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And when they find out KP paid flights etc
How is she paying for the flights? She can’t have legally cards. Won’t hand over £12k in cash. She has credit cards clearly. Would BH not be answering these questions? She said she’s not with Crawl, so he can’t be named as paying now. What a cunning grifter she is, but she’s opening a Huge can of worms. Let’s hope this is alerted to bankruptcy people.
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@Jwren I saw you on another thread, why don't you join us here anymore? ☹
And @Pom Bear you're missed so much 😥
Skanky it's bad enough you driving your own friends away but why are you driving our friends away?!
Bless you Rosiecosy ❤ I do pop on this thread from time to time and love/like posts but Skanky constantly getting away with things made me swear so much 🤬 I couldn’t afford to keep putting money in the swear jar. 😱 And with her recent court and Harvey…. don’t get me started 😤
But it would be good to catch up with you and the other lovelies. Thank you sweetie 🤗 xx
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pepe le pew

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Had enough. I don’t know why I’ve done this, but I am just so triggered at the moment. I tried to fill in the ‘report a bankrupt, or insolvency’ on the website. But the page wouldn’t reload. Then I looked on Twitter, found this @insolvencygovuk. I sent photos of Price the date before her hearing, showing her at lift athletics having her lips done. And I sent them the photos in the Mail of her in Thailand. Post mental health crisis. And I wrote a stinging tweet to them asking that justice is metered out. Thing is it’s none of my businesss but I am sick to death of this bullshit. Surely someone in that office will do their fucking jobs and pull this cunt into line. Enough is enough. I invite others here to do the same. Maybe if they understand she is taking not only the piss out of them, but the creditors she actually owes money to. Maybe they will shut this circus down.
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Is it Koh Samui she drags them to? Its a gross, seedy, cess pool.
Children are bought and sold there.
Not the kind of place I would take young kids on “holiday” roaming about the streets with feral dogs in the room, let alone with another “uncle” who is violent and a mother with substance abuse and serious personality disorder issues.
Poor little darlings!!!:(
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Interesting that article saying Peter had to plead with Katie who "wouldn't let him" see Junior and Princess.
How did that turn out then, Katie? Who the fuck did she think she was, "forbidding" the other parent, particularly when he was clearly so much more hands on than she was.
I remember an occasion when a group of us were picked up & taken to KFP's house, to go on to a function later. Had to hang about waiting for her to get her hair finished & kids were due back. This was when Pete eventually saw P & J on a regular basis. They'd come home to almost an interrogation. Asking who was at his house, was he F'ing the nanny (using dreadful language), slagging off Claire etc etc. The poor kids were only little, it was shocking. Never greeted them with a hugs etc, just carried on having her extensions put in & constantly bamboozling them with questions. Remember SFP went to pick them up from Claire's as Pete didn't want any of the family turning up at his house (he was living in a friend of mine's, Julie's rented place in Brighton/ next door to their other house that was on Grand Design ). Of course, KFP questioned SFP about the whole thing too. She really was obsessed with PA & Claire & probably still is.
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SS do not have power to make her return them, they can recommend it and it must go before a court to enforce it
I don’t believe for one minute KP is doing it for their good but to help prevent her from losing her home and ending up behind bars.
No decent mother would prevent the children from being with a caring/loving dad.
KP kicks off and bad mouths Dwight for not being in Harvey’s life and has the audacity to stop Kieran seeing his children, she’s despicable. May karma visit her soon.
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Sick to death of the useless sycophantic articles in The Red Tops about The Skank over the past few days, especially the bloody Mirror. A socialist paper writing puff piece and lies about a woman who spends her life ripping-off working-class people and businesses. Not very caring is it Daily Mirror. Gee you all the same, expect this sort of thing from the Murdoch press but why the hell are the Mirror going along with her 💩lying to their readers 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Anyway ‘journalists’ here is how you write about The Skank, with a little bit of help from Holly Willoughby (In my mind Holly has no time for Skank, hates her she does 😁 ) this nails her lies, well I think it does 😁….

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Pink Squirrel

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Wow 😳 the Daily Fail pics are amazing! Far better than The Scums. Well worth the extra 50p they had to shell out 🥴

First pic, she's let 1 out.....2nd pic, she's checking she hasn't followed through 🫤

The scarring round her ear is awful. It looks like Blade has chewed it 🙈 And what's going on with the green armpit 🤔

The face, THE FACE 😳 eyes, eyebrows, mouth, nose, lips, teef..... just everything. Awful 🤦I'd LOVE to see the ones she didn't let backgrid have 😳

And where were the kids whilst this shit show was going on? Because let's not forget, this is a holiday for the J & B mental health. Just her, on her own with J & B, having a lovely time. Allllllll the focus is on the kids. Lot's of lovely child friendly activities.


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I think isolation and lack of any of his usual sporting activities will have a big effect too. If he used to go to football once/ twice a week with Kieran who's taking him now? No way will the lazy mono-boobed monstrosity take him. So he's just basically sat around not being able to speak to kids or his dad or socialise with any other kids.

That would go down well with the local Thai girls, 'why's your mum here Carl, I thought you said you were big star"?
I was thinking about Kieran's post about Parental alienation and I remembered this post from Skank. I bet she's been telling Jett he won't see his dad again because his dad is going to prison for scaring and stalking them all. She's convinced Kieran will be charged for 'inappropriate messages to a minor'....because she reported him.

View attachment 1972561
She makes me want to🤮. SHE is the reason this little boy is suffering. He loves his daddy. Christ knows what she’s told those poor kids. I am angry & feel sick in my stomach. I really would love to slap her across her lumpy face & I'm not a violent person.😡🙀
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At nearly 43 I am the oldest in my team with the next being 31 and the youngest being 18. The 31 year old said “is the the one with the shit hair and massive tits who crashed her car and looks old enough to be your mum”: the others have no idea who she is. She is washed up and despite the smoke and mirrors, that will never change.

I just want to see bunny and Jett back where they belong. It’s having such an effect on us krusties so I can’t imagine how K is coping.

in the words of young zac efron, we are all in this together

ps I had a dream that skanky recreated tampongate with Harry and SFP went batshit….
I had lunch with a friend today. Via talking about Madonna's latest surgery I asked what she thought of Katie Price, she didn't know who she was so I showed her a picture. First comment was a gasp followed by 'that's grotesque' then a closer look, a second gasp and 'that's an abomination'.
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Stan Butler

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SB has been very quiet today, maybe been locked in the suitcase, not allowed out to spoil Lady Muck’s cunning plan 🤭
You have to laugh sink boy being a sly devious tosser posting pictures implying he's on holiday with skank and the kids because skank doesn't want anyone to know he's there with them,, then backgrid (probably slymi Rymi who took the pictures) throws skank under the bus by not checking or cropping the pictures he's flogged and sink boys out shopping with skank in the same staged photoshoot she says it's family time just her and the kids. 😀
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Well the courts are useless at bringing her down, The Red Tops other than The Scum sometimes slyly digging away at her, are still writing puff pieces about her, TV channels still giving her coin and platforming her nonsense, but oh my reading the comments in The Mail after the green bikini set of photos, 99% of the public now see her as a figure of derision and a complete joke, an ugly deformed caricature of a woman.

Realised despite feeling despondent of late at the lack of financial accountability coming to her bankrupt ass, and the dreadful situation with the custody of B & J, our karma is arriving, and it was brought by her own hand, she looks a total mess, she can’t fix her face and body now, her looks and body have fled, they’ve left and will not return, you can’t fix the damage she’s done to herself. The Mucky Mansion programme has surprisingly been a gift to us, it’s showing her in a terrible light, it’s crystal clear how far she’s fallen, the programme is cheap and trashy, like her, Crawl and her are coming across as the thick-headed low IQ idiots they are, the place is still a tip despite any improvements C4 have made, it really is showing she’s a lazy cow with no ability to run a house that size. Skank‘s stuck with the vile thug Crawl, no new egg is coming anymore, she’s heading towards menopause (she will not cope with the challenges it brings if that hits her hard ) already think she’s peri now, it’s arriving, honestly we ain’t seeing the return of the Pwicey, it’s downhill all the way now.

Saw this on Twitter just now, says it all, it’s over Pwice, you just don’t know it yet…

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There are no longer any TVs in my house. I've thrown a brick at them from seeing the fucking Minging Mansion ads too many times.
I no longer have any windows in my house. I've thrown all my TVs through them...along with every pie or pudding I can lay my hands on.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
@Pom Bear ~ thank Heavens you're here! Thank you for popping in and showcasing yet another double-funny Cole pic. We realise you can't stand that excuse for a woman but we've missed you terribly...
Thank you very much, I actually hate her lol, I can't believe she's on holiday again. I'm glad to be putting a pic or two on daily (apart from next Mon to Thurs as going to Belfast again for a break) but it's good to be back 😀❤🥰🤗😘 xxx.

Yes Pom dearest, we've really, really missed your funny captions. Don't disappear again ❤
Thank you Willow 😊❤🥰🤗😘💕 xxx.
I be putting a Pom pic up daily, I've quite a few I've got in my albums as well as hoping to make some new ones, I feel guilty not reading every message but I'm glad I can still contribute ❤❤❤🥰💕😘 xxx.

Pmsl one of funniest pics Pom posted was SB huge fat legs and the tuft top of his head,that’s when cunty had the condom Mac on.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Loooool that's my favourite too, always makes me laugh 😄😄❤🥰💕😘 xxx.
I add it on here for you and others to enjoy and I be back on here and the krustie thread 🧵 later.❤🥰💕 xxx.


I have to find the condom Mac pics to add tonight 😀😘 xxx
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Oh ffs, Katie, EVERYONE has a fucking "bond" with their kids. It's called being a mother.
Only most of us don't plaster it all over the internet.
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Hello fellow Krusties, I've been struggling a lot with this current situation, the state of B &J, the lies ref SB, BH hearing being stalled ref her apparent MH, it's all so absolutely appalling! My friend is disabled ( celebal palsy) and tried to park in a disabled bay at a well known pet store but couldn't as some twat cut her up and took the spot, no badge on her phone etc, when my friend kindly and quietly asked if she had a badge ( not displayed) she was massively verbally abused and called ' a fucking *******' customer came to her aid but the manager walked away! Police could not be less interested, even though she was threatened with violence it was s email then nothing for 2 months, then 'no evidence ' yet kipper cunt abuses people, business, children, ex partners ex.... I'm just at a loss
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Hark at the female version of saville acting all high and mighty, wanting an apology :rolleyes: .... you know what pwicceee, yes what they did was disgusting, no one is denying that, and deserve to be punished .... NOW how about you also apologise to every person you have hurt ..... destroyed over the years, its only FAIR ... the first should be to Michelle, on wishing her unborn child disabled or dead, and lets take it from there ..... if you were a male, with your vile behaviour, that fuckin nasty mouth ... you would have been cancelled a long time ago, put on a register for life for sexually harassing others over the years .... never to be seen again .... now lets make a list on those apologies ... this may take a while ....

DO FUCK OFF ..... you deranged old, pervy sex pest, you are no different from the dirty mac brigade, this situation has given you the excuse, to mouth off AGAIN .... poor ME ME ME ME .... people who have known you, have said how much you ABUSE Harvey yourself, with no thought to ` his feelings ` his disabilities, so get off that high horse, sadly that young mans biggest issue in life is .... YOU 👊👊🤬🤬
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