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Pisses me off just how many good people there are on here, really struggling to make ends meet, be decent people, bring up families, deal with illness, grief etc. And this twat (and most of the others there are threads about) thinks she is oh so speshul that the norms of being part of a humane society are nothing to do with her. And she drags so many others down with her.

Three cheers for tattle so we can expose these people and support the good uns. Even if the media, laws etc take forever to catch up with us.

We. Need. Hats!!!!
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Wonder what dear @Schmooze makes of all this?
I think she’s lying. She said she spoke to the Trustee but it was before she went on holiday which was before the BH which couldn’t be the case or is she saying she went on holiday after the BH and has spoken to them since?. The BH quotes re the barrister and the judge are the main “truth” that we currently have. We know that a further hearing was set down for the 14th. If she doesn’t have to attend that now then it would be vacated. We will know on the 13th when the listings come out. But she is such a liar she believes her own lies. Sounds like from the podcast that she is dealing with a whole load of self inflicted shit and I have no doubt we probably don’t know the half of it. Which in my eyes is good.
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I think psychotherapist is being discussed because of the guy in the Priory (Alan) who we think is overseeing Kipper's care. But he is not a consultant, he has a post graduate diploma. But she probably calls him a consultant regardless.

What you have described is exactly the process I am familiar with.
I have a degree in Criminology. Doesn't mean I can automatically join CIA or FBI. It's a VERY complicated & vast subject. Same applies to any occupations in health & MH. Initial's after your name can often mean nothing. KFP know's NOBODY can delve into her health situation as it's confidential, so she can say anything she like's. I do not believe anything she say's. I do know 100% from the past, where she's had picture's taken OUTSIDE Hotel Priory, that's literally all they have been, pictures & she NEVER stepped foot inside. Sadly, she is a professional charlatan & appears know's all the hustles. :mad:
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👋 Sophie

Just to make you aware anything that is said in the podcast can be used as evidence. On the flip side, just because a statement of ‘facts’ is made on the podcast, does not make that statement true.

You should also consider your own liability as you are co host of said podcast. Likewise any producer.

Much love xxx
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Gee. even for her, this holiday is pathetic, it’s clear it’s a scam of a relationship, yet here we have the pair of them repeating her well worn, same old stories with a new man, honestly it‘s beyond a joke now, other than the likes of the Chardonnay types, her fans can’t be buying this 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 This guy is an absolute g*mp, it does look like he’ll do anything for fame, I can see an engagement ring appearing, he’ll go along with madam’s lies as he chases celebrity status. He really looks and acts as if he has a very low IQ, oh this guy is odd, he makes SB look like Einstein. I do think she’ll get bored of him soon though, she gets restless easily, nah she’ll be looking for a replacement when it finally sinks into her thick head this scam has no traction.

Really do hope this Skank is finally nailed in court next week and The Scum’s long wait to fully unleash on her happens. If as I believe, really bad stuff comes out about her, her new book promotion plans unravel, other than the army of braindead, no one will be interested in her lies, anyone who runs with her narrative interviewing her and ignoring what is to come, will be laughed at, heavily criticised online, I’m looking at you podcast people who platform her lies. It will also throw shadow over her podcast tour and pride appearances if she’s shown to be the c*nt we know she is, not gonna be a good look people supporting this Skank.

Finally my thoughts on the clan, the evidence against her for B & J to be removed must be really bad, Edna and the grifting matriarch must have known what was going on, yet they stood by and did nothing to help B & J, you are the worst. Edna particularly, you protect her, go along with lies on the podcast to fund your beige lifestyle, you let B & J suffer, you should have intervened, but no, coin is your God, you disgust me, I hope you read this, reflect on how you let down B & J so badly, and change, but you won’t do that will you, the clan gravy train is the priority, I hope coming events take you down as we, expose you all as the liars you all are.

Surely, I’ll play Kool and the Gang next week, surely 🤔 It’s time 👊🏾🙏🏾
Agree 100% Kylie.
What a fake set up this all is.
Wonder if this repulsive looking boy sends a postcard to his mother - along the line's of this:

Hello mummy

Won’t say wish you were here, coz I know you don’t want to be.
Having a fake time & sun hasn’t got his hat on.
Don’t worry mummy, I’m not putting my little pee pee thingy into
big tit’s foo foo, won’t be no baybees.
Big tit’s is good at coming up with ideas to get some stories to earn cash.
We’ve taken pictures of our feet, walked the street & had matching tat’s.
I’ll get lot’s of money to put towards a new brumbrum
I’m making sure I’ve got my little medication bag. Check everyday when I put big
tit’s vape & other stuff in it.

Don’t feel a failure as a mother mummy, I have a cunning plan.
Be home soon & think big tit’s is in big trouble & may be sent to prison. Phew, that’s
what I’m hoping, anyway.

Toodaloo mummy. See you soon. Your little soldier JJ.
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New thread title by @Sam5262 👏👏

Well the kids are safely out the clutches of the mutilated one, so KP took full advantage by dodging her bankruptcy heading straight to the airport with her her latest "the one" to 'flaunt' her pot belly, lopsided tits, and butchered face to the poor people of Cyprus

Fortunately the judge saw through her and didnt give her the 6 months extension she asked for and has rearranged her court date to just over a week so hang in there krusties the wheels on the karma bus might be slow but they are turning 😘
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Right just having my 2nd coffee and will start to listen to the latest shit fest, I already feel angry after seeing what Kylie has written.
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Thread suggestion #385 KP jetting off without a thought, sticking two fingers up at skankruptcy court
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What a whole load of waffle that was!
BH - she used word spaghetti. She has not been discharged or suspended. She has to meet the whole list of criteria so the judge can make a decision to take it forward. As part of the criteria will be a question about timescales of when she will be well enough. If the answer from the professionals is unknown, or lifelong then he may make the decision to appoint someone on her behalf to deal with this in court. If it is just about the fact she can’t do it in court, then he will decide to do it in her home, or a place she feels comfortable.

If the med prof state she is likely to be in a better place in 6 months, they may choose to defer, but with a note stating if it doesn’t go ahead, they will move to appoint a rep!

In my view, she won’t get away with it. She will have to answer the very serious questions at some point!!

No doubt the FI already have made contact with the hotel in Cyprus checking that upgrade!!! 🤔
Thank you for this information, very interesting.
Wonder what take our Schmooze will have on this latest podcast bullshit too?
I am sure, IF what she is saying was true, everyone in bankruptcy would be saying the same. Playing the same game's she is.
She has never co-operated with the trustees or courts. Never kept to the 1st arrangement when she was supposedly earing £45K a week/month - can't remember which.
Has never supplied the requested paperwork, financial accounts or answered any questions relating to finances. Consistently ignored correspondence.
Swerved or not turned up to court hearings & blatantly shown no respect or concern, in fact acting arrogantly about it all.
We are not talking about recent bankruptcy, this has been going on for years, before she started the MH shit.
We will just have to wait & see the next moves in her complicated, scheming game.
For sure, her earning capacity has sunk like a brick. She will not be allowed to keep any earnings, like book advance, without it going through trustee's. She will be closely monitored. We know how she like's to brag, so it will all be obvious what she's doing to make a living.
No way can she support the MM the way she spends money.
She's grifting to earn every single penny. She looks mutilated. In a fake, going no where relationship with a boy who looks like a baby chimp & clearly has no personality & unfortunately for her no money. It will all eventually be unravelled & the truth will come out. When, however, is anyone's guess at the moment. But she is in all way's at an all time low.
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I just had a re-read of some of the comments from court.

The barrister ; 'As with any other litigant, the respondent must comply with the orders of the Insolvency and Companies Court or face severe consequences.'

The Judge : ''It is important that Ms Price is under no illusion that just like any other bankrupt, she is expected to attend unless there are reasonable reasons why she should be excused.'''

So they're really emphasising she shouldn't expect special treatment.
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The boring book out in July, another book of lies & libel. Wonder how many times Pete's name will be mentioned, every other page?
What's left say?

"Drove drunk & drugged up, flipped the car, got away with it. Harrassed Kieran's misses again, got away with it. Couldn't possibly turn up to court, so lied to say I'm poorly, with me mental health, got away with it."

"Got some of me minions to throw shit at Kieran, as I knew I'd be losing the kids cause I'm a shit mother & a cunt. Lost the kids, but got away with harassment of Kieran."

"Got me social Wanker Dim Lynne to help me tell dreadful lies & smear Kieran's name, so I could nick the kids. Got away with it."

"Egg hunted before Christmas & snared myself a little boy off of MAFS, dumped me boy Cole. Didn't feed my kids properly on Christmas day." "Got away with it."

"Drove several cars with no licence or insurance time & again". Got away with it"

"Won't pay me tax, or me creditors, they can all get in the queue, nothing to be ashamed of, everyone has a bankruptcy" " Fucked off to Cyprus with my little twat boy the day I should've been in court". "I'm hoping I'll get away with it".

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Daisy Uncle

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How predictable.

She's had Onslow, so she can remember his name, and he's had mistake on his hand.
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Says she has had 4 days free in her diary so went away.
No one knew she was coming away apart from 'professionals around me' to just get a break from everything she is dealing with behind the scenes at home. Someone took a picture round the pool. Here we go...

As Kylie said, the court knew she wasn't going to her bankruptcy as mentally her consultant at the Priory, she has been signed off any kind of activity for court (So how come she could show up to the Residency hearings then?) She's mentally not strong enough at the moment, to stand in court, be cross examined in front of the media, in front of the public, for then the media to ridicule even more than they already do. The media is so cruel at the
minute, she is taking her bankruptcy so seriously , like I do everything else, it's a very serious situation she's in.
Her head needs a break.
Sophie then butts in to enable her by saying how the media has portrayed it, that she's not turned up but fucked off on holiday. That's how it looks to the general public. YES BUT THE JUDGE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT DID HE!!!!
Kp responds, the media write what they want to write and they do and the public are influenced by that, but she's not mentally able and stable to go into court, as she has a lot of things behind the scenes she is dealing with, hence she hasn't been on TT for months since December (BUT CAME BACK ON THERE YESTERDAY) can only do what her body and brain let her. Thinks the media are trying to kill her off. She's taking the BH seriously, but it's not like she jetted off on a 5 star holiday is it (BUT YOU DID GO ON HOLIDAY ARRRRRGGGGHHHHH) She wasn't in a £760 a night room either. Her friend (Lou) came to the hotel a week before she did and told them she was coming and to look after her, so when she went, they upgraded her for nothing. So it was actually a very cheap holiday. ME ME ME. There are reasons she doesn't want to be in her surroundings at the minute as she's having a difficult time. But she still has to work and do the things she can.
She's looking after herself. Confirms she won't be going to the next court hearing either, as she's had a letter (she wants everyone to know) from her trustees. Before she went on holiday she had an hours conversation on zoom with her trustees who deal with both her bankruptcies and explained fully her whole situation and what's going on, so they knew what's going on, also had a letter from court, her psychiatrists or consultants signed me off and they have given her a list to discharge her, suspend her from this at the moment which has to be signed off by a lawyer and trust be the truth and all that (??)
So she says she is back today and has appointments with her consultant, her therapist and everyone around her who WILL be signing her off legally (THOUGHT SHE SAID SHE WAS ALREADY SIGNED OFF?) as mentally she can't cope. Moaning about not getting any peace on holiday. Her little head is quite fragile at the moment, but she can only do what she can do (YEP, THAT SEEMS TO CONSIST OF PERFORMING IN FRONT OF CROWDS AND AN AUDIENCE IN THE LINED UP PODCAST TOUR, SUMMER SINGING EVENTS)
Moaning about the media writing about her being unstable if she was to turn up to court (SHE IS REALLY SHITTING HERSELF ABOUT BEING WRITTEN ABOUT) she just can't cope with it. She wanted to clear that up and she's not fooling anyone. She is engaging with everyone and with her past history always make sure you communicate. Mentally she can't do something she can't cope with, she is looking after herself, her head, because she doesn't want to go back down and have a breakdown. So she's only doing stuff SHE wants to do and looking after herself, in the gym, being healthy, being focused, being positive.
SFP asks if she feels better.
She's got 2 vapes.

Right need a quick vape before the rest!
How did Lou know a week before the hearing that they were going on holiday? Obviously, there were tickets purchased or plans made to ditch the BH…but they didnt let the judge know in advance? 🤔

(Hi everyone, coming out of lurking because this point really stuck out to me.)
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Although I am too angry right now to carry on listening, think I need a 4 day holiday in Cyprus to recover my MH, here goes...

Now on to her recording music for her tour.
In the studio next week in the evenings to record her tracks for the show. Blah blah blah :rolleyes:
God she's singing now.
She's seeing Adrian next week (Costume guy) she was supposed to see him last week, but he got a last minute thing (MAYBE A PAYING CUSTOMER?) SFP laughing how she is like Dame Edna.
SFP talking about potty training Albert. Albert had done a shit on the floor under the TV as she left him alone. SFP does nothing but moan about Albert, why is she bothering to have another one?
She hasn't really sunbathed, SFP has changed her hair.
KP has kept off the sunbeds, she took that rejuvenate with her on holiday, says her skin is glowing.
KP is going to the gym everyday, her body hurts, she's just training, training. She did a 5 min run the other day. She can't remember the year she broke her feet, was convinced it was 2021 or 2022 (NO LOVE IT WAS 5 MINUTES AFTER YOU GOT WITH CARL IN 2020) :rolleyes:
Trying to be healthy, it does help with her head.
She's not looking forward to getting home to face the communications and deal with stuff. If there's anyone out there in the same boat as her (YES KP WE ARE ALL IN A BANKRUPTCY) don't ever avoid, just communicate, it is such a good feeling dealing with it. (NO, YOU ARE NOT AS YOU ARE TRYING TO FUCKING GET SIGNED OFF) It's really shit. Wants any listeners who have dealt with their bankruptcy to message in to say how they dealt with theirs. KP has no one to talk to about it, hers just gets written in the media how the media want to write it, hers stemmed from when she had a breakdown and she ignored everything. The last 4/5 years has been really difficult with stuff happening in private. The bankruptcies are all different how they are, whatever (WTAF ARE YOU DROANING ON ABOUT WOMAN) she's trying to deal with her with dignity and in private, but that doesn't seem to happen (WHAT IS IT SHE DOESN'T GET? WHEN YOU GO BANKRUPT IT IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR A REASON, AS IT'S THE CREDITORS WHO HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY HER NOT PAYING THEM) She can promise everyone she is stressed with it all, she is communicating and trying to deal with it.

Need another break! 😂
She has her mate KATONA to speak to. Another professional CON artist, who went bankrupt TWICE, leaving creditors in dire straights. Yet like KFP, lived & still lives like a lottery winner. Absolute BOLLOCKS. She wants to hear from other's in same boat, to see what other SCAM'S she can pull off. I'm F'ing FUMING :mad: :mad: ......God bless you DC for the update so far.❤
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Oh give me strength I’ve just seen the baby darling matching tattoos 🤢 by looks of Lego boys hand it’s so red. Katie: Baby you will have his tattoo regardless 😂 everything is going so fast paced this time around which makes me think that she does think there’s a possibility of prison. Also if she is getting a breast reduction could it be so she doesn’t look so butch inside ? I have so many questions 😂
I think by her posting about ADHD then PIP on her story’s it was either to say this is were I get my money from or for the courts benefit. However if they do charge her with hiding the car or remand her she needs to be very careful playing out the MH card like she is instead she could end up in a psychiatric hospital were they decide when your aloud home. I know I’m getting ahead of myself honestly at this point I feel like making a citizens arrest on her. I just want her away so badly and the kids with KH & MP and Harvery in a residential home so she can’t wheel him out. Like I said before I used to be a fan of KFP many years ago when she was with PA. However when I found this thread wow what an eye opener she’s just all me, me, me !!
I absolutely love everyone of your hilarious comments and even though I used to post a while back. My mum then passed away and I was depressed so it’s only passed few months I’ve been lurking 👀 on here and putting the odd comment. I didn’t want you to think I’m a flying monkey or anything. But I did enjoy coming onto this thread before & I’m back I’ve almost caught up so I’ll be back on. I’ve got a feeling that this year is definitely the jail year just a thought Lego might not get into visits with his little bag 💼 is she having surgery do you reckon ? We know Katie dosent do anything by the book I’d love it woo hoo 🙌🏻 if the codeine and pain releif made her spill all in court 😁 ok I’m thinking to much 🙈 I’ll just go now and keep it up your all super funny 🤣 and I almost wet myself at the pic what @pombear did with Lego stuck in her wonky boobs 🤣🤣 Let’s keep up the faith she’s desperately holding on to her youth that alone is so comical 😁
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I won't believe it's a real relationship until I see the beautiful photo of them both in the pool, him gently popping one of her spots whilst looking longingly into her shrunken eye socket,
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I'm mainly lurking now as I can't be arsed to comment at the mo.

I am also lurking on the KH thread. Now, apart from the daily analysis and slagging off/laughing at some on this thread, some valid points IMHO are being raised over there re the GMF.

@DC16 Please can a full and complete explanation be given now that the kids have been removed regarding the secrecy surrounding who set up the fund, who benefitted and what the money was used for.
There are some worrying inconsistencies like angelic stating surprise at the setting up of the fund to then saying she knows all.about it to then even meeting "Sam" to discuss progress to then disappearing altogether.
Am honestly not throwing allegations at her or anyone else but she seems to be at the centre of its introduction here.

Please understand why I ask these questions.
Am not trying to derail or stir or cause any trouble here.
I would DM if that was possible.

I hope following recent events with unpleasant reactions that we can discuss this here in a civil and amicable manner.

FYI I LOATHE the Skank and although I don't agree with some of their actions, I absolutely 100% believe the kids are better off with KH and MP.

Peace ☮ and love ❤
I know. But I've said all I possibly can on the subject.

Kieran benefitted from the fund, it was used towards his legal fees which came to just under £30k
You know it is not allowed to discuss on here why someone may has disappeared from Tattle, so maybe from that you can gather. 🤷‍♀️
I've suggested before that if people have a problem to contact his manager or Kieran himself or yes, even the police, it's really not my place and I don't have any receipts to show.
I imagine the court has put a number of orders in place which will not allow the kids to be shown on social media or certain things said as it is a private matter.
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Did anyone see KH live last night? He said the pie video was edited and is being dealt with. J and B are really really good and he does see them.
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