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Old Skanky looks like she’s been crying (good). No shots of her getting hair & nails done so I think this was a last minute escape rather than face the shit hitting the fan.
She looks so unkempt. Greasy hair, creased clothes. Guantanamo prison outfit. He has the same aggressive looking sneer. She’s running from something. With this last week’s revelations, animals, Bunny’s series of videos & MM3 likely to be cancelled, she’s flitting off! Fishy. Who would leave the kids with all this hanging round? Plus, yet again, missing another chance to see AFP. Such a caring & loving individual ….NOT. Fingers crossed the 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩is going to hit the fan, big time.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Is anyone else wondering why Bunny is trying not to go to sleep? Why is she trying to stay awake? This concerns me.
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I was wondering, when you said about Jett being 'sensitive' since birth - we know by photos that she took regular drugs while pregnant with Harvey and maybe Pete kept an eye on her when she was pregnant with his two, but what do we know about when she was having Bunny and Jett. I've not read anything on here about that (only with regard to Harvey).
With Jett, I think we are seeing a gentle soul who was ignored and resented and then an opportunity was seized upon by KFP to try and obtain a mild learning disability diagnosis for him = ££££ He suddenly became the perfect victim for her to weaponise to cause torment to KH. He found mother dearest suddenly seemed to love and value him, and of course that was what he wanted. He will do anything to feel love from her. We are seeing a traumatised and exploited child in Jett. Diagnosing a child during an acute stage of trauma is unethical, and no doctor would complete an ASD assessment on a child in his situation. KFP will have grown tired of the long wait 3+ years for an ASD assessment currently, carried out by CAMHS. Jett’s monetary value is diminished whilst she waits for the assessment so he is worthless to her, other than to terrorise KH and MP.

Bunny is demonstrating evidence of being repeatedly to exposed sexual exploitation. She craves approval from KFP, and wants attention any way she can get it. I didn’t see her posts, she is traumatised and exploited child who is doing what she sees her mum do and is unable to safeguard herself of manage risk.

Both these children will need psychological support to come to terms with what their mother has done, and also what they have done whilst living with her. I am deeply upset for these two children who have been abused in plain sight. I hope all is tattlers can accept they still ARE innocent children who have been surviving and behaving in ways to keep themselves on the right side of their Mum, even if this means they have told lies etc about KH/MP. KH seems emotionally intelligent to understand these children had to do what they could to feel safe. As upsetting as Bunny’s posts sound like they were to witness, this brave little girl has asked for help in ann unpalatable way but it sounds like she has been heard. I hope the Haylers are caring from them now whilst the ongoing stuff with KH is resolved.
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Who would have ` thunk ` .... it would be lil BunnyBops, who eventually dropped her manky abusive arse in the shit 👏👏👏 and fully exposed her ` mother `..... ( which is the usual MO for arrogant twats like her, at some point, they trip up, she has a face like a slapped arse in the airport pics .... GOOD ) ..... I have always maintained, and learnt during my 55yrs on this planet, have led quite an interesting life, personal and work😉 .... to have faith and ` patience `.... ` Good things, come to those who wait `......

Thank you to @DC16 ... @Brah Day Izit? and others for keeping us in the loop and also for those of us who took time to report to certain authorities, I'm sure this helped KH with this case, showing him people do care ... I know its not over yet, this will take time ... but to know the children are somewhere safe, NOT WITH HER and her scumbag druggie PRAT ... and that things are moving behind the scenes ... has calmed my nerves tonight ... Im celebrating by drinking a large glass of chilled coconut juice ( dreaming its a Malibu with pineapple, sadly I don't drink alcohol anymore 🥺 💤💤💤💤 ) ...

The GFM is at £4428 .... go fund me's have zero accountability and often used by scammers ....

GOOD LUCK Kieran and Michelle 👌🤗 ..... you BOTH have MANY people supporting you

Il say it AGAIN you lovely tattlers NASTY NOSEY PWWESKY TWWWOLLSSS 😎 ..... 👆 ` It takes a village ..... to raise a child ` 🥰
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Hi all, sorry i'm quiet right now. Was due to have to have surgery but i've reacted badly to medication so it's cancelled and i'm feeling sorry for myself. So, i'm here to be cheered up by Kipper's misery! My life could never be as bad as hers. Woohoo! :LOL:

I see the wheels are in motion for the kids to hopefully get normality back. About time too. Those videos with Bunny were most definitely a cry for attention. There's no doubt in my mind they've been neglected badly the whole time they've been with her. Stick to porn, Skanky, parenting clearly isn't for you!

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Not this time. Things are happening
Since your post that hinted at action sometime over the last few weeks (I can’t remember precisely as I had covid last month and the fibro fog has ratcheted up dramatically since), my heart has soared, I’ve had a permanent buoyant feeling that change is in the air. Every time you post something positive it soars further with hope that these children are going to be back with their family who love and miss them dearly. It’s how I’ve managed not to lose hope this week. Thank you Brah x
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The pair of them do NOT look happy. Good, it's finally time you got some karma for all your games which have damaged so many.

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These are reminding me of mug shots!
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I really am getting the vibe from these photos of when famous criminals and killers are photographed, the sort of photo that will be used ever more
and everyone will say, look, you could tell all along, they have those dead eyes.

View attachment 2146228
Me too, she looks gone, lost, troubled, scared, busted, I am actually starting to believe we are seeing the end-game unfolding, really does look like her untouchable days are nearing an end.
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Stan Butler

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Afternoon Stan, I’m glad you are on line I need your advice. I think I’m stuck in the past regarding clothing as I always wear a clean shirt, pressed trousers and I always give my shoes a good polish before I go out. Looking through the pages of Tattle I think I should be wearing either, shredded jeans and a sweatshirt I’ve wiped the bathroom sink out with or a ‘custody suite grey’ tracksuit with tight legs tucked into my socks.

The problem is I think the first would make me look like a tramp pulled backwards through a barbed wire fence and the second a total pillock.
Any advice you could give would be welcome. Thanks

Bye the way I am looking for a new girlfriend, I’d like a mature ex-model, she doesn’t have to be too bright as long as she’s got enormous knockers and is a bit of a goer so any advice on that subject is also welcome.
As well as a self help health and fitness guru i also manage a dating agency so can help with your problems. Firstly the ripped jeans and stained hoodie is the in thing at the moment with wannabe zlisters, so if you start wearing them you must remember to filter every picture with in inches of its life, snarl a lot and make sure you post plenty of cryptic crap posts while sitting on your dad's driveway in his car. Now onto the next Mrs Scratcher i've a transitioning ex glamour model of 25yrs experience on the books that lives in Horsham who's been searching for a new mug for 2yrs bit of a goer not frightened to experiment in and out of the bedroom, kitchens, friends boyfriends, alleyways, barns but the tits are a bit wonky and she smells but she can get you a good deal on JYY tracksuits, horse riding gear and freebie lunches. 😎
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And Harvey deflection as predicted ....
And Harvey deflection as predicted ....
She absolutely makes me sick to the stomach. 'I've done the suicide thing, tried to hang myself'. Fuck off you liar.

A lady I know (a little bit) son hung himself just before Christmas aged 23. Yesterday one of my husbands friends took his own life and left a son in his mid 20s who is devastated.

She is the lowest of the low, always looking for sympathy. Left families destitute, allegedly some losing their businesses/homes due to her not paying bills, even owes money to Harveys blind school. Yet she swans off on holiday every 5 minutes, neglects animals and her own kids.

If there is any justice in this world she needs everything to crash down around her big style.

I always give people the benefit of the doubt but I dispise this creature with all my being.
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I really am getting the vibe from these photos of when famous criminals and killers are photographed, the sort of photo that will be used ever more
and everyone will say, look, you could tell all along, they have those dead eyes.

Screen Shot 2023-05-03 at 20.49.24.png
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Full of itself or what!
Have you forgotten your last stint in there? When Kim handed you your arse and you were voted by the public for every trial because you are despised, you dumb fucker, read the room

View attachment 2150415
Posted this a few times now, but always worth sending it again and a revisit, John Lydon nailed it on I’m A Celeb…

“The woman’s f*cking talentless
It doesn’t do anything, and when it does, it nags all the way through it
C’mon kick her arse out of here
It ain’t funny anymore
It don’t contribute, it’s a parasite
Sitting here with that attitude of feed me, entertain me, do everything for me
It don’t know how to cook, talk, or walk
It’s a moron, it’s a bicycle pump,
I’m not here to support a page 3 blow-up balloon”

The actual Video is worth 3 minutes of anyone’s time, Lydon is all of us, saw right through her….how is she still around plaguing us 🤦🏽‍♀️😁….

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Stan Butler

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Off to the launderette again,,, skanky and wanky follow the same routine when they've visited known money laundering and drug places and it's always a trip to Spain a week or so later.❄❄❄🐎🐎
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I don't want to jinx it and get my hopes up...but those pics of KP and CW at the airport were shockingly bad, and they do genuinely look piiiiissseeeedd offfff!! And with all that's happened in the last few days, could this be some good news at last....🤞
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