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I'm working tomorrow but my boss is getting a booster jab at 2pm, is it wrong of me to hope he feels a bit woozy afterwards and doesn't come back?
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Jersey Girl

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So happy to be working from home tomorrow!! I can tattle guilt free without the side eye from my colleague!! Hopefully, I'll be raiding the wine rack late afternoon. Cheers all!! 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍾🍾🥂🥂
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Don’t judge me, but I *may* have over embellished the truth regarding my bodies reaction to my Covid booster just to get the day off and spend it on tattle and wrapping pressies 😂
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It's so wrong but not surprising. Seventh driving offence and:

1. A 16-week prison sentence suspended for a year.

2. 100 hours community service - she won't do/comply IMHO.

3. Attend up to 30 rehab sessions - ditto above.

4. £213 costs!!!??? She already owes the courts £7,500 she hasn't paid.

What a fucking outrage. I hope she is ripped to shreads by the media and hangs her head in shame. But she won't. Probably on a plane out of the country.
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I had a peek at that Zoe types website and oh my. Every "look" was the same. Cresote base layer, all of a Mac palette on the eyes, drugged slugs for eyebrows, all the false lashes you can take, then a streak of highlighter down the nose ending in a disco ball shine on the tip of the nose. Then filtered tae fuck. Just why? They all look the same. In my day you did a once over with a chamois leather from Halfords and you were good to go. I would hate to be a young girl in this world now, it seems awful.
I love makeup, always have, give me a glittery eyeliner and I'm a happy bunny.
I got married wearing a version of Toyah's flames makeup. I didn't say I was subtle 😎
I used to have Siouxsie eyebrows and liner, then discovered glitter. Bliss.

Why do girls /women wear exactly the same heavy, shades of orange makeup then stick the same filters on top?! Why!
What's it meant to be?!
It makes absolutely no sense to me.
I don't even know if my phone has filters.
Ah, snapchat, the ones like a hall of mirrors, i liked those a few years ago.

But the identical faces? Whhyyyyy?!
Experiment! Play about with makeup! Have fun!
Be a bloody individual!
Be your own person not a friggin copycat!
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Forever on the catch up… from Cole’s stories. I see the extensions are off on their holidays to the sofa 👀
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'You seem to think you are above the law'
District Judge Kelly said:

When you chose to get behind the wheel that night you showed no concern for others.

You could have killed somebody.

Your actions meant the emergency services had to use up their precious time. You knowingly and deliberately flouted a court order and not for the first time.

You seem to think you are above the law.
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Oh well might as well pull this year’s Christmas drink-driving campaign, as a serial offender who actually overturned a car whilst drunk and high has just walked out of court yet again, without serious repercussions.

What a message to send out 10 days before Christmas, quite unreal. The more I think about it, the more gobsmacked I’m becoming. I thought she’d get a suspended sentence, but now it’s actually happened, I truly am stunned.

I wouldn’t be surprised that even if she’s caught again within the next 12 months, mitigating circumstances will be found once more to let her walk free.

”Slapgate” has also disappeared, the bankruptcy just goes on and on, as she just continues to spend and spend. Massive arrears on her house and she still lives there. Nothing can take her down. WTF is going on. 🤷‍♀️
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I have a job interview tomorrow at 2, so if whoever starts the next thread could put the sentence she gets in the title so I can have a quick glance before school pick up that would make my life a lot easier please 😁 not sure I will have time to scroll through the many comments there will be 🤣 roll on tomorrow!
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Today will be interesting, whatever the outcome I think she is screwed.

If she goes to prison, she will be out of circulation for a while, but I think for her, this is her best case scenario as she will milk it afterwards and the papers will keep entertaining her.

If she gets a suspended sentence, she will have her current lifestyle curtailed. No way will she be able to abide by the terms.

If she gets a community service she will try her best to get out of it, or shirk off, but that shit will not work even for Ms Dontcha know Who I Am.

And if she gets off, there will be so much uproar from the general public, that the red tops will seize on this and nail her to the wall. Karma time!

So, trying to keep my p pot on standby and reflect on her comeuppance whatever the outcome.

It will be interesting if any reference to drugs will be mentioned in sentencing.
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Morning all,

I have one question.. Can it be proved she was driving?

This is my No 1 concern about this case. She was NEXT to the car, not in it… I hope I’m wrong..

Her behaviour pattern over the last 6 months has been incredibly helpful in terms of behaviour analysis.

I just want to clarify she ISNT homeless. She would be granted an amount each month for property rental. However, she no longer warrants a large property as she does not have any of the children for long periods of time. At best she could claim for a 1 or 2 bed property.

Currently she’s paying the mortgage for MM but she ISNT paying off the arrears. As mentioned previously eviction proceedings can be costly and drawn out… it appears this is Katie’s chosen path….. AGAIN! 🙄
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I'm working tomorrow but my boss is getting a booster jab at 2pm, is it wrong of me to hope he feels a bit woozy afterwards and doesn't come back?
I have to WFH tomorrow to babysit my extremely depressed mother in law. I’m not saying that’s good but I do like to see the silver lining in every situation!
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Pink Squirrel

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I've been told there will be journos there.
The journos will be sweating with excitement. They'll be hoping to bring the news that many thousands want to hear!
The only reason that deluded cunt is bothered about going to prison is because she won't know what Crawl is up to if she's away 🥴 Every single thing revolves around her.
She is getting worse in her delusional behaviour at an alarming rate. She gives zero fucks about anyone other than herself.
She doesn't care about her kids, her mother, her animals, nothing.
So how the hell is she going to show remorse for actions that could've impacted innocent people? Every aspect of her pathetic existence is ME & I. Nobody else matters. Not even a tiny bit.
Today's result won't matter because whatever it is, it won't be her fault. It won't stop her. She will continue to drive & break the law at the soonest opportunity.
Her brain is fucking fried. She actually needs sectioning permanently. She is a danger to anyone she has any contact with because she truly believes she's above the law, rules don't apply to her, nothing is ever her fault. She still seems to believe she's a much loved, famous, wealthy, highly sought after A-lister, which excuses all her behaviour.
She is capable of anything & will stop at nothing to maintain her fantasy life.
She is dangerous.
Her shit show of a life will not end well.
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Chatty Member
Sussex Police will attempt to appeal today's decision.

I don't know how true this is so don't take it as gospel!
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wimble womble

VIP Member
She described Price's actions as "incredibly selfish" and said she showed "no concern for the lives of others", adding that she "could have easily killed somebody".
Price has already been banned from driving on five separate occasions, with Ms Kelly describing it as "one of the worst driving records I have seen".
what a kind judge ...............worse record but off you toddle
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Pom Bear

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Hello from Pom 🥰.
I see by a quick five minutes lurk that she got off from a prison sentence..very disappointed!
I blame the Lemonade weren't strong enough 😉😬

Back Fri or Saturday ❤ x.

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