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Pink Squirrel

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Just a thought.....what's the betting the creepy little boy toy didn't get an invite to the baftas with the MAFS lot because the organisers were worried that Skanky would turn up with him 🤔 that wouldn't surprise me 1 little bit. Nobody wants her lowering the tone of any event 🤣 freakin' heck, can you imagine her on the red carpet in the lovely Ali express white dress & no knickers 🤢🤣🤣
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Let’s hope someone gets pictures of the state of the place when she’s evicted. All the mess & trash left behind🤮🙈😂
Channel 4 could do a show when under new ownership...
'House Rescue, from Mucky to Marvelous' How Katie Price's MM was transformed from filthy neglected hovel, to a beautiful restored Arts and Crafts home and award winning gardens. Its new owners show each week how they have had to deal with years of neglect and rubbish accrued by its former owner Katie Price who is currently residing at His Majesties Pleasure for Tax evasion and Fraud.
"It took us months to clear all the rubbish and 💩 including hours removing Barbies nailed to a wall. However it has been worth it, in fact we found several unusual items that have been passed to Police and M15 who are conducting several lines of enquiry, including talks with Interpol"
Series to be hosted by former plasterer Kieran Hayler who is keen to share his insights.
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OK, so if, IF, it is true what that comment in the paper alleged about her owning a number of properties under Daniel’s name, is that something that forensic accountants would be able to trace?
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I think it's hilarious that she is no longer a home owner ... she will get booted out of rental after rental for non payment and or trashing them ... they will get smaller, cheaper and harder to find ... I am up for the stories of her claiming squatters rights, the regular evictions and court cases for property damage, unpaid rent etc etc ... no regular work, barely any income and still spending like a billionaire so whatever is left of the stashed cash will soon be gone ... currently she is the world's worst online sales rep scratching around for media type work now reduced to social media because no one else will touch her she will take anything she can get however low the pay or dodgy the unknown brand .... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
Is that feature wall post recent? Cos who the hell has the fire on at the moment?!
Someone who ran the oil-fired central heating right through summmer and winter, thats who
I've looked on the wiki but could see it- how do we know J&B have been taken of her? Are they now with K&M? I hope they are happier and have some stability and proper structures after all they have been through.
We have no proof positive, no pictures of the kids anywhere, no images of B making tea and egg sandwiches or J glued to his Xbox or any of the rest of the shit it constantly posted as PROOF she had her claws locked on the children. They have simply vanished off all SMs.
Add this to what we do know, that both her and K were at the Royal Courts of Justice a couple of weeks ago (after which the kids disappeared from view), K's very positive attitude at long last - its a pretty good assumption that J&B have been rescued from Mummy Dearest at long last!
We have no idea where they actually are though which is probably a good thing as they adjust to a Proper Life again after 2 years of squalid HELL, but they are out of that dump at long last! WOO HOO!!!
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Well she did categorically state she would NOT be at the next hearing and seems to have got her way, yet again.
I thought something was up after listening to that podcast last week, I actually did listen to all of it, I’ve started listening to them to hear the lies she’s tells first hand, oh dear that’s a bit sad 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 I know she’s a liar, but there was something about her that screamed she knew it wasn’t going ahead, why I wrote that jaded and despondent post, saying I was convinced it wasn’t happening. Sadly and unbelievably I reckon they’ve accepted her ‘signed off’ note, whatever the f*ck it is 🤦🏽‍♀️ This BH is just going round in circles DC, they just won’t tackle her, just kicked down the road, again and again, it’s ridiculous now.

As I said though, I’m taking her losing the kids and the MM (not good news today from Edna, but I think it must still be lost eventually, even if it’s not on the 29th) as a result, so at least we have that, which is a big win. I’m sad for her creditors, we still have to hear why this has happened, but I have no faith in expecting anything happening at a further date, she’ll find another way to avoid accountability, just weird now.

It’s also annoying on another level, as I do believe the Scum are waiting to fully unleash on her when the truth comes out in court, but looks like we won’t ever get there. Wanted it to happen before her book launch so all her promo for this latest book of lies would be of little interest to anyone, interviewers just picking up on her BH fallout etc, not more boring stories about how awful all her men have been and more versions of the r*pe stories.

Oh well, let’s wait and see why this has happened, yet again 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Her smugness has always really riled me. Her losing the children and hopefully the MM is enough for me. Everything else that brings her down is a bonus.
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I wonder how long shes not paid her mortgage for ? And why have that cinema room thing installed a few weeks ago she must of known she was in danger of being kicked out of the MM
According to that weird Instagram poster called 'roots' who caused a bit of a flap on here in 2022.....she had missed each monthly payment for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 and also missed 7 months of 2022. This poster was putting up what looked like screenshots from her banking app!
She allegedly owed 569k on the house at that time according to that poster.

I've no idea how someone would managed to not pay any mortgage for nearly 4 years.
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Stan Butler

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Funny that when Pricey Towers got burgled and the taps left on the witness claimed they saw a black RR and 3 men 1 white cap on backwards and 2 Asian looking guys lurking on the grounds, the next weekend sink boys out with his mates and coincidence that he's got his cap on back to front and he's sat with his 2 Asian guy besties. 🤣
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Oh hello, not bankruptcy news, but something else we said would happen…’Autobiography News’, and it’s not good news for that Skank 😁

What an utter turd. She just doesn't stop. She's like the terminator 2 robot, utterly obsessed with her ex-partners and intent on destroying them. We know what 'open up' means, it means an abusive campaign of slurs and vile accusations. Thankfully the publishers seem to have noticed :rolleyes:

''An insider told us: "Katie is hoping to use to the book to open up about a number people and feels its her right to speak her truth.

"But she's been sent warnings by many of them which could result in lengthy and costly legal battles if they are named.;;
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I bet she's never hung her washing out to dry either. Not that she probably does washing, not even for the kids when she had them.
Love this time of year for washing on the line.
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She doesn't give a fuck. Honestly she is arrogant. Of course she understands how much debt she has. Had no intentions of clearing the debts or paying tax/VAT. Same as the driving ban's. She still get's in a car & drives. How many time's now has she been pulled over for still driving yet disqualified? She's laughing at everyone. So she's lost the status of OWNING a huge house, but already has another large property rental lined up. UNTIL trustee's/OR start pulling out their fingers & controlling what she's allowed to spend, the debts will just get bigger & bigger. She's a law unto herself & the family are all enabling this shocking situation. She would NEVER pass credit checks to allow her to rent or buy anywhere, so she's being helped. I really hope, the forensic accountants/OR find out who is assisting her with the dodgy money transactions & hiding of assets & bring them down too. These BH's are dragging on & on, while madam spends & spends. Have to assume she still pays no tax on what limited money she's earning, so another tax bill is accumulating to add to her already huge debts:mad:(n):poop:
Hopefully the rental house finds out who they're really renting to and gets rid of her. The last place she rented with cowl didn't last long did it once they found out who she was and all the cars etc being parked there like a squat!!
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It's awful isn't it Littlemiss...
I don't know if it's because I'm a bloke, but the "Princess is the double of her mother incubator" articles always make me feel a little nauseous... 😒

This sixteen year old child is constantly spotlighted in the media to be compared to a woman who's only contribution to society and culture comes down to being (ugh, can't believe I'm typing this) a "sex symbol", be it via the gutter press, the whole "Lad's Mags" phenomenon, and her own shameless self promotion.

A lot of the articles generate comments like "Won't be long before she's getting her boobs out" and "She's gonna have an OF account like her mam!" Which I feel are unnecessary and unfair.

I dunno, maybe I'm just being oversensitive, but what chance does this kid have if her only notable worth is being compared to her absolute car crash of a mother 😞
Totally agree. I've always thought it deeply unfair for people to start speculating her kids will turn out like her. Give them a bleedin' chance at life, they didn't choose their parent.
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Sandy B

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This advert has just popped up on my Facebook page advising potential customers “ Don’t go to Turkey for dental work”. They are using KFP as part of the advert to deter people .
Reposted as posted on the closed thread in error , apologies .
Wonder if she was paid for this or they are just using her image without her knowledge?

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Palace Tone

Chatty Member
Wouldn’t it be funny if she now gets caught moving into her own caravan that she’s failed to declare as an asset to the bankruptcy courts. Her brother may have been renting it out on her behalf
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The bathrooms contain modern element like a waterfall shower and free standing sink. - Hardly matters to her as she never washes....

The country pile also has plenty of land for outdoor activities and a driveway big enough for a fleet of vehicles. - Which she's not allowed to drive.....

“It’ll be the perfect pad to help her get back on her feet and she will be staying there with her kids and new man JJ Slater.” - Won't be perfect for long...!

However, it remains unclear how Katie is paying for the big move and pricey monthly rent given her perilous financial situation. - We all want to know that too...!
If this is true she will ruin it within a week she doesnt need a house that big ffs she has NO kids at home also all the other bills she will have to pay thats shes not been paying on the MM this really is taking the fucking piss why havnt the Bankrupcy court and HMRC and the trustees lawyers stopped this the excessive rent could be going back to paying her creditors im beyond fucking pissed off i got threatened with court over £80 i owed in Council Tax and it wasnt even my fault it was a miscalculation on my bill i ended up having to pay court costs as well as the £80 and i pay by direct debit this has pissed me off that i now need to have a wine 🤬🤬
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Chatty Member
I agree. I think the BH has been postponed for now, due to her being evicted. I do have in on good knowledge that she’s not in the least bit worried about anything. She’s known for a while MM was lost to her. Her last hope was keeping J & B, to justify trying to keep the shit hole. She’s relieved the kids are gone apparently. We think, every time she feel’s she’s avoided court, she believes she’s getting away with it all. There’s a lot going on we don’t know about, I’m sure. Again I ask if anyone knows, if a TWICE bankrupt is allowed to just dump everything & go ahead & rent a large house, well above what she needs. Surely Trustee’s must be able to step in & ask questions? She’s continuing to live well above her means. Is her earning capability at leat £8-10k per month, to afford the rental & bills? IF she’s got that sort of money, where from, certainly not from selling AliBaba fishy tat? Plus the deposit for rental. Won’t be long before Harvey smashes some doors & windows & the pets & her own filth. Will be wrecked.
No doubt Dumpy & her will be grifting new furniture etc for the new house.
still, so far 2024 is not her year. Kids gone, house gone, looks & body mutilated. Pretend relationship with such a small, ugly little creature. No main work. No TV deals. Book advance won’t last long ( questions will be asked by trustees/OR about that hopefully). No driving licence & still 1 or 2 court appearances due for driving while disqualified. And eventually she WILL have to deal with the bankruptcy. It’s going nowhere. Fingers crossed the arrogant, dangerous indignant will get her comeuppance very soon. Next podcast will be an utter farce😡💩. Hope we find out where the new house is. No need to stay in local area now no kids, but I reckon she will.
Do we think she is so laid back about it because she doesn’t under stand the severity of the situation or that she genuinely just doesn’t give a fuck?
Sad to read what you have written re the children, not surprising but sad- I wonder if she is still seeing them! They must be so confused by all this.
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She doesn't give a fuck. Honestly she is arrogant. Of course she understands how much debt she has. Had no intentions of clearing the debts or paying tax/VAT. Same as the driving ban's. She still get's in a car & drives. How many time's now has she been pulled over for still driving yet disqualified? She's laughing at everyone. So she's lost the status of OWNING a huge house, but already has another large property rental lined up. UNTIL trustee's/OR start pulling out their fingers & controlling what she's allowed to spend, the debts will just get bigger & bigger. She's a law unto herself & the family are all enabling this shocking situation. She would NEVER pass credit checks to allow her to rent or buy anywhere, so she's being helped. I really hope, the forensic accountants/OR find out who is assisting her with the dodgy money transactions & hiding of assets & bring them down too. These BH's are dragging on & on, while madam spends & spends. Have to assume she still pays no tax on what limited money she's earning, so another tax bill is accumulating to add to her already huge debts:mad:(n):poop:
Whilst those that do contribute to caring for her eldest who Mummy Dearest uses for deflection, coin earning and as a Get Out Of Jail Free excuse as she spends on his bank cards!
At the rate she is accumulating debt there's no way in Hell that there's any chance of her clearing it, creditors are going to be left out of pocket and I cannot see where HMRC can get the tax owed.
What are they going to do?
Lock her up for the rest of her natural life, can't see that happening and who exactly is going to employ the useless twat?
The failure to act previously to control her spending is the cause of this, the Trustees in this case have a lot to answer for.
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Fuck me Krusties Not right is it, Just as Skanky has got the police to investigate because some fucker has obtained opened and shared with the media illegally her Paparwork, Some Horrible Bastard as only gone and done it again, Be calling in Scotland Yard at this rate 🤣
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