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liar liar

VIP Member
Who would do this to their friend?

I know MH posted these shots but for Skanky to put them on her Instasham and claim credit for her recovery is lower than a snakes belly.

Can someone translate that please into English?
To be honest it looks more like she had a severe allergic reaction to something with all the puffiness.
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It's set in a Glasgow pub and it's presented by the Krankies. I've tried to sell the idea to STV but they're having none of it. :LOL:
All I can say is they don’t know a great idea when they hear one. What about monkey tennis, Youth hosteling with Chris Eubank, arm wresting with Chas n Dave???…..smell my cheese!
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
Morning my lovelies 😘 Dolly your hair looks fab ❤. Well more crap from lady muck herself. How someone can make so much about themselves is beyond me🤷‍♀️And why some people seem to be pals with her just so she can feed her own egotistical personality I use that word loosely.
If wanky is still with her he needs his head felt the woman is barking mad. Hope you all have a lovely day whilst we await more tripe from the master of shite herself🤣
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It’s going to be full on selling make up masterclasses, btw KP, you, as an undischarged bankrupt should not be advertising a limited company without permission of the court. Plus these pictures are filtered to f#%k 🤦🏻‍♀️

Plus pictures of her kids with an illiterate comment, it’s flies Katie, not flys. 🙄
I was just going to say the same thing. You know she is doing her own pr now judging by the spelling and grammar. My god, its like a 5 year old writing it
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I wouldn't be surprised if you are right. Meanwhile I came across this. Hotel should have prosecuted her, she gets away with everything :mad:
Which is assault. So she has threatened various people, done actual assaults and revenge porn but you know, people should '#bekind' to her,
makes me want to :sick:🤮

Also, has anyone ever seen her and Caitlyn Jenner in the same room??
To be fair Caitlyn has much better taste and style 😄
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
Morning Krusty krew mates 👍hope you are all fit and well and waiting for the big day tomorrow 😂
Will we know who the alleged attacker was?
will wanky sing like a canary?
will skanky bad mouth the police because the charges were dropped ?
Do we care I suspect not. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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A sell-out image what with Hallow'een coming anawl ;)

"A List"? They've got the wrong end of the alphabet!!!

Pete might be a lot of things but he ain't a mental case! The only candidate for a re-run with der fing is boyson because he is desperate, however
I am informed that the passengers on the Happy Bus absolutely DO NOT WANT it climbing aboard with them either :)

Stakeouts at the local nick then to see who shows up?

Much needed publicity for the pair of 'em of course :(

They would ll be rubber cheques though so no point

and this is a story FGS???????????????????
I expect it would have preferred another work of art featuring 'erself instead though :(

Oh and same article mentions the tv prog renovating the dump aka Trampy Towers.

"Fallen into disarray" they say. Pwwwwwahahahahaha! It takes years of neglect to create that kind of a kharzi, not just a bit of "disarray". Idiots :(
Disarray is being generous…

#64 She’ll roll out her kid, she’ll roll out her mum, she’ll arrange a fake boyfriend, for some dosh from the Scum
I think this is a winner!!!

I am awake early to do an order for the new iPhone. It is pink and mine is dying and I decided to treat myself to something that will keep a damned charge in it and not have to worry about it dying!!
I am 90 minutes from them taking orders.
mug of tea as large as my head, and counting down!
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Morning :) Just keeping an eye on the thread today - think it's going to be eventful!
Morning 😉

If we do have an eventful day then hold on tight...that could mean we'll get hundreds of new members again with a sprinkling of nutters😂
Yay I like nuts🤪
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Latest IG - showing a horrid photo of her bestest fwend and reminding the world several times that she 'helped' with rehab for Blunderwoman.

No fucking shame

Well thank god she saved poor Michelle. Did she mention she saved her? And it was her doing getting her in the priory? I don’t think Katie mentioned it…
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
What absolute suckers would pay to see that wretched freak?

Its like Coronation Street, but instead of cobbles we have lumpy face price and it’s over sized plastic chest.

Manky Price and it’s sister now part of the Sun shit show. Christmas in September 🤣 All Harvey wants for Christmas is a new Mother.
FFS, how is that even a story? I'd be embarrassed to have my name on that! 2 or 3 lines of boring crap from her Itsasham & the rest is boring shite we've all read a million times before. She really is boring 😴😴😴😴😴 not news worthy in any way, shape or form. She's had every possible 'story' rung out now. The neverending question is WHY do the media persist in ramming this boring, talentless tramp down our throats? 🤔
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Do none of these people know how to be tidy?
I remember the first time I ever saw a KP reality show, not sure what it was, maybe her and PA show on itv? I was SHOCKED how messy her house was. I'd never known anything like it and thought it was a rare thing for people to be so messy and celebs wouldn't be because they have money for cleaners. Then I saw Jessica Simpson and her husbands reality show and their house was so messy. Then on things like the hills, towie and similar, you see how messy most of them are. Don't even get me started on the big brother house/love island villa etc absolutely vile.

KP 'my crazy life' is on discovery plus and her house/hotel rooms/whatever are worse than ever and her garden has shipping containers in with her 'memories' all mouldy/tangled/creased/broken etc. She needs to just get rid of the shipping containers, bulldoze the rotting house, get the rubble removed and sell the land, she's let it go too far.
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I’m just dropping in to say “Shacket” 😳 it’s a shirt-jacket from the Pricey clothes range, probably made of off-cuts and seconds! 😂 Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, she’ll wear that mangled jacket tomorrow! 😆

Sorry to hear it’s been a sad day for many, makes one wonder the trivial things in the life are just that, and to weigh up what matters the most 💗
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I had to wait until my two were in their mid-teens before the revelation occurred that actually their "father" was the total POS I'd said he was all the long so it will come sooner than skanky thinks :) Junior has reached his own conclusions about her thus when Prunecess begins to see it for herself she will already have an ally there in her brother, and of course skanky has already sidelined Jett therefore he's probably already well along the route to seeing the scumbag for what it really is. This :poop:
My daughter disowned him on the day he left, he is dead to her, she even changed her surname to my fathers, when she was 16, the man who took over and helped me raise them, their grandad, is their father figure, they wanted for nothing with him around, both now adults, with their own lives, but they still turn to grandad for pretty much anything, the bond is amazing ... my son took a while to see the scum for what he is, but as I knew, once he became a man, he did wise up .. both have nothing to do with him ... he even had the nerve after everything he put me through to phone me a few years back begging for me to make my children see him, told him " Not my problem " and hung up ... both my children did as I expected, they put the final nail in the coffin .... once they grow, most kids are not forgiving
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Monsieur Crumble

Well-known member
Love this 😀

Why can't she just fucking leave him to settle in? It'll likely end in a fucking meltdown when she leaves. But of course she won't care because she won't have to deal with it.
Cue a million fucking photo's of Harvey with baby Albert 🤢🤮. Poor Harvey will be filmed & photoed to death today.
And Sophie driving her baby 3hrs there & 3hrs back with no doubt numerous stops.
Her sister is as bad as her as is the enabler! Bitches of Jaywick 😉
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
There was an old lady called skanky
Who’s tits were to large and manky
But let’s all be fair !!
Do we really care?
If it falls from grace
Gets lost in space
And gets lost in the black hole
And ends up in oblivion 😂😂
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