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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Absolutely brilliant 👏 😂👏😂
Thank you 😊🤗❤💖😀🥰😘 xxxx.

See that Numbers likes the wanted poster so much they’ve shared it on X.
I don’t think it looks as though they’re claiming the credit to be fair, so ‘Good One’ I say! Who did create it? Sorry I can’t remember but it is brilliant! 😘
Thank you for the compliment 😀😊😘❤❤❤😘 xxx I made that a day or two back 😊❤💖😀🥰🤗😘 xxxx.

Why didn't skank just catch the train or fly in by private chopper,,, oh wait no H to milk it for publicity and skanks got a no fly zone around her "private space" 🤣🤣🤣
Looooool 😄😀❤❤🥰🤗😘 xxxx ...

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Daily Fail has printed now and comments are open...!

If the red tops are reading here, please use the headline “ABOUT TIME!” on any follow up story.

Because that’s what most of the comments start with on that story. 🤣. Everyone has the same view 🙌
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Fear not, my fellow krusties.
As sad as it is for the trustees, Kipper will get her comeuppance in other ways.
She already looks like a circus freak and has been demoted heavily from where she used to be.
No one wants to be associated with her (z-list fame hungry, desperate reality show "stars" don't count).
But the next time she's arrested for the smallest incident, there will be a judge who will throw the book at her.
Think of OJ Simpson, yes he got away with murder. But he was sentenced to 33 years for a robbery by a judge who wanted to punish him properly. His fame didn't help him this time. He worked as a janitor in prison, he begged for parole, was granted it on certain conditions, he was released in 2021, disgraced, alone and no one around him. He got cancer and ended up dying alone last month.
People will see justice, just not in the way we might think it 🙏🏻
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I know, it doesn’t make sense, they will be a tremendous outcry that she walks away again, the courts will be shown to be useless when dealing with her, it’s really odd, this shouldn’t be happening, but it is. I really believe they have caved yet again, she knows nothing is happening next week. I don’t get it, none of us do, they just won’t touch her, we have less than a week to go, sadly I think we’ll find I’m right on this one 😔🤷🏽‍♀️
I must admit, it is ridiculously hard to understand without knowing the ins and outs. I think if that does happen, we just have let it go and move on - we can't let it bring us down. Sadly, we can't change anything as we have no control over it.

I keep reminding myself that this is not my life, but hers and whatever she does has no bearing on me.

I will say this though, she is miserable on the inside and has nothing to hold on to - hence all the surgeries, trying to portray this super-model image living a jet set lifestyle. If everyone started grey rocking her, she would very quickly start fading away completely. She hates being alone physically and she hates being still because she doesn't want to acknowledge what she is really thinking or feeling about herself. What a sad existence. She reminds of that character in Great Expectation who sits in her wedding dress waiting for her lost love to come back; all around her are cobwebs and decay. She is drugged up to escape a mindset that she could easily change, and trying to buy the life she wants rather than create it from her own efforts.
She is full of fake bravado. Everyone who lets her get away with her behaviour is just prolonging the inevitable and papering over her cracks.
Somehow things will have to come to a head eventually. Sadly, without intervention, I think the drugs and botched cosmetic procedures will take her down first.
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Palace Tone

Chatty Member
It could get messy round my place, I’ve just opened a bottle of my favourite red wine and I have a spare if needed. Please no shouting in the morning and if I talk crap later please forgive me lol
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DCI Jack Logan

Chatty Member

She added: “When I was in the Priory my therapist said ‘Kate, we’ve never known anyone to have so many traumatic events happen to them.’ And I’m still here, coping.”

Seriously you fucking cocknobber there’s no way on earth a therapist would say that to a patient.
Its like the doctors have told her it’s the worst foot injury I have ever seen in the whole wide world or the worst ADHD ever in the whole wide world, or the worst list the letters I can’t be arsed 😂😂😂 in the whole wide world.
😢😢😢😢😢😢 men have used me all my life just for fame I’ve bought them everything and they’ve just used and abused me 😢😢😢😢😢 it’s not my fault 😢😢😢😢😢
Do fuck off now you narcissistic nobody but please don’t stop the surgery and fillers I want to see bigger boobs and lips surely you’re not done yet, never underestimate the pricey, I luuuve it whoo hoo.
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How awful to name someone who allegedly raped her. If it happened, go to the police and let them investigate.

But wait…it didn’t fucking happen. Clickbait cunt.
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Latest.., Was this aired before or after she spilt from PA ? I’ve googled it and it says she spilt from PA 2009 and went on Piers Morgan 2009 so not sure when anyone else remember as I seem to recall she was crying & got emotional seeing her & PA but I don’t know if I’m just thinking that 🤪 I do honestly think to this day never has got over PA it’s all his fault Pete ya cunt 😂
Definitely Peter's fault, if not then Kieran or maybe Dane or possibly her father or even the butcher, baker or candlestick maker.
Basically anyone who identifies as a man - totally their fault!
Nothing to do with poor little Katie.
No way Jose 😳 😕 🙄🤥🤥🤥😅😅
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'Raped by a household name'.....
...anyone else thinking she accidentally squatted a 'Mr Muscle' bottle?.

*in no way do I find any form of unconsensual sex a laughing matter. This woman puts lie upon lie and, unless proven wrong, I'll reserve my sympathy for a real victim.
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I'm always a tad cautious when discussing r@#e and SA. It took a lot for me to share my last post on the subject as I wasn't sure if my perspective would be seen as relevant. Thankfully the reaction from all you Krusties was overwhelmingly understanding and supportive.

A victim should never be disbelieved, but at the same time, unfounded allegations have driven completely innocent men to take their own lives. These types of lies can also lead to genuine victims not wanting to share/report their horrendous experiences.
It does absolutely nobody any favours irrespective of sex/gender.

This story coming out only a few days from the next BH, in combination with the "I have the worstest mentil elf eva!" and the bombardment of H posts on social media last weekend is (in my opinion) part of a coordinated effort to sway public sentiment in her favour for when she inevitably doesn't show up to face the music on Friday...

You can almost hear all the brain-dead fans now... "OMG! Poor Katie! No wonder she couldn't face court, innit!! #bekind"

That's my only thoughts on the story.
No doubt some people will disagree, and that is absolutely fine. This is such a sensitive subject that navigating your way through the discourse can be difficult and upsetting ❤
Great post, I found it sensitive and well balanced. I hate how in that interview with Eamonn and Ruth she just sat there casually dropping this bombshell like she hadn't a care in the world, her body language was at odds with what she was saying. To her the words appear to mean nothing, she's almost dismissive when Ruth suggests she could help stop it happening to anyone else by speaking to the police. She doesn't care and I bet she didn't give the reasons to Ruth and Eamonn off camera as if she had made a disclosure to them, they and ITV would surely be obliged to report it.
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Chatty Member
I’ve been in bed poorly, just flicking through briefly. This has cheered me up no end👍. Been a long time coming. What about the poor animals? No wonder the kids were taken away quickly, before more turmoil for them. So her bragging the house was safe was more lies as we suspected🙀🤣so long farewell auf wiedersehen goodbye. 😱🤣
All of us right now 😂
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What is she up to I wonder🤔
So quiet and the MM gates are closed.
She's either been told by the clan to lie low, and is busy hiding stuff, shredding evidence and having a large bonfire. Then screaming at any daft staff that are still around before collapsing in a fug of 🍷and❄
Or she's got herself a pet psychiatrist, sorry Alan, and is in their clinic, trying to persuade them to risk their career and reputation to invent a not so scanty reason why she should be let off.
Some humbuggery is guaranteed to be happening, probably, sadly involving Harvey 😡
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I really don't feel sorry for her after all she's done she deserves this. She could have sorted things out but she chose not to and now she's losing everything, She's got f all left.
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Came home from work and read @SmillieKylie’s depressing post about KP looking like she might get away with this and I was livid too. I went out in the garden to do some pottering about tidying up and pondered it.
On reflection, I think it has to be bullshit. The only official word we’ve had on this is direct from the court itself, saying her previous excuses were “scanty” and they expected her to attend the next date or there could (didn’t like that modal verb though!) be a warrant out for her arrest.
What has changed? Nothing, apart from her saying she’s not intending to go because “reasons.” Shit reasons that won’t stand up in court if the last one didn’t.
So, let’s see how this plays out. We know she is in a very serious predicament. Even she knows it, ffs. They’re not going to let her get away with it, they’re really not, even if her comeuppance doesn’t happen next week
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