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Hi my lovely's! Great title oopsidaisy🥰, 265 needs an award now for starting up new threads...the king, we are not worthy🤣
I've not been on here for a few days so catching up. A shit week, heat made made me unwell. I could just about read but not I wasn't pissed😂
Peeko, Peeko, where the fuck is peeko?
I hope he is well. Love and best wishes to him, to you all, ems xx
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I'm saving up my money for this Haute Couture ensemble to appear on Deplop.

Couldn't afford my friend 'The Butcher of Istanbul, MD' for a facelift so he has posted me some facelift tape and industrial strength bulldog clips for a DIY version.

Wigs good to go as well! Can't wait!

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Alex’s Nikki had a very sick message just before she was due to give birth. Having seen what has been posted by what Krusty has said in the past, wouldn't surprise me if she was behind it.
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Chatty Member
Yeah I don’t get it. The constant stream of oh Katie you look stunning you’re such an amazing mum 🤮
If a woman who lived on your street behaved the way she does non of the other respectable women would have anything to do with her and my guess is any of the blokes would only do it for a drunken bet 🤢🤢🤢
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I remember that now. Words failed me then 🤬🤬🤬
Hi all. Blue here.

Dudley will be coming home where he belongs (his ashes) in the next couple of days. Narrowed down the pics for his urn to 2. I'd like your opinion. Is that allowed Captain?

Re this video I did question a few things at the time Coles 'broken in 3 places' hand was first posted.

I said at the time that there were so many inconsistencies in the 'story'. I also showed it to one of my chums who is a psychologist (still can't figure me out!). In my/our humble opinion, forgive me if I'm wrong:

1. First words out of Skankys mouth 'look what Harv...' then backtracked and said 'look what Cole did'. I did think at the time it was odd.

2. Harvey, again in my humble opinion, looked really guilty and uncomfortable. I did wonder at the time if H had had enough of Cole tormenting him and lashed out. I changed my mind when he had what looked like a Plaster of Paris cast on. However my next door but one neighbour is an A&E Consultant and told me you can buy POP in craft shops and it certainly didn't look professionally applied!

3. Harvey says he's angry but not probed why in MHO.

4. Then they continue to let Cole play the injuried party card making Harvey squirm.

5. Tellingly, if you listen really carefully at the end of the video Harvey says what sounds like 'fucking cunt' under his breath as Cole contines to patronize him. His whole facial expression changes.

6. Someone off camera says 'good boy Harvey'.

Something again in my humble opinion just doesn't add up here.
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I have just came across the most recent article in the DM. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey. Not only does she looks rough as old boots, she also described herself as “so nurturing”. Oh Katie, thanks for the laugh!
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This is the thing that really bugs me Rita I just don't understand it. Why on earth hasn't it just been repossessed? Whoever's name it's in surely the fact that it's in huge mortgage arrears is enough to foreclose?
It’s all to do with the bankruptcy, it should be sorted out in the next hearing. It is up to the mortgage company what they are allowing her to do there. If she can increase the property value by getting work done on it, it will be more money to pay off the mortgage and then the solicitor’s fees, who have the 2nd charge on the property. I highly doubt she will actually move back in there, they will not allow her to keep an asset of that value when she owes £3m. Remember, it’s all smoke and mirrors with Katie, just because she says something, doesn’t actually mean it. There is also the element of her burying her head in the sand by not responding to any correspondence regarding the bankruptcy, hoping it will all be forgotten about. Please have faith Hudson Weir are fully investigating everything bought to their attention to the letter of the law.
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Hello my lovely friends, I just have to share with you my great experience today!
My son took me out shopping this afternoon and at the checkout I was asked to lower my mask and then asked for id 🤣 Brilliant, I'm nearly 42 with no Id, with my 18 year old son (who has got id)😂
Skanky price, read it and weep...if you're reading doesn't make you look younger, being happy and Estee lauder does😉
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If they're supposed to be cat eyes i think she needs to demand a refund* (not that she paid)
They look nothing like Pixie’s eye shape
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Was wallgate all crap too?

I thought it was Princess too. Wonder what her fans think about them now. Probably why Kris dumped her, he wasn't going to play along with her lies
I think Kris knows everything, including her exploitation of Harvey. He said he could destroy her. When she moved onto the ashtead house that other young bloke, dreamboy Al was living with her and he swiftly disappeared after Harvey was admitted to hospital. He was in the background of one of the pictures when Harvey was being put in the ambulance. When he left he immediately unfollowed her on all of his social media. Why would he do that? They must've fallen out, was that because he knew Katie called the paps before the ambulance🤔
It all stinks as much as her. Carl is nasty, so is she and the two put together is bloody dangerous. Anyway that's my rant😁

Lovely to see you back again @bigblue, hugs and love to you❤
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Would appear Cole was 'on' Love Island for all of 19 seconds!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It makes me laugh when he goes on about not being interested in fame. Nobody appears on Love Island to find love, all they’re looking for is fame.
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liar liar

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His Prada willis syndrome affects his weight too so she will just blame it on that
You know he has actually never been diagnosed officially as suffering from that? She has never done anything for the charity either. Strange he's not an ambassador for it really...
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Well said Facehugger, I suppose she was looking after him single handedly when she buggered off to the Playboy mansion just after he was born 🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh no, that was Amy. How anyone can believe a word that falls from her surgically enhanced lips is beyond me.
as soon as Amy became ill Katie sent Harvey to a residential school so she did not have to look after him all week
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Pink Squirrel

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wtf is going on with the Daily fail being up her arse?

That pink bikini shot that she's put on Deplop was from 2017 in The Maldives

scroll down to bottom pic if you don't vom before it
Does she think that pic is sexy? 🤷 She looks like a used condom that's been washed up on the beach 😝. Dunno why she's used it when it's so obviously old. Crawl definitely won't let her 'pose' like that in so little. It's usually slumped on a sofa in a stylish tracksuit now 😂

That video with Harvey & Crawl's 'broken' hand was dodgy from the start. However if they have staged all that to make Harvey believe that's what happened, it's gaslighting. Gaslighting is a disgusting form of abuse. It is an offence. That's really upset me, thinking that they're gaslighting him. It needs reporting & investigating properly.
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Chatty Member
How much more 'up your own arse' can she get for god's sake! Anybody who has brought their kids up on their own doesn't say that, you don't even think it. And when other people say it to you, it's embarrassing. She's not brought him up on her own either, Amy did most of it, and his care workers at his schools. Kris, Kieran & Pete even did more than her with him.
I seriously do not believe she has ever spent a whole day and night alone with him his whole life.
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