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VIP Member
Is the Skank is at an airport then, she’s just rehashing old stuff on her IG, as is he. They have form doing this when they are otherwise jetting off somewhere. Whatever they up to, deffo up to something crappy, you can bet on that.
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She’s probably said that about Harvey’s range so it can’t be looked into, or taken into account at her bankruptcy hearing in Feb.
She'll crow to much about Harvey's business empire that she'll loose the funding she gets for his college . Then she will really shit herself since she's been trying to get anyone to look after Harvey but her since Kieran left.
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Basically this video is around a month old you can tell by the snow on the ground
And they’ve been going around with there fisher price camera recording snippets so idiot fans and groupies of the “ great mum cult” can think she has current adventures with harvey
She’s already been crying and bleating on the scum saying she’s been getting abuse from trolls regarding her court case and has turned her comments off
So don’t be surprised if we get another “ the media are hounding me and biffo so we need to take a holiday” type headline
That’s why I came to this forum in the first place.No one held her accountable in the press, there was no balance, it was either echoing her narrative or “ Wot larks”.
If you disagreed then you were a troll.
I think Dubai is next. If she kicks off there on booze there won’t be any community service.
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I noticed on that latest YouTube she mentions 3 times about the money from Harvey's clothes range going to him.

How much did that little garden centre shopping trip set her back? :mad: I'm still not convinced the college is allowing Harvey home, but I could be completely off the mark. Just strange how pick up was Saturday, but no sign of H with them, just more YouTubes (deflection?) All those decorations if he was supposedly going to the MM for Christmas? :unsure:
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Greggs Sausage Roll

Chatty Member
She's certainly posting a lot of old Harvey stuff, come on Katie, show us you have Harvey at home and don't try putting some old crap up to pretend. Otherwise people will be thinking the College/ASS have banned you from having him over the Christmas period.
Let’s be real, it’ll be that Carl doesn’t want him the entire festive season..
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This is my theory on the whole Vegas Wedding - I think they genuinely were going to marry but then potential threats of further legal action restricting her access to the kids if she married him, so they decided not to pursue the wedding and make out it was all a joke!
💯. It was more transparent than cling film!
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What does egg mean(genuine question), is it like “darling” or “love”?
I’m not down with the kids am I.
Apparently it's something she calls blokes when she's on the chat up, of all the names you could call somebody how the hell she came up with that I have no idea!
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
A new thread!🧵🥰 x.

The other thread locked already 😄 x



I'm going to start where I left my pic on the last thread otherwise I be behind for months lol.
I then do abit of catching up of the old threads here and there. 😀 x
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I think it’s clear she has an issue with men.. maybe stemming from the fact that from a very young age she’s been seen as a sexual icon by them.. i think this has caused her to belittle the men she comes across over the years as she once felt like degraded at some point in her life..with every man she does the same thing, and accuses them of the same reasons for being with her. (To some degree I do agree with) Pete you C#*t did love her but by god he benefited from being with her and milked it for everything it gave. By any means I’m not defending Skanky or undermining the fabulous fathers the men have turned out to be but there’s many years of resentment and bitterness towards men from Pwicey and that’s her biggest downfall… as for the financial topics.. yeah she’s just an over entitled spoilt selfish brat!
Erm… didn’t she give PA a BJ when he got out of the jungle and she ambushed his room… seems to me to be someone who USES sexuality to get what they want, trouble begins when the other person wises up & wants to leave. Coercive Control! The prey becomes the bad’un & the predator becomes the victim. Read the Charles Drury pieces, the attempts at ‘sexting’ married celebs using sexuality, its all there.
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This is the funniest, I’m literally crying!!! 😂🤣😂🤣
I’m laid up with Covid and have had some barmy dreams. One night, I went to Disneyland to surprise Megan and Harry and she was so surprised she passed out. Another, my house was being burgled by a man with a sieve for a head, he flooded my kitchen and asked if I wanted to see his Willy 🤪
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
She was flashed at apparently. And while that's awful she's never said she was the victim of child abuse or anything similar. I would have thought by now she would have told about it, she doesn't hesitate to hide anything normally. I'm not saying categorically it hasn't happened but she's never said she was abused as a child. How she behaves resonates with me. I was sexually active from a young age. Hyper sexualised, valued myself through being desired and got minimal joy from sex. I grew out of it, she seems to grow more and more into it. She's not changed in 25 years or more, she reminds me of a younger me.
When I was about 11 my friend and I used to ride our bikes to school every day, a journey that took us on a footpath between fields, onto a factory estate and thence onto school. One day that old bloke we used to see every day on his bicyle had stopped beside the sewage works and as we rode past he was waving his willy at us both - we burst out laughing and he rode away at speed in the opposite direction embarrassed I guess but we never saw him again LOL.
Now despite my "trauma" at that incident I am not a nutter like skanky :)

Hopefully, they get stuck somewhere as new restrictions come in and can't afford the hotel as Baby Cole's 'my first credit card' runs out of credit!

Doesn't AFP have a house in Spain? Maybe they'll be going there?
Will his Go Henry account stretch to a 5* 'otel fer der skankbag????
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Things are lovely and quiet aren't they.

So far I've sold one grey three piece suite, half a dozen office chairs, a teak dining table with six matching chairs and an oak king size double bed frame with a surprisingly bouncy mattress.
Ah yes, that's all very well, but all we want to know is has she messaged you yet today and called you 'egg'? 🤣👍

@Pom Bear sorry if someone's already said, still catching up but Lee Purkiss is the guy who was listed in court same day as skanky, he was up on 4 or 5 charges, somebody said she'd get let off while poor old Lee would get sent to the electric chair for dropping a fag butt 🤣👽🤗❤😘 x
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Everytime she retells stories they get more fanciful. I remember the rubbish she told Ant Middleton about the violent South African carjacking & sexual assault then followed it with how many kidnap threats she had, you could see she was playing the victim/sympathy to its fullest. Next time she retells the story I expect it will be more embellished & fanciful. I never believe her version of anything.
Knew it was somewhere


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When I was young I was really prone to tonsillitis, which made me very sick for weeks. I used to always have this re occuring dream just before. It was a completely blank place, only thing was a raised platform in the middle with bushes, I was above looking down, then I would hear this really high pitched noise and what I can only describe as a camera panning to the corner of a huge blank page, that was it?!!! Every single time without fail I would wake up with a raging high temperature!
If you dream about money, do the lottery. I dreamt I was given a load of money. The next day a bought some lottery tickets and 3 number hot picks - I won £800 on a hot pick ticket
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Everytime she retells stories they get more fanciful. I remember the rubbish she told Ant Middleton about the violent South African carjacking & sexual assault then followed it with how many kidnap threats she had, you could see she was playing the victim/sympathy to its fullest. Next time she retells the story I expect it will be more embellished & fanciful. I never believe her version of anything.
ALL the kidnapings, carjackings and burgleries ive ever read about in South Africa, have ended up with dead victims, its a violent place ! i don't believe her, she's too thick to realise people see through her lies and know what a dangerous country it is ,and to take her kids along as well, im sure if it had happened, all the females would have been sexually attacked and everyone killed. just shows what an unstable mother she is putting her kids in danger !
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Crazy Horse

VIP Member
She spent years tormenting Alex, like she does with all her ex,s. Even though they are ex's she really enjoys stirring shit up. She always comes across as though she can't move on fully. Its like with Pete FFS they were only married FOUR years, the way she carries on you would think she'd been with him 60 years.
I've had gold fish live longer than her marriages and engagements
And I always get the impression that even tho all her ex’s are well shut of her, in her warped mind she thinks that they all still want her, she really does live in a fantasy world 😳
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