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Chatty Member
Just reading how Katie has to split her love 5 ways. Who is writing this PR - 🤮
She is bringing Junior, Princess and some of their friends. What parent in their right mind would let Katie Price take their children away. They must be fucking nuts - unless it’s Kerry Katona’s kids 😂
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I actually found the you tube video very sad to watch. I imagine with katie being the way she is, that princess and the rest of her children have had to build up a high amount of resilience to deal with the chaos in their family life.. in that video she just had no emotion whatsoever to what is a very traumatic experience for a child.
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I don't have a good feeling about Harvey this time, 2 hospital admissions within a week or so. Poor kid being there alone too while his slag of a mother looks for attention on instagram😒
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I would love a wee dog but I work all day and look after my mum. It might be good company for my mum but she would spend all day feeding it chocolate. So until I win the lottery and chuck my job, I've resigned myself to not having a dog.

I'm raging at this bint!!! How any animals has she had that have died??? Why isn't somebody investigating her???

But then! When you see how she treats her kids - just accessories to get her in the papers, especially Harvey, - no wonder she thinks pets are disposable!!!

The fact that she gave her daughter a puppy when she knew the wee lassie couldn't take it home because her step mum is allergic speaks volumes of where her mind is.

I know several people have said this, but social sevices need to be having a look at her.
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At this point it's simply how she's used to living her life. Which is also very sad. I think she put it on insta, but I expect it would've got out from someone at the hospital anyway.
I doubt it would get out from someone at the hospital as that would be against the rules. I feel sorry for Harvey that he’s always been used by her for publicity. When he came out of hospital the other week she filmed next to him telling everyone what had happened while he was trying to sleep then when she mentioned it was his chest she kept slapping his chest. I feel she’s exposed him to too many germs considering how at risk he is. She should have stayed in with him shielding.
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Chatty Member
To me, it looks like the squashed by an electric chair while katie was in the next room, story was sold to the papers by the breeders. They wanted to shout that they were not responsible by breeding so have spoken to the papers to try and clear their name.
Personally I think its drawn attention to the fact they are a glorified puppy farm!
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I've got three typical teenagers and none of them speak gangsta!

When KP went into the jungle I was more familiar with Peter Andre than her. Suppose it depends how old you are? She hooked up with his Management and it was his management that made them famous. This is obvious as once they divorced and his management dropped her, she didn't get as much work and lost money. As for the other boyfriends/husbands she had then yeah, I hadn't heard of them (apart from Dane Bowers) so they probably did sponge off her but she let them, so her own fault. Plus that's the only type of man she can get. Nobody of similar fame will want to hook up with her due to her reputation.
Ok, well I guess it depends on your age, but Peter Andre literally hadn't had a hit since the mid 90s (1996 to be exact) and had gone back to a 'regular' life in Australia by that point, whereas Katie Price was at the peak of her fame...(!)

Not ALL teens speak like that, but it's not unusual is it?

Only the recent ones.
Peter Andre gained nothing from her and any money they made during his time with her was from their joint shows and good management hiding what a cunt she really was. His career in telly after the break up was built up over time and purely based on his likeability and good rep in the industry.
Alex Reid gained nothing .In fact he lost his credibility in his chosen field of MMA because she outed his sexual tastes. He lost big time and still is.
Kieran gained nothing and spent their marriage clearing up child and animal shit and trying to keep the mucky mansion liveable.
All those more recent ones are definitely using her though, and she's using them, so who gives a shiny shit about any of them.
Peter Andre's career was dead in the water. There's no way you can argue that his relationship with Katie had absolutely no impact on reinventing himself. He had tried himself a few times, and only had success off the back of 'Katie and Peter'.

Alex Reid, gained a media persona in which he did features in magazines and sold stories etc. If his career as a fighter was damaged that was his own doing. As a z-lister you court the media, they don't come to you, so if he wanted privacy he could have it. But he's still out there making public statements about his past and current relationships and trying to garner interest.

Keiran from what it seems is about to launch a reality show. Would he do this if he wanted privacy? Would there be any interest if he wasn't once married to a trainwreck? As much as people hate Katie, it doesn't hurt to be objective. Most of the men who entertain her (and I'd include Peter), do so with a motive, they joined her in her publicity stunts and featured in her reality shows. The fact that she's a damaged individual in her own right is a separate issue.
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Christ, my head hurts from trying to read comments on the dog breeders page 🤦🏻‍♀️ Someone calling for them to give Princess another free puppy 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Bad enough they gave a puppy to a 13yr old child, who won’t be with it most of the time and instead it will be looked after by a woman who’s already lost several pets through ‘accidents’, never mind replacing it to live in a shithole of a house, with kids of all ages, cats, a guard dog that lives inside, various ‘the one’ men traipsing through and the car crash that is KP 🤷🏻‍♀️
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No a single tear was shed for that dog.

Kept calling him “it”

There was 5 people in the room but it was no ones fault - but she can’t understand how it happened when there was 5 people there

The vet says these things are very common - puppies get stuck in places and suffocate

Vet said he died quickly - SUFFOCATING IS NOT QUICK

Princess is more concerned about the fact her mum is getting the blame

the breeders have turned on Katie and apparently they text princess asking what happened despite Katie telling them

she never says what exactly happened. Just says he got stuck under the chair

princess says bunny was with him.
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According to this Harvey is out of Intensive Care, as Katie is flouting the rules by not wearing a mask, she is a fucking idiot, all the people who say she's a great mother should see these photo's. She really boils my piss.
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Chatty Member
OMG just been looking at JRCbullies instagram page . A picture of him and three puppies about 5 weeks ago , obviously one was Rolo and he captioned it...!!!
jrcbullies's profile picture


Who do these pups belong to? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Guess all 3 celebrities right and win a brand new Limited Edition J.R.C Hoodie 🤪🔥 👇🏻 @misrep_uk

Who the hell uses puppies in this way to win a fucking HOODIE!! Just for exposure vile Disgusting
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I have a family member who has been saying for a long time she wants to be just like Katie Price to the point she’s had a boob job, lip fillers,I’ve got to hand it to her she’s the spitting image of her so she’s done well there. The sad thing is she has the same sort of attitude towards her kids, always leaving them with someone, has had social services out multiple times, always getting drunk and arguing with the boyfriend, police involved, it really makes me sad that people aspire to be this way 😔

Send her these pictures and tell her to rethink her decision
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Chatty Member
I just don't get it, she has been out and about the last week , shopping with the new beau in public mixing socially , getting her hair done , no mask , again out in public! Now she's with Harvey who is in hospital posing and draped all over him , no mask nothing. She's insane!! Poor lad will probably end up back in ICU... she has no idea if she's picked up anything this week . Total moron
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Your amazing... 😘 Why do you feel now you have to say your not taking the piss..... I'm not btw.. There I go again xx

I put my mortgage on princess never living back with Peter again, Peter agreeing as long as he gets a cut of the pap pics if Princess is in them and them both doing topless photos when Princess is old enough and playing with the dirty fuckers that like the mum and daughter shit.... Peter has played us all with the over protective parent shite and it's Katie herself who is outing him...
The only thing pricey is outing is her crap parenting deliberately using her children as a weapon to get back at their father for dumping her.They are all she has left to flog and she's using every second to do it while they're off school, them and her latest rent a penis and her free surgery. Sadly impressionable princess is wallowing in the spotlight and looks like she's a lost cause unless she gets back on track. Maybe when the schools return and she gets back in the more sedate routine under her dad and step mother she'll calm down, but I doubt it and to be honest I hope she stays with her mum rather than cause trouble at the Andre home with her new confrontational 'pricey' attitude.
Andre may be soppy and wet but he wins the better parenting battle by a long way over geriatric Barbie.:)
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Chatty Member
Just opened the DM, I’m genuinely shocked, because she used to be a good looking person, but what the hell has she done to her face? She looks like the bride of Wildenstein!

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I’m very sceptical, seeing as there’s some sort of incident/drama every time she goes away. Either there’s nothing wrong with her and its completely fabricated for the column inches, or else she’s had some sort of weird cosmetic surgery on her feet (probably the only thing left untouched!) which has to heal...
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I posted on the breeders page calling them out as a puppy farm, the amount of abuse I’ve had in response from orange, fish lipped chavs with nasty hair extensions who can’t spell properly is shocking. Apparently I’m ruing the reputation of a ‘business‘. Well firstly the business ruined its own reputation by gifting a puppy to someone who has a track record of animal neglect. Secondly that they see it as a ‘business‘ rather than something they do out of love for dogs is a massive red flag.

Apparently I need to ’shut up, fuck of (yes actually spelled like that), stop spreading hate etc, etc’. These are people who care nothing for animal welfare and only for the way a dog looks. They want the latest fashion accessory. At one time it was chihuahua‘s, then it was pugs, now it’s french bulldogs. It will be something else in a few years time.
Your description of Katie fans is the best thing I've ever read. 😂😘
They're so thick and easily led it's frightening. The same crowd of brain surgeons who hang on Hinch every word.
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