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I think they will be transitioned back to him. They were probably very confused and traumatised by all the mind games she played and the drug use and benders they were probably exposed to.

Remember what happened before all this kicked off, her saying she hadn't seen them much in 7 months, that was after the car flipping. If she's lost them due to the drugs, again (which I strongly suspect) how likely is it they'll ever live with her again, I would say slim.
I'm so happy just to think they are in a calm, clean home. Comfy beds. Washed, dressed in clean, fitting clothes. Fed tasty healthy meals regularly, fun and games in fresh air doing age appropriate activities and regular bedtimes. Feeling safe and loved. It won't be an easy or quick recovery but it's a great start❤
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Not only is that photo a 'fuck you' to the courts, HMRC and every single person she owes money to, it's a 'fuck you too' to every decent law abiding taxpayer in this country, so she wants to think on, next time she starts on about her alleged mental health and them nasty twowulls all out to get her, every single person paying into the system is damn right to comment & have an opinion. Cunt!
She just has no shame, as I said before anyone with real depression would not be gloating on social media, peace signs in the elevator mirror 🤦🏻‍♀️but laying low, but not her, can’t help but show off.
Maybe she knows she’s fucked. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Message to the Beige one.

So Edna, a.k.a. Sister of Scum, are you getting worried? Are you the one behind the scenes desperately trying to get her into the Priory to get the court to go away. It won't work!

Have you realised that a warrant can still be issued and she will still have to face justice.

Have you realised that although they may be happy to take your wads of mattress cash, they will not be open to committing perjury and pretend she has an illness that she does not have to get off a court appearance. They do not want to lose their licences or their (already on the slide) reputation and future revenue streams.

Look at your cunt of a sister, she looks really relaxed lying there on that sun lounger whilst you continue to do her bidding (have you still not worked out the fact that she is a narcissist without any emotion apart from revenge) whilst you work your butt off to save her skin and to ensure your gravy train keeps on track. Do you not realise that when she falls (which she will), the media will follow up on all her enablers, and do you really think you will be able to pay the mortgage on your beige boring IG content, with a reputation of being the facilitating Sister of Scum?

Come on, wake up and smell the coffee!! She's in last chance saloon, and your time is also almost up if you continue to support her shit show!! Now is the time to save yourself, because let's face it, if the tables were turned, your vile sister would not give a fuck to save your skin.
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Weirdly I still haven’t felt any anger towards her at recent events, I think in my mind I gave up on the courts back in February, I did a flounce then, I did get angry that day 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 This time I heard the news and just went “Meh, I’m not surprised, an element of disappointment, as I want justice served to make madam pay for all the people she has wronged, but no I can’t get angry anymore, I will not waste that emotion on her, although as John Lydon is known to say ”Anger is an energy“, it has it’s place 😁 but I have no anger anymore for her, she’s pathetic, as are our courts in not dealing with her for so long. I think I’d have been angry if she still had the kids, but appears she doesn’t, and that was our biggest worry, so at least we have that.

I also don’t think she’ll turn up next week, I’ve read many of you saying well that’s it they’ll arrest her, nah they won’t, probably give her that 6 month extension, it’s what they do 🤦🏽‍♀️ Seriously, don’t get your hopes up, this is the way of things with madam and the bankruptcy courts, she really is Teflon Tits. Once you accept this your mind is a happier place, I’ve very Zen at the moment 🙏🏾🥴
Keep positive and no flouncing ;)😅, if they wanted to grant her a 6 month extension they would have done. The fact they rearranged it all in a week shows they're serious.
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Rita Chevrolet

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That quote from Alex (who attended the hearing, unlike skanky)

"After her Friday no-show, ex-husband Alex Reid, who she owes £250,000, said: “People will be asking, ‘How does she get away with it?"

You are bloody right Alex - we'd love to know!!
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They are back in the gym. She doesn’t look on the verge of a breakdown 👍
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Wonder if she took her collajean drink with her so she can do her daily ads from Cyprus, if not, you know she is not using that drink, as someone said looks like the other drink was poured in the bowl of her sink from the ad before.
I honestly have no idea why people get her to promote their shit.
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That poor woman, kept from her grand children for nearly 2 years due to KP’s vindictiveness. Whatever KH & MP did or didn’t get up to, punishing the kids nan is just bloody cruel. I’m glad the law is taking grandparents more into account in family cases, they literally had no rights for a long time.
Yes 100%. Even the immoral & vile AFP & Mr PP, the cheater, had access to see J & B. Wendy is a good woman. They will be in good care, in a loving, clean & calm home. 💖❤
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Funny that most of the supporters of you comment are regular posters of KH thread...... o_O
Well I want to see KFP in prison, but have never said I want her killed - I don't recall ever reading that on here.
I agree that there should be freedom of speech & valid opinions. We can't always agree. BUT, I do take exception when people are going between threads, bitching & tittle tattling, repeating what they read on here & vice versa. Been a lot of that again today.
Quite honestly, I'm not surprised people are having enough & can't be bothered to read or post. Lot's of very 2 faced people sadly. Don't remember it being like this when I joined. :mad:
You've met both Kieran and KP, I trust your judgement, Kieran has made mistakes, and hopefully he's learned a lesson, MP has decided to stay with him and that's her right to do, I can't see the attraction there but hey we all like different things, I don't go onto the KH thread because it's not him I want to see get his comeuppance, I'm here to see those kids settled again and to see KP get sent down.
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New day and a new thread thanks to @BadJanet 😁

For a recap just catch up on the latest articles 😁

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I hope she knows she's fucked DC. And all on top of if it's true she's lost the kids, I'd be laying low hanging my head in bloody shame not parading about gloating 🤬 no shame whatsoever, like you say.
She’s just so arrogant. Peace signs, gloating, she’s disgusting. How she sleeps at night, I don’t know. Plus they both look like they need a good wash. He has to be a real desperate, shameless creature too. We thought Crawl was bad, but pansy boy is really barrel scraping. I think Crawl found out about these 2, hence damaged the panto apartment with kids there. That was final straw for him. I still don’t believe pansy boy & her have a real relationship.
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I don't think she will. She will avoid any diagnosis or treatment that threatens to reveal her fake persona and lies. It's so far ingrained as a defence mechanism, she really would have a breakdown if she was to admit to herself what her real issues are. She won't actually be submitting to examination by any expert who would probe deeper than her claims of ADHD and PTSD. The PTSD is great in her mind because it removes any responsibility, she is the victim. The ADHD just affects her finances ( according to her) so win. win. Sure she can request therapy at the Priory but will she cooperate with a court appointed independent expert who would want to look further into her claims? No.
So what will remain are her claims of various conditions backed up by nothing.
Many years ago I was a day patient for talking therapy: One woman in there took a couple of weeks out to go on holiday with her hubby. On return, they deemed her well enough to leave; in that, she was fit and well enough to book and go on holiday so no longer fitted the criteria of being unwell enough to warrant treatment.
Fast forward to last Christmas: I'd filled out my PIP forms and coincidentally they arranged my appointment by telephone on the very day I was going into hospital for my knee replacement. Cutting this long story short, I got my PIP award and a letter explaining how I qualified and how many points were given for each activity around the home and doing things in public. On the subject of anxiety/depression they agreed that although my symptoms existed, I was at a low level (ie nowhere near suicidal) and managing my symptoms well through my meds. I had to grudgingly agree with their summary because actually, in comparison to previous crashes, I was indeed doing okay and still am in that respect. As some of you have said, true depression is when you literally can't put one foot in front of the other, like wading through treacle, not caring if you bathe and change into clean clothes or even bothering to brush your teeth, and these symptoms go on for months, even years with a feeling of despair that you just can't cope with life. Thankfully I haven't felt as bad as that for years.
We all know that Kipper could not be going round doing what she does if she had profound depression. Her alleged symptoms are exasperated by drugs and drink, but she won't address them. I wonder if she ever did get a PIP award?

Big sigh ....
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Many years ago I was a day patient for talking therapy: One woman in there took a couple of weeks out to go on holiday with her hubby. On return, they deemed her well enough to leave; in that, she was fit and well enough to book and go on holiday so no longer fitted the criteria of being unwell enough to warrant treatment.
Fast forward to last Christmas: I'd filled out my PIP forms and coincidentally they arranged my appointment by telephone on the very day I was going into hospital for my knee replacement. Cutting this long story short, I got my PIP award and a letter explaining how I qualified and how many points were given for each activity around the home and doing things in public. On the subject of anxiety/depression they agreed that although my symptoms existed, I was at a low level (ie nowhere near suicidal) and managing my symptoms well through my meds. I had to grudgingly agree with their summary because actually, in comparison to previous crashes, I was indeed doing okay and still am in that respect. As some of you have said, true depression is when you literally can't put one foot in front of the other, like wading through treacle, not caring if you bathe and change into clean clothes or even bothering to brush your teeth, and these symptoms go on for months, even years with a feeling of despair that you just can't cope with life. Thankfully I haven't felt as bad as that for years.
We all know that Kipper could not be going round doing what she does if she had profound depression. Her alleged symptoms are exasperated by drugs and drink, but she won't address them. I wonder if she ever did get a PIP award?

Big sigh ....
My brother lost 10 stone in Weight in 1 year due to depression. Obviously he was investigated for anything sinister given it was unintentional. But it was the poor motivation. He would say to himself “ I must make something to eat” and 8 hours later he still hadn’t . He is a total recluse and only. Ventures out at night when he think no one will see him / the corner shop is very quiet. He will likely never work again. Can I see him managing to go on holiday - I can’t even see him managing a bus trip . She makes me fume taking the piss, yes she might have low mood and anxiety about how she’s going to get herself out this mess, but she did it to herself and made enough money that she could have employed an accountant as well as a therapist instead of squandering her fortune on frivolous shit and showing off to the masses
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From what I understand the court hearing continued for a while last week without her presence. Alex was there and taking notes and didn't seem unhappy when he left.
So they probably made some plan of action then, resulting in the statements about how serious this is for her, possibility of arrest warrant and the speed they got the new court date through.
So I am optimistic that she is in serious 💩
now, she can pout, pose and lie as much as she likes, every second she spends in denial brings her a second closer to her downfall.
Like King Canute she cannot hold back the inevitable.
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Court is the 14th not this Friday.

(Maybe she will extend her holiday!)
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Just realised if she does get wed to JJ, her official name will be Katrina Slater - Kat Slater 🤣🤣
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Still catching up but saw the sun pic ... no tit surgery yet ... and he still isn't looking at her ...
What ever simpleton boy is reading on his phone, he looks disgusted. He must be getting paid to accompany this creature. There is no way, he’s having sex with that mutilated, grotesque thing. Unbelievable she’s basting herself, like a cooked chicken, as if not a care in the world. I do believe, because she’s got away with so much over last few years, she thinks she’s invincible 💩 God, I really really hope this time, the tables have turned & finally madam will be made accountable for her dodgy financial deals. These bankruptcies & the continued lack of cooperation are costing a fortune. Who pays for her non compliance & non attendance? Can’t be her if she’s so much in debt.😡🤮
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