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I find it amazing the amount of people in this thread are now thinking it is not crawl after both of their little PR blitz today on Social Media. He is currently on bail otherwise we wouldn’t have had a whole month with no SM posts with both of them in pictures or videos. Secondly the coercive element of the investigation. Stop being drawn in by them
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Pesky Tarian

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who goes to Turkey Tuesday to Friday it is not worth flying all that way for 3 nights
Who else foresees some random drama that forces her to extend the holiday and miss the roadshows... literally took the money and ran.
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I've heard Katie isn't co-operating...
Not surprising, let's hope they arrest the stupid skank for wasting police time! .... Most of us called this from the getgo, because it was a drug, drunk fueled argument, that went to far, and once she come down off her high, and sobered up, she regretted it .... hope they throw the fucking book at her
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Ems please don't feel like you have to take a break, only do that because you want to not because of interactions here. I personally do not like the name calling of children and I put Harvey in that bracket also. What I think about their mother has nothing to do with them. They are children and as such should be left off comments. You are so right, they cannot help being born to Skanky. I feel so very sorry for Harvey, he really does not seem to have any "family" fighting in his corner like the other children with their dads. She has kept it that way all his life for control over him. It is so not fair. I can only hope that the college he is attending will also care for his psychological needs as well as his educational ones.
The ignore button on here is very good, once pressed you can not see anymore from whoever you wish to avoid ... name calling children is strictly ` off limits ` during these discussions, yes we can talk about them, but not in that manner ... ` A child should never suffer because of its parents wrong doings ` ... I have pressed ignore, as the person in question has a habit of speaking this way, not just here, but on other platforms as well, I've felt uncomfortable myself many times with his words, this is not a nice individual, dosent see what he says as wrong, he has form for this on other comment forums, can be quite vile, also trying to discuss it, in a calm logical manner, again does not work ... ` Ignore ` .. is the best option @MrsEms then continue as you were, no need to leave because of this, you have every right to leave your opinion and express yourself
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And here, now the annoying personality vacuum that is Katie price is hoping the world doesn't have a case of deja vu, for wheeling out another fake love interest, who finds her about as attractive as mangled piece of road kill who has festered in a floridian swamp where temperatures and humidity have reached record highs which only fuels the festering like pouring petrol on a raging forest fire.

He must have had a memory zapping experience of the time dearest Queen of bad eyelashes appeared on video getting toe screwed by a 2nd rate pop star for all of the worlds randy teens of naughties to knock one out too.

I think this is how David Attenborough would narrate this absolute cluster fuck of a fetid life form.
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Alex/Mrs Ems ..... Normally I mind my own, however, I have an ASD family member and over the years the person has been referred to, using some frankly disturbing, vile and snide wording.

I won't lie, it stings, big time. Mostly because the family member is able to brush that crap off their shoulder and march on, the rest of us however, take it very personally and hate that other people don't know them for the amazing person they actually are underneath the ASD outer shell.

I guess the wording "Bungle Boy" is mostly the thing that's caused the offence/issue here. I read the word and did the Flinch/cringe tutt thing that has unfortunately accompanied me on a lot of occasions. Like a natural reflex really.

I wondered did Alex mean that he is like Bungle bear from Rainbow? Gentle, unassuming, kind and fragile, to be protected (that's what I always saw in Bungle bear, even as a kid).

Or did Alex mean he bungles everything because of his disability? which is a little awkward and uncomfortable to read.

Equally, I also understand what Alex means when he refers to HP being wheeled out at every occasion, when frankly he should be allowed dignity, care, love and respect to attend College and care in privacy and away from the constant spotlight which he may not be fully able to understand and all it's implications it brings with it.

I do wish KP would understand HP is no longer a little child, so sharing him isn't showing the world how a Mum/Parent/Guardian copes with a special/additional needs child on a daily basis.

She's not enabling other parents who are struggling, leading by example on how best to cope and assist that child in his/her/their growth.

Frankly, she had money, a huge home (carers could live there) and every opportunity to support this young man from birth onwards and her own greed, stupidity and selfishness has now left HP, her and all her other children without any back up or real support other than their Dads (which also have issues).
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Miss Lola

Chatty Member
Just been reading the comments on CW’s insta post…there’s some really deluded fanbots out there…‘we love you and Katie blah blah blah’
As for KP’s comment, the scene is now clearly being set for them getting back together…utterly pathetic and completely transparent.
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How strange. On looking at the updated story in the Daily Mail, no age is given for the man arrested and put on bail, not even to say he was in his 30s. Previously all the articles I read specifically stated said man to be 32. The only time the age 32 is mentioned is the quote from the police.
What's making my piss boil is she's saying people believing what's written in the paper. Has she forgotten she gave a fucking interview to The Sun alluding to it being a case of domestic violence??
If I got assaulted in my home and my partner was accused, I would have said AT THE TIME it wasn't him and say the assailant will be named in due course. It's this crap, aling with all her other life drama that keeps making her the vile old whore bag that she is.
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wimble womble

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It seems he’s realising the amount of unwelcome coverage you will get hanging around with price
This is either some well thought out hustle to try and derail her upcoming hearing or is genuine and it’s out of there control
Love the old I have strong mental character
Jeez the guy then he went into hiding
Even though he was papped outside shops on at least 2 occasions
If your that strong Carl grow some balls and make a statement to say NO it was me arrested or did you leave your backbone in n the gym with your curling bar lmfao
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Morning Krusties,just finishing catching up,I went for lay down yesterday afternoon and didn’t wake up till 11pm! FFS
Harvey wasn’t there that night though was he also Jett and Bunny was there but what was they doing up at 10.30 etc? Far too late for little ones,did they witness what happened? Bit confusing isn’t it?
Morning Dolly,
As someone whom has trained in child safeguarding, I find that photo of Bunny extremely concerning. That photo does not show a happy and relaxed child. It shows a troubled child.

Although she may not be able to verbalise her feelings she will be aware of the difference in how she feels when she is with Mummy. Sadly she won’t blame Mummy she will blame herself for these feelings. I hope that the school are supporting her and are working with Kieron and Michelle to help her feel safe and secure.

I stand by my claim that Katie has short hair due to hair analysis drug test.
@Binfest Katie was due in Court at the beginning of week. As usual she dragged her feet and another date will be set. Are the press aware? Are channel 4 aware as she’s adamant they will be filming at the MM for a renovation show.

I apologise for lack of updates but all I can say is proceedings will be actioned to the letter of the law.
She has not paid anything since July 2020.
She has not provided crime numbers requested for any of the thefts, burglaries etc
She is costing the creditors dearly due to ignoring communications and general non compliance.
Sadly creditors are secondary to HWs bill.

"Remember all the things I did at the start of this" is that a warning to Katie? All the stuff he must know.
In fairness the Bankruptcy would have been finalised in Oct 2020 if she had listened to his advice. I hate to say it but he was very supportive of Katie being held accountable and dealing with issues stated. If she had listened to him she would be on a payment plan already and so many creditors would have had closure instead of being left dangling for a further 12 months.
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Ive not been on because im faffed off with both of their bullshit but this and her using #Harveyslaw is really taking the piss now
Complete total PR BS .... This has all been orchestrated from the get go, by HER ... she could have defended him from the beginning, thus protecting his ` fragile mental health `.. which is BOLLOCKS by the way .... this is all one big PR SCAM ... and now its coming to an end of the first stage, after weeks the big PR wheels are now in motion for the next stage of this shitshow ... Id hoped he would eventually come out and out her properly, but dont see this happening now .... she is backtracking big time, because she dosent want to be outed for being a drunk junkie, if that were to happen, she will be dropped by charities and organisations, the tv stations stupid enough to pay her for shows, also social services will start digging deeper, all the above are the reasons she has now after weeks of silence, where she has not come to lover boys defence, basked in sympathy, she has received from her ` deluded ` fans .... and others dim enough to be dazzled by her bull crap ..... the next stage is now in motion, these twats have been orchestrating for weeks now, how this will be played out to the public, and the PR BS machine continues chugging along doing what it does best, feeding shit to the public, to keep this vile skank relevant ... RINSE .... REPEAT ... All one big fucking game :mad::mad::poop::poop::poop:
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No they won't! Don't forget she appeared via a Zoom call from the Maldives. They aren't stupid - they are probably laughing at what a shock she is going to get I hope 😁
Urgh, where's my violin? Yes Carwash, we'll remember what you did in the beginning, threatening folks on video, well not forget what a great bloke you are. 🤢 Our memories are obviously far better than yours.
What an absolute hypocrite! Who in the fucking hell does he think he is?????

You're right, when he came on 'the scene' he came out threatening people (think I was possibly one of the first) with that tramp cackling along and was then thick enough to put it on UTube so obviously thought it was 'acceptable behaviour'. In front of her kids as well. Quickly removed and re-edited and reposted.

Hid behind Kirstys skirts when the police got involved and refused to apologise when requested so by the police, so he can shove any apologies he expects up his arse, he certainly didn't have 'the balls' to apologise to me.

That was the first of many aggressive threats to people.

Also IMHO talk about 'biting the hand that feeds you', calling the media corrupt.

1. No one named you in the press. Just a 32 year old man, at your address had been arrested and bailed?

2. If it wasn't you, no one knows for sure, you have had ample opportunity to deny it was you but still haven't.

3. KP's minions moved her crap out of your house next day. Why?

4. She's not defended you and could have.

Yes we know what kind of 'man' you are Crawl and it certainly isn't a 'Goodfella'.

Again IMHO and having been on the receiving end of his aggression and threats he's a coward, bully, notice the continual finger pointing in his video, sign of aggression unsurprisingly. He's and again IMHO, a nobody who tried the 'reality' shows and failed miserably.

Alledgedly slagged off Price and her kids to his mates in Sheesh loudly days before they got together. Lets face it, she'll go with anyone who shows her attention and she was the last chance saloon for him to achieve fame. What an absolute debarkle that has been!

I hope he fades into the obscurity he deserves. No talent, personality, redeeming attributes other than he seems to love his dog.

None of her other men have behaved like this repulsive, reprehensible specimen.

Rant over!
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How will we find out the Essex police statement?
Pricey will ride in on its dead and dying horse, Prinny and Iron Lung Lil dragging Harv along, with Junior rapping the outcome. “Carl’s been done for hitting my Mum, and yes she takes it up the b*m”.

Carl J Woods been firing duds,
Pricey ain’t happy it’s her in a nappy,
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Mellow Yellow

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I would think the police are still trying to sort out the fact from fiction from both Skanky and Wanky, She probably thought that if she said that she did not want to give evidence then that would be the end of it.
She has finished with her PR company - Kirsty. I would lay a bet that is because Kirsty probably called the police and Skanky is blaming her for losing "the ONE" and also has decided not to pay her either.
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Pink Squirrel

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in the Sun
A FACT is that she'll be loving all this attention 🙄

I also think 'mystery 32 yr old' has been re-bailed until October now because she's refusing to co-operate. This clearly isn't playing out how she thought/wanted. In her deluded mind she's wanting to come out of this as the nation's sweetheart, still a popular much loved celebrity, wanted by everyone, offers of high end work flooding in.
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Wasn’t it complaining that someone had tanned up mimicking Bungle Boy? Bungle Boy is proof that drugs and alcohol are a piss poor life choice during pregnancy, but good for leaching cash for. Bet Dwight wishes he’d pulled out, as does Price Monsters real dad.

Uncalled for!!! Let's not insult her kids with dickhead names. They've got enough on their plate with that Bint for a mother.
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Joanna Surrey

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Oh yes we remember you at the start very well indeed. Gurning and showing off 24/7 with the horrible thing. Threatening and bullying women not to mention tormenting and goading Harvey. Oh yes Carwash we remember you . Now screenshot this loser. 😂
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Katie is such an idiot, does she forget she was the one posing for a photo the very next day in the sun newspaper. They slate the papers but they use them when they want to.
it also dosnt explain her kids unfollowing Carl if it was nothing to do with him!
I think there’s some major backtracking going on here now they have probably got back together after a drunken argument where things escalated
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