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I'm mainly lurking now as I can't be arsed to comment at the mo.

I am also lurking on the KH thread. Now, apart from the daily analysis and slagging off/laughing at some on this thread, some valid points IMHO are being raised over there re the GMF.

@DC16 Please can a full and complete explanation be given now that the kids have been removed regarding the secrecy surrounding who set up the fund, who benefitted and what the money was used for.
There are some worrying inconsistencies like angelic stating surprise at the setting up of the fund to then saying she knows all.about it to then even meeting "Sam" to discuss progress to then disappearing altogether.
Am honestly not throwing allegations at her or anyone else but she seems to be at the centre of its introduction here.

Please understand why I ask these questions.
Am not trying to derail or stir or cause any trouble here.
I would DM if that was possible.

I hope following recent events with unpleasant reactions that we can discuss this here in a civil and amicable manner.

FYI I LOATHE the Skank and although I don't agree with some of their actions, I absolutely 100% believe the kids are better off with KH and MP.

Peace ☮ and love ❤
To be honest. Me and Angelic had a humdinger of a discussion on here, got quite unpleasant, then she went, it was nothing to do with the fund either.

If the fund was used for legal costs ( which it likely was as it would have cost 20, 30K or more! ) it's not likely any of us are going to see receipts. Identifying law firms and barristers and saying what they did could be legally dodgy....... no-one can discuss family cases.

I really think if anyone is that bothered about the GFM and suspects fraud then go to the police. It can't be looked at any other way if people
seriously suspect some sort of wrong doing took place.
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I see Alan specialises in the following :unsure:

Alan is experienced in supporting people with the following addiction issues:

  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • prescription drugs
  • gambling
  • sex
  • shopping
I know, have noticed that before. Fancy her being assigned to an addiction specialist but she's definitely not an addict :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:
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VIP Member
You are a total star listening and dissecting all that so that we don't have to.... I am feeling quite despondent about it all and hate the fact she doesn't seem to have to face the consequences of her actions. However I did like this bit and had to Google it so now know why Skanky couldn't say the words...!

What is DBT?
Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a type of talking therapy. It's based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). But it's specially adapted for people who feel emotions very intensely.

Can you see her trying to get her gob around the word 'dialectical'....?!!

I agree with everything you say and I'm still hoping the MM will be considered an asset and be removed from her. Also, I know I've posted this before but this was Cole dropping her right in it about mugging the bankruptcy off.

View attachment 2910401
I think Trustees & everyone involved KNOW for certain she's been hiding assets & doing dodgy deals. Crawls post just confirmed it too.
That's why, after the money & time that's already been spend by appointing 'specialists' to investigate her case, won't just be dismissed. I still don't know who pay's for the more in depth work though, to be honest ( it may have been covered & I missed it).
I'm 50/50 on whether I feel angry, losing hope & despondent about her latest podcast rubbish. I'm trying to believe it's a pack of lie's (y)🙏
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Sorry , I’m on the floor here🤣 “Baby Darling”,What a pair of numptys, that fella’s the one with the Mental health problems , He needs a full timer carer,
What an absolute plank
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So he's not an actual doctor then? Surely that would mean he isn't qualified enough to write a report for court? She probably thinks it's good enough though seeing as in her deluded mind having worked as a carer makes her a nurse, or maybe she will get Ellie to write it for her seeing as she is 'medically trained'.
I see Alan specialises in the following :unsure:

Alan is experienced in supporting people with the following addiction issues:

  • alcohol
  • drugs
  • prescription drugs
  • gambling
  • sex
  • shopping
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Chatty Member
Can I suggest a thread title? Katie Price #385 Running from reality, the press and her creditors on her shattered trotters

She’s lying brazenly on that podcast. There’s no way with the level of scrutiny and the people involved that she’s going to get a pat on the head and a telling off. Nothing she says matches the reality of what we can see and others are saying. She did a flit last week which the court even alluded to that she would be arrested if she doesn’t show up. A note from the Priory that she’s a bit sad and worried isn’t going to get her out of this mess.
Mental health issues DO NOT excuse you from criminal punishment either. When I worked in MH, we had a client who was under section and escaped the ward, doing a fair bit of vandalism on their way. The police were involved and despite them seeing this person had considerable MH issues, they were still charged. I’ve seen clients with longstanding psychiatric issues who clearly have issues managing their money but have to face consequences which usually means more support in future after the fact. They still had the bailiffs in. She is not going to get out of this by playing a MH card.
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Daisy Uncle

VIP Member
It gets better, apparently pictured outside a fertility clinic in Cyprus too!
Here we go…. 🙄🙄🙄
OMG is she going through her storylines at warp speed. 🤔😂 *thinks* has she brought that Argos engagement ring with her, the eleventy billion quid one.
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Well-known member
Oh fucking hell shitty shit fuck fuckety fucking fuck Edna you cunt you told me you were on the pill and couldn't get pregnant. 😎
Oh that poor, poor kid...
Imagine the beige nursery in all it's monotonous glory!!!
Poor fucker will think it's colourblind for the first few years of it's life 😳
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I don't know why everyone is so angry?
Nothing has changed, she is still in the shit with Skankruptcy and needs to comply.
The pod cast is her usual 'future faking aspirational' bollocks, same as all the TV deals etc. Just bullshit of what she wants to happen.
Until we hear officially what is happening don't take any notice of her.
Shes probably rubbing her hands and laughing at how she has wound everyone up on here.
As it stands she has court on 14th unless she can provide acceptable documentation to prove she can't attend.
Yes Biffa, At least you’re someone who hasn’t forgotten the Krusties No1 Golden rule .If it’s lips are moving it’s lying.
Rule no 2 if it’s lips ain’t moving it’s thinking about lying
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
So when skank blames the media for anything it's normally skank that's given the red tops the story in the first place (normally through a source) so skank can play victim for sympathy and avoid appearing at something or avoid a backlash for something. Skanks played the system once again and there's someone helping her by giving or paying some dodgy barrister for some good advice on how to do it and some dodgy doctor to write the letter, the clan have a lot to answer for and as a grifting bunch of tax dodging money laundering cunts they are will do all they can to keep skank out of a court room and save the gravy train, if skank goes down they all do and they know it. 😎
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I don't think She really does love Harvey or any of her children, uses them when needed but that's it. I pray minimum 3 years in prison. Poor Harvey may have a chance, along with J and B. Is she trying to keep Harvey sickly and obese? She doesn't seem to want him to do better and get some independence. So sad 😢...but just my opinion.
I agree Skank is not capable of love, Harvey having multiple disabilities meant she could sell sob stories right from the get go, then once he was an adult and she was scared of him, off Harvey went. Skank has never had any intention of helping Harvey loose weight or encourage him to live as independently as he can. She still believes Harvey's situation will save her arse over and over. J&B were the next pawns in her fucked up warped game I hope that in time they'll see what their mother is like. With J&P Pete has brought them up.

It is incredibly sad that five children have been born to an arsehole that sees them in monetary terms, nowt less. I can't imagine what they've gone through. Skank only has herself to blame but she'll never sit down and admit being an absolute twat.
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If it is Alan at the Priory Roehampton, he has a Postgraduate Diploma in in Addiction Psychology and Counselling. He's described as a Psychotherapist. I'm not sure if that makes him particularly qualified or not in the realms of being good enough for court?

I think KP did mention a consultant, so not sure if she's seen someone on the NHS too.
I don’t think he would be qualified for court to consider his opinion. Usually the courts look for an independent expert (psychiatrist or psychologist) to appoint to assess her capacity to understand and consent to court and the standard time taken to find these, have them approved and have the assessment and report is around 3 months in total (assuming she cooperates - they usually allow for 3 missed appts before reconsidering their position) so maybe even up to 4/5 months - her medical evidence and past proceedings would be a hefty bundle to read through and I can imagine it would take a lot longer than normal to go through the process.

If she hasn’t had to do this for bankruptcy #1 then I am not sure why a judge would entertain it for bankruptcy #2 especially given the amount of face to face work she is able to do on the daily (public appearances etc).

she can’t have it all ways - she is either mentally vulnerable and not able to consent to taking part in anything or she is able to attend and get on with her daily activities. It’s worth bearing in mind she isn’t the victim in this case so why a court would let her off with all of the circus is beyond me - she’s the perpetrator of the circumstances that led to bankruptcy (however much she wants to blame the men) and she should be there to answer to it.
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Just going to bed, thought wonder if the podcast is out, it is, I just listened to the first 10 minutes, DC can update you later on the rest, I didn’t listen to anymore, sleepy now, but she is angrily attacking the media about her holiday, posting that photo of her, and saying she swerved the bankruptcy hearing. Added she can’t be at home as something has happened, that she had to go away….she doesn’t say it, but yes the kids have been taken from her, that is clear by that comment, and she is not happy about it.

Well then, here it is everyone, she has been signed off court 🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤷🏽‍♀️ It was agreed she didn’t have to attend, and she is NOT going to attend court next week, says the trustees have said she does not have to ( WTF is going on with them 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️) says she has been legally signed off appearing (what does that even mean) as her mental health is so bad she cant deal with it, media are trying to kill her, she is unable to appear in a public examination due to this, has been ‘signed off’, it ain’t happening Krusties 🤦🏽‍♀️

I think she’s done it everyone, she has dodged court and they’ve let her, unbelievable, I don’t think she’s lying, she’s thrown the kitchen sink at them with mental health excuse and won by sounds of it. I don’t know what this means going forward, but she ain’t going to court next week, she‘s adamant, and I believe it 🤷🏽‍♀️

Everyone give up on the courts now, I already had, this is ridiculous, it’s looking like Madam Teflon Tits walks away unscathed again, I just don’t know what to say anymore. Her own hand will take her down, it’s the only way she’s going to be felled, ignore the courts, this bankruptcy is going round in circles, it’s going nowhere, nothing touches her. I’m not even angry, I expected this, just sad for all the people she has wronged, being failed so badly. Happy news for you all go wake to later, FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️ I expect this thread to have a lot of chit chat today !
Oh my! Kylie; so she says she's been signed off then? If so she must have been carted off to an institution. Paranoia over the media and everyone else who's wants to kill her, apparently. Either she's really lost it or she's kicking up a massive fuss and threatening suicide. Does she seem calm or demented? Give it up Kipper - one way or another you WILL be prosecuted.
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