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Chatty Member
Yeah she can't keep anything nice. Weird question but what is it above their bed? Is it a window or a terrible mirror!
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I'll be honest, when we got our kitchen done last year, i have put my microwave in a cupboard under my built in oven. Its only been used a handful of times. I do have a fully working hob though😂. I have never known anyone whose appliances break as often as hers do! Think i would be getting the electrics in the house checked out cos surely thats not normal? Hasnt the dishwasher broke twice, the food waste (waste of money!) thing broken, the oven stopped working at some point as well im sure.
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They don't even have a big lawn! It wouldn't take long to manually mow it. They need to het some grass seed and feed on that!
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That’s shocking!
I know. There's more too but I won't derail the thread and I'll probably write an essay

Now I follow Gentle Parenting, which is what Kerry claims to follow (sometimes when the hashtag suits!) and I followed the potty training guide. So she’s already mixing messages by putting her in nappies sometimes but letting her go in the potty other times.
It also talks about being physically ready for potty training, rather than ‘oh she’s 2, time to potty train’. Some children aren’t ready until 4 and no amount of rewards/all singing potty/praise is going to change that. Potty training should take less than 7 days and if it doesn’t then they are not ready. But how is Kerry going to know this is Roma is sometimes going on the potty and sometimes in a nappy. Far too confusing for the poor little one.
I definitely agree. My children were age 3 and picked it up in a matter of days, maybe 1 or 2 accidents but that's it. After then, it didn't take long for them to be dry at night either. It's because they were ready. I didn't pick a certain age and start. I knew they weren't ready at 2 or 2 and a half.
I was internally panicking at the time thinking they would start school and still be in a nappy 😆
They just need to be ready
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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
Whats going on with aria these days last i hesrd she was trying to get her seen for autism if i remmeber rightly ?
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What does Kerry see is warren 🤣 dresses like a 60 year old truck driver
What does he see in her?

she said in a comment on Instagram that they were off to London for the weekend. I don’t think I’d much fancy being in an outdoor pool in London though!
I don't mich fancy sharing a pool anywhere indoor outdoor. It the whole body fluids spitting splashing and dare i say wee.
I am an avid seimmer but I'll wait for another while before i take the splash.
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Latest post such poor mistakes from an influencer, it's like me when I don't wear my glasses. Very poor for an influencer though.
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I don’t even think that’s a current photo as I swear she used that Instagram frame from their wedding to hold strings of wee Polaroids somewhere in the house (not sure if bedroom or not).
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Why would frugi gift coats to her? When has she ever shown she buys from there? And not exactly a massive following. The whole gifted items things baffles me sometimes.
I know. She's probably still on their list of people to send free coats to from last year or year before because I think she got some then too. I don't know why they don't review their list because kerry shouldn't be on it.
She didn't exactly advertise them very well either, holding them in a bunch with a filter over the top, you can't see each of them properly.

But this is the reason she does youtube. I don't know how much money she earns but it's for whatever money she does make and the gifted stuff.
It is a shame the girls get given better gifted things from companies than their own parents buy them. But i am glad they have winter coats, who knows what they would be wearing otherwise.

I watched that date day video and I have to say that I feel sorry for kerry more and more.
Warren is so annoying. She clearly wanted to go out for what little time they had together (go for a coffee = not the best idea because they have a coffee machine at home but still) coffee shop was shut so what does Warren say? could just go home!!
That was probably the longest time they have had alone where they are not doing shit to the house and Warren wants to do nothing but sit at home! It infuriates me. Kerry could do so much better. You could tell she was fake laughing a lot at him in that video, making out she is happy with him but I don't think she is.
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My husband still does this. Our 4yo woke up a few times last night 😒😒 and I said to my husband this morning and he said “oh you should have woken me up I’d have gone in” what’s the point in us both being awake?

And then what would I have to whinge about 🤣🤣
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I’m pretty sure she has two sets of wooden stuff as Kerry was sent one set. She didn’t mention the shop it was from and she also didn’t seem to realise the utensils had Roma’s name on.
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Maybe im a softie in my old age.
I do feel slightly sorry for her as think she has health issues shes not resolved.
Did she have pnd after roma?
I vaguely remember her booking into a hotel.
Also she mentioned some sort waitlist for CBT and not sure if that happened or was on the phone.
Her mental health i feel was precarious last year.
This years probably scary due to racking up so much debt warren being furloughed or up for redundancy.
They have the car and the kitchen on finance.
They probably used all the savings on deposit or renovations which have been done very cheaply except the kitchen.
Clearly they struggling for money.
I guess hence click bait titles.
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