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Stan Butler

VIP Member
This is what the "controlling" Pete said in 2010 in an interview, sounds like it was the skank that was controlling Amy you cunt so fuck off with your bullshit.🤬🤬😎
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Looks at long, wavy briiiiight pink hair.
Looks at birth certificate.
Looks at short sensible hairstyles for the mature woman.

Thinks fuck that.
I'll stick to my pink thank you.
It's 2023, women can have their hair however they like no matter their age. Enjoy it. Have fun.
Apparently if you are over 40 you should have a haircut like Judi Dench and it needs to have been cut with a knife and fork too
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Chatty Member
I don't think this will go down as well as Camp Price think it will. Most of the public are sick and tired of KP never taking responsibility, and being the ultimate victim.
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So this Alex took advantage of pawwer pawer Katie?

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And this Kieran did a right number on her too, forcing her into yet another hasty marriage?

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She also got engaged to Leandro after 2 months. Who's idea was that Amy?

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Amy why lie for your daughter? She goes through men like tissues, chews them up and spits them out! This is about Kieran too,
so at one point Amy actually thought he was naive? Now he's the devil. Like mother like daughter!

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KATIE Price’s mum has branded her ex-husband Peter Andre “manipulative” and claims he left her crying at home as she struggled with her mental health.

In her sensational new book, Amy Price reveals she warned her daughter off Pete before they both entered the reality TV show I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! in 2004.

But Amy, 71, says Katie, now 45, ignored her and the pair entered a five-year relationship riddled with jealousy, where Peter manipulated rows on their reality TV series to make her daughter look bad.

Despite her concerns, Amy, who has the lung condition idiopathic pulmonary, says Katie was excited about getting wed and fulfilling her childhood dreams of a wedding with a pink dress and Cinderella carriage.

A week before, Peter, now 50, took Junior to Cyprus to celebrate his parents’ 50th wedding anniversary leaving Katie, who was suffering post-natal depression, crying.

Amy, who is battling a terminal illness, says “building a brand” had come at a “high price” and the “pursuit of money and fame was taking precedence over everything”.

She says one of the worst examples was at her daughter’s so-called “surprise” 30th birthday party in 2008 at the luxurious Luton Hoo Hotel, Beds. Amy went into Katie’s bedroom to find her manager placing “sex toys and condoms” on the bed to “try spicing it up for the storyline”.

She writes: “I actually felt sick to my stomach. I knew that, due to the post-natal depression Kate was still suffering with, sex was the last thing on her mind.

“To begin with, the reality TV editing process made Kate and Pete’s post wedding relationship look all lovey-dovey and nice.

“As the relationship progressed, there were clear signs of Pete’s fragile ego impacting his relationship, not least his continual need to rid himself of intolerable feelings by giving them to my daughter.

“Time and time again, she was the one made to feel insecure and bullied, so that she became the one on the verge of breaking down.

“The more insecure she became, Pete seemed increasingly repulsed by her vulnerability and cut deeper with his insults and passive aggressive mood swings.

“True, he did not beat her black and blue but his anger manifested itself in other ways. It chipped away at her self-esteem until she was a shell of her former self.

“Ultimately, he was and still is more skilful at separating his private and public self and presenting an outward facing Mr Nice Guy persona and it has served him well.

“Conversely, Kate has always worn her heart on her sleeve and it became an increasingly thread-bare garment.”

Amy says that towards the end of their relationship the editing of their reality show seemed to make Katie look moody and uncooperative and Pete look “the good guy”.

They went on to have another child, Princess, now 15, who was born in June 2007, but Amy says soon the marriage was in trouble.

The final trigger for Peter were rumours of an affair between Katie and international dressage rider Andrew Gould. Amy says she was never aware of any affair.

The final trigger which led Pete to call it a day was a photograph of Kate at the Badminton Horse Trials with her equestrian products manager, book agent and make-up artist. They were joined by the international dressage rider Andrew Gould and his wife Polly. They went on to a club where they were photographed.

Amy writes: “I was never aware of an affair between them.

“Afterwards somehow, Pete remained the handsome prince while she became the evil snow queen. Those of us closest to her know this was no accident, because she was part of a publicity machine which had sucked her in and was now viciously spitting her out.”
What a loada crap KP chased PA and AFP is now trying to blame PA for anything thats gone wtomg with Skanks life no thought J&P will read this lying trash shes as bad as KFP we have all seen over the years what KP is fucking like this proves KFP has never got over PA and the pair of them are trashing him now no thought to him Emily or their kids ffs they are evil cunts
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pepe le pew

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Price knows she cannot come after Pete, Dwight, Keiron and Alex herself, because they will sue her.
Si she uses her mum. Her terminally ill mum, thinking that these men wont put Amy through a lawsuit because it will impair her health.
Amy has had a good life. Her daughter has enriched her with happiness grandkids and money. But unfortunately for Amy, the internet is forever. So Pete ,Alex, Keiron, Dwight’s names are besmirched by proxy, ergo Amy or Katie or Amy and Katie colluding in this book, and their victims must be apologised to, their characters properly redressed, and renumerated in money by those libelling them in print and slandering them in interviews. Should Amy have died during this procedure her estate can still be attached by those sueing her when the case is proven. And it will be proven because there are hours of clips on YouTube and other platforms as well has hundreds of columns in papers, magazines and articles.
The Sun must have millions of pounds to defend itself.
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I don't think PA will do anything about this. To use an old Internet saying don't feed the trolls. If he does sue it's only giving them what they want, attention and free publicity for the book.
Looking at the backlash, I'd say Pete can sit back with a grin and enjoy the shitstorm and do naff all.. the public are turning, people are finally waking up to Kipper and co. People know this is bullcrap and a desperate attempt to revive the gravy train
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Wasn't Dane in a boy band another level when he got with skank... thought he was more popular at the time and she grab onto him for extra spotlight attention. Funny how the old boot doesn't mention her trying to get dec to go out with her darling daughter after stint in the jungle..
This memoir is just a load of crap the mother can blame everything on others for her daughter vile selfish actions, sickening
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I've worked in a capacity whereby I dealt with victims of rape and I would hand on heart say, I could never be in jury of a rape trail as I would be bias as to it definitely happened and the perpetrators were guilty.

It is incredibly DIFFICULT to get a rape case to court for trial as it's one person's word against another... If a case has got to court then CPS have a lot of evidence to support the allegation.
The injuries to the woman were consistent with rape/ forceful sex which is why it went ahead... he got off by saying it was consensual.. the lady was drunk and being sick to prove this theory... why was Paul price in the taxi with her and not with his wife Amy going home in the other taxi... opportunist rape.. he knew she was drunk and took his chance... horrible man... it also happened twice.. not happy with the first time he did it again in the time given. Shocking that he got off with it shocking that Amy took him bk and shocking that Pricey went to court and did everything to support him.. woohooing when he got off with the charge .
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I suspect P is going to become every bit as annoying as her mother and with a very v e r y long shelf life.
I'm beginning to fear that too. I thought Peter had done a fantastic job at keeping those kids just far enough from that mother of theirs that they would grow up to be decent people. Junior seems to have succeeded and keeps it at arms length. Its touch and go with P at the moment, from what i can gather from insta, pete doesnt seem to have that fame hungry attention seeker boyfriend at his house with his young daughter. KP has obviously jumped on that and said bring him here P and you can do what you want. So basically P and the bf are slumming it at KP's and P probably pops back to daddies when she needs clean clothes or nice food. Its really sad if she does go down KPs path after all petes work to save them kids. Im just hoping hes instilled enough in his daughter that she will see the light before she heads that way.
ps I'm calling an early bingo that later this year there will be a headline KATIE PRICE FUCKS AND CHUCKS DAUGHTERS BOYFRIEND
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I think many people didn’t believe me when I said AFP was a bitter, twisted, toxic woman, just like KFP. AFP treats people like dirt. Everyone has to jump to her tune. The way she has treated Mr PP’s family is shocking. This is partly why KFP is the same. Takes after her mother. And yes, the poster is correct about Dave Reid being given the elbow. Another one AFP didn’t like. They jumped at the chance to have the professional Claire Powell managing her.
Willow I didn't disbelieve you per se. Personally, I just did that very human thing and gave Amy a slight benefit of doubt in my mind. Which many have done with Kipper over the years. I've been totally convinced
KFP is a sociopath through all her behaviour over the years but it was harder to judge Amy just from snippets here and there, so please don't think it was your info people like me were doubting. I think I got taken in a bit because she's an older mum, thought she can't quite be as bad as Kipper!
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Hammers of hell

Well-known member
I wonder if the old dragon will discuss her precious daughter aborting Dane Bower's baby when she was 6 months gone? Let me guess that was PA fault too.
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Palace Tone

Chatty Member
As others have mentioned, the whole family are getting slaughtered in the daily Fail. Anybody else would be running for the wilderness to find a cave to live in but not this lot, it’s just another profitable day of grifting. Absolutely no fucks given and no shame at all!!
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Yes, I see the 'sexual assault in the park when KP was 7' has been brought up and embellished again. Originally it was flashing.

Amy looks absolutely dreadful, I got a shock when I saw the photo in that article. Not trying to have a go at her, she genuinely has aged so much in a year and looks very sick.
I bet this is what Kipper was blathering about recently, 'I've been through so much' bollocks. It's all the same old shit and excuses.
Being assaulted is quite common for women / girls ( 1 in 4 I think) and yes it's traumatic, I can vouch for that but.....I highly doubt that one brief incident at 7 made her so abusive to others and have absolutely no regard for the law for her entire adult life.
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“As the show aired I met Pete’s agent for lunch and she expressed an interest in managing Kate alongside Pete if they ever became an item.

“I thought it was an unusual thing to say and that it was highly unlikely they would get together."

Wasn't AFP the one who encouraged KP to sign up with CAN because she didn't like KP's previous manager, Dave Reid? I'm sure I read that somewhere.
Now she's making out she was against the whole thing from the off.
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God feel so sorry for all the exes

I just cannot imagine the ongoing anxiety of the public humiliation and harrassment from relationships that ended 5-15yrs ago? So bizarre

And 3 of these parties already have restraining orders against KP. You cant use a family member as an agent to abuse/ harrass on behalf of others in such an obvious way? As she has never paid Alex or Pete is there criminal options avaialble for harrassment @Brah Day Izit? or anyone else in legal know

Such a weird move
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Rather Off topic but Kylie been drinking in the sun, so I’m going with it, watching TV with Chrissie Hynde on stage at Glasto belting out Pretenders hits, songs written when I was a toddler, but still hold up today, and OMG she is f*cking amazing, hasn’t lost her voice, hasn’t lost her cool, I adore her,, and now joined by Johnny Marr and Dave Grohl, love them as well, and I ain’t ashamed to admit I cried as I was dancing in my front room, watched by a hysterical 9yo who thinks I’m a weird Mummy 😁

71 and looks younger than Skank, is more beautiful and cool with her rock chick style than the Skank can ever be. Now Chrissie is a star, Chrissie is a celeb, but more than anything else Chrissie has so much talent, why are twats like Skank tolerated, even celebrated, what has she ever done other than take her top off and be a c*nt….state of it 🤦🏽‍♀️ Back to my Glasto,….carry on Krusties, just had to get that out 😁


View attachment 2263013
Did you know she wrote Smelly Cat for Friends?
KATIE Price’s mum has branded her ex-husband Peter Andre “manipulative” and claims he left her crying at home as she struggled with her mental health.

In her sensational new book, Amy Price reveals she warned her daughter off Pete before they both entered the reality TV show I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! in 2004.

But Amy, 71, says Katie, now 45, ignored her and the pair entered a five-year relationship riddled with jealousy, where Peter manipulated rows on their reality TV series to make her daughter look bad.

Despite her concerns, Amy, who has the lung condition idiopathic pulmonary, says Katie was excited about getting wed and fulfilling her childhood dreams of a wedding with a pink dress and Cinderella carriage.

A week before, Peter, now 50, took Junior to Cyprus to celebrate his parents’ 50th wedding anniversary leaving Katie, who was suffering post-natal depression, crying.

Amy, who is battling a terminal illness, says “building a brand” had come at a “high price” and the “pursuit of money and fame was taking precedence over everything”.

She says one of the worst examples was at her daughter’s so-called “surprise” 30th birthday party in 2008 at the luxurious Luton Hoo Hotel, Beds. Amy went into Katie’s bedroom to find her manager placing “sex toys and condoms” on the bed to “try spicing it up for the storyline”.

She writes: “I actually felt sick to my stomach. I knew that, due to the post-natal depression Kate was still suffering with, sex was the last thing on her mind.

“To begin with, the reality TV editing process made Kate and Pete’s post wedding relationship look all lovey-dovey and nice.

“As the relationship progressed, there were clear signs of Pete’s fragile ego impacting his relationship, not least his continual need to rid himself of intolerable feelings by giving them to my daughter.

“Time and time again, she was the one made to feel insecure and bullied, so that she became the one on the verge of breaking down.

“The more insecure she became, Pete seemed increasingly repulsed by her vulnerability and cut deeper with his insults and passive aggressive mood swings.

“True, he did not beat her black and blue but his anger manifested itself in other ways. It chipped away at her self-esteem until she was a shell of her former self.

“Ultimately, he was and still is more skilful at separating his private and public self and presenting an outward facing Mr Nice Guy persona and it has served him well.

“Conversely, Kate has always worn her heart on her sleeve and it became an increasingly thread-bare garment.”

Amy says that towards the end of their relationship the editing of their reality show seemed to make Katie look moody and uncooperative and Pete look “the good guy”.

They went on to have another child, Princess, now 15, who was born in June 2007, but Amy says soon the marriage was in trouble.

The final trigger for Peter were rumours of an affair between Katie and international dressage rider Andrew Gould. Amy says she was never aware of any affair.

The final trigger which led Pete to call it a day was a photograph of Kate at the Badminton Horse Trials with her equestrian products manager, book agent and make-up artist. They were joined by the international dressage rider Andrew Gould and his wife Polly. They went on to a club where they were photographed.

Amy writes: “I was never aware of an affair between them.

“Afterwards somehow, Pete remained the handsome prince while she became the evil snow queen. Those of us closest to her know this was no accident, because she was part of a publicity machine which had sucked her in and was now viciously spitting her out.”
Pete definitely needs to sue! Talk about rewriting history!
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“After all the years of failed relationships, betrayals by friends, duplicitous managers, and the painful loneliness she had experienced all her life.

“It had all come to a head.

“We seriously thought about sectioning Kate under the Mental Health Act, but I just couldn’t do that to my own daughter.”''

Oh feck off. It's not her managers fault or her friends betraying her. Amy / family wouldn't have the power to section her anyway, only request for her to be assessed. Your family can't just have you locked up. So what she is saying really is that she didn't even dare get KP assessed, just went along with the therapy lite option of the Priory as that's probably what KP wanted. A show of getting help, not real help.
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