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I see Jett has been mentioned on the school newsletter. Hope he’s settled back in well. 🤞
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Reading old articles about Skank really highlights what an uncaring robot she was and still is.
For example, when she met the wonderful Meatloaf on LW, not only did she say to him I thought you died a while ago when you fainted on stage. It was a really awkward moment which he bravely tried to laugh off.
She then went on to give an interview about the meeting-
"I think Meat Loaf will be dead soon. I think he's so frail.
Katie said bluntly: "When I was training to be a nurse before I started modelling, I used to lay out dead bodies and I know what dead people are like."
I thought she only did it for a few months, surely new trainees wouldn't be allowed to mess with dead bodies?
Just 😱😖😣
Oh, here we go... Sunday night rant incoming!!!

No student nurse/paramedic/EMT/doctor etc, would be anywhere near a deceased person in the first few months of their clinical training. LIES!

Anybody whose work involves "dealing" with the deceased, be them having passed from old age/chronic llness, or trauma/sudden catastrophic illess, doesn't "know what dead people are like"?!
What an absolutely fucking stupid thing to say! Clearly the ramblings of someone who has never had the privilege to care for a person at the end of their life, or following their passing! 😡

People are individuals, in both life and death. We aren't lemmings! Every loss involves it's own unique set of circumstances which impact not only the deceased, but also the people around them, be them family, friends or those caring for them pre and post mortem.

When working in healthcare, the emergency services, funeral care etc, it's true that you have to maintain an emotional barrier to some degree. People quite rightly rely on you to make the decisions they are incapable of making when experiencing unimaginable grief. But you do share and carry that grief nonetheless, and it takes years of experience to fully learn how to cope with it in a healthy way.

And if you're reading on here tonight Katie, I just want to offer this directly to you:
You will NEVER be trusted to be with a stranger when they take their last breath. You will NEVER have the privilege of being that person who those left behind rely on during their darkest hour.
You simply do not have the emotional intelligence, compassion or dedication to care for a house plant, let alone another human being, living of deceased...

Night, night, sleep tight... Don't let your fucking ego bite.
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Precisely this. At what point do those supposedly handling the Skankrupcy get hauled before the relevant professional body and get heavily censured or struck off for their complete incompetence and bringing the profession into disrepute. Disgraceful.
I feel even more angry reading about what happened to Bradley Wiggins, declared bankrupt in November 2023, house seized, lost everything, why she has been dealt with so leniently is ridiculous, just don’t get it, WTF are the trustees actually doing.

Financial troubles compounded Wiggins' personal struggles. In 2020, his company, Wiggins Rights Limited, went into voluntary liquidation, owing over £300,000 to creditors, including HM Revenue & Customs.
By November 2023, his debts had ballooned to nearly £1 million, leading to his declaration of bankruptcy.
The cyclist said at the time: “It’s a very historical matter that involves professional negligence from [others] that has left a s*** pile with my name at the front of it to deal with."
The house he shared with his ex wife was seized and his medals and trophies may be sold to pay back debts - marking a dramatic fall from grace for the once-celebrated athlete.

I mentioned before that I chatted to two of my husband’s mates who work in finance a couple of months ago about her situation, they knew nothing about her but I gave them a good update.They both said something was very wrong with the way she was being dealt with, I said she doesn’t comply, uses her MH, they laughed and says that’s irrelevant, the courts just make you comply, MH won’t delay the process. They also added if financial forensic accounts were looking into her spending, it wouldn’t take long to uncover her trail, she’s not a multinational company with numerous offshore accounts etc, where it takes years, she’s faded glamour model, and sounds like her dodgy brother is helping her out by my comments. One of the guys said to me he’d track down most of her secrets within a month, said he’s done it before with people with more tangled lives than he imagines hers is. So we are left with a continued connundrum, how is she deferring the BH constantly, still spending outrageously, that 40% curb on two avenues of her income was pathetic, why won’t they stop her extravagance, they have with Bradley, my friends who know about these matters say it shouldn’t be happening, is it as simple as the trustees being beyond incompetent, surely the judge in her case would not be happy with the way things are and would chastise their behaviour 🤷🏽‍♀️

I know we have no answers, but bloody hell I really wish we knew how this quite thick woman is managing this, the public are mad at the lack of accountability, the trustees bending over backwards for her, the creditor is secondary based on their actions, it’s just so odd. I expect a continuation in July, to be honest I’m fed up with of it all now, she’s taking her smugness to a new level, there’s been an onslaught of positivity for her in the press over the last two weeks,, she’s got the Mail on her side again, the Mirror deleting negative comments, Only the Sun still pursue her, and we’ve estimated she has £10K a month to find for her rent, bills and staff, and WTF are HMRC doing, nothing it appears, it’s just doing my head-in now. To me, after what she did to Alex, she should have been cancelled like Stephen Bear was, but no madam continues on, people still pandering to her, believing her lies, even her health ain’t failing despite all the shit she’s pumping into her body daily. I keep saying a big health scare is heading her way, but I’m now thinking she’s Teflon with her health. Nothing adds up with her 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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Imagine you'd worked hard, going without a bit and saved carefully for ages to buy a beautiful detached house in a quiet area.
Then the Honking 🦨 Horsham Hillbillies turn up in a clapped out glitter pink RR and commence to turn the garden into a cesspit, the drive into a car graveyard and you have to listen to screeching renditions of Hanow Eye Gotchoo all night🤢😵💫🤯
The optimistic neighbour who said it'll be OK as long as she behaves clearly doesn't know her😁
She will struggle to keep her illicit deliveries and other stuff quiet though, what a shame😏
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Well that's just FANTASTIC to hear :m, that poor boy's had part of his life stolen from him by his own mother FFS and her wicked twisted sickinthehead clan 🤮
So happy to hear he's back in the 'real' world, attending school and finding his feet again.
Hope serious steps have been taken to ensure nothing like that happens to these kids ever again :mad:
I hope he and his sister go on to have a healthy, loving and secure life 💝💝
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#399 Katie Price: Here we go again, training to be a life coach & a paramedic, everyone knows her lies are pathetic
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KP gets om my tits honestly.

Some of us here have had alcoholic mothers or fathers, narcissistic parents, abusive parents, some of us have suffered child SA.
Some of us have had abusive husbands, wife's partners.
Some have suffered extremely badly, some went from foster homes to children homes then on to an even worse environment ect.

Some of us suffer still now as a result of trauma.
Some where wild child's, some have bravely over come addiction, some have REAL PTSD or REAL MH Problems.

Do any of us Carry on the way that skiprat does.
Do we break the law continuously.
Do we neglect or abuse or even kill animals in our care.
Do we abuse our partners.
We we abuse and neglect or exploit our children.
Do we abuse our finances or rip off others
Do we blatantly lie nd lie.
How this woman can claim to be a perpetual victim and con, blatantly lie or blame others for her own actions years Years! After her so called truma years after her so called break down and years after allegedly having so much therapy is beyond me...
Catching up still, so I'll get off my soap box go have an oily rag andd go back to reading
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Nice message from Kieran, including all his step children as he terms it, without names but you can see what he's getting at. In this and some other posts he is expressing a lot of gratitude. Reading between the lines he sounds quite humble and thankful for being able to be a dad basically. None of this MY babies, me me me , MY mini me crap and pretending you are the mother and father, MY world bollocks!

Screen Shot 2024-06-17 at 09.26.03.png
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Apparently her biggest regret is ‘Eurovision’…. Says the skank who has killed multiple pets, mutilated her body, owes millions, ruined her kid’s childhoods and tried to destroy every man who’s had the misfortune to meet her…… OK then 🤦‍♀️.
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She was never a nurse, she hasn’t even got the basic qualifications to become a nurse, she never laid out dead bodies, cos she was never a nurse, as usual she’s lying, she has no ability to enter any medical environment, sounds like she may have briefly worked in a care home without any medical responsibilities for the people living there, they probably sacked her as she was bone idle and too stupid to complete any tasks asked of her. She’s such a useless lying twat.
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I was pretty angry yesterday about her still phoning the police about a house that is no longer hers, but thinking about it, it’s just a great example of her totally losing it now. I said I thought her getting kicked out would effect her, seems it is, she can’t let go of it, still calling it hers and what’s the betting even though the new rental is big she is feeling cramped there, madam was defined by her MM, it was a status symbol to her, reckon it’s hit her hard that it’s gone. She’s acting manic, posting constant nonsense about her MH on IG, pumping loads of 💩 into her body, her lying is off the charts, she’s in a complete fantasy land, and I don’t think the LEGO Mum thing went well, tumbleweed there. That fake relationship must be getting to her now, he’s awful, not her type, but she needs that driver, notice they don’t post pics on their IG grid of each other, just stories which delete in 24 hours, it’s so fake 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 Yes I think madam is losing it, could get interesting she’s gonna do something very dumb soon, she appears to have no self control at mo, even attacking Pete and alienating J & P further.

Off topic, anyone know what happened to Claire Powell, she was in hospital last week, sent out a message thanking people for their support as she was getting better, she sounded like she’d had a health scare, she won’t wanna have to deal with Skank as she attacks Pete more and more as we head towards the book launch, think she will have to though, Skank is acting deranged now. There is no way Lego hasn’t seen the worst of her by now,, she’s clearly rattled, she will be lashing out about losing the house and all the other things going wrong for her, in front of him, guess he just rolls a spliff and grins at her, a cracking calm lady is she now Lego 😁
I think you are right Kylie about the 'doing something dumb' ;) she has NO self control. (y)
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Imagine being this despised ... I really do feel for them .... ` have you heard the dreadful news ` :LOL::LOL::LOL: .... GOOD ..... I hope they make the old saggy scrote as unwelcome as possible!
I can't see her having any wild parties, she has no friends.
She has no horses there to go out riding whilst pissed up.
She has no kids there to shout at whilst pissed up
Just JJ to get the brunt of it.
I suppose the likely ❄ drop offs might get a few visits, the paps that follow her everywhere, the drones hovering overhead.
The neighbours hearing her practicing her 'singing' for her 40+ Pride gig tour this summer.
Delivery of her JYYYYYYY outfits, delivery of Harvey's Up their clothing, all those takeaway deliveries, the MUAs, press, reporters, stylists for her magazine shoots, the OF crew, her hairdresser and devoted fans, her bent social worker mate, her admin person. The 6 dogs she allegedly has (that she would never give away or sell) barking noisily. Harvey breaking windows, doors, throwing ipads and calling her a C U next Tuesday. Her shouting as she records her #ads in the kitchen.

Yeah I would move too!
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Pink Squirrel

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Well done @Winepig Woo hoo I LOVE IT?

The lies & drama continue..... JJ birthday, dinner with daddy JJ, moved into new house....who is paying? New career as a life coach incoming 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Filming in Bali....more like bollocks! Police on the case of the moon boot thief. Filtered & photoshopped to death. Raking it in on Only Fans at £2.45 per punter 🤔
Carry on Krusties........
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I wonder why she thinks we are so interested in her kid? He isnt ours-what does it matter what he gets up to? It will be an attempt to rehab her image as a mother- back to the old days when people thought she was so good for Harvey
She makes me sick, she has no clue what it’s like raising a child with severe disabilities 24/7, she’s never had to do it. I’d love to throw her in my daughter’s household, a special needs teacher with a child that, even with her training and expertise, she struggles with his behaviour, yet she goes to work every day, raises all her other children and runs a busy household single handed, while her hubby works long hours with little to no help from the LA. Paid carers run a mile after one outing with him. These are the parents who deserve to be respected, not this piece of 💩,sorry but I’m so bloody angry
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