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Normal people don't blow their own trumpets by saying "huge credit to myself."
Blimey, who brought her up?!
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There are young people actually diagnosed with Prada Willi at the special school my son goes to. None of them are 30 stones in weight because their parents don’t allow them to eat entire carrot cakes as a snack and they don’t buy them mobility scooters to ride around on. She’s an awful parent to all her children, Harvey most of all.
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Hi all my lovely Tattle Chums.

I know this is off topic, but I just wanted to thank you all for your kind words and support and love over Duds final days. It has shown me I have genuine friends on here.

It's weird isn't it. We've not met, only seen what a few of us look like, shared some personal stuff. I feel a bit sad that we can't be friends elsewhere.

Well on to Duds urn picture selection.

To set the scene, when Charlie our eldest Cavi died in 2018 (he was a mentalist as well) son and heir said 'I don't want a happy picture in the urn as it'll make us feel sad'.

He was the grumpyist old bugger (he was 13 to). When I came out of hospital after having my tumour removed after days in ICU, 2 and a bit weeks in hospital and after having 50 staples removed from my front, 30ish from my back I struggled to sleep in bed.

Made myself a bivouac in one of the living rooms on one of the small sofas. Arranged all the cushions to support me front and back. Went to make a brew and Charlie had rearranged it and taken up residence, hence his urn pic. Joe always said 'I told you we should have called him The Grinch, he was the grumpyist little bugger ever'.

Duds options:

1. When he got a rawhide chew stuck between him teeth and we couldn't get it out. Off to the vet again and it was so wedged in they had to remove a tooth to get it out.

2. When he went on one of his last walks with Joe on the fields by the house and decided to roll in fox shite. When he came back it smelt like we had a living cadaver in the house! Straight in the shower and he started going mad as it was his teatime. Barking at us and his final desperate measure liking his lips because he hadn't been fed!

What do you Krustys think?


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A double achievement in one line; made it about her and a lie thrown in. 🤬

View attachment 677441
I don't think I've ever heard any parent describe their child as a massive credit to themselves and their devoted parenting. Ever, even the really shitty ones.

It's usually another person who says 'that child is a credit to you' , but obviously those aren't words this skanky eejit will ever hear.

This just takes away every single thing H has achieved in his entire difficult life and made it hers.
It's really quite a feat to be able to annihilate another person's achievements with just one phrase.
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Jersey Girl

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Carl is with her for the money & fame. If Katie really believes he loves her shes crazier than I thought. She literally farts & burps on him, picks her bum, tells him about her poo, she never washes Jett & Bunny, their always scruffy, she has no manners on them. She swears, talks about sex in front of them. Junior was disgusted at her trying to tongue Carl in a restaurant. She goes around not washed, hair not brushed, covered in scars, cats & dogs walking al over the kitchen worktops. Mess & clutter everywhere
I thought there was some hope for Junior & Princess with Pete raising them. But Princess is a total bimbo, she cant talk proper sentences and just uses airhead bimbo slang saying "like, whatever, yano, ermm" . Junior is trying to be a gangster and is just ridiculous. To be fair Harvey is the only one shes a good mother to
You were doing well until your last sentence...
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liar liar

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Carl is with her for the money & fame. If Katie really believes he loves her shes crazier than I thought. She literally farts & burps on him, picks her bum, tells him about her poo, she never washes Jett & Bunny, their always scruffy, she has no manners on them. She swears, talks about sex in front of them. Junior was disgusted at her trying to tongue Carl in a restaurant. She goes around not washed, hair not brushed, covered in scars, cats & dogs walking al over the kitchen worktops. Mess & clutter everywhere
I thought there was some hope for Junior & Princess with Pete raising them. But Princess is a total bimbo, she cant talk proper sentences and just uses airhead bimbo slang saying "like, whatever, yano, ermm" . Junior is trying to be a gangster and is just ridiculous. To be fair Harvey is the only one shes a good mother to
She is not a good mother to Harvey. She has never been a mother to him. Other people looked after him. She disappeared soon after his birth to the Playboy mansion for 6 weeks lol. Nannies looked after him. Her mother looked after him. His school looked after him. He doesn't live with them he lives in a separate house being cared for by someone else. Katie just uses him for publicity and feeds him crap. He is now so close a very serious medical trauma all from her 'care'.
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Hampshire Hog

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I’m not saying what has happened to H is right but we don’t know the content or how it was said, but what really gets me is her holier than thou attitude when she and wanky have made him the butt of their jokes he is teased by wanky mercilessly and she laughs and then videoed in his home with broken hand gate and made to look so scared and uncomfortable I couldn’t watch it all. Yet they put those videos out there for all to see pot and kettle springs to mind
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Joanna Surrey

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It is beyond me, and the newspapers are all complacent in it by showing these videos in their papers.
Anyone with a brain can see that poor young man is being mentally abused and used
I think something big is going to erupt this year.

I think Kris knows everything, including her exploitation of Harvey. He said he could destroy her. When she moved onto the ashtead house that other young bloke, dreamboy Al was living with her and he swiftly disappeared after Harvey was admitted to hospital. He was in the background of one of the pictures when Harvey was being put in the ambulance. When he left he immediately unfollowed her on all of his social media. Why would he do that? They must've fallen out, was that because he knew Katie called the paps before the ambulance🤔
It all stinks as much as her. Carl is nasty, so is she and the two put together is bloody dangerous. Anyway that's my rant😁

Lovely to see you back again @bigblue, hugs and love to you❤
That boy seemed to literally vanish off the face of the earth overnight. I think he witnessed something really horrible.
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liar liar

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I feel so sorry for Harvey. I don't like Princess, she's just like a mini Katie and she's not that pretty, I like her hair though lol. Bunny will sadly go same way I think. Jett and Junior seems to be embarrassed by her these days.

I come back after week and it's still the same old shite with Katie. So boring.
You really can't dislike a 14 year-old girl who has a mother like Skanky. She is simply testing boundaries. I clearly remember I was going on a school trip to Dinan, France, and desperately wanted some jeans and other stuff. My mum wouldn't hear of me wearing jeans so my dad did - took me to Chelsea girl and bought the rubbish I craved. Kids nearly always side with the easier-going parent when they want something. Sadly this is Skanky. Also she is young and has hormones flying all over the place and is very curious about her mum's relationship with Crawl. But, she does enjoy the solidity of home-life with dad, brother, half-siblings and step-mum and the security and boundaries she has - where she can be a kid. The unfortunate thing is that she has become directly involved in the lying and that is unforgiveable as it has got deeper and deeper as time has gone on. I hope she distances herself like Junior.
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midsummer blue

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She is so convinced She brought Harvey up all on her own. Deluded mare!!! What planet does she live on. The drugs have left her believing she is the Perfect mother!!!
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That's a pretty unpleasant way to describe a teenage girl.
She’s going to have enough issues given her parents, plus her mother editing photos (dreadful for any child's self esteem, her mother's basically saying you don't look good so I'm altering you).

How she looks is neither here nor there. She's a young person, and deserves to be judged on her character not her face (I suspect we all agree how her character is likely to evolve, sadly).
I completely agree. Some Krusty comments about Princess have been straying into deeply unpleasant territory - eg, yesterday, someone remarked that she'd soon be "spreading her legs". Whatever you might think of her mother, Princess is 14 - a child. She shouldn't be the target of Krusty spite just because her mother is unpopular.
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Hi all

Hope you're all well. It's been quiet on the Price front as I'm sure you're aware so I haven't posted for a while.

Been told there's something regarding Woods that will be available for print. If it gets taken up it'll certainly ruffle a few feathers.

Once its known they'll be deflection instantly.

Keep you posted.

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Yeah I don’t get it. The constant stream of oh Katie you look stunning you’re such an amazing mum 🤮
Yeah, those comments are vomit inducing, we all know she doesn't look stunning and she's a crap mother.
Even worse are the comments on her being a single mother, she isn't a single mother, she's never without
a man for a start. And what about the marriage with Pete? have people forgotten that Pete was a huge
part of Harvey's life??
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Why is she telling Harvey any of that😭he doesn’t need to know. He would be happier without her.
Exactly, but she's making it all about her again, this is so wrong. I'm so upset at how she treats him.
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