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VIP Member
Her PR team are very good at what they do. If you dissect her posts it becomes clear that there's always room for manoeuvre.

His troll posts she generally distances herself. When she shouts troll hes there straight away.

Members here have experienced his character and I've also seen him at work.

It is all geared up to her trying to deflect the bankruptcy hearing.
The narrative had been noted a while back on that how it was heading. All duly noted with the necessary. She continues to ignore communications, despite promising, under oath, that she would comply…
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
She is our Miss Marple.❤

No dont have Netflix,watching Strange Affair at Styles,Hercule Poirot.Fab.
@Dollylovesshoes Poirot would've had Skanky banged to rights by now! He'd have solved her many crimes 👍

Sorry bit off the thread but anyone else watching Netflix private dicks 🤣
I haven't watched it. It's not off topic as Skanky & Crawl are both dicks 😂

How long before her post surgery compression stockings appear on deplop 🤢

Or maybe a bag of sucked out fat 🤢🤢. Bunny & Ron would love to buy a bag of that. She's adorable. I'm crying as I type this as I'm so emotional LOL LOL
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liar liar

VIP Member
Thats the only reason I joined, someone at the suns comments was telling us how good Tattle was, and that we could express ourselves properly without the strict dumb, unfair moderating going on over there, which was always in favour of a select few, who we all knew were part of prices posse, and even she herself was on there, deleting our comments ... I joined last year, and would just scroll through reading peoples opinions, and honestly, this place is breath of fresh air ... we can express our thoughts, without some silly moderator deleting us, because the newspaper dosent want to offend their biggest twat features .. price!

Well said!! 👏👏👏👏👏
Yup none of these threads are 'sponsored' - and it is great to chat with like-minded people. There is moderation but it normally comes into effect when people argue or go off topic. That's all fair. There are rave threads and if there were some who loved her on here they could start a thread there - haven't seen one so far :love:
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Just to let you Krusties know I'm back from the hospital and OK.

Doctor doing my minor surgery said 'Would you like to listen to the radio?'

Blue: 'No thank you, I'll go on Tattle Life and then started explaining what it was'.

In fear of ending up with his scalpel embedded between my eyes I shut up!

On a 'Conan Woods' note (love it WW) I'm back fighting fit and ready for hand to hand combat.

BTW, I've only had a local anaesthetic but does anyone else think it look like Conans new 'real tattoo' has melted in the sun?


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if she as had lots of surgery like they keep saying she should not have flown from Turkey to Spain so soon after it(putting her life at risk of blood clots after surgery)most doctors say do not fly after surgery for at least 3 months and 6 would be better(i think she as prob had her varicose veins done)
and surgery on her saggy knees after reading all the comments people make about them
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Well-known member
Is it just me or does Jaffas new tattoo look disturbing? Looks like he’s trying to silence or suffocate a woman?
My ex used to do it has a form of intimidation, put his hand on my face , fingers spread and slowly moved his hand down. When I saw that tattoo it immediately gave me the creeps.
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liar liar

VIP Member
I hear you, now that case, I did see on the tv, may have been that Dr Phil special ... what a nasty evil man, hope he rots in jail .. those poor kids and his wife

😂 😂 😂
Totally irrelevant to this thread. I think there should be a bell e-moji which means unclean/fuck off.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Do you suppose It is trying to get back into the country by stealth?

She crosses from Turkey to Spain, then from there into France, a drive up to Calais and then a lilo from Calais to Kent?

Before you know it the Thing will be back at Trampy Towers again bleating about it's surgery,

"an' I'ze dunnit becos me an cole wanna behbeh from dat IVF fing an' I woz so fatt dat I 'ad to go an' get it drained off me arse an dat y'knooo..................... But look nah - I is bewtiful like wot I always woz innit....................................."

I really do despise this vile creature :(
Are they in Spain or is it just Chris for now? 🤔. Everything she puts out is done on purpose.
If she's had all the procedures we've been led to believe she's having, I'm not sure she'd be fit to fly from Turkey to Spain 🤔.
Body Lipo, brow lift, Turkey teef. Would the lipo & brow lift even be done at the same time?
Something isn't right about this latest attention seeking farce 🤔
I do however 100% believe the Skanky bitch will do anything she can to avoid the cost of quarantine to get back here.
She is absolute pure scum. I feel an email to my MP coming on. She needs to be made an example of 😡

I think she is trying to avoid the hotel quarantine. She still will have to quarantine at home coming from an amber country. Where is her home? :unsure:
Yeah, of course the Skanky bitch will quarantine for 10 days at home if she comes back via Spain. She's an absolute piece of shit in every possible way. She gives no fucks for anyone other than herself 😡
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Mellow Yellow

VIP Member
Do you suppose It is trying to get back into the country by stealth?

She crosses from Turkey to Spain, then from there into France, a drive up to Calais and then a lilo from Calais to Kent?

Before you know it the Thing will be back at Trampy Towers again bleating about it's surgery,

"an' I'ze dunnit becos me an cole wanna behbeh from dat IVF fing an' I woz so fatt dat I 'ad to go an' get it drained off me arse an dat y'knooo..................... But look nah - I is bewtiful like wot I always woz innit....................................."

I really do despise this vile creature :(
First time posting but lurking for ages. What she is doing is avoiding entry into the UK from red list so that she would have to isolate. This ruse is normal. If you spend 10 nights in an Amber listed country then you can isolate at home for 10 days.
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Why? If this journalistic expose appeared before do you think it would affect the timing of the bankruptcy hearing to the point it had to be rescheduled? We've been waiting almost a year as it is since her Maldives zoom call.
I think that's pretty much the case. I think the journo is waiting to see which way the hearing looks likely to or does go to release the info.
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In their fathers care, they always look clean, happy, and relaxed, just like any other normal child ... in her care, feral ... plastered in make up, and all over social media, in those cheap clothes she flogs online to her idiot fans, who call her " a great mother " ... both fathers are doing a good job with their kids, sadly children can not choose their mother, in all truth, she does not even deserve that title
They always look so happy when they are at Kieran's. He take them on child friendly adventures, not to the bloody hair salon.
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
I have just looked up fake sleeve tattoo transfers they look just like his also available in turkey 😂that explains everything that’s been pointed out in respect of scabs etc 😡the mans a dick 🤬🤬🤬
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Hi my friend 💖💕🥰🤗🥰😄😘🐾 xx.
Thank you very much and for the Richmond bacon 😄😄💖💕🥰😘🐾xx.
Looooool cut offs 😄😄😄😄😄

I admit I am struggling with the thread at the moment I have started my throyid tablets about a week ago..I have got underactive throyid or hypothyroidism..anyway the past two days or so I feel worse than ever, from exhaustion, falling asleep more, aches, weakness etc, I feel terrible, I don't know why I be feeling 100 times worse now I've started treatment 😕 I feel absolutely awful and getting stressed that I'm getting worse everything is an effort, so those two arseholes are winding me even more.

My concentration is terrible I hate no been able to not read every post

Sorry for the rant I'm close to tears with it all 😓 Love Pom 🐾

I want to stay on the thread but feel bad not reading every post

On topic Skanky and Cole are a pair of cunts. 😬
Oh bless you lovely 😔 don't be saying sorry, you must look after yourself. It will take time to start working properly and then I think they might have to tinker about with the dosage to get you right 🤗 but you will feel better eventually, it must be so frustrating for you. 🤗🤗 Don't get upset, we're all here for you and nobody minds if you miss some things, just read when you feel up to it, we're all here if you want some support. We love you Pompops 😘😘❤🤗 and yes, they absolutely are a pair of vile disgusting cunts, they'll never change but at least we all know we are 1000 times better than them any day 💕 xxx

Oh my poor Darling,please look after youself,you are so special..🥰🥰🥰🥰
She hasn't got a nasty bone in her body that lady Dolly, it's awful some folk are lovely but get dealt all the crap. Unlike the twatbags who just don't care and are nasty to everyone.
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Hampshire Hog

VIP Member
Ask his daughter how she feels about it in 10 years! And he did choose her to have kids with so I think you’re all a bit blindsided to him!
No I don’t think we are, people undertake all sorts of jobs to make a living . And to be fair she’s all over the internet in her porn movie well known for her getting her bits and bobs out wherever she feels like it so no not blindsided .
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
I'm back 🥰 time to catch up 😀 xx.

I've a pic of Katie with her new man...She kept that quiet 😄 xx.

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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Theres something about all this shite over Frankenprice laying out the stepping stones to allege DA that perplexes me.

Why the hell would Wanky go along with it if its going to label him as a psychotic mysoginist?
How would he ever live that label down when she's elbowed him for another idiot once she extracted all useage out of him?

Is he really that stupid to go along with it all?
Possibly so he can go to therapy to get help just like Kieron did for his “addiction”. All about the storyline with Katie 🤷🏻‍♀️
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