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Glad she's going today but raging that she concoted this story to make it look like she's leaving for her safety.
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Stan Butler

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Because a certain Thunder cunt is expected?
The thunder clap cunt was expected in Skegness that's Lincolnshire, the rancid mutilated corpse hasn't been in my neck of the woods since it had bottles and glasses thrown at it and got rushed offstage because a group of women tried to get on the stage at a personal appearance and we're going to kick the shit out of IT, IT got run out of town and told never to come back. 🤣
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Stan Butler

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Leaving a shit tip of a house that needs a deep clean, leaving the grounds like a shit tip that will need clearing, leaving an annex and stables probably full of crap that'll need clearing and noticed the 2 containers are still there so they'll need emptying and removing all in all going to cost about £50,000 to clear all the crap. That's before tidying the place up and doing the grounds and septic tank for sale/auction to get the best price or will the mortgage company just clear the crap and offload the dump as seen. Hope skank realises this will go on her bill. 😉🤣
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This is the house the Mail are referring to. It's a new-build and immaculate inside. Won't last long.
£5 fucking grand a month. How the FUCK is that allowed???? Who's paying for it, who's guarantor for her and who's going to clear up the inevitable shit show she will leave behind when/if she goes? Do the owners even realise who's moving in?
When she says "the authorities" have said she should move out, perhaps she means the mortgage provider?!
Yes, it’s ridiculous, I really cannot understand now she has no children with her, a bankrupt can justify spending £60k a year on rent, plus bills etc, but I don’t think any of us are really surprised she has managed this. Weirdly I don’t feel that annoyed, think we knew an expensive place was coming, and I’m just happy she’s lost her MM status symbol. To me, this is just another example of her bankruptcy process being a total farce. The trustees constantly appear to put her requirements above the creditors, I guess they signed this off 🤷🏽‍♀️ ain’t right but it’s just the way it is, and why I have no faith in them ever sorting out her affairs.

Anyway despite this nonsense, I’m still laughing at her tonight, I’m taking her losing the kids and the house as a massive win, still loving today, I will still play Kool tomorrow there’s still gonna be a celebration, and although she will front this out, saying she doesn’t care, oh yes she does, madam will not be Miss Smug from Smug City tonight, whereas I am, I’m feeling very smug here. Events are finally conspiring against her, long term she’s f*cked, there will no return of the Pricey, those days are gone, she will just increasingly become this caricature she already is, let’s hope she marries Lego Stoner-Boy next, that will be hilarious 🥳😁
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Chatty Member
What is this in front of the garage?

Looks like Spongebob sneaking in wearing a sleeping bag

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 05.29.54.png
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How much was her mortgage? God, our mortgage isn’t a quarter of this! I will never understand why people spend this much on rent instead of paying towards their own home. Still, all that money and she will have nothing to show for it, just lining someone else’s pocket.
Indeed this is the big elephant in the room isn’t it, was unable to pay her mortgage for years, yet suddenly can afford £5K a month on rent, plus bills won’t be cheap on that place 🤷🏽‍♀️ As usual with her makes no sense, but I’m sure it’s all legal, nothing weird going on here, nothing at all 🤔😁
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She'll need insurance first in order to claim on it - I wonder/wander whose policy is going to get a battering!? :ROFLMAO:

I wonder/wander how she can spin it that this "Acid" made all her tyres go bald as well?:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
None of the comments on the Daily Mirror believe that someone broke in and did it. More like 'liar liar pants on fire' sort of comments...! Either done for sympathy or to defraud the insurance. In other words, she reaps what she sows by lying so much in the past and everybody (apart from her brain dead fan) knows it.
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Any decent removals company would be booked up. A days notice wouldn't be enough and especially not for several vans needed to remove that shite out of there. She's thick as shit but her mind is fucking devious as hell.
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Gormless git.
lycra face suit that is now on its 4th outing (don’t stand down wind) 🤮
A pair of PJs
And some randomer dressed like Bet Lynch
What a time to be alive 🙄
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Just thought, will the mortgage company chuck the MM straight into auction for a quick sale? If so CANNOT WAIT for the sale pictures to be in the red tops, imagine the fucking state of it! how embarrassing that will be for her, actually scrap that she doesn't do embarrassment, but it will be a right laugh for us and some the great detective tattlers to see if they can spot any dodgy stuff 🤣🤣.
Guaranteed she will blame the state of the place on the imaginary squatters who moved in a few hours after she was EVICTED.
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Unless she gets a large inheritance, but that would get split 3 ways. Or if PP was the last to go she might not get anything as it could all go to Edna.
Fencing will blow the lot in a couple of years, half going on chasing ladies young, middle-aged and older down the pub with presents consisting of gold/silver necklaces and bracelets, the rest going on seedy trips to London where he entertains himself at the big city lap dancing clubs. He promised AFP he was a reformed character and clan coin would be safe with him, but like Skanky always does, he lied…..yes I have opened the wine 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 raised a glass to the pint-sized pop princess that is birthday girl Kylie, and to ‘Moving Day’, a day I was starting to fear would never arrive, but then it suddenly did 🍷🥳😁

Kylie’s looking at Kool and his Gang, but I’m saving that for tomorrow, I think we may know where she‘s gone by then, the Red Tops will be following those vans 😁

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So I assume the bailiffs will still go on 29th to check she has actually fucked off and to document the state of the shit tip. How will she explain that one away? I hope the red tops have their drones ready.

Kipper is so stupid she won’t even grasp that she has still been EVICTED. She hasn’t decided to move on and sold her house IT HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF HER BECAUSE SHE DIDN‘T PAY THE MORTGAGE. She can dress it however she wants but facts are facts...she’s a double bankrupt who has had her kids and her house taken away by the authorities. She is the literal dregs of society.
Looks like the eviction was not postponed, and it’s still tomorrow. What she actually meant when she said there was a one month extension, was the mortgage company had given her one month to clear all her belongings, after the eviction, which is normal practice, but she has to twist words to give the impression she’s not going on the eviction date. Sad cow cannot accept anything negative, its always got to seem she’s in control.
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OMG I hadn’t seen the video, FFS the audience are laughing along, encouraging her as she makes H repeatedly swear, what the f*ck is wrong with these people, her fans are the very worst, shameful, this is pure exploitation of a vulnerable man, Anyone else in the public eye would be cancelled for this, she might be slated on the Mail comments, but you just know her audience will defend this as banter and a bit of a laugh innit, she’ll probably go on a pod and they’ll nod along justifying it with her, saying yes isn’t H amazing. She’ll just carry on doing this regardless, again no one will stop her.

Also occurred to me thankfully B was rescued from her circus show, even though B at her age wouldn’t have been allowed on that stage, like being backstage at the panto, taken to that adult brunch thing, there were no consequences. I bet Skank would have ignored the rules, and brought B out there as a mini-me, I shudder to think what Skank would have done if B was still with her, that brunch thing was bad enough, with the high heels and makeup, this could have been even worse. Gee thankfully that is one thing she has lost, she can no longer exploit her daughter, let’s hope that stays the case for the next few years, it must 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Just watched that video, vile fucking bitch she is, hope that video is forwarded to adult social services and she's stopped from exploiting Harvey like she has with the other 4!!!
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I can’t decide if she’s got bollocks of steel to be so brazen or is just really really thick! 🤷‍♀️
This whole acid egg white story is so ridiculous (glad I’m not the only one who immediately thought it was egg white). All things considered though, it’s good to see her finally out of that place. She can protest all she likes but she clung on to that house by her nail extensions because she loved the status of it. She has to be gutted it’s finally gone.
Final thought is for the poor buggers who have to clean it out after she’s gone. Doesn’t bear thinking about 😱😱
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Well she doesn't seem bothered, in the pink car on the way to Bristol woo hooing...
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If it's the Haywards heath i posted earlier it's 12 miles down the road from Horsham. It's also still close to her neighbour who probably has her horses and close to her bestie mates Lou for freebies.
She’s moved closer to Brighton as well, oh no she's gonna be stinking up the place even more 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m still happy and laughing at her though, yeah she should be in a little flat or a small 2 bed house but that was never gonna be, she was always gonna find a way to get a big place.

Makes a mockery of her being a bankrupt, now a double, as I keep saying It’s been a joke since it started, her spending never curbed, it’s never hindered her hedonistic and extravagant lifestyle, causing her debt to increase massively with each passing year. There has been no desire to stop her, and I believe it will just continue. Always hearing things are in motion, then the date comes and nothing happens, on it goes and f*ck knows what is going on with HMRC.

Saying all that, despite the fact she is still getting away with spending like a millionaire, I just wanted her out of the MM, so I’m happy, despite her protests she wanted rid, she really didn’t. Skank won’t be happy she’s lost the MM, it was a throwback to her success days, when she did have it all, her star has crashed moving out of her mansion, and I do think things will only get worse for her now. The rental expense of £5K a month will anger a public struggling with the cost of living, seeing a double bankrupt able to do this is really gonna piss people off, this ain’t gonna go down well. She couldn‘t afford her mortgage, she can’t afford this, it’s dodgy AF how it’s been financed, bet she’s out of there in 6 months, and it will be interesting what happens then. She’s hated now, I can’t see her ever getting big TV contracts again, and that’s where the big money for her was, any channel will be inundated with complaints platforming her, time for Captive Minds to f*ck off with their dumb ideas of selling her 💩 to C4, it’s over guys. The days of earning £100k+ have gone, she must end up in a small place soon, it will happen. She’s also stuck with inanely grinning Lego, he ain’t going anywhere, he’s now with her 24/7, as she demands, just like a little doggy following her around, there’s zero chemistry and I’m finding it hilarious, I want a showmance marriage, oh the Lols 😁

So I’m not a jaded despondent Kylie today, I feel quite happy, it’s still going very Pete Tong for madam, she’s in deep 💩 there will be outrage over the rental from the public today, it’s still a good day Krusties 👍🏾😁 Kool and the Gang later methinks 💃🏾😁
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