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I thought we were all permanently bankrupt? Nothing to be ashamed of!
I’m not ashamed, I enjoyed my first one so much I have applied for another. I just love the spend, spend, spend feeling you get when you are bankrupt!
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Stan Butler

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Oh fucking hell shitty shit fuck fuckety fucking fuck Edna you cunt you told me you were on the pill and couldn't get pregnant. 😎
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#385 There’s a beige Baybay on the way . A long awaited playmate for pointless little JJ
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Pom Bear

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Bless you. I'm away next week for a fortnight and internet not great there. So going to have lots of catching up to do especially after next court date. Xx
Have a lovely holiday, and hope there is some way you get online when you there to see the next court case. Love Pom 😀🥰💖❤💕🐶🐾😘 xxxx.

Thanks also for all the lovely emojis and happy birthday messages on the krustie thread 🧵not caught up on this thread 🧵 yet, I'm very flattered. I'm behind on this thread so will catch up hopefully up to date by the court case too Love Pom 😀🥰💖❤💕🐶🐾😘 xxx.


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She reckons May is going to be a good month (as lots of birthdays!!)
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It gets better, apparently pictured outside a fertility clinic in Cyprus too!
Here we go…. 🙄🙄🙄
Oh for fucks sake 🙄 Can't one of Skank's brain cells think of something new. If she actually gets pregnant I'll eat my ashtray
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I don't know why everyone is so angry?
Nothing has changed, she is still in the shit with Skankruptcy and needs to comply.
The pod cast is her usual 'future faking aspirational' bollocks, same as all the TV deals etc. Just bullshit of what she wants to happen.
Until we hear officially what is happening don't take any notice of her.
Shes probably rubbing her hands and laughing at how she has wound everyone up on here.
As it stands she has court on 14th unless she can provide acceptable documentation to prove she can't attend.
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The dog's doodah

Well-known member
Well done @DC16.

It's completely as we expected that Shanky is playing the MH card, I find this really insulting to those people who genuinely suffer with their MH.

Her now going on about how seriously she takes her bankruptcies when previously she was doing lives clearly gloating how she was 'minted' and how they couldn't take the MM off her. Like others have said, she's just trying to protect what's left of her public persona, she knows if the truth comes out about what she's been doing and what she is really like her career or what remains of it is fucked.

Surely she can't get away with this :mad:
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It's all lies. She is someone who will tell a bold-face lie and project what she does onto others.
"Women are getting surgery too young"
"I didn't do nuffin on my face until I was in my forties" (got her lips done, botox, facelifts etc in her thirties)
"People aren't following the social distance guidelines" (during covid despite swanning off on holiday all the time)
A million other examples but my brain is too tired right now (like adopting a Nigerian orphan or training to be a paramedic)
Anyway the point of this was when she was on Loose Women, she straight up denied that she was bankrupt or anywhere near there. She said the papers were all printing lies and all that had happened was a few of her companies had been liquidated.
Lo and behold, turned out Skanky lied!
So all this about being excused is most likely more lies.
You're going down Kipper!
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Cat Eyez

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Says she has had 4 days free in her diary so went away.
No one knew she was coming away apart from 'professionals around me' to just get a break from everything she is dealing with behind the scenes at home. Someone took a picture round the pool. Here we go...

As Kylie said, the court knew she wasn't going to her bankruptcy as mentally her consultant at the Priory, she has been signed off any kind of activity for court (So how come she could show up to the Residency hearings then?) She's mentally not strong enough at the moment, to stand in court, be cross examined in front of the media, in front of the public, for then the media to ridicule even more than they already do. The media is so cruel at the
minute, she is taking her bankruptcy so seriously , like I do everything else, it's a very serious situation she's in.
Her head needs a break.
Sophie then butts in to enable her by saying how the media has portrayed it, that she's not turned up but fucked off on holiday. That's how it looks to the general public. YES BUT THE JUDGE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT DID HE!!!!
Kp responds, the media write what they want to write and they do and the public are influenced by that, but she's not mentally able and stable to go into court, as she has a lot of things behind the scenes she is dealing with, hence she hasn't been on TT for months since December (BUT CAME BACK ON THERE YESTERDAY) can only do what her body and brain let her. Thinks the media are trying to kill her off. She's taking the BH seriously, but it's not like she jetted off on a 5 star holiday is it (BUT YOU DID GO ON HOLIDAY ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH) She wasn't in a £760 a night room either. Her friend (Lou) came to the hotel a week before she did and told them she was coming and to look after her, so when she went, they upgraded her for nothing. So it was actually a very cheap holiday. ME ME ME. There are reasons she doesn't want to be in her surroundings at the minute as she's having a difficult time. But she still has to work and do the things she can.
She's looking after herself. Confirms she won't be going to the next court hearing either, as she's had a letter (she wants everyone to know) from her trustees. Before she went on holiday she had an hours conversation on zoom with her trustees who deal with both her bankruptcies and explained fully her whole situation and what's going on, so they knew what's going on, also had a letter from court, her psychiatrists or consultants signed me off and they have given her a list to discharge her, suspend her from this at the moment which has to be signed off by a lawyer and trust be the truth and all that (??)
So she says she is back today and has appointments with her consultant, her therapist and everyone around her who WILL be signing her off legally (THOUGHT SHE SAID SHE WAS ALREADY SIGNED OFF?) as mentally she can't cope. Moaning about not getting any peace on holiday. Her little head is quite fragile at the moment, but she can only do what she can do (YEP, THAT SEEMS TO CONSIST OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF CROWDS AND AN AUDIENCE IN THE LINED UP PODCAST TOUR, SUMMER SINGING EVENTS)
Moaning about the media writing about her being unstable if she was to turn up to court (SHE IS REALLY SHITTING HERSELF ABOUT BEING WRITTEN ABOUT) she just can't cope with it. She wanted to clear that up and she's not fooling anyone. She is engaging with everyone and with her past history always make sure you communicate. Mentally she can't do something she can't cope with, she is looking after herself, her head, because she doesn't want to go back down and have a breakdown. So she's only doing stuff SHE wants to do and looking after herself, in the gym, being healthy, being focused, being positive.
SFP asks if she feels better.
She's got 2 vapes.

Right need a quick vape before the rest!

Lying cow, bloody hope she isn't signed off and doesn't get the suspension SHE wants.......

Oh Katrina, what are you so scared of the public finding out 🤔

@DC16 are you able to share what she says wth anyone in the BH..... There clearly is intent here.
The judge did know she wasn't attending, at the 11th hour and he certainly didn't agree to her non attendance.
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Early thread title:

SFP is up the duff, who the hell would touch that muff.

Probably not right for a KP thread but still made me chuckle!
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Just following up on some of the comments on last thread, I'm only page 1 of this thread. There is absolutely no way the court will be able to obtain their own psych report by the 14th. I'd also be very surprised if she obtained her own report in such a short time.

The main reason being that the psych has a duty to review all relevant medical history and Lady Muck would need to sign a consent form authorising the release of said records. They would also have to request these from both NHS and The Priory and if she is seeing any other health professional for her "mental elf". The psych would review these records in advance of a medical examination so they know the history and to be able to ask pertinent questions. The report is then usually dictated and typed up before being released.

It sounds like the judge is requesting her to provide fuller evidence of her mental health issues and any psych worth their salt will not be able to produce a detailed report within 2 weeks. Maybe Alan the therapist will provide a detailed letter which the Judge may accept in the interim, but from civil actions I used to deal with, the sheriff wouldn't accept a letter from someone's own practitioner but I don't know if that would be sufficient in this instance.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if Edna & old Amy haven’t been paying tax , they’ve declared themselves housewives and it’s the husband’s that work , how can price afford a new camper van ? The one she had in Spain when skanky was seeing the gif boyson was about 60+70K what sort of fencing company does he have 😂😂 and of course Amy flipping houses buying cheap and selling for a profit did Amy pay tax ?. I hope skanky brings them all down if she’s going down for tax evasion you can bet she’ll grasson her family
The whole family are con artists. AFP worked part time for a ’friend’ doing payroll or something, while looking after Harvey. so probably paid some small amount of tax, to keep HMRC off her back, to cover for the huge amount she was being paid to care for Harvey. HMRC can go back years & should look & see if she paid any tax on Dwight money she was receiving - 100% bet, not declared. And why didn’t AFP mention she has a sister in her book of lies? Plus, what about money AFP earns from her interviews on Tv/magazines etc, over the years.
Still don’t see how SFP fits in any Children in Need work. Be interesting to look into her tax fiddles too. Then there’s Black Sheep management, Daniel. Sure monies be going in/out of there for KFP & she’s probably using a company credit card. And Mr PP only shows a dissolved fencing company on Company House as far as I can see. The motor home he & AFP own, is the same one, I believe they had in Spain. Strange they’re all spending & living like millionaire’s😡🧐🙀
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Personally I think she is toast and she knows it.

Whoever writes these medical reports will have to provide a detailed account of the conditions she has, but more importantly provide factual evidence of how it impacts upon her. These people will know that their evidence is going to be looked at under serious scrutiny which can have a massive impact upon their own careers.

As she herself has said she is receiving treatment from places such as The Priory, they won't be able to provide something simply saying they have at times spoken to her. They will have to provide detailed reports of when they treated her, what they did to treat her, how she behaved in that treatment (if she engaged with it) and so on.

The reality is if she had those reports they would've been provided to the court long ago. They have a duty to adapt their service to help accommodate those in need. They haven't done that, they have simply allowed her more time to provide those documents and she clearly hasn't done it.
Which to me indicates they had given her a lot of time to produce that evidence and she failed to do so. Someone who has the problems she has and is being treated for it wouldn't have any issues getting hold of those documents. The fact we are at this point and they haven't been produced yet shows she can't provide any real evidence to support her claims. A doctors note stating she won't be able to attend because of stress/worry etc won't be sufficient long term to delay court action.
I think that could be what has happened, she kept producing GP sick notes and eventually they wanted evidence from actual medical proffessionals who have treated her.
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Just following up on some of the comments on last thread, I'm only page 1 of this thread. There is absolutely no way the court will be able to obtain their own psych report by the 14th. I'd also be very surprised if she obtained her own report in such a short time.

The main reason being that the psych has a duty to review all relevant medical history and Lady Muck would need to sign a consent form authorising the release of said records. They would also have to request these from both NHS and The Priory and if she is seeing any other health professional for her "mental elf". The psych would review these records in advance of a medical examination so they know the history and to be able to ask pertinent questions. The report is then usually dictated and typed up before being released.

It sounds like the judge is requesting her to provide fuller evidence of her mental health issues and any psych worth their salt will not be able to produce a detailed report within 2 weeks. Maybe Alan the therapist will provide a detailed letter which the Judge may accept in the interim, but from civil actions I used to deal with, the sheriff wouldn't accept a letter from someone's own practitioner but I don't know if that would be sufficient in this instance.
Thanks for the thorough explanation. This is what I've been thinking, no way can she get a detailed report in that time. Despite people thinking her excuses are accepted, they're not accepted by the court, as they said 'scanty' and not good enough. We only hear a tiny bit of what's said in court. The judges go on for hours deliberating and we don't see the full transcript just those few sentences from the media. The judge is never just going to look at a bit of text in an email and say ' oh look she has ADHD, never mind! ....and end the process there.
I'm quite convinced due to something I've heard, she won't get any detailed psychiatric report because she won't get properly assessed. So that's another huge reason too. If it was easy to pay an expert to say what she wants she would have done it months ago.
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Chatting rubbish about what they are watching on TV.
Give me hair products, first Live TT, she doesn't eat McD's now, going to watch TV in the car to/from Liverpool on her laptop.
The TT live is easy, it breaks her in gently as she does have to start doing some work.
Signed up for another Panto, Cinderella, she is an ugly sister with Kerry K (who got her the gig) KP does a shit accent trying to mimic KK. Both going to sing, KP reckons she will sing better than KK.
Podcast show, plugging that.
Harvey wants to go on holiday, so she's going to see if she has 3 or 4 free days, as she has lots of courses for her DBT course, she doesn't know what DBT stands for. A 21 week course. Doing all these courses to help her mentally. Going to take him swimming. Says the other kids are at school and she has other kids (REALLY???) and H hasn't had a holiday for ages, it would be a holiday for H, but not what she would call a holiday.
But only if she can find space (in her diary) get him a haircut. She can't wait to see him. (JUST NEEDS HIM FOR DEFLECTION)

Viewers questions.
Talks about going to Ibiza after she split with Pete (YEP HAD TO MENTION HIS NAME):rolleyes: Got hounded on that holiday. She's learnt with her maturity how to handle a breakup now (SO AFTER CARL, GOT PISSED UP NIGHT AFTER NIGHT, OK) SFP laughs at that.
Talks about horse riding. :rolleyes: :sleep:
Earliest childhood memory, remembering her real dad.
Now autism... Harvey didn't start speaking until he was about 11/12 just noises before that. :rolleyes:
Said she will get H on the pod next week.
Life advice. Boring question, she doesn't know what a semester is.
She's had a tattoo cover up, good riddance she says.
Talking about son's girlfriends, said once in the past she commented on Junior's girlfriend. She's seen J's new girlfriend, she so pretty, Princess told her (SO JUNIOR DIDN'T TELL HER!!) she can't wait to meet her (DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH) she's already met 'the dad' SFP didn't know he had a gf, KP doesn't know how they met. Goes on about the age gap and that it doesn't matter. Says there are 13 years between her and JJ and it works.

Dating sites, she has never been on one, wouldn't know what to do, says she wouldn't get a tick.
She knows straightaway if she is going to like someone or not.
Allotment talk:rolleyes:
People who go to her pod tour are going to be fans and want to be there. Lot's of their friends want to come to the London pod show.
Now she is shouting. Wants the video messages too, wants Albert to do one and Harvey (No mention of the other kids)
She appreciates all the support.
She has started cameo, she has had one request so far. Shouting loads.
Mind, body and soul.
Kindness costs nothing :rolleyes:
Thank fuck that is over. I look forward to the press write ups about it.

I think when she said discharged from it, I interpreted she meant what to do not to turn up to the next hearing.
Thank you DC. Are your ears bleeding? You are a star.❤
Be an interesting Podcast with H & Albert. Albert can't speak & H would be calling every one a C u n t !
Seems she's still inferring the kids are with hero_O - strange.
So we are back to square one again. She's played on MH & therefore will not be appearing or attending any court dates.
So what happens to the TWO bankruptcies then? It's almost certain forensic accountants will have found fraud/hiding assets - is that just swept under the carpet or postponed?
But it's OK for her to carry on life as usual. Pretty sure there are other bankrupts out there who will use this excuse of MH struggles who WILL be taken to task & have to appear at court & answer questions, but yet again KFP swerves it all :mad:
Couldn't be a more suitable role that KK & her as UGLY sisters. Both are UGLY & will be shouting, slurring & trying to sing. That's a gig I wouldn't want to pay to see (or even see for free).

I think all hope is lost now of her ever paying back money she owes. How will we know (if true) that she's had long conversations with trustee's to sort out & come to arrangements to clear debts?
How will we know, IF (unlikely) she's truthful about meetings/appointments with MH people? She's played the long game & appears to be winning, sadly.
I think she's really emphasising the MH think to try & get press to back off too. (Playing Caroline Flack cards unfortunately).:mad:
All we can hope🙏 is that she's spouting a load of lie's.

As you say DC, be interesting to see what the press make of this, as they seem to take stories from here too. OR, maybe nothing will be reported because of her MH. Absolutely disgusting to play on pretend illness. :mad:
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