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Kinda weird how she just walks round filming her ‘new girls’ family home? Almost to brag about it but it’s not even her own house?! Just so strange to me! I would never do that, even if I was in a long term relationship I’d feel like I was completely intruding on the in laws!
It killed me when she posted “I’ve only been in 3 relationships in the last 6 years” hun you’re only 21, that’s a lot for 21
It’s also not even that, it’s the time between each relationship. She quite literally cant be alone
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I get the impression that whatever katylee says goes. I don’t think they’d ever tell her she’s in the wrong
Sadly I think there is some truth in this. I think they probably over compensated for her useless dad. I get her mum consciously making the decision to live with her parents to give Katylee better opportunities as a single parent with a baby but the fact that she is still there 21 years later suggests that she has put her personal life on hold indefinitely. I like the closeness she has with her mum and grandparents but I think they have overindulged her which can be as damaging as neglect.
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Chatty Member
New grace just popped up on my FYP on the beg for free cake/balloons for Katy Lee’s birthday

“I’m so skint and not been able to sort anything because we’ve been out of the country all this year” 🤢🤢🤢
This is what happens when they do stupid OTT gestures for things like asking her to be her girlfriend or saying “I love you”, they end up feeling like they constantly have to out do themselves. It’s her 22nd birthday ffs just go out for a meal, doesn’t need to be a whole performance 🤦‍♀️
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Every single post she puts up is Grace this and Grace that. She literally makes every partner her personality. Annoys the shit out of me 😂
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Katylee has got one of the most anxious attachment styles I’ve ever seen. She is totally codependent and her whole self worth is tied up in having a ‘love of my life’ by her side.

She’s been with NG for about 2 months. They seem to spend all their time together and her whole social media (aka her ‘career’) is either about her or she is in the background just to make sure we all know she’s in the best relationship ever. She is recycling all the comments she made about OG ‘nothing but smiles and laughter with you’ and her young fan base are lapping it up and thinking that finding the love of your life is as easy as popping to Aldi for some milk.

Until Katylee does some serious work on herself she won’t be able to have a healthy relationship and they will all end up burning out when her partner realises that Katylee has idealised them so that she can secure her ‘forever’. It’s not about the person, it’s about Katylee having someone who will love her forever. It doesn’t really matter who it is as long as they jump right in and don’t leave.

She is lovebombing NG hard and NG will be amazed at how much they have in common as Katylee will adjust her personality to whoever she is involved with to ensure that they don’t leave her. Hence the sudden ‘potty mouth’ NG must be quite sweary as suddenly Katylee who rarely seems to swear is cursing her way through her tiktoks like a sailor. Just like Katylee who rarely drinks was out partying every week when she was trying to lure OG back.

It’s quite sad as her family clearly adore her but she is a prime example of someone who has been over indulged always got her own way. They haven’t prepared her for adult life at all. She has an idealised view of how her life should be and throws everything at her dreams then has no resilience and can’t cope when things don’t go her way. Instead of working through things and growing as a person she jumps straight into a new dream relationship and throws all her energy at keeping the new person by her side. It’s excruciating to watch. Katylee invest some of your money and get your arse into therapy to do the hard work you need to and you’ll find a truly healthy relationship. Also spend some of that money on dog walker/trainer for all your dogs not just the easy one.
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Katylee is not at all mature enough for a baby. She reminds me of when I was 13/14 and desperate for a baby and thought I'd have one by at least 18 but after maturing and realising the reality of having a baby I knew I'd have to work on myself mentally and fully mature first. No shade to any young mums but KL literally acts like a child herself. She likes the idea of a doll to dress up (and probably use for content, lets be honest), that is all
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They remind me of year sevens. All of them, madly in love with someone one day then over it and in love with someone else 2 weeks later
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Bloody hell Katylees latest tiktok. You would think she had been with NG for years rather than less than 3 months. Sorry for being so stubborn in the beginning? Does she mean that she left it a few days before telling her she loved her rather than on the first night? She didn’t start talking baby names till 3 weeks had passed rather than 3 days? She unofficially moved in after a month instead of a week? Silly little girl thinks love is like a Disney movie.
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I had a 5 year old and a 3 year old by the time I was 21 and even at that level I couldn’t have coped with someone saying all this shit to me and putting all this pressure on. She will align perfectly with any person she meets as she alters her personality to do so, favourite baby name at such an early stage of a relationship is a screaming red flag. I’d be running for the hills
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New Grace is loving this new influencer style isn’t she seen so many videos of hers come up on my fyp :rolleyes: seeing as she didn’t wanna be on social media - she’s soon changed her tune.
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O lord the towel post on IG ! Iv never seen anything so cringe in my life 🫣
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She’s saying she’s keeping it off tiktok and we all know she won’t do that.. she will want the world to know she’s over Grace when deep down she isn’t. I give it a month until they’re doing open TikToks together.
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“It was our first morning” oh piss off potato smiley, she really waited until she had another girl she could capture under her belt before moving into her house after announcing it in March/April. I’d love to see her just spend some time there on her own, it is her home after all and surely she shouldn’t have to rely on having constant company to stop her from crying in there thinking of OG Grace.
I wish I could give her head a good shake and drill it into her that therapy is what she needs, not another girlfriend who is everything she’s ever wanted and more
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She's so silly honestly. She has so much money, essentially the world is at her feet. She can put her house up for rent and piss off on as many solo holidays as she wants whilst still making income from multiple sources but she can't handle being single. She needs to go to therapy
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I just saw that Olivia’s mother has passed away this week, my heart really goes out to her and her family. So heartbreaking.
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I can’t help but feel Grace was probably guilt tripped multiple times into staying with Katylee. You could see for a good while her mental health was dipping and that was probably trying to keep Katylee happy instead of doing what she needed to do for her.
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I find it so annoying and ridiculous when they say ‘all the hate and picking sides has to stop’ like bitch YOU STARTED IT ALL!!!!! Ergh. The way anybody can think Katylee is mature is beyond me.
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i despise the phrase ‘if they wanted to they would’ it’s just super toxic to me? i’d love to see my boyfriend who lives across the country more than two times a month but i work full time and have fuck all money!
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