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Westcrack 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe her and Kipper could double date 🤣🤣🤣

Oh my,her post caused the most funniest comments ever over 3.000 apparently.Have you looked at our westcrack fred,we’ve caught her out on soooooo many lies,she tells that many she can’t remember,soo❄❄❄❄Up.One guy said,she looks like a European plug.🤣

Also saying she’s been clean for 90 days,but seen hoovering up.🤣
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It's the height of laziness isn't it. I'm not a parent but can't get my head around one who wouldn't even bother to try and source a nice meal for their kids on Christmas day. It's not exactly difficult is it, just a roast dinner and if you decided you wanted to order in food you would check to see where was open in advance (I know people who've planned a curry day on Christmas for a change when bored of turkey).

And she's not so broke she can't afford food. How could you be so cold and uncaring, not even lifting a finger to make sure your kids had a fun loving Christmas day and were fed?

All this plus the animal abuse and neglect - it makes me wonder if she is even worse to the kids behind closed doors than we realise.
I’ve always thought that and mentioned it before,no way is she not more abusive,I think it’s fucking obvious.What’s she’s done to those kiddies and animals is beyond it I think,didn’t Frj mention that she pulled J’s hair,One their posts they put out,I think couple of years ago it happened.
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I can't work it out as if it's true, then it's a criminal offence to name alleged victims of SA. But if its false then its defamation and they can be sued. Surely legally they are on thin ice in both instances and I just can't see their legal team allowing this to go out? Unless they hope that it will be seen by loads of people prior to a potential delete again and just using it to stir things up.
Just shows how fucked up this is if they're willing to risk it either way. I know f4j have their own bigger agenda, but it does feel like they're trying to get a reaction from authorities to get those kids removed ASAP.
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Chatty Member
Wtaf? Has she had stitches?
She's had her eyes done, I passed her in the village & did a double take, 1 of the journalist brothers are always here hoping to catch Coleen Rooney, footballers or any of the Cheshire housewives
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Sunday Girl

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Hi all 👋 not posted in a while, personal shit.. blah blah.. c’est la vie. I do lurk though and thanks to you guys you keep me upto date on the skanky one.
When I saw that post yesterday and then again today I was truly shocked. Wow this is unbelievable!!! I believe her to be despicable and completely inappropriate but this is wild! Is it possible that it’s H done something to Bunny? is this what the last straw for Carl was?
I can’t imagine F4F would post something like this without there something going on, why would they risk their rep and possible financial ruin to lie about something this serious, so it must be something… no smoke without fire?
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As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I’m horrified that they’ve tweeted this. Victims are entitled to anonymity unless they themselves choose to waive. Whether it’s true or not, and irrespective of who the alleged victim is/are, this shouldn’t be tweeted. God, I’d be absolutely mortified if it was plastered all over social media about me, even just speculation. F4J do not have the best interests of any of those kids at heart. Ugh. Taking a step back from this thread. It’s gotten even darker than I thought possible. I just hope the kids are returned to their dad soon.
I completely understand. Look after yourself @Beetle.
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Another musing, if an allegation is made to the police about KFP and child abuse, it would be dealt with by the police not just the family court and therefore she wouldn’t have the protection of the family court’s secret hearings. Of course, she may not be named, as that would identify and victims but we’d probably read about a female aged 45, from the Horsham area has been arrested/charged/convicted etc. We’d see her hangers on dropping like flies, and no more plaster classes/pantos/Tik Toc/ collaborations. They’d be also no more up to date photos or videos of her with her children.
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Chatty Member
Book-marking this for a good read, I'm going to have a wee and an oily rag......oh no wait that's Dolly, .....I'm cooking :ROFLMAO:😅
Me too - I'm going to have an oily rag and I don't even smoke! I'll defo have a glass of wine tho!

I notice Bunny's new tiktok has disappeared in the last hour 🤷‍♀️
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Was this the holiday? She is all over him, and if she is pissed and off her face doing this it means even more risk
of boundaries blurring :sick:

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How the f did this not raise a safeguarding concern? Or did it and it was NFA’d? My eldest son is 23 and from about the age of 11 if I was dressed in anything not resembling a burka he’d vocally tell me I was ‘gross’ and make a quick exit from wherever I was. On holidays I had to switch to wearing a one piece costume but even that was ‘gross’ in his opinion. I literally cannot remember the last time I kissed him anywhere other than his cheek or top of his head.
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If this whole case is near a conclusion the kids should have been interviewed so their wishes can be considered. I wonder if that relates to Bunny's posts 'I'll always choose you'?
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I'm catching up and seen the F4J tweet not that long ago via Google......
There is a term for a female who wants her son's to find her sexually attractive - I CAN'T for the life of me remember the term, apologies. However, I have mentioned it on her before.

I've also heard previously from someone who I think sources other Tattlers that this happened to Junior and that why he has no relationship with her anymore (or very limited), it was suggested to me that Jett was seeing and hearing things of a sexual nature that he shouldn't along with forming an inappropriate attachment to KP because of this term.

Seeing how she is with Harvey as you've mentioned above HBF, I wonder if this is happening to H and Jett.

Would this fit with "incest" ??

I don't know if the term relates to Dad's and Daughters I've only ever heard of it with Mum's and Sons.

Sorry I don't know if the above makes sense - hopefully someone understands what I'm trying to say.
Yes it makes perfect sense (y)There is a term called 'Emotional Incest'. I had wondered about this with the wording of the F4J tweet.
Telling a child about the other parent's affairs, or adult relationship stuff would all come under this. We know she's done that. I've also thought being so involved with P and her new boyfriend was weird. It's like she wanted to be in the middle of it :sick:

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The wording on that tweet.. does it mean SS have reported it first and now F4J have??

Surely if SS have reported it then the kids would have been removed wouldn’t they whilst they investigate?? And wasn’t DL the social worker who’s now the nanny? Doesn’t make sense.
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Yes this set of photos Helena. I remember it at the time and thought it was vile and have referred to it a few times on these threads since. It's bad enough on its own but knowing she did it in front of (likely pre arranged) paps makes it worse. No way would Junior have allowed her to do it with him, yet she gets away with it with Harvey because of the way he is
Since looking at those, I've seen another two Holidays where she's draped all over him, like you say, all arranged with Backgrid. One is a holiday 'just with his mummy'.
I also saw that weird cabin she took him to, it was obviously a place intended for couples.

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Might be an unpopular opinion but I actually hate F4J. They SHOULD be doing good work to counter parental alienation but there’s always simmering misogyny in the background. I was pleased they were “helping” KH as they do have some clout, but the way they have overstepped and violated the privacy of vulnerable children shows just what type of people they are. They want to “win” at any and all cost. JMO.
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Chatty Member
I very very rarely if ever before have commented in the discussions about the younger children as I said I’ve worked in this area and things that I have witnessed are heartbreaking and sometimes so bizarre yet at the same time understandable. I had to leave my job after a few years as it was affecting my own family life, I found it difficult to shut down after work and felt I was responsible for personally saving everyone as it seemed nobody was doing anything fast enough for my liking.
Things do take a long time and KP will of been given so many opportunities to do the right thing but obviously in her warped mind she is.
Your post is something I relate to on a daily basis because you get to a point where you realise you can't save everyone.... So you have to save yourself!
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