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She hates needles but has had 3000 operations and botox countless times.
It’s mad - I’ve been admitted into hospital today with possible gallstones. I’m in a lot of pain, hooked up to a drip and feel like a pin cushion. The needle they give you to thin your blood is the worst. Why would you deliberately put yourself in this situation for vanity? I’m scared, surely she is too.

Thanks all for keeping me so well entertained by the way, it’s helped a lot!
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Every time my husband hears me snigger he asks am I on Tattle again 😂😂

so do we reckon tomorrow night/Saturday early hours things are going to kick off? She’s sounding angrier and angrier and is kicking off on SM more often.It looks like she’s becoming unhinged in her posts, I’m actually worried for her. Don’t worry I’ve had a couple of gins and usually it only takes the whiff of a barmaid’s apron. I just feel like she’s reaching a crescendo (“Annie are you okay?” for all my fellow 80s kids). I actually pity her right now, she must have that desperate cornered animal feeling, that feeling of the world falling out from beneath her feet. If she doesn’t have that feeling she bloody well should, and that could be her biggest issue.

We can all see the walls closing in on her, it’s like the scene from bloody Star Wars, and that must be terrifying. Im terrified just thinking about all the things going on in her life. Im not sure where I’m going with this, but I think we can all feel the tension building with Skanky’s situation I guess all of us we are wondering how this is going to end.

I lied, I’m now 3 gins in, this could get messy sorry fellow tattlers 🤭🤭 but I do want to thank you all, you’ve lifted my spirits, made me giggle like a schoolgirl and lifted my depression significantly. I want you all to know that you all contributed significantly to my life and my path back from severe depression just by being your normal wonderful selves, you have all made a difference. I know some of you also have dark days, please remember in those moments you made a difference. You helped someone you never met in a way you will never get.

I am literally crying while I write this post, but in toast to the ever entertaining Bunnycuddles I must add LOL LOL 😆

keep safe my lovelies xxx
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Congrats @MrsCranky on the winning thread title. ;)

Previous thread is here

As you were, my lovelies...
Thank you Phoebe. Im honoured. Ive got my cocktail dress on as promised for my speech. I've slathered the fake tan on and now I look like I've been tangoed, Just got 2 slugs from the garden and sellotaped them on my eyebrows and pumped my lips up with a bicycle pump to look the part. I just want to thank all fellow Krusties for voting for me and @Mikesqueen for helping me with the thread title. What a great christmas present. I'm crying as I type this x

@MrsCranky : you did it!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 A true Christmas miracle! Congrats!
Thanks @Mikesqueen. It is a true christmas miracle! Have you got your cocktail dress on too xx

Well done@Mrs Cranky.Congratulions.
Woo Hoo ( in a lovely way, not A skanky way)xx

Also congratulations as well as congratulions.Must check spellings in future lol.
Thanks Blessmyheart. Woohoo and yeehah xx

Congrats @MrsCranky you won 😄👏👏👏👏👏
Thanks Hampy x
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Can you imagine the size of her fanny !!! Perhaps she has had work done on it...after all where else is there to do work on 😆 🤣 😂.
Don't get mad at me but why do we need to say things like this? Why should her vagina be any bigger than someone married to the same person for 20 years who's had a similar amount of sex? And in any case, so what if it is? There's so many things she does that are wrong but I just hate slut shaming and comments about a woman's sexual organs like that. It can have the knock on effect of making anyone reading it insecure about their vagina or sexual history.

(ETA I am insecure! Hence the post) x
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Morning my tattle family.

Just an observation - but KP hasn’t liked Princess’ new Dubai photo.
Is this another sign that she is so petty and self centred she cannot bring herself to like a photo of her daughter because she is away with her dad and his wifey?
I mean she is quick enough to like and comment on Cole’s photo…
Jealousy of her daughter is kicking in. She's younger, prettier, untainted, unbutchered, her whole life ahead of her, Woofer Pwicey must be getting really knotted up about her.
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Don't fight, folks, life is too short. Hit ignore if peoples humour isn't your vibe so we can all live in harmony. We may all have to agree to disagree on this one...don't let Katies fanny be the hill we all die on! 😵
I like to think anyone can scroll past any posts they don't want to read, to be honest I don't need to know if someone gets excited or gets off on looking at Kierans immense phallus either so I'll just jog past and mind my own business, the point is this site is where anyone can discuss what they want as long as it's within the rules without expecting to receive criticism from anyone else. I agree all folks humour is different, it's nothing to get your panties in a tangle about, until it leads to arguments and bickering which is no good for anybody. There endeth my sermon and it's not even bloody Sunday! ❤
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Im just patiently waiting for her next big FUCK UP .... Its coming and guaranteed ... then maybe the next fucking judge will do the right thing and put the deranged cunt behind bars ... instead off hiding behind some loophole that her dodgy solicitor took full advantage of ... there is NO WAY she can behave, because in her thick head, the laws of the land dont apply to her ... every time she gets off, it fuels her ... life for her is one big fucked up game .... I mean look at her life? .... its a circus freakshow ... I wouldnt want it .... ` mentally ` she is out of control, you only need to look at those ` eye brow ` pics, to know where her mind is ... and as Ive mentioned before, she has done damage to her brain with the many years of drink and drugs, this state is permanent ... there is NO recovering or getting better, she also believes her behaviour is ok, as far as she is concerned ... its everyone else's fault, and her ` enablers ` are doing more harm, than good ... the only time those who continue to defend this fucking monster, will take notice is when she again crashes, while banned, drunk and high, KILLING some innocent bystander or one of her CHILDREN, everyone involved will have blood on their hands ... this could all be avoided by punishing her properly, making her pay for her mistakes ... but that dosent seem to be happening, so we wait for her next big fuck up, and can only hope, she only hurts herself next time 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️
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You seem intent on continuing this ` non argument ` ( you are looking for an argument ) I think what some want to say, is ` policing what people say here ` is against the rules ... If I dont agree with something, because of personal experience, I will scroll on, we dont want conflict among ourselves on here .. It makes it uncomfortable and is not necessary ... this is a gossip site, and taking things personally, because of ` YOUR ` life experiences, is a tad unfair and in all honesty ... MANY of us have a vast variety of life experiences ... if that were the case, Id be blasting ALOT of people on here ... it isn't up to you or me, to tell people what they can say .... pwicccceeee is a dumbfuck WHORE, and thats what we are here for ... making it personal is not required
All animosity should be directed solely at Skanky and Wanky. Pair of utter fuckers they are. Hoping 2022 is Pricey’s year of reckoning. The snake it is can’t slither out of the cess pit of its life for ever.
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Riddle me this Tattlers, why would Wanky set up shop with his “luxury cars” in a place that….

A) Skanky said that she’d never go back there, as it has too many bad memories and ghosts 🤪
B) According to her, is constantly attracting burglars and weird unknowns who trash it.
C) Requires guard dog protection, as she says there are people constantly trying to kidnap her or H.
D) She owes a fortune in mortgage arrears on the place, which I believe need to be addressed next month.
E) Has a leaking septic tank, with raw sewage accordingly surrounding the property, creating a big stink.
F) I could go on, but I’m bored now 😁

Now I know nothing about luxury car dealerships, but doesn’t sound like a good place to sell fancy cars does it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤪
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I’m sure she will be putting out a statement later to say how false this story was and it was bad journalism and to leave her alone 🤣🤣🤣🙄
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So why, when she gave an interview to the Sun did she not clear his name?All she needed to say was my boyfriend Cole is supporting me at this time.She let it be implied that he was involved.
he did it lol,people living near to them have posted on facebook about him being arrested for it nd her friend aisleynne put it on her status that he walloped her friend katie , skanky and wanky were photographed in a car together at mm 2/3 days later with what looked like a police escort and her kids havnt been seen in his company since ! smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors smoke with out fire. guilty as f~~k, both of them !
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Just had a look at the comments on her latest post, it’s comedy gold, literally100s of posts asking her ”WTF is going on with your eyebrows” 😁

Then her fans wade in insulting these posters, whilst adding the usual #BeKind hashtag and of course numerous mentions of Caroline Flack.

It‘s getting quite heated over there, people kicking off at each other, it’s really aggressive. I follow a few celebs on IG, proper celebs, not these Z list clowns, and especially not her I might add, and the conversations are usually lovely, hers is just a complete cesspit.

I dunno why you’d want to invite this into your life, I guess the controversy keeps her relevant in her eyes and brings in the coin, but what an exhausting horrible existence, knowing you are so hated. If she had proper MH issues there’s no way you could tolerate this, you’d abandon social media, she really must be stone cold dead inside.
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i have just found the company Carl claimed he ran in Vegas it was called ukvegasvip limited on compaines house it was listed as started on 30th April 2019 and was applied to be struck off on 4th May 2020(struck off in Oct 2020 after making no money) so another company that failed in the first year(when he tried to make out he ran a succesful company in his second home Vegas
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She’s never said outright Carl didn’t do it, but that she didn’t call the police. Which makes sense, as everyone locally heard it happen about 10.30pm, and he wasn’t arrested till about 1.30am

My opinion is that KP is like a cornered rat right now. They have no money coming in. She probably is feeling really stressed out - yes it is of her own doing, but she’s unravelling now.
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Hair done AGAIN 🤬🤬🤬
Just know, after she filters her photos, she thinks “ Yeah I’m still Jordan, I’m “Love Island” material, I got myself a youngish lad, I just look 20 years old me, I love ittttttt, never underestimate The Pwicey“.

I actually think her mind is so frazzled now, she’s convinced herself it’s true.

After the car crash her only way back to some sort of normality, was to ditch Wanky, step away from the the limelight, end the surgeries, end the constant holidays, stop the lies, delete her social media, pay whatever she could of her debts and try to become a responsible Mum. The Priory would have attempted to tell her this, but she wouldn’t have listened, she’s “Pwicey”, indestructible in her eyes. Every visit to the Priory is a waste of time, she’s never wanted to reform, she proves time and time again it’s not in her nature to be anything different than this “ WoooooHoooo” attention seeking monster that is now her true self.

We all know she is incapable of even a slight change in her behaviour, she seems to live for chaos, but it’s gone too far and she no longer controls events. The fact is she actually can’t/doesn’t want to change, this is end game in sight, and 2022 will finally be the year she has to pay the piper.

Can’t see even ”Untouchable Pwice” dodging what’s coming, finally she will be accountable for her actions, the truth will out with the bankruptcy hearing, and how much longer can “slapgate” drag on. The media will have to report this truth, just reading the comments sections now, few believe the lies she sources to them to print anymore. It won’t be pretty.

Probably even be sectioned at some point, or something worse will happen, she won’t be able to deal with reality when it hits, just a question of time.
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Thanks guys , you are all so lovely - especially for a bunch of trolls 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m ok , it’s just shook me & I’m mentally preparing for her to go next , she won’t let anybody help & hasn’t eaten nor showered since Christmas Day.

But I’d still rather be related to her than Price 🙄
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