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Hampshire Hog

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Let’s hope the interlopers f🤬🤬k off and leave us in peace. I can’t get my head around this latest tale …. If it was him then why does she still have the happy Sunday pic up still on instasham she usually removes all traces of the boy toys when she’s given them the elbow something just does not sit right 🤔
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I bet by the weekend, they will either be back together and say it was just an argument, or she will be in someone else's bed and the whole merry-go-round will begin again
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Let's just remember a few facts from the week or so leading up to the alleged incident.

The My World photographs that don't include each other, immediately sparking rumours that they have had a bust up or split. Then they make an appearance together on the new sofa but sat at opposite ends of it with a very deliberate distance between them. Denying any problem in their relationship but subliminally reinforcing the idea that there is now distance between them. Then the infamous picture featuring Bunny at the side of it but with a vodka bottle taking centre stage. All of this dramatic build-up in the days before the Sunday night when it allegedly all kicked off.
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To add to what @liar liar has written, the matter is the subject of an ongoing police investigation with the person who's been arrested having been released on bail until 20th September while investigations continue. In the meantime anything said could prejudice any case. So as frustrating as it is, we aren't going to hear anything on the subject from the 32 year old man who has been arrested until then , at the earliest. As the alleged victim it would also be unwise for KP to say any more on the subject at this stage.

Of course if it all gets sorted out and shelved before then, that's a different matter but as things stand we've all got to expect a very frustrating 3 or 4 weeks with a virtual news blackout on the subject (apart from endless rehashes of what we already know). We might need to stock up on jigsaw puzzles and crossword books to help us through the skanky and carwash news drought.
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here as I followed the comment on CW Insta regarding Aisleyne confirming it was CW and then hooked. Never been a fan of KP but didn’t realise the depth of her depravity and it’s enthralling as well as addictive, anything to get away from the boring mundane daily slog !
The secret barrister is a voice of reason, however I don’t always agree with he/she
We're a good bunch here! Sometimes infiltrated with questionables but once the dust settles you'll find yourself in good company.

If things get heated you can always pop over to the Lozza thread and have some laughs courtesy of the Scrunchies ❤
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Such a trooper 🤬🤬
People are so dense. All she needs to do is a bit of cooking and wheel out Harvey and people are like 'I don't like her but we should all believe her because she flipped a pancake really well and no-one can deny she is a great mother'.....
Erm yes what about the things the judge said about her behaviour in the revenge prn case? Showing a sex tape of an ex to over 50 peoplenot just once but repeated, over months, she was even questioned over potential blackmail with the footage!? That was just glossed over by the Sun and Mirror! :mad:
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Exactly. I'm sure on the porn sites that video is tagged under necrophilia because she was dead to the world!! Poor Dane. No wonder he went grey prematurely.
And this from an old story in the mail :ROFLMAO: ;)

Maddy told The News Of The World: 'I felt really nervous about sleeping with him because Katie Price comes across as such a sexual person. I thought she was probably an animal in bed.

'But Pete told me, "It's all an act. She's not like that at all". He told me I had the best body he had ever seen and that my breasts and bum were perfect. He made me feel good.

'Pete blew me away in bed. Every second I was with him, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

'His body was incredible and he was so affectionate. I know Jordan once claimed his manhood was the size of an acorn but that is categorically not true. Peter was perfect in every way.

'But he always liked to be the submissive one. I always wanted him to take charge but he preferred it when I did. He liked me to be rough with him.'
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House of Tea

VIP Member
i still don’t think anybody would willingly take part in a scam that involved them being labelled as a woman beater. Any endorsements, stab at fame afterwards, would be very low level. There was clearly an altercation, probably with drink and drugs involved. The bruises do not look consistent with a punch. The guy has some heft, you can imagine the damage he could do. As somebody said, this was a slap. Still domestic violence but not the dramatic she got punched narrative that came out earlier in the week. If the ring is worth anything, he is not wealthy, he would want it back. She can’t risk grassing on him, she may even have feelings for him and want him back. Interesting how this will play out.

Depressing business though. She is a middle aged woman. By now she should have money in the bank, a nice lifestyle, sitting back to enjoy the fruits of her “career”. But she just makes mistakes after mistakes, drama after drama. And the older she gets, unfortunately the more her currency dwindles. She got away with a lot of stuff because she was young and pretty. But now, however much she chases it via the plastic surgeons operating table, she is ageing, prematurely so. People are already at the massive eye roll stage with her and her antics. Soon, it will be indifference and that is when she will go completely off the rails.
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Harvey uses Makaton. His 'doting mother' has no clue & never uses it with him 🙄
You're being unfair .... She does give him a ` coat hanger ` to play with, and stuff him full of junk shit ..... her parenting skills are next to none (n).... suppose if he really has gone to his new residential, they will take good care of him ... someone has to ... Bless him
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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member
Unless *sources close to cole* leak his side of it, I'm assuming he's negotiating with Katie. Drop it or I'll blab everything I know, money drugs the lot. I'm honestly expecting her to say it was a row and she does not want it to go to court because of the kids. 😡
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i hope the CPS prosecute im sick to death of her getting away with everything and it is everything,she never get's pulled upon it
ive predicted on yesterday;s threads they will get caught together but not sure how this is going to work out

even if the CPS dont will they get away with having the kid's to stay,i hope pete and kieron dont allow it
surely the back lash will make it impossible to get back together
will Carl really want to be known as a woman beater i just cant see that

i bet she wishe's she hadnt started this but she was drunk coked up and gobbing of and winding him up and him doing the same it got out of hand and her being a huge drama lama ran literally to the press,bet she's having second thoughts,hope they are both hung up to dry but especially her

Seriously!! She goes to great pains to s lag him off whenever possible. I wonder why he lets her get away with it?all the ex's let her get away with everything i just dont get it

Omg you are killing me! 🤣🤣🤣 I have got to prepare myself for whatever tomorrow brings. A loved up reconciliation with crawl, boyson coming out from behind the curtains, or someone being actually charged with a crime. It could be literally anything.
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I’m at work 7/30am till after 9pm tomorrow night …😩😩😩 festival hair and nail appointments galore … so the normal thing to do would be to go and have an early night … right ??

Obviously not !!! 🤪🤪🤪🤪
I’ve been to Tesco bought loads of goodies and new pjs … ordered a pizza (no cooking in this house! )

currently sat on the sofa in new pjs surrounded by chocolate with phone in hand … glued to tattle !! AGAIN 🤣🤣🤣 you lot are giving me life morning noon and night !! ♥♥
EDIT.. the husband is in Belfast for work this week …but keeps asking me

“have I heard owt more yet “

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love his investment in this shit show !!! 😍🤪
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View attachment 730134
I bet she doesnt want to be looked at closely!
Oh dear .... I bet she doesn't want old bill, going through her mucky life, with a fine tooth comb .... she has not been mentally there for many years, so that bollocks does not wash .... seems like arrfffaa boy, has well and truly shafted her over this incident ... me thinks, the pricey is running scared ... Hmmmmmmm wonder why? ... Ayeeeee katie 🤔 and standing by her account, dosent mean diddly shit, in the great scheme of things .... If he did indeed beat you ... go to court and have him punished ... otherwise, stop insulting real survivors of DV, with your shitty, ME ... ME ... ME ... BS and fake sympathy pics, of old bruises on your face!
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She cannot face court? What she really means is she knows the public will find out that whilst those two young children were in her care she was happily snorting the white powder and drinking vodka I mean each to their own but do that sorta thing when your not posting happy family selfies.
she knows her laundry will be laid bare and isn’t prepared for the backlash.

whatever happened, the bruising on her face was already there sorry but using that is an insult to real dv victims.
Said this when it all first came out. She will put DV causes back by years. Wasnt too traumatised to tell world in the fucking Sun!!!
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Oh dear .... I bet she doesn't want old bill, going through her mucky life, with a fine tooth comb .... she has not been mentally there for many years, so that bollocks does not wash .... seems like arrfffaa boy, has well and truly shafted her over this incident ... me thinks, the pricey is running scared ... Hmmmmmmm wonder why? ... Ayeeeee katie 🤔 and standing by her account, dosent mean diddly shit, in the great scheme of things .... If he did indeed beat you ... go to court and have him punished ... otherwise, stop insulting real survivors of DV, with your shitty, ME ... ME ... ME ... BS and fake sympathy pics, of old bruises on your face!
Makes me furious. Mental health wheeled out when it suits her. Disabled parking. Good woman done wrong by everyone. And all the rest.
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