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Her smugness has always really riled me. Her losing the children and hopefully the MM is enough for me. Everything else that brings her down is a bonus.
And removing all animals & banning her for life for ever having any more. Plus her creditors being paid the monies they are owed, poor bastards.
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Looks like Caseboard has been updated again today for this bankruptcy hearing. (Not sure what)
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The public are going to mad when this comes out, as it will, The Scum will go to town on this when they get the details. That’s a big positive I can see, people are not going to accept a bankrupt doing this, the backlash will be massive against her, the law looking ridiculous as this farce continues.There’s a cost of living crisis, people are struggling, yet this woman does as she pleases, oh yes this will not go down well when it becomes public, we have that to look forward to, she’s gonna become even more hated, people are justifiably gonna be very angry about this, the woman doesn’t even pay tax.
Karma will hit her which ever way it can. The public will go mad which will make the red tops dig into her even more to keep their revenue going. What starts with a trickle will soon become a tsunami of protests against her how much she gets away with. She will be hated as you say, and I strongly believe that the only guys that will even go with an inch of her will do it just to laugh at her behind her back. It can't go on forever, look how much she has aged and deteriorated in the last few years? Give it another few and she truly is going to look like a caricature out of a sci fi movie. imagine being into your 50's/60's with her enormous norks, butt and lips? What ever she is hiding will find its way out eventually as her memory fades and she is unable to distinguish between fiction and reality. What an absolute mess and day by day she is making it worse with her refusal to face reality.
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No I think the Public hearing has been vacated. She won’t have got away with not answering the questions though. I think she’s agreed to meetings with the Trustee instead due to her supposed MH. She implied the same on the podcast. These won’t be made public unless leaked somehow.
Let’s see how many of these meetings she attends before she reneges on everything again, surely she will have been warned. As for the rental I’m sure they will want to know how she’s funding her rent, and bills. Surely if they think it’s too much they will insist on downsizing.
My take is don’t be disappointed 2 outright wins, and we might just see signs the screws are being turned with this. And we’ve a couple of driving cases to come and of course the second bankruptcy. This train isn’t quite at the terminus yet but it’s close. She is totally done, let her pretend a bit longer, she like.a kid playing dress up.
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Does anyone honestly believe she flipped that car over, then for the only time in her life just happens to be wearing a seatbelt, and then a knight in shining armour just happens to appear and save her, then disappears never to be seen again. Miraculously she then seems to be able to climb out of the car without a scratch or bruise on her.
There is more chance of 🧚‍♀️ being at the bottom of my garden than that being true.
The car defo was on its roof I drove passed it when they had it back up and the roof was damaged there was also a lot of plastic in the farmers field just by where she crashed. Also it is a straight road there!
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I doubt she will move far away. Will she have to tax all the vehicles to move them?
The only houses within a 5 mile radius that would accommodate all the vehicles and the containers are upwards of 8k a month. I doubt even she is that brazen:

The 4K a month mark are mainly on housing estates, some are a little more rural but won’t accommodate all her shit!
The house will have to have a very large private drive & away from a road, with private gates. Can't ever see her in a house with neighbours right on top of her. She think's she too famous for that. God help the neighbourhood she's moving to.
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So, JJ has been introduced to the family. I wonder if he was allowed to be present whilst they discussed plans to get out of her current predicament.
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Just seen Miss Smug from Smug City was recording her appalling banshee wails she calls singing yesterday, as Willow has despairingly posted, gives zero f*cks doesn’t she 🤦🏽‍♀️🤬 She’s not upset about losing the kids, confirmed by Willow, not surprised, you could see in recent lives she was fed up looking after them, she was quite indifferent, even rude to them at times, losing the MM will have upset her, it’s status symbol to her old ‘I’m a great businesswoman’ days, but appears she has just rented another big place, so she’ll still be smug that she can carry on living the dream despite being a double bankrupt. As much as I’m happy the main aim of removing the kids has materialised, FFS the fact she can still spend, spend, spend is bloody annoying isn’t it. Hoping The Scum are digging today to find out why the bankruptcy hearing has disappeared yet again, why no one will not stop her extravagant ways, incurring increasing debt and failing to pay any tax 🤷🏽‍♀️

I’m very why, why, why, we need answers today, she gives no f*cks about her bankruptcy, it hasn’t caused her any difficulties has it over 5 years, endless holidays, lives in a big house, will still be living in another big house, buys designer gear, parties and parties, why why, why is this allowed 🤷🏽‍♀️ Anyway hopefully we will find out today what the latest reasons are, and we’ll be ranting, I know I will 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

I wanted her brought to court and made accountable before her podcast tour and book launch, many of her secrets exposed in court, so she’d struggle to avoid questions about these truths. I know she’ll just lie, but her dwindling fanbase read the media, they will know about what comes out in courts, yes the #bekind lot will no doubt continue to defend her, but what mugs they will look, and how easy it will be swat them away, but she’s bloody found a way to avoid court again.

Skank will still have trouble explaining the kids situation away, it will be very noticeable to her fans they are no longer with her, they always ask her questions about the kids, she will have to address that on the tour, they will ask. Thought yesterday she was probably going to roll out B at the London one, she took her to that adult brunch thing, I was feeling so thankful that has finally been stopped, at least we have a massive result there, no more exploitation, though no doubt H will be used, think she said she’s doing that, it will never stop with H sadly.

Right then, c’mon Red Tops why isn’t the BH happening today, I feel a thread rage coming on later when we find out, she’s f*cked in so many ways, so she’s still going down, but I think we all want answers as to why her spending isn’t being stopped 🤬🤦🏽‍♀️
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There really needs to be some criminal recourse at some point because the public can’t understand how she keeps getting away with things.

Someone a couple do villages over from me was arrested twice this week for driving alone with a provisonal licence - the police posted this on Monday and Tuesday and the comments were full of ‘Katie Price gets away with it so why wouldn’t she?’ and we are oop north so it’s not like she’s on our doorstep to be making that reference!
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Couple of idle thoughts about her rental.

If it's a big/posh enough house that the rent is more than £8,333.33 a month (£100k a year), then it won't be a normal assured shorthold tenancy agreement, it'll be a non-assured tenancy agreement. There are a few key differences, the major one being that the landlord doesn't have to protect the deposit or serve a section 21 notice to evict. The tenant has the right to stay until the end of the fixed term as long as they keep to the terms of the tenancy agreement.

But I think the most likely option is that one of the limited companies she's connected to has agreed a corporate tenancy. This is where the company itself is the tenant and has the right to put whoever they choose in the property. The question is, which company and what are their motives for doing so? If she's mixed up with some very dodgy people and she's now given them power over where she lives, that's potentially an extremely bad move on her part.
This must be how KK has worked it over the years. I think after her 1st of THREE backrupcy, her luxury rentals was all sorted by CAN at the time.
Swear to god, we all need to give our heads a wobble, out working everyday, paying rent, mortgages, bills, council tax, car insurance tax and mational insurance. We're all mad I'm the head when it's obvious you don't really need to do any of these things. Just stick 2 fingers up to the system and the laws
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Maybe the clan are trying to figure out how to buy her a small house or apartment with the mattress fund without the forensic accountants finding out its her money and not theirs? Maybe that's why iron lung had to sell her house that was perfectly fine for her to live out her evil old days in, they needed to free up some cash as they knew this was coming and didn't want the smelly old hag turning up on their doorsteps with her junk. Even easier now the kids have been taken back off her?
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Here’s a clip, she couldn’t fit in any of the outfits, this is a classic example, she was just going through the motions, clearly didn’t want to be there, Lego’s favourite 🤦🏽‍♀️😁….it’s really not a relationship, he’s just an errand-boy, nothing more 😁

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Says she ‘loved’ their stuff and can’t wait for them to have her back! She did nothing but moan that the stuff wasn’t what she would usually wear and stuff doesn’t fit her boobs!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Well if, as she says she's 'putting the truth right' then she's nothing to worry about, has she?

Except she wouldn't know the truth if it stood up in her soup 😂
Exactly how many ‘Truths’ does this woman have? Every book was sold as ‘EXPLOSIVE TRUTH’ bullshit….how many versions ARE there? I doubt a journalist has the time or patience to chronologically note her ‘truths’ and how they changed over the years. God she’s a fucking gibbon.

I NEVER thought I’d say this, but that drugged up car flip - with no one else in the car, or on the road until after the fact - if there was a karma king, the fucker was on a fucking cigarette break!
She ain’t gonna stop. She’s never going to suddenly realise and apologise and make up for her disgraceful behaviour. What she’s put those kids through, is fucking disgusting. It’s abuse. She abused the exes, which is already horrendous, but there is some level of they kinda WE’RE warned before getting involved with the freak show. Yeah, she’s a manipulator, and I’ve been caught by vicious Narcs in the past, it’s not always easy to see, but there is the adult capacity to learn and break away! Those poor kids were born into her chaos! Born into her abuse! There are people on here who tell you of the damage their Narc mothers cause…its a terrible thought, that if that car flip turned out slightly differently, all of these peoples lives would be better off! The BH peeps wouldnt have had this shit dragged out for years, further ruining their lives. She a parasite! Offers nothing of value to those around her! Not Even her children!
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Chatty Member
She’s already sorted out a LARGE rental. Not a caravan. Think trustees will find this very interesting. Been moving stuff out already. The BENT social worker & ’hangers on’s’ are packing up. Be interesting to know WHO is guaranteeing the money. I put money on Daniel/BlackSheep management. 😡
Course she has! No doubt done through dodgy dealings but the FI will be all over it! They will be looking at where the money is coming from to pay the rent , even if it isn’t being paid by her!
These people are really clever! And have access to everything! For e.g If her brother is paying it, it has to match with his tax return!! 😜
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But it still hasn't gone away, or been dismissed. I feel the same Kylie. But she no longer has the little uns, she's not been paying the mortgage so they want rid.
It's still hanging over her and is only a couple of months away, not 6 like SHE wanted 😘
Oh I agree DC, losing the kids was the big result, and she’s going down by her own hand, just would have been lovely to see her extravagant spending curbed, sadly it won’t be now, and to be honest I don’t think July 30th will go ahead, she just finds a way to defer, and they cave into her demands 🤷🏽‍♀️

I’m not even angry about it anymore, been saying since the last podcast I thought she was walking away unscathed again, they just kick it down the road, there is no justice for all her creditors. Saying all that, Madam is still losing in so many other ways, she’s a total mess, but when it comes to the BH, she’s still Miss Teflon Tits, and I think it will continue. She’ll be laughing today, so although I‘m not angry it is annoying knowing she can do this, the process is weak and ineffective, I‘ve sadly lost my faith in the bankruptcy ever being sorted now, but on we go she’s sinking herself. The thing with Lego does crack me up, we’ve always got that to laugh at. So not a relationship, they are so weird together, it‘s clearly fake, he’s so not her type of guy, it’s funny seeing her try to keep making it a thing 😁

Podcast tomorrow, should be interesting with the pair of them lying away about everything. Confession, I’ve noticed they’ve started releasing it just after midnight, so I’ve stayed up late, fast forwarding through it just to shake my head at their lies and nonsense, and see if we can catch her out, I’ll be doing that tonight, what a saddo I am, I need to give my head a wobble 🤦🏽‍♀️😁
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Quick recap as I’m taking the little one out for cup cakes in a min 🧁😁

Skank’s source said she wasn’t leaving the MM, not been evicted, but the Mirror (who’ve supported her recently) posted the eviction letter 🤦🏽‍♀️ She’s lost it, Kensington have called time on her, we just have to wait till the 29th, and she’ll be gone 🥳

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A hastily arranged Clan meeting was held in the IOW, the matriarch probably trying some last throw of the dice to hide coin, find a way to hide assets, and change the narrative to a poor Katie sob story. It won’t work long term, she’s sinking fast now, she is deffo in deep 💩, but I and others on here are still doubtful about Tuesday happening, I don’t think she’ll turn up, we wait and see on the consequences of that, will it just be deferred again 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️ whatever, the next few days will be 🔥either way 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

She took Lego with her, as he’s her chauffeur now (still not a relationship) she ain’t getting that licence back is she 🤦🏽‍♀️😁

Things are moving against her at last. She’s lost the kids and the house, now to curb her spending and pay her debts…..hopefully 🙏🏾

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Just noticed a Pointy Chin post from today, It’s not really, but it does read like an epitaph to their working relationship from Pointy Chin…”We had a good run Katie, but it’s over now“ 😂 A sign of things to come as they all desert the Skank, we can but dream 😁

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Finally a trip back in time to January, her first podcast of the year, it was gonna be HER year, 4 months later, oh dear Skank 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Roll on Tuesday, in fact tomorrow, will we see her case listed 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️ The Skanky thread’s are gonna be a crazy ride over the next three weeks methinks 🤦🏽‍♀️🤔😁

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TBH I'm not so bothered about the BH at the moment, as long as she definitely gets evicted at the end of the month that will be a victory!
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I imagine she would be allowed to have a rental, but, it needs to be a reasonable price and who would rent to her, so someone must be helping. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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