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Sam Fox never got arrested for drink and drugs or driving while banned.
Sam Fox made as a successful career as she could, with what she had. She didn't use or abuse anyone along the way.
Sam Fox will never be known as one of the most hated women in the UK for her behaviour.
Sam Fox lives a fairly normal quiet life today, will happily talk about her career and what was good and what was bad about it.
Sam Fox has never blamed others for anything that may have gone wrong.
Sam Fox did do reality TV, When she launched a fairly successful pop career and also had stints on a tea time news show as well as appearing on I'm a Celebrity.
Sam Fox didn't use plastic surgery.

Katie Price should not even be mentioned in the same breath as Sam Fox. Sam Fox is in a different league.
Sam fox had a healthy, honest and loving relationship.
She seems to be in another now.
Quietly, privately.
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When will it stop? Poor Harvey.
If he is as violent as she makes out, why is he not in a unit for those with mental health disorders, or a specialist unit, if he's that bad then he must be a danger to the public . But of course we only have the word of a persistent narcissistic liar.

Never has a parent of one of the children present, a teacher, taxi driver carer or anyone else ever come forward and said anything. It is only ever her that says it. Also there are never any photos of the damage. The only time we ever saw a glimpse of how bad he might be is one the school visit when he banged a door himself, and that was minor.

Sure she photographed holes in walls, and a pile of broken TV,s outside, but she could have taken a hammer and done that herself. She could have also got a load of already broken TV's and smashed those herself.

C'mon manky let's see some real proof.
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I think she looks up the duff.👀
Sadly I think she may well be pregnant, she is huge, can’t believe it’s just junk food piling on the weight. Pity the poor kid if she is, that’s if she carries it full term, she’s deffo looking wired in the videos, skanky ain’t off the drugs.

What a godawful mess this is, that bloke only wants to play with his cars, and achieve Z list fame, that is not a man interested in looking after a kid.
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She was in the right place at the right time and back in the day had excellent publicists and agents. She was hardly 'way ahead of her time', Samantha Fox was flopping her tits out and making a fortune in the 80's. I have always conceded that originally she was incredibly pretty. It was always clear however that she was thicker than pig shit and had absolutely no personality so once the looks faded it was clear she was on a hiding to nothing.

To be honest her only feasible option now is porn. & I don't mean Only Fans, I mean proper hardcore stuff. She's got no other 'talent' and she's too old and ugly for Only Fans or anything mainstream. She'll need to do proper borderline illegal stuff. She's lost custody of her kids anyway and no-one respects or likes her so she's got nothing to lose. She might be able to milk it a bit when Iron Lung dies but this new book with Harvey - all old hat and whilst she might briefly have fooled people it's clear that he is just her show pony and get out of jail free card. I still say that when it became clear the extent of that poor boy's complex medical needs she saw £££££££££££££££.
This sounds horrible but I'm very direct and I absolutely mean this... the best thing that ever happened to her was having Harvey. She has been given everything in life because everyone felt sorry for her. She's used and abused that poor boy for the last 20 years.. before he was even born she was abusing him.. I don't know how she can live with herself.. Strong words I know ..but because of his disabilities she used this to her advantage.

When Harvey was a babe in arms and his eyesight had just been diagnosed Pwicey and Iron Lung were in the back of a car, Amy kept saying H was partially sighted and Pwicey was yelling at her 'he's BLIND'. She obviously had reckoned right away that blind would pay more than partially sighted. And so the lies began.
Absolutely true and well said... Harvey has never even been diagnosed with PWS...but she still tells everyone he's got it..
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Just watched her ` posing ` on her IG video ... She believes in her dumb, deluded, delusional mind, that this is ` again ` her great comeback :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:... all I saw was a sad old woman, trying too hard to look young sexy ... alluring and failing miserably ... she is also DEFINITELY wired up to the fucking eyeballs, her eyes go beyond MANIC ... she is so full of herself ... its unreal ... hopefully her next ` show piece ` will be a massive OD and we can finally be rid of this monstrous creature once and for all ..... vile revolting skank!! ... ( there is no way, she is clean, with her usual unhinged behaviour, she has NOT learnt any lesson, and will continue regardless, there is not one ounce of remorse in her ).. 😤😤😤
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Yeah I completely agree with you all I was saying she done good for herself for a girl from Brighton and how she was ahead of her time in some ways but she’s was very much a product of early 2000s celebrity culture and that’s just not a thing now some aspects are fading out and the public are fed up of celebrity sensational headlines
Yeah she sort of undone all the positives she a complete train wreck now her life is a mess she needs to sort herself out and correct in morals that’s if there’s any of them left
She hasn’t got any fucking morals she is a old hasbeen skank.Never had em,have you not looked at our wiki? If you haven’t then you are wearing a soddin blindfold.
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midsummer blue

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The difference between these pictures speaks volumes. I don't doubt it that Katie wants to make her into a "Mini-Me" Peter really needs to keep her away from her as much as possible before she ends up turning her into a clone.
I think she looked very pretty at the pride of Britain awards night. Natural and not overdone make up. She really doesn’t need heavy make up at her age. Wish young girls would realise that they are naturally pretty without too much make up.
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Just seen this gem on her Insta page ''All my products are vegan & cruelty free'' Not like you then Katie? How many pets have you killed now?
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The Cat That Can

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Who said earlier a story about Harvey would be coming out...!
God, she's a piece of work:mad: So the narrative is that he's violent and destructive and uncontrollable and she can't cope. It's astonishing but, of course, not unexpected from this wonderful mother to again throw Harvey under the umpteenth bus.

With the book I guess the much easier task of editing the kindle edition means that's all that's out so far after all the legal threats about all the bullshit in the papers last week.
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She’s no longer following Pete 🤣 hopefully he has his lawyers on to her. Amazon seems to be the only place to get the book now. 😳🤭
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and more :rolleyes:

Cole is definitely some kind of weirdo to want to go to all her 'beauty' treatments, nails, hair and just sit there, sorry, but that just seems so controlling. He was pictured out with a few mates after slapgate but now back to his old routine of hanging around while she spends more money she should be using to pay back her creditors.
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🙄 Harry Potter
Bloody Hell, Skanky has met her match with this one. This guy emanates “red flags”, just seeing his photo gives me bad vibes. His Instagram is very passive/aggressive and he flies off the handle in the replies repeatedly, anger management issues spill out of him. He has an air of menace about him. what was that charge “coercive and controlling”…..oh yes, that fits the bill.

Someone said on here, she appears scared of him, I think that‘s true, he’s a nasty bit of work IMO. Like everything else in her life, this relationship is toxic, but Skanky wants a Toy Boy. She knows it’s getting harder to find anyone younger (they have to be younger, as she wants to fit in with the Love Island crowd 🤦🏽‍♀️) who wants to be with her, the pool is emptying, so is sticking with him.

We’ve all seen how he behaves around Harvey, not good. If she is expecting his child, reckon he won’t hang around, the man wants fun, not a child to cramp his style.

I really hope she’s not pregnant with his child, I dread to think what the outcome will be. For a start, all the drugs/drink and the fact she’s over 40, the chances are that any child will have health issues. No Iron Lung to step in as mother this time. Let’s pray she’s just a fat mess.
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Thank you your kind words mean a lot to me. My ex husband wasn't sent to jail. He received over £1500 in fines and costs along with 20 days community service. But he lost a lot more than that, he lost his home and dog the moment the court issued the indefinite injunction. I kept both the house and the dog, and over several weeks, redecorated, and burned or gave away all the contents right down to the cutlery, then I bought everything new.

For about 3 years after, I was scared to go out, constantly spooking at noises and looking over my shoulder . Then one afternoon, I spoke to the neighbourhood police officer, and 24 hours later, she sent me an email with the words ' you can sleep well from now on'.

I knew that meant that he was no longer in the area, and to this date don't know where he is. I was granted an automatic divorce after 5 years, as I had satisfied the court that I had tried to find him, in order to serve divorce papers. Despite being diagnosed with PTSD, I wrote about what my ex did and published it in a book a few years ago. Since then I have written 3 further books, and an am an advocate for a domestic abuse charity.

In the last few years, the police and CPS have been taking domestic violence more seriously. I remember years ago when victims often suffered years of abuse before police would do anything and victims were to afraid to report it. Nowadays police react quicker but there still room for improvement.

Married or not, skanky can't stop carwash being charged, she can say no, and retract her statement, but if the police think they have sufficient evidence, and the CPS agree, he can be charged whether Manky agrees to it or not.
You are an amazingly strong woman. What an horrible time you’ve had. I wish you nothing but happiness
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midsummer blue

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See she's spouting off about Harvey again this morning. If he really did wreck that room I suspect it was out of frustration at the miserable time he was having stuck there whilst they were constantly out enjoying themselves. Funny how he always seems to act up around them. Thank goodness he's now getting some peace and quiet in his new placement. These stories at least should stop being printed from now. He cannot consent and she's making money from a vulnerable adult. Who else would they allow to do this? I really hope one day the lid blows on just why she has this blanket press coverage. People liken her to Katona and Daniella Westbrook but neither of them have this endless attention.
My SN child hates holidays they are really stressful. So we don’t have them as I will never put my child under stress like that. If I am very lucky (and it’s been 2 years now) I might get a couple of days not far away. But always in phone contact and there’s lots of those. Normal SN parents put their child’s needs first. She only ever puts herself First.
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I downloaded a sample of her new book on the kindle last night to have a little read. The thing that stood out the most Is her saying she has had no help with Harvey at all cause “you just got to get on with it”. I really don’t understand why she would tell such an obvious lie at the start of her book?! There’s no shame in getting help with a child with complex needs, she’s entitled to help and everyone knows she has had help so why say she hasn’t !? Surely that lie would be enough even for her biggest fans to know that the rest of her book must be lies and not bother buying it…

anyway that’s just me musing…. I’ve not posted for ages but I’m still following and reading the threads they do make me laugh. Funny bunch u are 😁 I especially laugh every time I see mother called iron lung 😂 what a waste of space she is holding her fake oxygen tank 🙄
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She doesn’t do a jot of exercise, eats crap constantly and was told she had an extremely slim chance of getting pregnant, IVF didn’t work and despite what Carl makes out, he’s not really interested in kids.
I don't think he's interested in sex or Price.
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