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@MrsCranky what a nice surprise for you 😉
Thanks Bargainhunt99. Yes a lovely surprise. I've just sprayed an old mouthguard white and waiting for it to dry so I have the Turkey teef too to complete the look. Hope I can get them in my mouth as my lips are swollen like a baboons arse from the bicycle pump. Who needs surgery when you can do this at home! 🤣
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There are some Twitter accounts saying she’s there with Skanky, but they all look like click bait/malware links…when I first saw them, thought OMG surely not, but luckily appears Princess has tagged Emily in her photo, guess she took it, so thankfully looks like she is deffo with Peter and Em.👍🏼
No way on the planet would Pete agree to let Princess go Dubai with Skanky and Wanky. Or even just Skanky. Ain't happening.
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I haven't posted on one Skanky's threads for ages... I just watch and like normally, but it's back to it's nice thread again 😁 so I'll try and post more cos I'm not scared of being jumped on like before!

Just wanted to say that you are all basically posting my exact same thoughts!
I hate how she's using poor Harvey. I find it really upsetting to watch and just want to take him away from it all.
I saw a bit of the vid of her, Jett and Bunny doing the advent calendars and Jett was messing about and she just pushed him off and ignored him, but when Bunny did it she hugged her. His poor little face 😢

I'm so glad those kids seem to have decent dads and step mums who love them like their own.

As for Coal... well, hasn't he got such a smackable face? Not that I agree with violence or that 😇
Welcome back….I know what you mean about having people jump on you when you comment….we live in a free world and you have as much right to say what you want as they have to give their two-penneth worth in return….just ignore and carry on like I do x
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Bloody hell, The Mirror have just put out a sick bucket inducing, ass-licking piece on her latest hairstyle. Even for their puff pieces this is just pure positive Pwice PR, ain’t she lovely/hard done-by BS.

Here’s just a quote, the whole thing is a love-in🤮…..

Earlier this week, the under-fire star - who is due to start community service soon - was forced to hit back as cruel critics passed comment on how she spent her Christmas Day.
Katie is a doting mother to five children from three previous relationships - meaning like many other blended families across the country, Christmas is spent across various households.

I shouldn't be, but I’m still shocked they continue to write these glowing articles about her, I really thought they’d turn, but other than the odd article, it’s all back to the sycophantic normal.

Just a constant wind-up “Cruel critics”….FFS.
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Pom Bear

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Good night @Pom Bear , see you again tomorrow again with your fabulous creations, hopefully! The plot most certainly doth thicken for Skanky, eh? Lol. 😘
Good night to you too ❤🥰🤗😘 xx.
Thank you 💖💕🤗😘 xx.
Yep it's certainly getting alot more exciting with what's going on..😀😘 xx.

An old favourite of mine from earlier this from Pom 🥰💕🤗😘 xx.


Maybe that should be Bag for life in prison lol 😀😘 xx
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No, you got stroppy. I wasn't stroppy initially, so not sure why you were.
You seem intent on continuing this ` non argument ` ( you are looking for a row ... WHY? ) .... I think what some want to say, is ` policing what people say here ` is against the rules ... If I dont agree with something, because of personal experience, I will scroll past .... IGNORE ... we dont want conflict among ourselves on here .. It makes it uncomfortable and is not necessary ... this is a gossip site, and taking things personally, because of ` YOUR ` life experiences, is a tad unfair and in all honesty ... MANY of us have a vast variety of life experiences ... if that were the case, Id be blasting ALOT of people on here ... it isn't up to you or me, to tell people what they can say .... pwicccceeee is a loose, easy dumbfuck WHORE, and thats what we are here for ... making it personal is not required ... SCROLL PAST
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Well, after discovering this page a couple of days ago and reading all the posts I had to sign up. Farewell DM and hello to all of you fellow contestants on... ' The Price is a Wrong 'un' Great posts from everyone!
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Pom Bear

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I must leave this here I just made before I come back later 😄..

Cole is looking abit unhealthy nowadays and has shrunk in the wash vertically but not horizontally .
His also saw his moob pics on here and decided to try a bra...Cole you meant to wear it under your t-shirt not over looool 😄 x

Back later 🥰

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When I got jumped on I took it very personally but when I mentioned it it turned out many others had had the same nasty experience. The person/s responsible no longer join this thread which is a shame but probably for the best.
Yes , the very first time I posted on here I got jumped on , but then that person disappeared , it was name calling & personal & very unwarranted . It put me off posting for a short time until Keirons OF pics , then I couldn’t stop myself from joining In 🤣🍆

The other one who I noticed that used to jump on every other poster has recently disappeared , thankfully .
I assumed that they had some issues as they did seem very angry with the world & seemed to enjoy attacking people from behind their screen. They also seemed to have an inordinate amount of spare time on their hands. Wonder who they are bothering now ? 🤔

I did deliberately put a post on asking lurkers to post if they felt they wanted to contribute & there was an influx of new members .

I felt like a proud new mother 😂

As I said at the time , new blood is always good , but then again , I am a vampire 🤣🤣
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I’m going to hold my hands up and say that the video of Harvey was a step too far and I’ve filed a police report. I couldn’t sit back in all conscience and watch this poor boy being exploited anymore. I hope others have done the same.
Well done 👏👏👏👏 I hope they loads, she always loved the fact she's had full control over Harvey's life. Hasn't had to be accountable to anyone, and she completely abuses that trust. The amount of money Harvey should have earned over the years there should be no need for funding from local authorities unless of course she has abused his finances also.
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Hi all, a long time lurker feeling brave and out after a couple of wines lol 😊. Just wanted to say the Last video on the gram the skank monster has put out with Harvey he seems drugged up and out of it, he can’t keep his eyes open !! Is she over dosing him to keep him quiet! Whatever he takes med wise she’s given him too much ! Also what the hell is she wearing, looks like a slimy slug 😂
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No, what she needed to say was, "It was NOT Carl who attacked me." Simple clear statement that can't be misinterpreted. She didn't/couldn't say that. One has to wonder why not?
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Pop onto Tattle before bed, let’s see what tonight’s Skanky shite adventure is.

Oh it’s the stunt she has pulled every time she’s had a covid vaccine… “ohhhhh I hate needles me” giggle giggle like a coquettish teenager, I’m so cute and funny, and childlike….love me, love me, love me…attention, attention, attention 🤦🏽‍♀️

Honestly Pwice, bloody grow up, you are 43, been through 5 births, had more pricks in your body through surgery, than a second hand dart board. All you say and do is absolute bollox, you spend most of your life in pain from needless procedures. For once in your life STFU about a little vaccine jab, it’s nothing.

Sighs….Closes IPad….when will it ever end.

Night Tattlers, I’m sure tomorrow will bring more of the same.🤪
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It seems like things are coming to a head.

Public roasting over avoiding jail.
AFP illness getting worse.
The investigation into the alleged DV incident.
Bankruptcy hearing coming up.
Custody of kids restricted.
Starting to get more flack over using Harvey as the public wake up to possible complaints after the last video.
(Possibly) addiction issues.
Earning potential has been damaged even further by recent antics and business ventures probably not doing well.
She sounds angry and under pressure in recent videos.

The pot is about to boil over, in the new year probably. For her kids sake I hope it doesn't end in the most tragic way possible.
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Pink Squirrel

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I participate in real life for a few hours & come back to 14 pages catch up reading 😳🤣
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Just learned Crawl had his booster, making a point about the sore arm.

What does he want? a fucking medal or what???? TWAT!

Oh and so has Katie, she's a fucking liar when she says she hates needles
especially when she is dating a complete PRICK.
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