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🤔 Did he not say he didn’t need money a while back as he’s loaded 🤥 .......He‘s just another fame/money hungry talentless person.
Yes, yes he did.
Not in it for fame or money (he clearly has none or either but God loves a trier)
Absolute walking contradiction. Says a lot for the brand they're paying probably 5% for any sales on his wank discount code. I'd assume said code is WIFEBEATER32 😂
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Now going back to old hairdressers…. 🙄
Wearing the same jumper she wore in her IAC rant last night.

I know for a fact she'd have gone to bed in that jumper, woke up this morning and just carried on with her day, she won't shower until tomorrow night!

If Pwicey stopped them and if you're not going to get paid for them why not put them here, generously scattered with 'allegedlys' for us to enjoy?
There's no way I'd post anything too cryptic here, for a journalist to just come along and print it anyway.

My side will come, it's just going to take time :)
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Oh, nothing to be sorry for, lovely...I skim read posts on occasion and miss so much stuff. Just wanted to put it back out there so folk know she's not quite as popular as she likes to make out. ;)

Ah, poor wee soul. I'm about 20 months in (covid landed me in hospital and damaged my airways...micro-clots...long boring story) but it does gradually get better. Lots of rest and I found quercetin and turmeric helped immensely! Give her a big squeeze from all her tattle aunties. :D xxx
Thank you Phoebe, I’m so sorry you are still suffering too. I will try her with the turmeric and quercetin as I miss my sassy, sarcy, funny, bouncy minxy girl so anything to help bring some of that back is worth trying.

Exactly this! And trust me, Motormouth Price is no different! She may be vertically challenged, but she's a gobshite!
PORGs if you don’t mind (person of restricted growth) 😉😆 I’m 5’1” 1/2 and that’s how Mr and Miss Jaynie refer to me 😆. As for Pricey not being hit due to her physical size, no one should be hit irrespective of size or gender.

Seriously @Pears, piss off now. Our views of Pricey won’t be changed by your moronic “defences” and excuses. We have eyes that have witnessed her behaviour and antics over two decades, and are more than capable of creating reasoned and informed opinions without some simpering twat telling us that a cunt is really a sweetheart.
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I studied fashion design at art college many moons ago and used to sew for a living. Obviously wanted my own label (and had it for a while) but never had the funding or the commitment.

All these zlisters who 'design' for whatever cheapo shop don't do anything at all.
The in house designer shows them mood boards, and ask things like which floral print do you prefer, what length skirt, etc.
The zlister doesn't design a sodding thing. They all seem to end up with identical chavvy cheap shit. Landfill. No natural fibres. No checks on worker's welfare.

In the case of kp etc they just bulk buy from china, get some mug to stitch a label in and sell on for profit. £5 to buy from the market, £25 direct from kp.

We all know this, hopefully more people are waking up to it.
All these relatively small things are earning her lots of money. Snip those links.
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The "please please leave me alone" angers me so much. If she disappeared off social media she would be left alone, if she didn't phone and book paps to follow her she would be left alone, if she didn't bait the media she would be left alone but she'll be playing the hounded by the media card in court on 15th December like she hates it. The best thing the media could do is put a blackout on her and not write a thing. They'd have the last laugh then.
She's trying her dam best not to be left alone as her time is literally nearly up.
Another 12 months and I don't think the tabloids will even be arsed to regurgitate old news.
To the scrap yard she will go
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There is one in the paper today. Killed by his dad and stepmom. I watched the video of that poor young boy. Wish I hadn’t, it broke my heart. 😿😿
I saw that, couldn't bring myself to watch the video though. Still haunted by the trials of Gabriel Fernandez. Abuse comes in so many forms but skankys fans probably think that the emotional abuse they go through at her hands don't count. The way poor Jett is treated by his mummy is awful, the sad thing is he will keep trying to please her and be grateful for the times when she does give him attention. Its only as he grows he will realise its not his fault. Thank God he has a mummy in Kierans partner.
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so she calling a guy for leaving the baby at home with its mother to go in i am a celebrity yet she left Harvey(and he did not have the other loving parent at home to look after him)to go and get her tits out at the playboy mansion then again to go in the jungle when he was very young
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Did we find out why she was in hospital earlier? Was it a psychiatric one? Broadmoor? Did they plaster her cakehole shut? Is she even alive? So many questions that I couldn't give a fuck about.

I take it there's no video tonight?

I've just seen her "Dazzle in the saddle" advert for KP horseshite. Is that supposed to be sexy? Is she trying to pretend she's good in bed and on the back of a donkey? The questions just keep coming.

see Katie has finished in the plaster room 🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
People that aren't addicts are not the following

A bad mum
Waiting to be sentenced
Been arrested a handful of times for drug related driving offences
Gurns until the sun doesn't shine anymore
Slurs her words
Has no control over her life.

She's an addict through and through.

It's not just drugs that contribute to those examples above, she's a vile person, always has been.

Most nights that we went out she was coked up to her eyeballs.
Is it true that she got a hairdresser to do her hair and then called them asking them to babysit her kids the following week whilst she went out.... She'd only met the hairdresser once, that time she did her hair?
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I studied fashion design at art college many moons ago and used to sew for a living. Obviously wanted my own label (and had it for a while) but never had the funding or the commitment.

All these zlisters who 'design' for whatever cheapo shop don't do anything at all.
The in house designer shows them mood boards, and ask things like which floral print do you prefer, what length skirt, etc.
The zlister doesn't design a sodding thing. They all seem to end up with identical chavvy cheap shit. Landfill. No natural fibres. No checks on worker's welfare.

In the case of kp etc they just bulk buy from china, get some mug to stitch a label in and sell on for profit. £5 to buy from the market, £25 direct from kp.

We all know this, hopefully more people are waking up to it.
All these relatively small things are earning her lots of money. Snip those links.
My friend is a fashion designer and has designed dresses for various celebs. A few years ago her and her business partner were asked to design KP’s equestrian range and all KP could be arsed to do was meet them in a hotel car park to discuss it.
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Chatty Member
There is one in the paper today. Killed by his dad and stepmom. I watched the video of that poor young boy. Wish I hadn’t, it broke my heart. 😿😿
Same hear, i watched it last night , and i all could think was "i would love you", had a little weep to myself after. i'm upset for him typing this😿
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The press should be calling her out for having a go at the disabled Paralympian. That is pretty shitty and shows just what a scumbag she is.
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Everyone has the right to make money. This is how she does it. There’s obviously some issues, real issues with her. She’s messed her face up and her body, and she has been in rehab, you can’t fake your way into The Priory. She was attacked a few months ago. She was struck, and had to run from the house to get help. The 32 year old man will still be subject to prosecution for this because the CPS isn’t interested in the Daily Mail, it’s interested in police statements. Travelling to Vegas was inane. I don’t know any rehab facility who would sanction that. Still< they seemed to be followed by paps even though, even by U.K. standards th are at best C listers. Cash is king. Photos generate thousands of pounds. Say what you want about her, but those kids of her buzz with happiness in the videos and photos she and the fathers post. Happy, enthusiastic clever little things, go trawl through some other celeb kids social media posts. The kids are in a good place, happy and well cared for. They love their mum.
"She was attacked a few months ago... she was struck' Trouble with that is you're taking the word of a pathological liar as true. The police haven't finished yet, so they're obviously not at a stage to say what happened either.
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pwiccceeeee? .... we all know you are a motor mouth, who talks utter crap 24/7 .... an A class GOBSHYTE .. dripping verbal diarrhea every time that vile gob opens ... However .. can you address the elephant in the room .. the " HORN " on that manky forehead .... why? ... pray do tell, we are all ears here 🤔 🤔 🤷‍♀️ ... what is the purpose of growing a " HORN????? " ... 🥴🥴🥴:LOL::LOL::LOL:


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Also I should add, I once saw Katie in Brighton town centre. She is really tiny, petite. The boobs distract you from the fact that she is a physically small woman. The man lifting his hand to her during that assault is an animal. She had no chance. Getting out of the house in the manner she did, running on broken feet, well, that took some doing. Here we are as a society not caring when someone is hurt?
How do you know that's a fact? The only FACT the public know is that a crime was reported and is being investigated. And what's her size got to do with it? This 'poor fragile little woman' has threatened people and has restraining orders against her!
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