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The scum is now saying Bruce Wayne wants to wed his robin before her court date lmfao
And off topic the area price had her accident is nowhere near wayne manor
Another non story about a pair of non entities. Pair of media attention seeking bullshitters
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midsummer blue

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My best friend's son has SEND, she hasn't been on holiday since he was born. He is 20.
They are fabulous parents, they've always just got on with it, battled for his rights, worked through their own health issues whilst caring for him etc.
Just like normal SEND families do on a daily basis around the country. No fanfare, no publicity.
They will always come first in all our lives.
Sadly for Harvey he has never been put first.
Always been Me me me me me me men. Her kids are way at the bottom of her priority list. Always will be. Unless she is making money from them!!!
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Didn't she say Harvey kicked off in the school taxi? My son was getting a council taxi to school in the mornings (I don't drive and far to far to walk), he has attachment issues among other things and hates being away from me. He learnt if he kicked off in the taxi, they would refuse to take him. It didn't help that they stopped supplying chaperones, so the drivers had to cope with 2 or 3 SN children on their own! They eventually stopped his taxi service as it was dangerous behaviour when they are driving. If he was as bad as that, surely they would refuse to take him?
I distinctly remember in one of her documentaries (could have been 'Harvey and Me, Me, Me') his taxpayer funded taxi driver and carer coming to take him to his residential college. Harvey was absolutely delighted and so happy to see them, think the driver was called Raz. He couldn't get in the cab fast enough and away from Skanky. Neither driver nor carer looked scared or worried, in fact they too look delighted to see Harvey as well.

I really can't fathom what her endgame is with all this 'throwing' her own son under the bus? Court plea for leniancy?

She's tried Iron Lung with the switched off oxygen tank which went down like a lead balloon and now the Harvey card. The only thing I can think of is that she will plea if she is in prison then Harvey will have a permanent 'meltdown' and dying mum 'I might not see again' AKA saving her skin at the price of her vunerable son and mother?

Utterly dispicable but sadly believeable.
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So pleased Katie, now get your arse in gear and face up to your other important responsibilities like paying your debts! 😡
Nice new apple phone and mac book. Please tell me someone is watching this and taking note! Also, they really shouldn't be tagging skanky (who comes complete with restraining orders!) on any anti bullying campaign. Good for Harvey but his mum is one of the biggest bullies who introduced an even bigger bully (wanky!) into his life.
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I'm wondering if she is pregnant .. she has gained weight around her middle for certain and it would def get her sympathy in court with the ongoing mess she's made of her life. I hope i'm wrong 🙏

She is happy and healthy? What about the alleged baby that has been drinking and doing coke possibly since conception?!?!? There is no way to deny that is there?
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Thank you your kind words mean a lot to me. My ex husband wasn't sent to jail. He received over £1500 in fines and costs along with 20 days community service. But he lost a lot more than that, he lost his home and dog the moment the court issued the indefinite injunction. I kept both the house and the dog, and over several weeks, redecorated, and burned or gave away all the contents right down to the cutlery, then I bought everything new.

For about 3 years after, I was scared to go out, constantly spooking at noises and looking over my shoulder . Then one afternoon, I spoke to the neighbourhood police officer, and 24 hours later, she sent me an email with the words ' you can sleep well from now on'.

I knew that meant that he was no longer in the area, and to this date don't know where he is. I was granted an automatic divorce after 5 years, as I had satisfied the court that I had tried to find him, in order to serve divorce papers. Despite being diagnosed with PTSD, I wrote about what my ex did and published it in a book a few years ago. Since then I have written 3 further books, and an am an advocate for a domestic abuse charity.

In the last few years, the police and CPS have been taking domestic violence more seriously. I remember years ago when victims often suffered years of abuse before police would do anything and victims were to afraid to report it. Nowadays police react quicker but there still room for improvement.

Married or not, skanky can't stop carwash being charged, she can say no, and retract her statement, but if the police think they have sufficient evidence, and the CPS agree, he can be charged whether Manky agrees to it or not.
I am amazed at your strength, I hope you have only peace going forward.
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Mellow Yellow

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You had watch too many episode of CSI lol.
My husband tried to kill me in 2015, he already had a caution for same offence in 2014. He was arrested on a Sunday of bank holiday, pleaded not guilty, and was kept in police cells until the tuesday. Because he entered a plea of not guilty in his statement I had to give evidence at his trial 6 weeks later.

The police charged him, based on a caution he had as my medical records had been marked with victim of domestic abuse.

I took the stand and gave my evidence first. Thankfully after deliberating for 20 minutes the magistrates found him guilty. I now have an indefinite (lifelong) injunction keeping him away from me.

Being married will not stop cartrash being prosecuted for the assault or theft if he is guilty
Tamar, I am so sorry that you had to endure this. KP makes a mockery of DV. Your dog was by your side during all of this and saw you through to the other side of it. That is why our animals are so precious to us, they take us through the bad times and the good. kP will never know any of this as her animals are expendable to her.
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A comment on the Argus Facebook page 😳
How would the builder know, bit personal innit? Unless it's like the plot of 'The Handmaids tale'. Master of the house Crawl couldn't manage so a menial was drafted in to do the deed. :sick:

I still think, on probability, she is not up the duff. There's very little chance at her age. Pleasedon't let it be true! An addict stuffing their face after coming off drugs is a much nicer alternative for all concerned!
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I’ve just downloaded a sample coz of this site 😂😂
That’s 10 minutes of my life I’ll never get back now .
What a truly awful person she is - and the standard of writing , guessing the target audience is teenage girls 🙄
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I haven't followed the thread for a while , has katie actually made any apology or mention of the crash and the driving offences at all?
Or has she just jumped straight back to business?
No, there was a statement, but that was her family. Katie never says sorry. It was straight back to hair, nails, tans, restaurant, being photographed back to the same old 🤷🏻‍♀️

edit and the family apology was also just to flog the latest book 🤬
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Just lurking for a while, had a thought, has anyone apart from her and kids ever seen H have a meltdown and wreck things? Just haven’t ever seen anyone else mention H ever doing any of the things she says he does, eg smashing holes in walls, smashing iPads or tv s,surely someone else must have seen something like that over the years if he is as bad as she says?!!
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wimble womble

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Here we go 🙄
who on earth is that in that picture?

I dont get it with amazon books, the top 100 is updated every hour..but the KP harvey and me isnt even in the top 100..surely if its sold out you would expect it to be in the top 10 unless amazon only had one copy to sell anyway lmfao
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“ A heart warming story of a Mothers Love“ awww how lovely 😳 Who are they kidding! 🤣🤣🤣
No reviews on Amazon yet? Also, it appears to be temporarily out of stock!?????
what a load of shit,its all about her,how much he loves her,having his voice heard ? dont make me laugh,its her having a platform to slag off people she feels wronged by (and get paid for it). that lovely lad deserves so much more
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I'm pretty sure, that now he has turned 18 and classed as an adult, his rancid mother no longer has the legal right to make all decisions for him, she can have some input but the local authority are ultimately responsible for him.

Maybe they need to be made aware of what she is doing? Surely it is classed as harmful to a vulnerable adult to have nasty stories about them being violent all over the press? It's no way in his 'best interests'.
I feel genuinely so upset reading all these stories about him. I don't know how much they are true, as we all know KP wouldn't know a truth if it hit her in her botoxed, plastic face and how she makes stuff up for a headline.
But just the lack of privacy for Harvey is heartbreaking. From the outside this book seems to be an excuse to have a go at her exes and not Harvey having his voice, she's just making him out to be destructive and I'm sure that is not the case. Are there any stories in the book of all the good things Harvey can do, why are these not being reported on?
And no, as much as I'm curious to know what her ghost writer has written in full, she is not getting a penny of my money.
Anna K hasn't really said much about it, one article on her Insta with no mention of Katie.
I'm so sad NO ONE seems to want to protect Harvey and her family are letting this go ahead, for obvious reasons.

back to #ads 🤬🤬


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Joanna Surrey

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Ha hhhaaa haaa, roll up roll up for wedding number 4. What an absolute embarrassment. Hopefully this shit show will get the backlash they deserve.
Coo those pictures, she's a square old bird, all squat and stout. I don't believe she had more liposuction why would she look this chunky? As for that freak show model..... Strike me pink!!!😂
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This will be to do with Cole getting done for hitting her, she's obviously not going to cooperate with the prosecution. What a shit show their marriage will be.
Look what has happened to its other ex husbands, let’s use Kieran as an example. Reduced to making home videos of himself
placing foreign objects in his butt. “The Price effect”.

I wonder if it will be a themed wedding? The theme being based around a circus 🎪/shit show?

Cum Boy Carl dressed as a clown 🤡 and Priceless PriceyWoods dressed in its pink leotard, skin tight PVC pants, jumping down the isle grabbing its crutch. With a massive oversized butt plug fitted, to stop it leaking /snail trailing. PA can give her away. BoySon best man and biggus dickus. Sophie as the maid of dishonour, wearing a massive tent. The bridesmaids, it’s models 🤣, especially the chick with a dick. The guests consisting of all is ex’s (so it will have to be a substantial location), with free cocaine, alcohol and oxygen (for ye Old Yellow Teeth Iron Lung) on tap. Honeymoon split between prison and the priory.
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I just downloaded the Kindle sample out of morbid curiosity. Around half a dozen pages in, she's already blasting her exes and the fathers of her children. All I I I me me me.
Jesus chris!!! I would have sacked the writer. As a writer of books myself, one of the things not to do is use I or I've in every paragraph. So many errors with grammar in those pages, obviously knocked up in 2 minutes by someone who doesn't use grammar check or proofreading.
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She is drunk in that Kieran video. Many many of her nasty outbursts are cos she’s intoxicated
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