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Unpopular opinion but I really don't like katylee, sick of her little miss innocent routine, she cheated on grace, I agree that shouldn't be thrown back in her face as they got back together, however her little fans will absolutely attack grace, look at all the comments on her page yet when katylee cheated it was all aww poor katylee.
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I first discovered Katylee and OG last year during a spate of insomnia. I wasn’t that keen on Katylee as I found her a bit needy and dull but I really liked Grace and thought they made quite a nice couple.

I did feel really sorry for Katylee when it ended with Grace. I don’t think Grace handled the situation well and you could see that Katylee really had the rug pulled out from under her feet and was heart broken.

I didn’t begrudge her buying a house. I’d much prefer a young girl who has saved hard to buy a house get money on tiktok than the likes of CLA or evil queen who are just begs. At least Katylee appeared to put some effort into things and had made a sensible decision that was an investment for the future.

I started to change my mind about her when her Grandma had a funny turn at Autumns party and was taken into hospital. I felt uncomfortable that Katylee used it for content and when she was asking people if she should book a spontaneous solo trip away only a day or 2 later I was gobsmacked. She is very close to her Grandma so why the hell wasn’t she wanting to stay as close as possible? In the end she didn’t go on a solo trip as she met NG and straight away started spending every night at hers. I’d give my right arm to have my Nan back and I certainly wouldn’t have been buggering off and spending all my available time with a new partner if she wasn’t well.

From looking at all the tiktoks Katylee did at NG’s house it looks like her family are pretty well off. Even though Katylee was keeping NG off social media (that lasted long didn’t it?) she was plastering her house and the surrounding area on social media a lot and I did think Katylee was impressed with the house and wanting to brag.

Over the last couple of months she has been awful. 99% of her content is somehow linked to NG (even when she is on another holiday abroad and isn’t even with her) and it is clear that being with someone is the only thing that Katylee really prioritises in life. A lot of young people see her as a role model and she went from broken hearted and all ‘I’m happy single’ to being surgically attached to her next victim within days. The only reason she didn’t have a new LOML earlier was because she was still desperately trying to win back OG. Her impressionable followers will think that jumping from one relationship to another and being in love after 5 mins is normal.

The dog situation really pisses me off. I won’t even make plans to meet a friend straight after work to ensure that I can be home for my dogs dinner. If I want to do something I have to plan it around her needs as she is a commitment I chose to take on. Katylee just makes whatever decisions she wants for her own needs and expects and everything else to fit in around her. How tone deaf was the video where she stated that she left Billie with her elderly grandparents as he was the naughty one and she didn’t want her new house getting chewed up?!

Also I’m not sure that travelling the world and recording yourself going into every Zara you find is particularly aspirational. Selfish, shallow and in desperate need of therapy to address her codependency. Doing some kind of charitable work or volunteering would very much help her to be more humble and look at the real world outside the self-centred social media bubble.
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I’m glad that she is getting push back in the comments too. She is being incredibly selfish. I think all the animals are hers aren’t they? Didn’t she say she originally got Hope as she was born on the same day she found out she was pregnant? Then got Bailey as company for her?

Her grandad has COPD and her Grandma was taken to hospital after becoming unresponsive at Autumns birthday party which was less than 2 months ago. I was shocked when only a day or 2 after that Katylee posted saying she was tempted to book another solo holiday that week. Why would you sod off when your Grandma has just had a health scare? It’s alright though she didn’t go away. Instead she just buggered off to stay at her new woman’s house every day instead.

Her grandparents are in their 70s with health issues and she has basically ditched 4 pets on them whilst she swans off with the easiest one and doesn’t seem to think there is an issue with this. So used to getting her own way.
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What always gets me with Katylee is that she uses the ‘why are people so obsessed with a random persons life’ argument. Girl bffr, it’s the way you make your money. If these people stopped being ‘obsessed’ with your life you’d be stacking shelves in Tesco. Humble yourself ffs.
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KL just reeks of insecurity constantly posting how proud she is of herself for X amount of followers at 21, buying a house mortgage free, new car, meeting the so-called “love of her life” etc etc etc.. people who are actually happy don’t need to constantly post how happy they are. She is so desperate for validation
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It reminds me so much of year 7 🤣 in love after a week, moved on after 3 days, cussing them out on MSN for all to see. Loool replace MSN and bebo with tiktok and I’m out here reliving my youth
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Funny how KL only moves in to her house now that she has a girlfriend, that Grace girl will be moving in too then it seems (or unofficially...)

Pathetic, co-dependant girl.

The dog situation just shows her impulsive and immature actions, with no regard for anyone else around her. Everything revolves around KL with no regard for anyone else, its honestly ridiculous.
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I honestly think everyone but OG uses her, OG still had a normal life doing stuff with friends and doing her normal shit. This NG has been on her like a fly on shit since being with her, taking just as many freebies as KatyLee. Libby Mae was the same, used KatyLee in so many situations to get more followers. The girl will never learn because she thinks she needs to give give five for people to love her
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Libby mae pretending she’s got a boyfriend is pissing me right off. People already think lesbians can turn it off for the right man without her fuelling it, she needs to knock it off or stop calling herself a lesbian.
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Her passive aggressive videos about her dogs are really starting to piss me off. You can bang on all you want about littermate syndrome but you didn’t give a shit about that when people were warning you about it when you first decided to get them. The issue isn’t separating the dogs. The issue is the fact that from what I can tell all 4 dogs and the cat were Katylees and she has chosen to only take the easiest one and ditch the rest on her elderly grandparents. She said she didn’t want Billy trashing her new house so she left him to do it to her grandparents. She pisses off on holiday every 5 mins disrupting the poor dog and NG’s parents like the dog isn’t her responsibility. It always seems to be NG taking Hallie for a walk too. Katylee is lazy, selfish and overindulged. She also needs to remember that she chooses to plaster her life over social media and the people she gets arsey with are the reason she could afford to buy a house and go on holiday every 5 mins.
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Now Grace has made a tiktok showing her tattooed initials on her girlfriends foot using the same music she used when Katylee had the G put on the back of her neck. I used to really like Grace but I think she’s turned into a right mean little bitch over the last few months.
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VIP Member
Katylee sitting there going on and on and on and on and on and on about being single/how great it is............. literally no one cares mate we all know ur dying inside anyway. Plays the victim yet makes those sly digs 247 its cringe
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Chatty Member
It killed me when she posted “I’ve only been in 3 relationships in the last 6 years” hun you’re only 21, that’s a lot for 21
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