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Maybe she thinks it’s helpful, show the people how simple it is!

Erm, we already know
Well, I want to get married in Las Vegas but I’ve had to put it on hold to wait for the video to see how simple that would be too! I am sure Chris is editing it and that’s why we haven’t seen it yet.
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Hampshire Hog

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Afternoon you raucous lot 😂 well what a day yesterday was, we almost all fell out,but hopefully we are all friends now. We have only one thing to worry about and that is all things Sk(W)anky.

To all my dear friends on here who are suffering at the moment here is a huge cup of love.❤❤

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i have pondered over the last few months and was hoping the shitty red tops would pull up on it but of course not! I apologise if this is an old one and has been discussed before I joined - but way back during slapgate I swear Wanky was giving hand signals - most likely to skank monster to keep her mouth shut ….


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Newbie here, hi everyone I was reading Instagram and Twitter and the comments everyone saying nasty trolls, you do you Katie and all that. I am so confused what are they exactly sticking up for? How can they not see she should have gone to prison?
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Crazy Horse

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Good Morning to everyone, I’ve got so much to catch up on. Can I just say please don’t fall out with each other, we are one big family, it’s nearly a New Year let’s all get back to being nice & supporting each other. Peace & Love to Everyone 🤍
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Don't get mad at me but why do we need to say things like this? Why should her vagina be any bigger than someone married to the same person for 20 years who's had a similar amount of sex? And in any case, so what if it is? There's so many things she does that are wrong but I just hate slut shaming and comments about a woman's sexual organs like that. It can have the knock on effect of making anyone reading it insecure about their vagina or sexual history.

(ETA I am insecure! Hence the post) x
I'll be very polite and simply say I disagree. Her tits and her fanny are what made her a millionaire and have always been her Ultimate Selling Point. All her me-me-me-me-moirs are about who she had up her fanny and who has been hoping to climb up said fanny.
Anyway she's the skank who who shoved a nokia up her fanny in front of photographers so if she is more than happy to advertise how roomy and convenient her fanny is then why should people feel it is out of bounds for commenting on?
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Pom Bear

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I love little Sid ❤🥰🤗😘 xx
I've had to add turkey teef as his not happy at seeing Cole after Coles recent plastic surgery 😄😘 x
I think Cole is trying to look like Keiron but he went to a very cheap surgeon who did a terrible job 😄 x


Come to think of it he looks more like Charlie from Words and Pictures 😄😄 x.

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Princess is in Dubai?! Who with? Let's hope it's Peter!!
Why do these ‘celebs’ and their children advertise they’re away. 🤦‍♀️ Social media must be a godsend for burglars with these idiots.
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Hello Tattlers! I hope you all had a merry Christmas....or at least a tolerable one. I've just caught up on here....finally! So it seems the 'worlds greatest muvver' has been forcing a disabled, vulnerable person to be her mouthpiece for her bitter rants? Just when you thought a person couldn't go any lower! What an utterly vile specimen!
Then binfest said someone else has been reported for coercive control, well I sure to god hope so, that would be a belated xmas present for all of us.

A general thought on this which I continue to have....the original coercive control / assault / theft charges, they must have all come from the lips of Skanky Price, so why does anyone believe there are definite charges on Cole? She lies continually, lies about being an addict, lies about being a victim, lies about having 50/50 custody. Does anyone still believe the 'Cole is me abuser' story line? If he is... and her family are still enabling their relationship ( as she claimed) then they are dumber than her, if they know he didn't abuse her and that's why they still think her and Cole being together is a great thing then they support her lies and continue them to the media..... what an absolute shower of shites!
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Pink Squirrel

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Thanks everyone and it's so strange I used to love Katie and peter. I remember him idolising her in the jungle and then the show they did with the kids and he always seemed like a good dad. I was so blind that I really thought her on loose women was good she is a mum she seems normal but wow after reading twitter and then finding this thread she is a mess. I can't keep up with these threads because I actually have responsibilities
Yup, this is the thing, most.of us have responsibilities. I think that's why we all despise her so much. We actually live & deal with the things she makes up. She wouldn't survive 1 day in most of our lives.

As it's so quiet now, surely it would be a good time to show us the 'how easy it is to marry in Vegas' video? Or indeed any of the other promised video's that have never materialised 🙄😴🥱
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no excuse needed really for her. In respect of the court fines, the court does not have the time or powers to do due diligence on a persons finances, the closest they come to this is giving a defendant a means form to fill out. Which of course is filled out by the defendant. So they put their own earnings in and also the expenditure, neither of which are checked, so as always the expenditure matches the income. The only exception to this is if you’ve profited from your crime and are subject to a POCA order (Proceeds of Crime Act) which basically means a forensic analysis of your finances is done to see how much you’ve profited from your crime and what assets you have and what you need to payback with a confiscation order attached. As far as the court is concerned with regards to finances as long as you are paying back a nominal amount then you are in compliance. She will be ordered to make a payment going forward that she “can afford” according to her “means form”….bearing in mind she is subject to bankruptcy proceedings then this further assists her in her fine proceedings, by virtue of saying she is bankrupt

as for her bankruptcy proceedings, there is a lot more power here to scrutinise every penny of her income. They are not stupid and know all the games that people use to hide or disguise income. Although Crusty is carte blanche and stupid with stuff, just like her recent court case where she was represented in a Magistrates Court by a QC she is not stupid in other areas. If she had a standard solicitor representing her I feel she would have been imprisoned, however using a QC in a mags tips that balance. In the same vein before she went into her IVA/Bankruptcy proceedings, she would have taken sound legal advice to move her finances about, changed ownership of her assets into family members names etc.

We also know from her super fan that posted here that she was selling her stuff on (was it vinted? Buttons or another app) and letting her super fan manage the selling and receiving payment funds and then sending it to Crusty via another named bank account but not crustys monitored bank account. So we know crusty is diverting funds on the sly, which is an offence under the bankruptcy act. What is needed here is for that super fan that gambled some of the funds to actually make representations to the bankruptcy proceedings about Krusty concealing income. You can also bet your last pound note that Krusty is doing exactly the same with the lashes, bath bombs, equestrian and all the other tat she sells.

if she told the bankruptcy court that she doesn’t earn a penny from any of these enterprises then the court would look dimly upon it and further investigate. The would be of the opinion why would a “sleb” promote several different enterprises with their name attached for no income whatsoever? There must be some sort of income so why aren’t the court seeing it to pay creditors back? If she has declared some of this income then the court would ask why is the value of income a lesser percentage than would be expected.

if anyone really wants to throw a spanner in the works and I know there are many here that would, then someone needs to go back to the relevant thread, where the super fan stated who they were (albeit not explicitly but they confirmed) and archive all the posts where they said they were selling Krustys old worn clothing items, gifted but unworn items etc, the posts where she gambled some £20k+ and I think we all worked it out some £30-50k had gone through and been sold, she transferred money on a couple of occasions to a bank account Krusty gave her not in Krustys name.
Once done, collate all of the posts and info and send them to her MAJOR creditors. She has clearly committed an offence under the insolvency act. This will allow her creditors to request certain orders from the court to investigate her finances even further.

I am a criminal lawyer in the UK but I don’t recall a facility or Avenue for people to make the insolvency court aware of the above, like an online reporting tool for submission, that’s why I suggest that the major creditors are contacted instead as they have skin in the game.

you could also call the insolvency court office to ask how you could submit information pertaining to a defendant in proceedings who is concealing income.

just an addendum - for those of you who may be worried that by doing this, setting the ball rolling and a starting an investigation into Krustys undeclared and concealed income, that it will trigger a criminal investigation in respect of Krustys super fan, potential charges etc, then worry not!! Although the posts by them could be deemed hearsay, that’s not the case, it would be investigated by the insolvency & bankruptcy court whether the super fan cooperated or not. Their court powers can order access to bank accounts and everything BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY the only way a criminal investigation can be triggered in respect of the money being “stolen” by the super fan is ONLY by the “victim” (namely Krusty) making a complaint to the police that she has had money stolen.

As I advised at the time in a professional capacity as a solicitor of over 20 odd years in criminal law (albeit yes it’s an anon forum and in reality yes I could be an unemployed road sweeper at home sitting in my boxers with no legal credentials, that’s what anonymity affords but I am an SRA registered and practicing criminal lawyer ) , when the super fan was worried to death about it all, as I advised at the time, there is no way Krusty will make a report of this “theft” to the police, because in doing so, she incriminates herself committing several criminal offences for concealing income from the official receiver. This will certainly attract a lengthy custodial sentence.

Just to clarify, I used inverted comma’s with the words ‘stolen’ & ‘theft’ in respect of the super fan because when she spilt her tea (it was a bone of contention at the time) she clearly stated that it was never her intention to take or spend the money. She got caught up in online gambling from her own personal income and then used the money from the sale of Krustys items. The law is very clear here, that “theft” has to include the ‘intention to permanently deprive’ which she stated several times she didn’t take and use it with an intention not to repay it, furthermore she also informed Krusty what had happened and came to an agreement with Krusty to repay what was missing and agreed a repayment schedule, finally she also stated that (although we only have her word for this) that there was no extravagant lifestyle changes or buys - both the agreement to repay and lack of extravagant spending demonstrates that there was ‘no intention to deprive’

So for anyone that does decide to collate the posts/replies and conversations in relation to the super fan, Krustys involvement in concealing income but are reluctant to do so because you are worried that in doing so the super fan will attract criminal charges as collateral - THEN DONT WORRY YOU will not be putting the super fan in any kind of criminal jeopardy, for the reasons I have outlined above. Knowing this forum though I know there are members that couldn’t give a shit about the collateral damage, that’s fine I just thought I would give reassurances and the reasons why as after all, anyone involved in her life other than her is a victim.

apologies the lengthy post, I predicted 8 weeks in custody for her recent court appearance, not to make an example of her, but because that is the bare minimum “Bob or Sarah from across the road” would have received in the exact same circumstances. I spend hours and hours and hours all week, every week, in front of Magistrates in various mags courts in my area, I also very often appear in local CC’s (Crown Courts) as I am allowed being a Solicitor Advocate. The very few hours I have left every day or week when not appearing in front of a bench or judge at court, I am on the solicitor duty list for the local police stations to give legal advice over the phone or attendance in person for police interview, in between I have to manage my various client case load, request bundles, evidence, CCTV, statements, make representation for my clients to the CPS, it’s the wrong charge, there is no evidence or this or that so this or that charge should be dropped or replaced with a lesser charge, proceedings should be discontinued etc etc and then there is me having to prepare for each case that goes to court, giving each of my clients 100% of my skill and ability, not advising them to plead guilty instead of fighting for them because it’s easier and I am swamped and bogged down. Preparing for their trials, analysing every bit of evidence-BECAUSE MY ADVICE, MY JUDGEMENT AND MY EVERYTHING can literally change their life if I get it wrong.

and the remaining few hours I might be able to enjoy a few pints and a Chinese. Yet Krusty rides roughshod through the law, HAS CATEGORICALLY BEEN TREATED DIFFERENTLY and I can’t stand it. I spent years at University, as a pupil, I gave up so so much and lived in poverty to become a solicitor, then a solicitor advocate. All because I believe in equal justice, believe in everyone having legal representation, especially those that can’t afford it and for me he last court appearance is a prime example of there still being no equality in justice.

so for me now, I want her to get her comeuppance one way or the other. Granted I and others here know that she will be breached at some point in respect of her SSO, I expect non compliance of her community payback. As already mentioned earlier in respect of my vocation, I know from experience that the mags will always “suffer/allow” a couple of breaches of an SSO before they will activate the custody element, and I know she will push it to the limit but then comply.

So my only thought is to get her captured on the insolvency proceedings, the best case scenario being that she attracts further criminal charges for her concealment of income (the super fan not being the only example) which she will certainly be imprisoned for or at least the increased scrutiny will limit her financial income, having a more drastic impact on her lifestyle.

argghh sorry all to have gone on but it infuriates me the hours I work (btw it’s not a high income profession with the hours and legal aid reductions) the people I defend who really need help and not be in court and shit Houses like her prance on

anyway rant over, I would really appreciate it if someone or others collate what I have mentioned in one place, chronologically and let the creditors know, en masse would be better. I can’t really do this myself, but implore others to do so
Thank you for this very insightful information….a couple of people have just said that the relevant people have been made aware 🤞🤞. Do you know roughly what time timescale would be with regards to Skanky having to start her community service and also when she would have to start the court ordered therapy sessions? Thanks
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All animosity should be directed solely at Skanky and Wanky. Pair of utter fuckers they are. Hoping 2022 is Pricey’s year of reckoning. The snake it is can’t slither out of the cess pit of its life for ever.
Exactly!! attacking each other is not what we are here for ... I couldnt honestly give a fuck what people say about these two useless fucking cretins 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️
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Welcome back….I know what you mean about having people jump on you when you comment….we live in a free world and you have as much right to say what you want as they have to give their two-penneth worth in return….just ignore and carry on like I do x
When I got jumped on I took it very personally but when I mentioned it it turned out many others had had the same nasty experience. The person/s responsible no longer join this thread which is a shame but probably for the best.
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