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Hi all, sorry i'm quiet right now. Was due to have to have surgery but i've reacted badly to medication so it's cancelled and i'm feeling sorry for myself. So, i'm here to be cheered up by Kipper's misery! My life could never be as bad as hers. Woohoo! :LOL:

I see the wheels are in motion for the kids to hopefully get normality back. About time too. Those videos with Bunny were most definitely a cry for attention. There's no doubt in my mind they've been neglected badly the whole time they've been with her. Stick to porn, Skanky, parenting clearly isn't for you!

Sending big hugs from sunny (read as: ice cold) sunny Scotland to you! Hopefully you're feeling better shortly.

I've been a lurker for the last few days, soaking in all that's going on, and - despite her deflects - it certainly looks like the tides have turned. I nearly spat out my coffee looking at those fleeing the country airport pictures! It baffles me how she even has a passport still.

I'm on the wagon but I've got a nice 0.0% bottle of sparkles chilling for the day the house of cards tumbles, falls and burns!

Hope everyone of my beloved Krustini's are having a great Friday. Off to a wee fun fair with the kid tonight, then soft play and Pokémon hunting in the afternoon - followed by a homemade (with help from the little octi fry. FYI. a baby octopus is called a fry. Thank you, Alexa) afternoon tea.

...However, maybe I should scrap all that and drag a feral bedraggled wean around the beauty parlours, whilst pouring copious amounts of Rockstar down her gub, and letting her loose on TikTok. Oh, never mind, I'm not a wanker.
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Being looked after. They are ok.
Thank you DC and Brah...

I think we can all rest a little easier tonight, with the knowledge they are no where near that deplorable whore and her twisted cunty sidekick.

Let's hope reunification with KH and MP will happen now, with lots of support and family therapy
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Look at the body language in every photo in the Mail, these are two people who do not like each other and it deffo looks like some serious 💩 has gone down, they both look so f*cked, they actually look like they are fleeing the country. There will be some massive rows going down on this trip, that is one very unhappy ‘couple’, they both looked filled with tension and troubles.

2023 will be my year Lorraine, lots of amazing projects incoming, The Pwicey is back ….

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Stan Butler

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Seems someone has had a word with someone at the mirror and their running deflection stories for skank. Wouldn't have anything to do with the exclusive for the Sophie the source and her family visit to see Amy the terminal at the weekend would it. Full set of cunts trying hard to stay on the gravy train and keep skank out of the shit, the fucking grifting set of cunts should all be cancelled. 🤬
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Hello, how are we all ? ….Um….. (You’re all gonna block me if I start every day like this aren’t you 😁 )

It’s hotting up in here isn’t it, so many unknowns flying around, all getting a bit squeaky-bum time for our madam isn’t it. So she really needs to be back on Tuesday maybe, curtailing her coronation weekend in the sun (why did she run ? 😁) Doesn’t look she’s doing that, villa booked until 10th 🤔😁 Deflection overload is in full play, nonsense stories appearing regularly (she’s having a baby 🤦🏽‍♀️) we have the horrendous bikini photos back that everyone is laughing at and of course ’Rim Me’ is celebrating the big new Skank Spanish ’project’ heading our way, while Sink-Boy sits in the background being and looking a total Twat adding nothing to anything that is going down, now just a shadow along for the grifting. EvenThe Red Tops just dismissing him as a ‘used-car dealer and on-off on-off on-off boyfriend (they appear to have had enough of the break-ups, they know it’s all fake and just take the piss out of him 😁)

Ooh la la I’m getting more wine in this weekend, reckon it’s gonna go crazy over the next few days, Kylie’s going to Tesco, lots of wine, need lots of wine….Um 😁…..

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Wheels in motion, that's all I can say. And Bunny's YouTube has helped inordinately as I predicted last night. There are still criminal investigations ongoing (both sides) but looking more positive than it has for a while. Sorry, I just can't risk saying anymore as my info from a colleague of a colleague. Even if the papers report something else it's deflection and by the way Skanky Pants is swanning off says way more than I am able to.
I love you ❤💖❤💖Thank you
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Stan Butler

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Just speculation on my part but skanks recent no talons and hair a mess appearance. When did skank last have that laststudio woman at Pricey Towers or was last sat in the salon. I'm just wondering if she sold the dog shit pictures and reported skank to the RSPCA because skank had bumped her for payment again and they've had a falling out (one way of being paid and a bit of revenge).😎
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Just catching up.. I can't believe it's off on its holidays again, this is extremely dodgy. Where the hell are the children, who's looking after them and the animals? I can't believe this, it's just been outed for the animal and child abusing scruffy cunt we always knew it was and here it is, without a care in the world, off on its jollys again, no kids in sight, looking like it's crawled outta it's Pitt, grabbed it's pillow, stood up and walked out the door. I am very concerned about those kids. Something is definitely not right here, I hope this is under investigation
DC16 said the kids are OK (y) Brah day said things are happening with regard to criminal investigations, looking positive!
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And she really shouldn’t be driving if the moon boots are back on….can’t have it both ways KP, either your feet are fine and can drive, or you don’t drive until they are completely heeled, hoping that’s never as you shouldn’t have a licence even. Wonder if DVLA are aware?

The JYYYY pictures were in Marylebone area the tall building in the distance looks like 33 Cavendish square office block, so maybe she did go to Harley street.

I’m hoping someone is looking after those animals.

Possibly a villa again in Spain?
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I can feel a MH episode coming on. There's no way she's going to slink off quietly. She's going to come out all guns blazing, screeching that she's depressed, her MH is sooooo bad, Kieran is to blame," I've thought about killing myself", the kids are my world etc.....
No one cares anymore Cunty... your family are just as disgusting too.
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Running away again, (as the shit hits the fan) are you skanky...
Couldn't possibly stay and sort out the mess you've created re- animal abuse and child neglect!!
Those poor kids!! 😞 and animals.

Who's first thought is to feck off on holiday when it's been exposed, you neglect any and all aspects of your life, children and pets!! And who the feck is looking after them now??!!
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Hello, how are we all…..Um ? ( Feel I may start all my first posts of the day like this now, you’ve inspired me @maggie-moo 😁 I’m bringing out my inner Edna 👓

Well what a rollercoaster of a week it’s been so far, from the depths of despair over the desperate situation with B & J, we suddenly and completely out of the blue moved to the gruesome twosome on the run looking extremely miserable, and a feeling karma was finally coming for the Skank and her lapdog side-kick. We finally dared to believe her very overdue comeuppance was in play, whatever is going on, she is not happy and hopefully in deep deep deep 💩 🙏🏾

Dunno about anyone else but I’m off to Tesco to get more Kylie wine today, think it may be required this weekend, this current rollercoaster ride has just started, have a feeling I may need it this weekend 😱🤔🤦🏽‍♀️🥳😁

Ooh la la what will today bring….eeek 🤔

Whatever, Skank’s current mood versus Kylie’s current mood below, being a Krustie and so used to disappointment this could be subject to change, but for now we are winning and the main thing it appears the children are finally safe 🙏🏾 let’s hope it stays that way, and it’s time for Skank to finally pay that piper 🙏🏾

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Stan Butler

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I used to think 'W0W that's generous' whenever she bought cars for each latest 'The One.'
But she's an Indian-giver, in that she'll take back something in return ie; their dignity.
Known to put the car in HER name then snatch it back when summat goes wrong in her love life, or the fella stops thanking her forever and no can longer match the love/effort & idealism to the expense of a car.
Methinks its a bit like emotional blackmail in that 'I bought you that fuckin' car and you haven't even mucked out the stables yet.'
So has she ever done anything nice? Nope. She hasn't an ounce of altruisim in her.
It's like the time she spent thousands on a birthday party and car for Kieran then humiliated him at it in front of his family, friends and had the TV and press there to capture the whole thing, she sent the car back the next day and went on the piss and ended up cheating on Kieran. Skanks just a narcissistic control freak who will use anyone and anything for vengeance.
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