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Working REALLY HARD to paint Harvey in a bad light. She better not say he was the one who punched her. I remember someone on here suggesting it and it seemed ridiculous at the time. Now I wonder.
This woman is a cunt
All the desperate hags on Crawls latest insta post too!!! Makes my clit retract.
Just fuck off the pair of you vile, disgusting cunts!
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What I meant is she had her own ranges out like make up underwear books perfume etc in that way she was a head of her time
Sam fox never had that she never done any reality show either
I get where you are coming from hun, but I really do think that was actually all down to Claire Powell. It was more the showbiz couple that was making her money than her being Jordan
In fact Claire often said Katie price sells more than Jordan. And as hard as it is to beilive now, Claire was right. She made so much as Katie. But it wasn't Katie's drive or ideas it was all her management. Her and Pete were the top showbiz couple around that time and those opportunities came from that- not from her being a "model" So the brains behind it was actually Can. Katie just loves to ride on that wave because its the only time she was very successful and she just doesn't want to credit Claire for it all. I think both her and Pete worked hard to get as much cash in as possible around that time. But it all came at a price. I remember one episode when princess was only a babe in arms and Katie was going to America for surgery (again) and I think a photo shoot, but they left princess behind. Pete was so upset to leave her but Katie was so blase about it all, it was like she couldn't wait to get away . She's never put her kids first, none of them.
I once was a fan, as embarrassing as that is now to say. And I find her weirdly fascinating. I'm sure one day we will wake to the news that something has happened to her, as she's been on a downward spiral for a while.
I know some people wouldn't be bothered by that, but I admit, I would find it incredibly sad.
I can't stand alot of Katie's behaviour, the majority of it is abhorrent. She has no respect for the men in her life, she uses friends and she's an awful mother. she once did have things that most people can only dream of..... children, health, wealth, a good partner, she was once quite attractive, a lovely figure and work opportunities. And she's chucked it all away of her own accord. She never, ever learns her lesson and I can't see why she hasnt. There's no excuse. If she just took responsibility for once then maybe she could have started to redeem herself but she's chucked it all away. Silly, silly woman. No ones fault but her own. She's an idiot.
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Asked my daughters FaceApp thing, what does Skanky look like in reality, when we take away the filters.

Put in this latest photo…..

FaceApp says this is the truth ( I think it was being generous)….might send it to Trading Standards….
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Wooohooooo don’t they lead such a crazy life. A 43 year old and her 32 year old toy boy dancing with a filter that gives you pink hair and glasses. 🤦🏻‍♀️ So cool.
Maybe a few beverages going down too…to act that weird
They are without a doubt off their faces. She knows what she SHOULD be posting, pics of Iron Lung, Harvey etc. She's slipped up here. She's that wasted she thought it was a good idea to post a pic of her being wasted with Wanky. Baaaaaad move. She's slipping further and further. Slapgate 2 is imminent.
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Joanna Surrey

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See she's spouting off about Harvey again this morning. If he really did wreck that room I suspect it was out of frustration at the miserable time he was having stuck there whilst they were constantly out enjoying themselves. Funny how he always seems to act up around them. Thank goodness he's now getting some peace and quiet in his new placement. These stories at least should stop being printed from now. He cannot consent and she's making money from a vulnerable adult. Who else would they allow to do this? I really hope one day the lid blows on just why she has this blanket press coverage. People liken her to Katona and Daniella Westbrook but neither of them have this endless attention.
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DBT Therapy is used to treat those with Borderline Personality Disorder - is this an admission of sorts?
Manky would never admit to anything. Looks like she's going to keep throwing out mental health cards, terminally ill mother (who looks in perfect health) disabled child and every other health card just to try and keep herself out of jail, while in the meantime keeping up the I'm sorry charade and making a mockery of everything and everyone.
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Chatty Member
Thank you your kind words mean a lot to me. My ex husband wasn't sent to jail. He received over £1500 in fines and costs along with 20 days community service. But he lost a lot more than that, he lost his home and dog the moment the court issued the indefinite injunction. I kept both the house and the dog, and over several weeks, redecorated, and burned or gave away all the contents right down to the cutlery, then I bought everything new.

For about 3 years after, I was scared to go out, constantly spooking at noises and looking over my shoulder . Then one afternoon, I spoke to the neighbourhood police officer, and 24 hours later, she sent me an email with the words ' you can sleep well from now on'.

I knew that meant that he was no longer in the area, and to this date don't know where he is. I was granted an automatic divorce after 5 years, as I had satisfied the court that I had tried to find him, in order to serve divorce papers. Despite being diagnosed with PTSD, I wrote about what my ex did and published it in a book a few years ago. Since then I have written 3 further books, and an am an advocate for a domestic abuse charity.

In the last few years, the police and CPS have been taking domestic violence more seriously. I remember years ago when victims often suffered years of abuse before police would do anything and victims were to afraid to report it. Nowadays police react quicker but there still room for improvement.

Married or not, skanky can't stop carwash being charged, she can say no, and retract her statement, but if the police think they have sufficient evidence, and the CPS agree, he can be charged whether Manky agrees to it or not.
Wow I have no words to the fact he didn't serve time.... But also not surprised after seeing stuff like that happen all the time in the media. So pleased that you were able to get on with your life.... And by the sounds of it you're doing a bloody awesome job of it... What with your books and helping others.... Hope everything keeps getting better for you ❤😊

Thank you also for clearing up my query 👍
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A tragic life story in 2 photos….

Exhibit A….What you could have done with your life…

Exhibit B….What Skanky chose to do with her life…Mum of the Year, Twat of the Decade more like…..

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Apparently as Ms Price is unable to pay her specially selected models for said photo shoot, they are to be remunerated by 2 weeks worth shopping at Lidl which I think is quite fair. One of the models is vegan, organic, only eats whole foods, unprocessed, natural etc, she’s the one with boobs right next to her shoulder blades.

Night all, don’t get yourself too upset over her behaviour, she’s not worth it.

if a turd keeps floating, use a plunger.
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I am betting now she’s exhausted all her pity party articles she’s on the phone to dads pleading to see the kids with the ulterior motive of some planned photo ops for the papers & don’t forget the new season JYY tat modelling….

Must be hard for the dads knowing best thing is to keep them as far away from her as possible.
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Mellow Yellow

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Morning Krusties. She is lazy and is incapable of following anything through, be it going to the gym to lose weight. All she wants is for everything to happen instantly. I also don't think she ever had the kind of money that was mentioned on the papers. She just let that myth stay as it made her feel that she was this amazingly clever businesswoman. It is most likely that she earned around £5 million during her best years with the TV programs and the magazine deals. Unfortunately, she was not intelligent enough to realise that she needed to diversify or invest the money. The only investment that she made was in plastic surgery and that did not pay off. She now sees the current LI lot some of who are making lots of money with endorsements and she is desperate for a piece of the pie. It has long gone for her. I think that people that matter most in the business will not touch her with a bargepole even before the drink/drive arrest. As my old mum would say "she has no saving graces". She is a nasty spiteful vindictive person who only seems to get pleasure in hurting others including her children.
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