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But some of the sick speculation on here about KH is making me feel sick, it is the sort of crap KP would write to put into peoples heads.
Well, my neighbour's aunt told me that Keiran was seen bent over and shoving some pudding up his rear end for his only fans and Michelle came in and started flinging it around the house. It's true...all the village have seen it on video and the lads down the rugby club. I'm crying as I write this. 🤣

I agree some of the speculation is not doing anyone any favours. Time will tell as it all unfolds. X
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Ok I see your point but others ask the same things but I will stop posting so I don’t annoy you any more
Don't stop posting. We are all entitled to ask questions & those were valid one's. Unfortunately nobody know's the answers. Just ignore rudeness.
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Chatty Member
I also find this story very hard to believe. I was just watching an ad the other day for a special tool to break car windows if you end up in water, you need a special tool as modern car windows are VERY difficult to break, so if H had hit one with his head hard enough to break it as you say he would have needed medical attention for sure. As for the previous time he supposedly did it, she did then say 'popped the window out' which to me implies it came out whole rather than broke. Maybe that's what happened again this time and as usual she has exaggerated the situation. Strange as you say that there was no photographic evidence because she always LOVES to document what a handful H is to her for her 'good mum' credentials. But then it also happened to coincide with this secret trip to Devon that there is no photographic evidence to support either.
She claimed the kids faces were like a murder scene which implies the window smashed.
She also said they drove for a further 6 hours with no window yet they had a dog with them.
I smell bullshit.
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Kipper is DETERMINED to move in with Carol, thats obvious regards Harvey ... she is laying the groundwork for not having him at home again saying his behaviour is worse than ever and bad a college too ... if its him or Carol she will choose Carol (and I suspect Harvey's money spinning use has come to an end) ... a shop where she can do her Tiktoks and sell stuff from? Carol doesn't want to live with her full stop, she is trying to get past every barrier he puts up ... if Carol said no B&J she would throw them back to KH ... in fact, I don't think thats too far away, she is fed up of the kids, not being able to take them abroad is restricting her lifestyle I suspect she is struggling to find a way to climb down from all the lies she has told ss etc about KH & MP ... she publically made Jett say it wasn't her fault he couldn't see his dad, that's a big change from the Jimmy Saville and protecting her kids stuff she was ranting about previously. Yes, she is still playing games and using the kids to hurt Keiran, but, she is also attacking PA again ... she wants to play happy families with Sinky and isn't getting her own way ... I also think she was questioned by police over KH harrassment charge and even though there were no charges brought it has scared her off ... more things will have happened regards that than we know of, I think that's why prison has featured in her recent narratives, more because of that than the BH although she spun it to look like the BH. She has been on thin ice for a whole and she knows it

Because of her wrestless leg syndrome ... 😂😂😂😂
I'm not sure I believe what it says about Harvey, if a person his size was continually kicking off they would be on some kind of medication to calm them down, just so they are safe around college staff, and other residents. Though when he is with her she probably doesn’t give him it, as it is then another story for her sell about his bad behaviour. Has you say though I think the real reason she wants him gone is he is not the money spinner he once was, move him on. Then she can continue her training of Jett to take his place.
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Plus during that time they were away, Carl seemed to be posting from the Essex house, drinking wine. Unless that was a red herring.
She said she hadn’t seen Amy in a long time and SFP only saw pictures of the holiday house…. 🤔
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First day bk is Weds in London primaries I know.

Poor kids, must be feeling so isolated and starting to take on aggressive defensiveness of their mother by now I imagine. Not seen any friends all summer ? What shit parent isolates their kids like this.
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Joanna Surrey

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Meanwhile Jett appears to exist in a solitary world of gaming and wandering around aimlessly. He’s very quiet compared to Bunny. Can she not see the damage she has done to them. I wonder if they ever call Kieran secretly to talk to him? It would be easy in a house that size with her always otherwise occupied.
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I watched a bit of Bunny’s video but felt so uncomfortable I had to switch off. I have two granddaughters and the thought of them sitting alone in a room where ANYONE can watch them makes me feel sick! Those kids need removed from that vile set up as soon as possible!
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So Skank says on the podcast that the video of her Live singing was distorted 🤦🏽‍♀️ No Skank, the broadcast version was the one distorted, they auto-tuned it, the real live singing is just you, this is what you really sounded like……you cannot sing.

If you’ve got 3 minutes of your time today, this is worth a watch, here are 2 vocal coaches viewing both the auto-tuned and real-life versions, it cracks me up, it’s brilliant, they nail her, Andre doesn’t come out of it well either 😁

Roll on that Panto 😂…..

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The name calling on here of Bunny is absolutely out of order. Its not her fault her mother is a complete cunt arse. Calling her vile is totally uncalled for. She's a little girl! Her mother is vile! She is not!
If you don't like my comment then tough!
I’m with you there. It’s below the belt. It’s not the kids fault…
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Chatty Member
She said she was 5ft 4 yesterday she’s just said there she was 5ft 5 and a half,so she’s grew a inch and a half over night 🤣🤣
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You sound just like bunnycuddles.🤣🤣
Outrageous Stan, but you right, It’s a fine line Stan, a very fine line, all obsessions can get very unhealthy 😱😁 I tell myself mine is justified, I’ve loved the Kylie since I was 10 years old, I can’t shake it off. I used to love Madonna, but I binned her years ago, she got very annoying. Kylie just won’t leave me. Kylie has talent, Kylie is gorgeous, she deserves my adoration, Skank has no talents, is a total fugly f*ckwit of a person, you’ve got to be a fellow f*ckwit to obsess about her 😁

Honestly I’ve got this, it’s under control, ‘I don’t picture Kylie’s face when I make love to my husband’ seriously I’ve got this. Eeeek just an hour until Kylie’s latest video release, I might faint 🤦🏽‍♀️😁
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The dog's doodah

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It 's like when she said SS were shocked that her small kids could reel off the names of Kieran's supposed women he had relationships with.
She doesn't understand people having a negative reaction to her actions, she thinks they're all in awe of her because she can never do wrong. They're not impressed, they're concerned and disgusted more like!

I think she has tried, she's not made it into any ads by PLT despite her best efforts though. With her age, possible convictions and bizarre surgery each week and month she is getting further from being relevant to anything Princess does.
I think it’s more likely they are innocently reeling off the names of some of KH’s customers. J&B often accompanied him when he was working so it’s no surprise they would get to know some of their names. I know a couple of people who’ve been trained by him and they can’t speak highly enough of what a nice guy he is and how thoroughly professional he is at his job. Just because the majority of his customers are female skanky has to make out he’s shagging them all!

Why can’t she just be a proud parent, stay in the background and let Princess do her thing. Instead, she has to push her way into everything and try and make it about her! Princess seems a lovely young lady with her head screwed on thanks to Emily & PA. I think because of the previous threats Skanky’s made about killing herself, Princess is trying to do the right thing and support her mum but I can see this relationship going down hill in the future especially if Princess’s media attention increases as Skanky’s continues to rapidly decline.
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Chatty Member
I was blissfully unaware he was offered to participate in IAC?!

I mean we're already in the Twilight zone with k.f.prick fucking fantasies on rinse and repeat that somehow some people here discuss as if it is even possible ( it isn't!!) Seriously calm down with the wild speculations .

Edit: if it was actually meeting a murderer at the MM I would be worried about his MH luckily there's more chance of our cunt of cunts marrying Ted Bundy ffs.
Some of the speculations on here are ludicrous. I read them and think WTAF!
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Drunk driver
Drive without insurance, negates MOT
Drug user.
Harrasses other people.
Unpaid fines
Confirmed liar
Pet Abuser
All above has evidence.
If you or me, consequences.
Her a big fat Nothing.
I would really like someone to explain me why.
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@Blodwin I know what you are saying and it baffles the mind how this person can get away with
so much and still manages to get a role in Panto. How fucked up is that? She has podcasts which
are full of shit and living in the past. She's taking the piss with her youngest children, keeping them
away from their Father and at the same time making him to be the bad guy. She is brainwashing
the youngest two and as mentioned a few times by various posters prepping Jett to replace Harvey.

Nothing seems to be going on regarding J&B, something should have happened by now since it's
been 9 months since she had them removed from Kieran's care.

Skanky has been giving us the IVF story which has holes in it, she's 45, IVF for her at that age will
not work. She can't make up her mind if she has eggs or not, he brain is so messed up she has
no idea what so ever.
Are you deliberately ignoring every single person who has patiently and repeatedly explained why the process with the children is taking so long?

Why be so naive about it?
Why ignore people who are in the know and are doing an amazing job keeping people here up to date when they don't have to?

Unless of course you are once again implying that they're lying?

Stop trying to hog the limelight you ridiculous man.

It isn't all about you and your 'technology', ducky. It's about two young children who are stuck in the wheels of a notoriously slow system, as their father tries to do things the legal way.
You've had it explained by people who know what's happening.
Try listening to it.
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Someone please remind me of that song she tried to release and when she went to play it in a bar she failed completely l, I think it was KB times
Was it “I got you”… of my favs…..we laugh at her singing, but she nails it here, the Panto people are in for such a treat….

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Rita Chevrolet

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So she took the 'feral' kids and 5 dogs to a house in Devon for 10 days - if Harvey was kicking off, and the dogs were messing - I dread to think what a state she left it in! Holes in walls? Poo stains? How delightful! Have fun by all means by I doubt that you did clear up!
Here's a thought - send them BOTH back to school, where they can get back to having a normal routine, brush up their social skills as well as getting an education, be among friends and be children! As for Harvey being 'bad', there is obviously a reason why, have you considered that? Get off of TT and start being a proper mum - they are children and Harvey, an adult with special needs - NOT social media props!!
I'd like to know how it got everybody plus 7 dogs down to Devon? It must have been at least two vehicles and you can bet she was driving one of them.
That rental must have been an absolute kharzi when the scumbags left, smashed furniture & dogshit everywhere
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