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So fanny boi coloured Hannah's hair. Why? Why isn't her mum doing it? Find that weird to start with.
Then someone comments on his video with this & he's angry! He doesn't like that people can say anything they want on this app.
Errr shit for brains, it wasnt that long ago you were taking the piss out of disabled people, and your slag of a girlfriend. Truth hurts does it??
Not nice when someone does it for the world to see about someone you care about! Yeah and we all know you started taking to Hannah way before Kerrie. You dirty old perv!!

Kezza sweetie, buy some clothes that fit you, the big belly doesn't really fit in your pre sized pregnancy clothes.
Also anyone noticed her wearing two bras again!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ when she gets changed in front of that gay boy, I bet he thinks 'shit, wears the boobs gone?!๐Ÿคฃ)
What a dickhead, so consumed by her looks!!

Enjoy your takeaway job tonight with your fake arse north face coat on! Get a proper job you loserrrrr!
Here is the evidence he colours hannahs hair- fucking weirdo she was 10 when he used to speak to her on line
Here is the evidence he colours hannahs hair- fucking weirdo she was 10 when he used to speak to her on line
Also kez without her filter๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


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This blackout thing on TikTok turning your gifts off is absolutely ridiculous, like these big creators think doing this makes them look good, lol itโ€™s laughable! Rape, sexual assault hasnโ€™t just appeared cos one creator on TikTok got caught. Donโ€™t start pretending ya give a shit now about it! The only thing these creators care about is how much money they can beg from vulnerable people and drain them! If you cared about rape, sexual assault victims you could have donated to them kind of charities along time ago, but nope you had wait till somebody on tiktok was caught for you to say we will make a stand, ssssh Fools! Also knew fanny boi you would agree with them doing it cos well anything to make you look good too! Shut up mateeee youโ€™re a joke and ya scabby missus probably finger blasting her wizards sleeve over dirty men when ya going see ya kids! ๐Ÿ˜‚
The scrounge family this pic sums them all up!
Also look at her pile clean washing bet it fkn stinks of cooking sat there! ๐Ÿคฎ


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She is literally such a fucking idiot ๐Ÿ˜‚ who actually puts a picture up dressed like that, filtered up just of herself! And she says she's shy! Well thanks for giving me a laugh there dumb arse!

I don't think anyone will chat to you tonight as they don't know what lonley means! ๐Ÿคท thick as shit, actually embarrassing she can't even spell the easiest of things. many videos will there be of her this weekend & how many dress changes? Place your bets now!!
Her and hannah be dressing like a slag im sure!
who would agree to your partner to write what she wrote? Shocking!
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Jeez how long is Danny away for!
Its his weekend with his little ones at his mums. But as u know he took kezaโ€™s ferral kids with him so she been at home alone frim friday till today!
Her cone eat with me well she said โ€œsoon as my head hit the pillow i was out like ciwโ€ wtf omg we know ur a slag but ur a cow to๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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Imagine how the makeup looks with out the ring light on even, she even puts orange on her eyes ,she's caked in makeup ,not a nice look ,she needs a few lessons, she put dots of that plouise brown stuff all over her face too ,she can't contour like that, and if I'm really honest i think she looks better with out all the makeup
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My daughter is tucked up in bed at 10 all showered and ready for school tomorrow and she is the same age as Hannah!!
Doing a fucking live! ๐Ÿ˜
That house needs some serious structure and routine
Hannah needs to put some clothes on and get over her obsession with boys
Your spot on but with keza been the way she is what u expect from her daughter to do the same! She been brought up since age 11 on tiktok and if u used to watch kez at bigining she told us all that hannah told her to join to chat to danny as he was nice wtf! Very concerning! Wonder what pile shit of a car they will get and its only 5 seats so that means they cant go out safely as a family but sure she make some bullshit up.
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Well get the ๐ŸŽป for our keza.. her car broke again lmao .. its karma darling! She got wait till next week for 5 seater car as her kids got to go there dads but they need 8 sester az they got 6 kids. Do even bormsl 5 seater car wont be legal to put all 4 her kids in as only 3 seatbelts in bk.. intresting! Any way not my problem but sure walking will help u loose ur guts.
Yeah I saw this video of her moaning. What she is saying just doesn't make any sense. She says she needs a 6 seater car as they all won't fit but she's getting a 5 seater next week? Does that mean fanny will be taking the kids to their dad's on his own? interesting!
They both really are as dumb as each other.
And then her saying she's going to have to buy a brand new car likes she's something special. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
It will be financed up, she hasn't got the money & fanny barely makes any money being the loser that he is! He could do with walking more the fat cunt!
You know they may aswel move to his mum's. They are there practically every weekend. He goes to see his kids (more like fucks around and lets his mum look after them) and then the other weekend his, Kerrie & Albie seem to go up there.
Strange family
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Haha this made me laugh!
She actually thinks so highly of herself doesn't she ๐Ÿ˜‚
Listen and listen good darling, to actually hate someone you have to have a reason too.
Hate is a strong word to use and takes up alot of energy to do so.
We don't hate you, we just think you are disgusting in every way ๐Ÿ˜‚
Don't flatter yourself babe!

And also if you don't like what we say on here stop reading! It's that simple, but you can't can you ๐Ÿ˜‚ Muppet!

Take your own advice and fuck off our page. ๐Ÿค—
Shout it louder for the SELFCENTRED CUNT ON THE SANBACH ESTATE! Come on gob shite we will meet u wednesdsy at school!
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These lot make me laugh Shelly deleted video about kerrie getting another dress then Danny deletes comments and blocks when getting called out ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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Seen sheโ€™s wanting some free biscuits pretending like sheโ€™ll pay for them but knowing some small desperate buisness or followers will do it for free for her
I will supply her 50 dog biscuits if she that desprate. Did u see her video about not wanting a cake as she dont want others to eat it or watch her cut it.. and about no alcohol at wedding pmsl .. dannys family love a drink not sure a glass coke will go well for them! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
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Didnโ€™t he go to Thailand a few months ago? Bet kerries pissed off again lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ but sheโ€™ll have a built in babysitter with Hannah so she can sit on live and do TikToks and Jason will just be upstairs as usual
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They look like holiday clothes and someone said are you getting drunk and she replied hangovers and kids donโ€™t mix not that she doesnโ€™t drink because of bad experiences ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ sheโ€™s full of it and is albie 6 months yet? See if they stop filming him because heโ€™s always on Hannahโ€™s videos aswell
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Sheโ€™s on about Hannah should be able to wear what she likes, yes she should be unfortunately the society we live in nowadays is a cruel and dangerous place, so itโ€™s about Minimising the risk, and having her acting the way she does and letting her flaunt herself all over a toxic app like TikTok is asking for trouble, but cos sheโ€™s too thick she canโ€™t understand that and just goes into saying why sheโ€™s correct and her pointless thick rant. Seriously not a brain cell in that head. Poor kids got no hope in life with that, thinking itโ€™s acceptable to sell ya self and act that way online for money and thatโ€™s the only way you can get attention.
I ran out of fingers to count how many colours her hair is!
seen as dannys bk working as fast food delivery cash in hand u noticed kids not gone to there dads๐Ÿคญ she really beleaves she is some what special - when they go to dannys parents tomorow she leave the cats locked in house๐Ÿ˜ก
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