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I think they will have therapy & I hope so. I think they will reveal things that they have happened & been seen & heard going on in MM & other places, that may instigate serious investigations, if what I've been told is true. She never wanted to let go of those kids because she knew they could say things she didn't want out in the open. That's why she didn't want Kieran having contact with them. I'm sure those children must find peace, love, structure, proper meals & relaxing surroundings a world away from the life they had for at least 18 months😢 Especially Jett. Hopefully he'll be back to school soon, back to his football & seeing his friends. I do truly believe there will be repercussions & consequences for KFP for what has happened to those children & I think she already knows it. So all in all, 2024 in PriceyLand, is not a bed of roses, no matter what spin & lie's she want's to spout.
I think a lot of secrets will be revealed and soon! J and B are in the best possible place and will be well taken care of by Wendy. Hopefully in time as he begins to feel safe, protected and nurtured he will start revealing the horrors he has seen. I hope they lock her up then and throw away the key. Holding your own children hostage to save your own neck is beyond disgusting. Has she always been this way? Or has she worsened with her addictions?
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On YouTube there is a video of KP on Frank Skinner’s chat show when she was pregnant with Harvey, so made about 21/22 years ago. On that show she seemed small and fragile and had been recently dumped by DY and was on the way to becoming a single mum. Of course, we now have a fuller picture of what the situation really was but it was a brilliant display of victimhood. No mention of drug taking, drunkenness or late-night clubbing. Frank was trying to be a bit edgy regarding sexual relationships but it went nowhere, and I wonder/wander if he had done his research and knew what she was really like and was prompting her to spill the beans.

At that time MH issues were only rarely publicly debated but 21 years later she is still playing the victim now because of her various self-diagnosed MH disorders.

What I find utterly ridiculous in all this debate is on the one hand she is a frail victim of absolutely everything (read the Wiki for full list) and on the other hand is loud and shouting ‘never underestimate the Pricey’.
Well matey you can’t have it both ways.

As an aside, it annoys me it that seems whenever MH issues are raised Caroline Flack’s name is rolled out. OK it was rotten that a young woman dies by her own hand, (I have had two friends die like this and it still hurts to discuss them) but step back and take a longer view. Am I being uncaring if I say, well maybe CF did have MH issues but as I read it, she died not because she was in a long deep depression and thought the world beyond her reach but to protect her super smooth public image and earning potential?

KP’s public image has changed from being an amusing, outrageous, page 3 girl victim to what we all know now.
Deep down she knows has no public image or earning power to protect. All this ‘I’m a victim with MH issues is pure bluster.
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She is so like that, like a program just repeating!

I have thought about this too. Could she have owed loads of money or been getting money from helping dodgy dealers?

@Schmooze said they had a theory about her cheap holidays. Please share 😁
Don’t think it was me with the theory but for what it’s worth I knew someone who was in terrible debt (albeit no one including me knew at the time). She was forever on holiday (not expensive ones)/buying cheap clothes & having beauty treatments/going out etc. She ended up going bankrupt and everyone was really shocked. How could you carry on with the holidays etc when you were in so much trouble financially they said. Her reply was that when she was away abroad she could pretend none of it was going on/bury her head in the sand and get some relief from it all even if only momentarily. Obviously the minute she came back she was right in it again so she’d book another one to get the same relief. Also she said that it got to the stage where she owed so much money and to get out of it would take her 20 years or so of real hard financial graft she just couldn’t face it so thought that another holiday and then another one and so on wouldn’t make that much difference to her overall financial situation. People used to really like her as she was bubbly and quite a character but soon changed when it was all revealed as some were struggling and had been jealous of her many holidays and felt let down/annoyed that she had done it all on the never never. Her husband bought the beneficial interest in a lovely but not large house that had no equity but had been done lovely with credit cards/loans etc so she stayed in it, all of her debts unsecured were wiped off and she was out of her bankruptcy after 3 years. And she’d done nothing wrong in the strict eyes of the law. Morally maybe but that’s how the system is set up and people like KFP and KK abuse it and flaunt it which riles people up as they appear to be living the life of Riley. But really would you want her life as it is now?
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That podcast did make me laugh....going on about her terrible mental health, my poor little head can't cope with court, with anything, it's too much....then 'oh let's talk about the songs for my podcast tour...' PING and she was like a completely different person. It was like Worzel Gummidge changing heads!!
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Just going to bed, thought wonder if the podcast is out, it is, I just listened to the first 10 minutes, DC can update you later on the rest, I didn’t listen to anymore, sleepy now, but she is angrily attacking the media about her holiday, posting that photo of her, and saying she swerved the bankruptcy hearing. Added she can’t be at home as something has happened, that she had to go away….she doesn’t say it, but yes the kids have been taken from her, that is clear by that comment, and she is not happy about it.

Well then, here it is everyone, she has been signed off court 🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤷🏽‍♀️ It was agreed she didn’t have to attend, and she is NOT going to attend court next week, says the trustees have said she does not have to ( WTF is going on with them 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️) says she has been legally signed off appearing (what does that even mean) as her mental health is so bad she cant deal with it, media are trying to kill her, she is unable to appear in a public examination due to this, has been ‘signed off’, it ain’t happening Krusties 🤦🏽‍♀️

I think she’s done it everyone, she has dodged court and they’ve let her, unbelievable, I don’t think she’s lying, she’s thrown the kitchen sink at them with the mental health excuse and won by sounds of it. I don’t know what this means going forward, but she ain’t going to court next week, she‘s adamant, and I believe it 🤷🏽‍♀️

Everyone give up on the courts now, I already had, this is ridiculous, it’s looking like Madam Teflon Tits walks away unscathed again, I just don’t know what to say anymore. Her own hand will take her down, it’s the only way she’s going to be felled, ignore the courts, this bankruptcy is going round in circles, it’s going nowhere, nothing touches her. I’m not even angry, I expected this, just sad for all the people she has wronged, being failed so badly. Happy news for you all to wake up to later, FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️ I expect this thread to have a lot of chit chat today !
She’s a liar though so I’d take it with a pinch of salt.Just keeping face for her fans. I can’t see HMRC giving up after the expense of forensic accountants.
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Stan Butler

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Krytens company losses of £31k and no stock.. so who's been paying for everything since they started the showmance then. The holidays, nights out, the travelling to red carpet events and gigs, the overnight stays in hotels and trips to Ireland, skank can't really use the "he pays for everything" excuse this time. Both a pair of desperate fame hungry cunts without a penny to their name or a pot to piss in, no wonder their both trying to push the showmance for publicity and coin it's the only thing these two cunts have left to earn off. 🤣
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Something tells me it isn’t the judge!!

Will be interesting to see if she can get a medical practitioner/consultant to state she is that mentally unstable she cannot attend, under oath (hence why it needs to be signed by a lawyer). Would someone really risk their whole career on saying she can’t can’t answer any questions about finances?

I do think she is ill. I think she is stressed and absolutely petrified.
No, no medical person will risk their career for her. They can't invent this illness for her and I am 100% convinced this is what she's doing and it's what she's tried to do in other cases. It doesn't work because you can't just keep claiming you have an illness with no evidence.

I agree she is anxious due to the stress of her actions and ........consequences. A foreign concept to her!
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Celebs love claiming the media is killing them whilst they take drugs and drink drive therefore choosing to risk death daily 🤷‍♀️
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Must be a full time job for whomever is deleting the comments on her “proofing” post. They’re disappearing quick!!
Not many pages to this book. Wonder if it will contain all her court appearances, will resemble war and peace then. 🤭
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went away because she had 4 spare days in her calendar, when the actual fact is she did not! the barrister last week said she’d had plenty of notice so Friday really wasn’t a ‘spare day‘
also no matter how cheap she claims the holiday was it is not her money!! that should have gone to creditors
hopefully todays explanation has got her into even bigger shit, her creditors must be livid!
IF. big IF, she actually booked this 4 day break before the court hearing day, as I've said before, that could be a nail in the coffin. Someone needs to find this out. o_O (y)
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Sorry to repeat myself .... but ... I'm pretty certain her behaviour is being watched, and noted by the ` right ` people .... her BAD mentwwal elff ... seems to magically disappear when she`s fucking off to Cyprus, with the latest DIM as shit ugly boy toy toddler ..... on the day she was meant to be in court .... is doing twaty twak fleecing her dumb gullible ` fans ` with cheap China crap .... even pretending to work out at the ` 5 star hotel gym ` AGAIN ALL smiles, not a care in the world, then getting stupid teen tatts, despite her needle phobia:rolleyes: ... anyone would think she doesn't owe nearly 5 million quid ( that she has NO intention of paying ) ... I could go ON and on .... but won't as we know the drill by now ..... someone involved in all this mess, surely will NAIL her once and for all ( come on HMRC!!! ) .... lets see what trick she pulls next time, and IF it's successful
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It really would be insane if she tried to go through with it. Not least because it would be another fraud to use the mattress fund!
I also can't see her responding to the questions at the BH about Cyprus. There's no way she could pull off a surrogacy and come off squeaky clean as you say it's yet another example of Skank committing fraud. It's insane to us mere mortals but in Skanks eyes it's normal behaviour as she's better than everyone else.

Apologies for ranting over the surrogacy I find her wanting a new baby and her attitude completely distasteful. I'd have loved to be a mum, wasn't on the cards unfortunately 💜
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Does anyone think that if she’s been getting money from dodgy sources they could be leaning on her to not turn up in case she blows it. Something is scaring the pants off her to go in front of the judge . It it fear of others or fear that we might find out e.g she’s only made £4000 from OF in all the time she’s been in it and that she’s making very little and the house of cards is caving in , and the sheer shame of the fall from grace what she laughed at many others misfortune and now it’s her turn. I just wonder what the fear is, she’s trying soo very hard to sell her version
Its fear of the truth, partly the press publicly printing it, mostly the prison sentence thats coming her way ... she cant answer the questions because the truth is she has been fiddling the books and tax since the start ... the income doesnt match the spending, it never has ... when Carl said she paid for the pink RR in cash that tells you she has (or had) a large stash of cash that she has never declared and has hidden away ... from being paid cash in hand over many many years ... plus closing companies down before submitting books / using them to launder money / paying herself directors bonuses and never paying tax on them ... she knows she is upto her eyeballs in shit ... if we can see it FA most definitely have because there is nothing clever about what she has been doing, its the same basic crap all the dodgy fake 'bizness' people do and its caught up with her ... she can run for a bit longer, but, she cant hide and she knows it
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Chatty Member
I know. But I've said all I possibly can on the subject.

Kieran benefitted from the fund, it was used towards his legal fees which came to just under £30k
You know it is not allowed to discuss on here why someone may has disappeared from Tattle, so maybe from that you can gather. 🤷‍♀️
I've suggested before that if people have a problem to contact his manager or Kieran himself or yes, even the police, it's really not my place and I don't have any receipts to show.
I imagine the court has put a number of orders in place which will not allow the kids to be shown on social media or certain things said as it is a private matter.
Thanks for replying. Actually no, I didn't know we are not allowed to discuss why someone has disappeared from Tattle, starting to make a little sense now, I'll be honest I have been wondering about all the cryptic mentions of "Numbers" whose disappearance and reasons why I also seem to have missed, really must work on my attention skills!

I'll be honest, I don't feel I understand the situation any better, which is all I was aiming for, but totally get what you are saying, I'll leave it be.

Hope the 2 little ones are feeling safe, loved and valued wherever they may be, after all that's all that matters in the end.
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Chatty Member
The utter desperation by Kipper is so entertaining to watch. She’s running through all the usual storylines with men at light speed with little Lego boy and everyone is just pointing and laughing. It’s so embarrassing to watch her scrabbling about to grift a couple of quid from her usual made up stories. Pity we’ve all seen this 36489473 times before!
Carl must be pissing himself watching this unfold! I also really hope the rumours are true and that the kids are safely with Granny Hayler and will be seeing their dad asap. I feel sorry for them both but I hope when J starts talking about what he’s been through (when he feels safe and both are out of survival mode), the family all rally round him and encourage him. I really hope that PA and KH get in contact and allow the bigger kids to see the littles too, the healing starts now!
It’s poor H I feel for now though. He seems to be the only card left to be picked up and dumped as madam sees fit when she needs an ego boost or sympathy. I really wish he could get a placement in a nice supported living environment where he can get days out and start being more independent away from the harpy’s clutches.
I said a while back that I felt KP had painted herself into a corner as far as her 3 sets of legal troubles: kids, cash and cars. I feel like all this playing the MH card is because she knows the kids and the license aren’t coming back so she doesn’t need to pretend to not be a complete car crash of a human anymore. I think she’s going to spiral completely and we’ll see a whole wealth of dramatics before the next BH, possible SH, surgery and maybe even just a runner!
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So IF KP comes back on Thursday that leaves her 7days to get an approved report
And several people have said this isn’t enough time what will she do?
1 Go but collapse dramatically
2 Not go and risk being arrested
3 Turn up and not answer questions ( blame mental health with not being able cope)
4 Turn up ready to answer questions ( just joking)
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