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For fucks sake I’ve tested positive for Covid! Hubby tested positive on Sunday, I had a PCR yesterday. I was genuinely going to go to the court as not too far from me. Roll on this arvo…
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Miss Lola

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Oh come on people…it’s really obvious that ‘Benidorm Steve’ in the Daily Mail comments is taking the piss…!!
I thought it was quite funny to be honest…surely £1900 for a meet & greet in a Tesco superstore gives it away??!!
You do realise that ‘Bunny Cuddles’ is all in no way serious too??
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Fucking skanky whore bag....12 months is a long time to have a suspended sentence hanging over you pricey !!!
Two years is a long time not to be driving for....
And 100 hours community service alongside people who hate you and would love to give you some just desserts is a lot of hours in with the dregs of society like yourself...
Justice is just around the corner and I like thousands of others will be just watching and waiting..🤞👋👏
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Just read all these comments if you dare Pricey.. and realise that for every one of us there are thousands of people out there who hate you even more now.. how does it feel to be a laughing stock of this country...???
You are nothing but a petty Criminal with a jail sentence hanging over your head and a probation worker and 100 hours community service.. like a violent horrible their and a thug and a drugged up drink driver.. you are all of these things...
AFP..take a look at your daughter.. WELL DONE. !!!
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Rita Chevrolet

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If proof were needed there’s nothing at all wrong with her feet check out the footwear no one with feet problems could wear those.
Jeez talk about showboating eh? Who else but these assholes would scribble

"Dese TV contwacs wot I's sined 'ere in dis envilowp" then parade them around for the paps to see?

More to the point what imbecile has supposedly given TV contracts to these weapons-grade cunts anyway???? :mad:
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Palace Tone

Chatty Member
She’s definitely going down in my opinion today. The police were mortified they couldn’t get drink driving to stick last time, so had to get her on the reduced ‘drunk in charge’ instead. They knew it was her driving and crashing that day. And now she’s done it again. This time they’ve got her and will do all they can to make sure she gets punished accordingly!!! Going down!!
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Chatty Member
Jeez talk about showboating eh? Who else but these assholes would scribble

"Dese TV contwacs wot I's sined 'ere in dis envilowp" then parade them around for the paps to see?

More to the point what imbecile has supposedly given TV contracts to these weapons-grade cunts anyway???? :mad:
Ah, the contracts must be for her documentary series ‘PriceyWoods Investigates’.
Episode 1: how easy it is to marry in LV
Episode 2: how easy it is to play the British legal system when you’re a Zeleb
Episode 3: how easy it is to shaft your creditors
Episode 4: how easy it is to palm your kids off to their dads so you can shack up with numb nuts []
You get my drift?
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I definitely reckon we are going to be needing those pisspots today, as I certainly see her getting away with it again, as usual. :mad:
My gut feeling is she’s pushed it too far this time. Instead of laying low and keeping out of the press. She’s done all she can to get in it instead and plates silly buggers in the meantime. Im hoping the judge realises she needs a big shock.
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expensive clothes that do nothing for you, never mind, soon to be "orange is the new black", love the sticky up hair on the top of your head, has it broken free of the extentions, snapped off, due to over dyeing or is it a nod to "something about mary" ? either way, katie you look a right tramp !
Did someone say orange?.....

Screen Shot 2021-12-15 at 07.37.08.png
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Is it going to take her killing someone for them to fucking do something about her.
As a victim of a drunk driver crash I am disgusted with the courts.
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This line:
She's at court today for sentencing. It had been delayed so she could seek treatment at rehab facility The Priory.

Was it delayed so she could live it up, court the media, go to Las Vegas, get plastic surgery, hair extensions and false nails, make YouTube videos with Harvey? Has she spent any of the time reflecting on her behaviour? All I see is a woman living her life and not showing one bit of remorse.
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A suspended sentence after her track record is absolutely laughable. What makes them think that she’ll pay attention to this driving ban when she hasn’t given a f**k the last however many times she’s been banned?! Ridiculous 🤬
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BREAKING | Katie Price handed suspended prison sentence
After a short hearing, lasting no more than half an hour, Katie Price has been handed a suspended prison sentence.

District Judge Kelly has sentenced the 43-year-old to a 16 weeks prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

Price will have to undergo 100 hours of unpaid work in community.

Her driving ban has been kept to two years and Price will not have to take an extended driving test.

There will be no separate penalty for the charge of driving without insurance.
I mean what the actual FUCK. So the ban is kept to the original term? Hasn’t been extended at the very least!!? And she won’t have to retake the test? Or is it that she won’t have to do an extended test? (Not sure what the difference is) I’m so fucking mad it’s unreal. Fuck this corrupt shit hole country. I hope the next time she crashes she doesn’t walk out in one piece 🖕🏼 A shit day has just got shitter 😩
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FFS my neighbour just popped round!! Timing!!
Well I’m fucking livid - I suspected she’d get off but bloody hell Teflon Kate strikes again.
Time to open that bottle😣
As I live in West Sussex I’ll be steering very clear of her village. Next time (and there will be a next time) she will kill someone so that bloody judge can ponder that! 🤬
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I think we should have a moment of silence in anticipation of the absolute hammering our caps lock keys are going to get this afternoon!
Whether she’s goes down or not I think there will be plenty of shouting! 😆
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Mr Harrington said her finances were so disorganised and chaotic that a £7.50 toll for using the Dartford Crossing had escalated into a £1,400 debt due to her failure to deal with it.

She is rolling neck deep in debt. People need to back away from ANY business dealings. Even crappy bath bombs from China. She won’t pay you.
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