though, which you have chosen not to comment on. I'm not that invested in it to be honest so let's leave it here.
Me neither which is why I didn’t comment on your other points because I’m not interested in those aspects - I just commented because despite evidence being shown a while back someone was still pushing a false narrative. Ciao.
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Is his hair transplant the operation Michelle was on about 🤣🤣🤣

But you can travel after one, most people who get them travel straight away.

So weird how she has a million holidays a year and they are never with her partner. Definatly think he's had to hand his passport over. 😏
He was in Mauritius with them last year. I don't think there's anything legally that would stop him travelling.
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Does anyone know if Kieran is still running his fitness business? It doesn't seem to be active on social media anymore. Maybe he still does personal training but more on a word of mouth basis for individuals?
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Sex work is work, some people like it and don't see it as shameful. Some people are good at it and take pride in it 🤪. It probably suits Kieran as he can do it at home when the kids are in bed.
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I'm not getting into a tit for tat. Especially one where someone is trying to compare soft porn to anal shit 🥴
I'm not either, I just asked the question. Surely all porn is porn? If it's wrong for one parent to film that in their house, then surely the same should be true for the other parents? There's no 'tit for tat' about it.
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But her social worker was sacked and appeared to be corrupt so I don't understand why nothing has been expedited to hurry the children back to their father especially when this is in the public arena.
Maybe the case isn't top of social workers priorities, especially if the system is under pressure and if the bar for removal is set particularly high. I have no experience of the system but anecdotally a few posters have said the bar is high to take kids out of a home.

Kieran's case may also take time - legal things often move very slowly.

I agree it's upsetting to think of them still with her and in a perfect world they would be with KH full time. I'm not hopeful that they will return to him full time unless a major incident happens (like if KP overdosed on drugs and was hospitalised). But at least if they could be living with him part of the time in future, that would be positive.
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Chatty Member
What I don't understand is this whole Fathers For Justice carry on! Firstly KH was in cahoots with them....then in my opinion they went far too over the top when they outed those poor children as victims of truly terrible, horrific things.....KH stopped mentioning them and apparently isn't happy they are still using the kids.....why the fuck has he not spoken out against it then!! Obviously from their last post PA must have been in touch as they are now just naming J&B so what is KH doing about it!! They're literally using pics of his daughter to insinuate all kinds! I would be going fucking ballistic!! Is he that much of a wet wipe that he would rather be flaunting himself around In a Spa with his new hair (that he had to use KP for) rather than speak out against someone using his kids as fair game!! Who the fuck is actually protecting those babbas these days?? I'm so fucking sick of pussy footing around this now!! Why doesn't he use some of his charity money to have a legal letter written to F4J or use his Instagram page like he had to for his fucking "free" hair....which will cost him nothing to say publicly that he does not agree and for them to stop using and naming HIS children!! Sorry for the rant but fuck me it's like watching a horror film.....
I haven’t seen any of this, where can I learn more? Do they have an IG?
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I know people call Katie rightly so she has done questionable things but katie and jet said he doesn’t even his dad because the police was involved and social now social would allow contact if it was safe so the fact social say no must be serious .
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so many kids are left on the bench without having 3 mins on,well that's my experience of teen football matches our manager clearly had his favourites
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Well-known member
In fairness , the KP sex tape was bad enough, but it was filmed in the era of low quality camera filming and forgotten- plus pretty sure it was leaked?

KH is literally showing everything, consistently to make money.

I know KP is on Only fans but am I right in thinking hers is just boobs and underwear?
Not sure what Carl's content is?
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Shoving tv remotes up your Gary Glitter isn't the same as showing a bit of ankle lol.
Didn't say it was.

The point I was getting at is it's a bit like the situation in the 1850s where people where shocked at certain occupations. Society has moved on and sex work or people having sex isn't considered scandalous.
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